Meeting the Gang (2.0)

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The familiar smell of poorly cooked pizza filled Anguis' lungs as she took a deep breath. There were some dim lights already on and Anguis could somewhat make out what was inside the room and she let go of Vincent's arm to explore around. Tables stood with various cone shaped party hands on them and balloons were attached to the chairs at the head of the tables. Three animatronics stood on a stage overlooking everything and Anguis could see there was a purple rabbit, a brown bear, and a golden yellow chicken standing there. She turned around to talk to Vincent but he was nowhere to be seen.
She jumped and found out he had crept up next to her without her knowing. He laughed at her reaction and there was a small motor noise that had started coming from one of the animatronics.
"Sheesh, you're a timid little girl ain't you."
"I just didn't expect you to be right there, and I ain't little."
"Well, from my angle, you sorta are"
"Good point"
"Now hold on dearie, I need to go check on something."
He left her by the stage and walked towards the office area.
*dearie? Is he flirting with me now too?*
Her attention turned back towards the stage and she looked at the animals again.
*so... it was Bonnie... Freddy... and I think Chica... but wasn't there another one?*
There was a loud sound of metal scraping metal and Anguis cringed and closed her eyes until it stopped, the terrible noise being replaced by smooth flowing mechanical sounds. She opened them again and saw the rabbit had moved a little and she tensed up a bit. The animatronic turned and looked at her and she gasped and backed up. It's mouth fell open and took a step closer to her, its red eyes focused on her as if she was prey. Anguis kept backing up past the tables and chairs until her back was up against the opposing wall. It kept coming closer to her and she realized she was going to have to fight it.
"Bonnie! Cut it out!"
Anguis glanced to her right and saw Vincent had come back from wherever he had disappeared off to and she sighed of relief as the rabbit stopped and began, to her surprise, laughing.
"Oh cmon Vincent, you shoulda seen the look on her face" said Bonnie, "besides, you said I could scare guests that you brought"
"Yeah you can scare the other guests as much as you want, just not her."
"Why not her?"
"She's special."
"Um... okay, whatever you say"
The other animatronics jerked on and started free roaming as well and Anguis stayed put against the wall, confused and scared of what was going on. Vincent noticed her shaking in place and so he walked over to her side and leaned up against the wall.
"Bonnie didn't scare you too badly, did he love?"
"Uhhh... I d-don't, think so?"
"Hmmm... I'm pretty sure he did, you're shaking like a leaf."
"Yeah I-i know"
"And you're stuttering, it's alright, it not like he's gonna kill you or something."
"~sigh~ yeah, your right... I'm just used to being in a 'kill or be killed' situation, ya know? I'm not used to being the one being killed either..."
"I know how you feel, but don't worry, no need to fret about that now."
Freddy walked over to the two of them and tipped his hat off. Anguis looked at the tall animatronic warily and Vincent put a hand on her shoulder and sort of pulled her back so she was right next to him.
"Hey Freddy"
"Hello Vincent, who's the girl?"
"This is my old friend, Anguis"
The bear looked down at her and held out a paw to shake her hand, which she did.
"Nice to meet you Anguis, I'm Freddy, the one you ran into earlier is Bonnie, Chica just left to go in the kitchen, and I have no clue where Foxy is."
*Foxy, that's the one I was forgetting about*
"Oh Anguis you would like Foxy actually, you both have kind of the same attitude, I'll introduce you to him, HEY FOXY!!"
There was a sound of a motor trying to start up, but it didn't quite make it and then powered down again.
"Damn it, Freddy is he still broken???"
"Seems to be, but he was running fine last night, you even saw him."
"Yeah, hold on, stay here sweetie, I gotta grab some things again from the office."
Vincent turned back and left Anguis with Freddy, which was rather uncomfortable for her.
"'Sweetie'? Seems like you two might be a little more than just friends." Said Freddy
"Huh?? Oh- um, eh, I mean.... I don't know to be honest with you man... we quite literally just met again after me being gone for over 10 years and he's just being a flirty guy."
"Well I don't blame him, you're not that bad looking"
"Oh, erm, thanks I think?"
"Heh, not a problem kiddo"
"So... lemme get this straight.... y'all can move like on your own?"
"And... you can, like, understand me too?"
"Correcto, what, does that surprise you a bit?"
"Really? Why?"
"Oh, I came here a few times when I was little as like school field trips, and every time it was the same songs, same moves, same intermission jokes, so I thought it was just more lifeless animatronics..."
"Oh that's because it's during the day, we're hooked up to the grid during then so we're being controlled by someone in the office, but they let us loose at night to save on electricity so we do whatever from midnight to six."
"Huh, interesting, by the way, where is Foxy suppose to be anyways?"
"Oh he's over there."
Freddy pointed to a set of purple curtains with stars on them and Anguis walked past him towards the curtains. She stood in front of them and waited for something to happen.
"Hello?" She quietly whispered
No response
She reached out and was about to grab the curtains when something growled at her and she took a step back.
------------------------------------------------------Foxy leapt out from the curtains towards Anguis, which made her scream and fall back into a sitting position. He walked closer to her and positioned his hook as if he was going to swing at her and she quickly scrambled back and tried to get up. The fox grabbed her leg and dragged her back towards him and leaned back, ready to swing.
"Anguis?!? What's going on?! What happened?!"
Vincent came back around the corner and saw Foxy locked into that position with Anguis laying on the floor covering her eyes, waiting for her doom.
"FOXY! Did you not hear what I said to Bonnie?!"
The pirate fox looked up and dropped Anguis' leg.
"No I didn't laddie, wat did cha say?"
Anguis scooted back from the animatronic until she was several feet away from it. Vincent crouched down and picked her up from under her arms and helped Anguis stand up, making sure she stood directly under him. He kept his arms around her as if he was protecting her from something.
"I told everyone not to scare her!"
"Oh, my bad m'lady, I didn't know there were rules on who we could n couldn't scare."
"I-its okay Foxy..." whispered Anguis, who was still shaking from her encounter
Freddy called Foxy over to where Bonnie and him stood and the fox clambered over there, heavy metal footsteps echoing throughout the place. Anguis relaxed more the further away he got until Vincent unexpectedly hugged her from behind, then she froze again, not sure what was going on.
"Sorry about that, sometimes these guys just don't listen" mumbled Vincent
"It's alright, I sometimes don't listen to instructions too, I mean it's why I got suspended from school so many times."
Everyone heard a door open somewhere in the building and their attention turned towards the noise. A guy came walking out from the office area holding a newspaper.
"Hey Vincent, found that paper you were looking fo- what the fuck"
The animatronics twitched and their eyes went black with little white dots in each socket and they started walking towards the unknown person. The guy's eyes widened and he chucked the paper at Vincent, who caught it, and then ran down the hall with every animatronic right on his tail.
"Um.... what was that...." asked Anguis
"Oh, they do that when there's strangers in here."
"But... why wasn't I attacked?"
"Hm... I don't know actually. Last time I brought someone in they were about to be attacked like that until I told them to stop."
"But Bonnie and Foxy tried to come after me"
"But their eyes didn't change"
"Yeah, I'll have to ask them when they cool down, but anyways, I'll show you I wasn't kidding when I said you showed up in the news"
He unfolded the paper and flipped it over so they were where all the ads were, and sure enough, there was a young Anguis on the bottom of the page with a computer generated version of what she would of looked like in the future.
"See? And man, you look a hella lot better looking than what they thought you were going to look like."
*yep, definitely flirting with me*
"I wonder why someone would put me up as missing, especially after so long"
"Who knows, but I mean you're not missing anymore."
The animatronics came back into the main area chatting to each other and Vincent flagged down the group.
"Hey guys, come here real quick, I gotta question."
"Sup Vince?" Asked Bonnie
"So, why didn't you guys attack Anguis?"
"Earlier, like you guys pranked her, but didn't try to attack her like you do with other people, why?"
"Laddie I ain't wantin to get ripped to shreds" said Foxy
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"The lady, she ain't no normal person"
"He's right..." Anguis mumbled
Vincent looked at Foxy, then back down at Anguis and shook his head.
"Wait wait wait, why do you two mean?"
"Here, I'll just show you"
She walked out to the side and morphed, so instead of a young lady, a dragon sat where she was, but she was still about the same height.
"See, I can do this"
Vincent's jaw dropped open in surprise and a bell chimed, signaling it was 6am. The animatronics went back to their places and powered down while Anguis unmorphed again.
"I was so not expecting THAT" said Vincent, still in shock
The other guard came out from the office area and nodded towards Vincent.
"Hey see yeah man,"
"Oh, bye man, have a fun at that new job of yours"
"Will do"
He walked out of the building and closed the door. Anguis looked up at the clock and realized the shift was over.
"I guess I gotta leave, huh"
"Yeah, I gotta go too. Say, where on earth do you go anyways?"
"Oh you know, just living off the streets and stuff."
"You want to just come with me? Living on the streets isn't really a proper life"
"Like, to an actual house?"
"Of course, where else silly?"
"Uh... I dunno..."
"Cmon, you can stay with me for a bit"
Anguis followed him outside to his car, still contemplating if it was a good idea or not.
*i mean I was taught not to get into stranger's cars... and even worse I'm going to his house... but he seems friendly enough, and my parents taught me that shit anyways so who cares what they thought*
Vincent opened the door for her and then got in once she was all situated and whatnot.
"Alright, homeward it is"

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now