Night 1

70 2 0

"Vinny, where's this other restaurant at?"
"Should be around here somewhere... you'd think it would be obvious to see because of how big the building is, but there's so many god damn trees."
"You don't remember where it's at?"
"No, it's been quite a few years since I've been here"
"Oh, okay"
The two drove around for few minutes until an eggshell white building peeked out from behind a pine tree. They went down the small road and pulled into a parking space next to Robert's broken down truck and got out.
"Well.... here it is, this old hellhole"
"Oh it can't be that bad Vinny"
He glanced down at Anguis and patted her on the back.
"Oh that mindset will change pretty quickly sweetheart"
They walked into the building and were hit by a gust of air. An old musty smell hung in the air and Anguis sneezed as she inhaled a bunch of dust particles.
"Ew... is this place even operating anymore?"
"Yeah, it's actually more popular than the other place."
"Really?? It's so dusty and dirty looking though"
"Yep, but it's what brings in the most money."
They walked past the stage and Anguis stopped to look at the animatronics. The dim lighting in the room made the rosy cheeked animals seem sinister and creepy. Vincent pulled on her hand, trying to get her to follow.
"Cmon Anguis, lets go"
"Hold on, few more seconds..."
The camera on the right side of the stage lit up and blinded her with the flashlight on it.
"Umm, yo dudes, might wanna hurry up, midnight bouta come in like, 20, 19, 18..."
Robert's voice played through a mini speaker on the camera, counting down how many seconds they had left to get to the office. Anguis and Vincent ran back to the office and walked into the room as the clock buzzed, signaling it was midnight. Mike, Jeremy, and Robert all had various Fazbear animatronic masks sitting on their laps and Robert reached into a box next to him and pulled out 2 more, handing one to Anguis and one to Vincent.
"You guys need these, there's no doors to stop these ones, but they recognize animatronic faces and won't attack them."
Anguis examined hers closely while Vincent sat down in a chair, also putting the mask on his lap. She had gotten Goldie's head and it was scuffed up pretty badly, with the backside being completely ripped off. The underside of his snout had various holes in it from age and she put it on and looked down at Mike.
"How do I look?"
"Dear lord girl it's so big on you!"
He started laughing and she took off the helmet again and shook her head, trying to get her hair back down. Robert took back the mask and looked at it closely.
"Oh dear... this one's in too bad of a condition..."
"Whatcha mean by that?" Asked Vincent
"She can't wear this one, they'll still see her as a person"
"So wait, she doesn't get to wear a mask? Then what is she going to do??"
"Dunno, hide behind one of us maybe?"
"I got this, don't worry"
Anguis morphed into a full sized Golden Freddy and the guys jumped back in surprise. Robert yelled and went to the far size of the office and pointed at her.
"What-what the fuck was THAT!?!?"
"Relax Robert, she can turn into different things"
"Y-yeah, it's how s-she saved us the other n-night"
"She turned into a fuckin animatronic??"
"No, she just morphed into something else."
Anguis went back to normal and looked around for a spot to sit.
*what's the deal with there only being 4 office chairs...* she thought.
Sighing, she sat down on the cold linoleum floor and shivered. Mike and Jeremy kept watch on the vents while Vincent flashed the light down the hallway, making sure no one was coming from that direction. Robert was reclined all the way back in his chair and was watching the cameras.
"Dude you are sooo gonna fall over" said Mike
"No I'm not, I do this all the time"
Everyone else reclined back in their chairs and smiled.
"Wow these chairs are so much cooler than the ones at the other place." Said Vince
He leaned all the way back and looked at Anguis, who had moved from the back door to a corner and was balled up and shivering by some boxes. She glanced up with a sad look in her eyes and he scooted over to where she was.
"What are you doin way over here silly girl? The party is in the middle of the room"
"It's a little bit warmer over here, plus I didn't have anywhere else to sit."
She shivered again so Vincent pulled the chair back up so it leaned back only a little. He moved he mask so it hung onto the back of the chair and picked her up, setting her down on his lap.
"Here, you can sit with me"
He put his arms around her and moved back towards the desk. One of the wheels got caught on a section of the floor that had popped up and they both tipped over backwards and fell off. The other guards looked at them sprawled out on the floor and laughed. The two looked at each other and laughed as well.
"Welp, that's my luck for ya" said Anguis
They both got back up and heard a loud creaking noise. Vincent hit the flashlight button and Toy Freddy stood at the end of the hall, his eyes completely black. Anguis took a step behind Vince and peered out from under his arm. He turned around and scratched the top of her head.
"Don't worry, unless he's right outside the office, he won't try to kill us."
Something crawled around in the vents and Jeremy hit the light. Toy Bonnie was staring up at them and the guys all threw on their masks. Anguis morphed and the sky blue rabbit crawled out and stood up, looking at the guards. He walked up to Anguis and she reached down and grabbed Vincent's hand for comfort.
"I-I-I thought y-y-you left u-us G-Golden Fred-d-dy"
*ah shit, what am I suppose to do*
She shrugged and he kept lookin at her.
"Y-y-you gonna sa-a-ay something?"
She shook her head 'no' and he turned around and left the office, walking back into one of the party rooms. The guards took off the masks and sighed while Anguis unmorphed, but stayed frozen in place, staring at the room he went into.
"Anguis, not gonna lie, you almost made me shit myself when you grabbed my hand."
Vincent smiled and looked down at her, and she still had the same terrified and worried expression on her face, and still not moving.
"You okay there dear?"
He waved his hand in front of her and she didn't react to it immediately.
"I don't like it here..." she whimpered.
"Aww, did you get scared by a widdle itty bitty bunny?" Teased Mike
"That's not a normal bunny..."
She was practically whispering and Vincent picked the chair back up and sat down with her again.
"How did he scare you that badly? He was just talking to you" Vince asked
"So... this necklace..." she pulled it out from under her hoodie and showed him, "ever since I got it, it's made me see like the real version of things"
"What do you mean?"
"Like, I see how things truly are, and these animatronics are pure evil... just a big black void inside of them"
"Wait wait wait, what do I look like?" Asked Robert
Anguis glanced over at him and stifled a laugh.
"Well, its a rainbow like aura with... is that a fuckin burger?"
Robert busted out laughing and Toy Chica wandered into the room. Everyone panicked and threw on their mask while Anguis only morphed the head section on. The remodeled chicken looked around, holding her cupcake out. Robert started laughing again and she turned her attention towards him.
"W-why are y-you la-aughing Old Bonnie?" She asked
Robert laughed even harder and doubled over, making the mask fall of. The animatronic twitched and grabbed onto his arm. He yelled and she started dragging him away. Anguis jumped off of Vincent and tackled the chicken, making her loose her grip on him. Robert ran back to the room and put on his mask while Anguis ran back and hid behind the desk. It took a while for the robot to stand back up, but she eventually did and looked back at the group. Nobody moved and she scoffed, picked up her cupcake, and left. All of them sighed at about the same time and took off their masks, or in Anguis' case, unmorphed.
"Ohhhh my gooooood dudes that was a close ass call, thanks girl"
"No problem"
A familiar music box chime echoed through the building and Jeremy and Vincent looked at Robert.
"Did you wind the music box??" Asked Vincent
"W-we're d-dead"
The guys scattered, trying to find a place to hide. Vincent grabbed Anguis and they dove under the desk. He held onto her tightly and had his back out to the office area, creating a shield around her.
"Anguis... I just want you to know... I love you..."
Her heart dropped after realizing what he was actually terrified of the situation and hugged him back.
"I love you too vinny.."
The music got louder and there was a quiet 'poof' noise. Anguis looked up and saw Golden Freddy's feet and smiled.
*we're gonna make it!!!"
"What the hell, who on earth is in charge of my fuckin music box"
"Sorry," said Golden Freddy, "I was busy reading the paper and forgot to wind it"
"Cmon man, this is your 3rd time..."
"I know, I know, just go back and I'll keep winding it."
The puppet floated back to his box and Golden Freddy crouched down and looked under the desk.
"It's alright, you two can come out now"
Vincent glanced behind him and held onto Goldie's paw and was dragged out. Anguis hugged the yellow bear and he patted the top of her head.
"Goldie my good sir, you're a life saver" said Vincent
Mike and Jeremy stuck their heads out from behind boxes and gasped.
"Oh my god..." said Mike
Anguis let go of Golden Freddy and saw the condition he was in. Some parts of him were burnt from the fire back at the other restaurant, but otherwise, his soft fur suit was in good condition.
"Oh thank you Goldie!" Squeaked Anguis
"No problem kiddo"
Robert stumbled out from the small broom closet that was in the back of the room and froze when he was Golden Freddy and Anguis.
"Wait, what?"
"Oh Rob, this is Goldie, the actual one" said Anguis
The animatronic tipped off his hat and he bell struck 6 am. The guards cheered and Golden Freddy gave Anguis a high five and the disappeared once again.
"Woo hoo! First night down! Only 13 more to go." Said Robert
"We gotta do this for 2 weeks?" said Mike
"Yep, that's what Scott told me at least"
Anguis smiled and looked up at Vincent.
"Yay, imma have some fun for 2 weeks"
"Oh don't worry Anguis, we can have fun aaany time we want" he said with a smirk, "if you know what I mean"
She blushed and the other guards made a quiet  "ooooooooooooo" sound. They all laughed about it afterwords and left the building, each car going back to their own home.

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