Game Show

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"Thanks again for helping us" Vincent said while placing a few hundred dollars into a cleaner's hand.
"No problem Afton, just give us a ring if you ever need another messed cleaned"
"Oh we probably will in the future"
The last of the equipment was thrown into the back of the van and the other 4 workers got in and drove off. Scott nodded to the two of them and got into his car and left. Anguis waved goodbye as Vincent swept her off her feet and carried her back inside, sitting down on the couch with her.
"Ya know, you did fantastic today, like the way you jumped over the couch and killed that dude, it was amazing"
"~giggles~ thanks Vinny, you did pretty good too, I mean I didn't think you would of known what to do as a little dragon, but you definitely got the hang of that really quickly."
"Though I don't think imma end up morphing that often, it feels weird"
"Awe, okay"
"Though Fritz's idea earlier didn't sound too bad"
"You could probably do that without a morph"
"Oohhh really? Well, let's find out"
He started kissing her neck and moved her so she was laying back against the arm rest on the couch. Anguis' little giggles turned into moaning the further he went down on her neck and he started feeling her through her pants. None of them noticed the armored car pull into the driveway or the figure walk up to the door until it started opening. They looked up and gasped as Jack walked into the house.
"Alright guards! Time to- what the fuck????"
He aimed his gun at them and Anguis morphed and completely surrounded Vincent and deflected the needle that was shot at them. More needles were shot and Anguis caught one in the webbing of her wing and it went through, sticking to the back of the couch. Jack started reloading when Anguis rolled off the side of the couch, protecting Vincent by standing over him. She kept her head low and growled, slowly taking steps closer. Jack dropped the magazine and rifle and grabbed his knife as they both attacked. Anguis snapped at him and he tried to stab her, but his knife slipped and didn't go through her scales. Her teeth sliced open his arm and Jack cried out and stumbled back.
"You never should have come here" she growled.
"Oh I'm glad I came here" he said as he pulled out a spray bottle and hit her with the liquid that was inside. She inhaled some of it and stumbled around, and let out a stream of fire that ignited the gas, burning Jack. She then fell unconscious on the floor and when back to a human form. Vincent looked up and gasped, then grabbed his knife and went after the hunter. Jack scoffed and took Vincent down in a few swings and he too fell unconscious on the floor.
"Psh, that was easier than I thought it would be"
He handcuffed the two and dragged them out into his car and drove off to a hidden bunker.
Anguis shook her head and woke up with a pounding headache. She cringed and tried to move, but found out she was chained down on a wall by her feet and hands.
*what the- where am I???*
"Ahh, I see you have woken up Miss"
"Show yourself!!" Anguis yelled
There was a deep chuckle and Jack stepped foreword into the dim light. Anguis growled and tried to move once more, but got hit with an electric shock and cried out in pain.
"Ow what the hell man!"
"Ah, so you do speak our language"
"What? Of course I do, I was born here"
"Mm, don't believe that"
"Really? Just because I can mutate, I'm not from earth?"
"Well it is technically a supernatural or mythical move, so yes"
"I need to do you some learning, cause boy, I'm definitely from earth, not everything out of the ordinary is extraterrestrial."
"Silly girl, you sure about that?"
"Yeah, you can even ask my doctor"
"Hmmm... I'll pass on that, don't feel like getting in a tiny spaceship and flying across the solar system"
"Where the fuck am I anyways?"
"Woah, someone got some colorful vocabulary"
"Yeah, I do, now where the fuck am I?"
"You're in a waiting room"
"Waiting room? The hell?"
"Mm yes, you're going to be famous here shortly"
"Listen here you piece of shi- AAAHHH"
Anguis was shocked again and glared at Jack, who was laughing and holding a remote.
"Now, I can't have you swearing on tv, so you're going to need to learn how to use less foul language."
"Wait on TV??"
"Mhmm, you see, on the dark side of the Internet, I have millions of fans, dying to watch you monsters fight one another"
"I'm NOT a monster"
"According to definition, you are. Aaaaaaanyways, I run a little show so these fans can watch you guys battle each other to the death."
"To the death???"
Anguis heard a groan to her right and saw that Vincent had been hung up next to her.
"~gasp~ oh my god Vinny..."
"Hey sweetheart... gah my wrists hurt.
"Oh don't tell me you actually LIKE that girl, she's a freak!"
"He's my boyfriend you ignorant fuckta- AAAH"
"No swearing, remember"
She glared at him and felt something brush past her hand. She glanced over and Vincent was looking at her with a soft smile. She reached out and held onto his hand.
"Oh cmon, the odds of a serial killer and a monster falling in love, psh, bet you two are just companions to help terrorize the planet"
"She's not a monster you idiot"
"Sure she is"
"Go to hell"
Anguis was shocked again and she came close to loosing consciousness, letting her head hang. Vincent yelled as he was shocked through them holding hands and scowled at Jack.
"You're the monster here, keeping people chained up for your own entertainment."
~female voice over an intercom~ Two minutes till round start
"Round start, the hell?"
Vincent got shocked and he grimaced and toughed through the pain.
"Yeah, like I told your so called 'girlfriend' earlier, you're here to entertain others on the Deep Web, now if you'll excuse me, I have some fans to talk to."
He briskly walked out the room, slamming the door shut behind him. A buzzer sound went off and Anguis and Vincent were released, Anguis collapsing onto the floor and Vincent somewhat landing on his feet. When Anguis didn't stand up after a few seconds, Vincent went over and helped her get up.
"You okay there sweetheart?"
"I. Want. To. Kill. Him." She growled
"I kinda figured you would, but we should probably get out of this place first."
The lights went off in the place and a muffled voice could be heard echoing throughout the building.
"Well shit, now we can't see..." muttered Vincent
"I got it"
A fireball ignited from anguis' hand, lighting up a large section of the room. There was a door on the far side of the room and they walked over to it and examined it.
"Well fuck, it's got a metal bolt holding it shut, there's no way we're going to be able to get out..."
30 Seconds until Round 1 Begins, please stand on the red platform.
A red square popped up in the center of the floor and the two glanced at each other before walking over. Yellow shoe prints indicated where to stand and so they placed their feet on them. Metal cuffs wrapped around their ankles and chains shot up from the floor and grabbed their wrists. Anguis let out a short yell and pulled back, feeling the metal digging into her skin.
"Why am I chained down??!! LET ME OUT!!"
"It's no use honey, might as well listen to whatever comes on the intercom"
"What??? You're giving up already??"
"I have a plan, but we need to follow their rules first"
"Just trust me, I've heard about this place before"
Rules are simple: Defeat the opposing team by killing them. Weapons will spawn on the tight rope walk and you may use them if you can get to them. Tight rope will fall 10 seconds after the weapon has been acquired and if there is pressure applied to the rope. There are no nets to catch you, so do be quick, or do enjoy your 200 foot fall. Good luck, and may the best team win.
The platform shifted and they went upwards. A part of the roof opened up and they were blinded by a bright light.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we welcome our first contenders: A type 371 and a type 860
"A type what???" Asked Anguis
"A type 371 is a serial killer and a type 860 is an unrecognized entity"
"They can't recognize a person when they see one?"
"Apparently not"
They rose above the flooring and the platform stopped even with it. The stands were filled with people chanting something in another language it seemed like and Anguis shrunk back.
"Ohhh man... th-there's a lot of pe-people here...I, I can't breathe, I, I-"
"Shh shh shh, you're having an anxiety attack, just look at me. "
She looked up at him with tears in her eyes and he looked down and smiled.
"You'll be okay, I promise"
"I thought he said this was going on TV..."
"There's probably cameras around here recording this"
"Great... even more people..."
They stood behind metal bars and the chains fell away from them. Across the arena another two people rose from the floor and pulled against their chains, eager to get out and attack.
The competition for the 371 and 860 are two other 371 contenders, both who were victorious last week. The teams will now appear on the score board, along with their appropriate identification numbers.
Their heads turned towards the huge Jumbotron handing in the middle of everything. Anguis and Vincent's faces popped up on top, with Anguis' number reading '666' and Vincent's '667', the other two contenders reading '326' and '183'. Anguis whimpered and stepped back until Vincent stopped her and pulled her into a hug.
"It's okay... if you need to, morph me, got it?"
"G-got it... ow something poked me"
Vincent checked inside his suit pocket and pulled out his knife that was now stained with blood.
"Oh sweet, they forgot to remove this"
"Awesome sauce"
Round begins in Five
"Yeah Vinny?"
"I love you"
"I love you too"
One: Round begin: May the strongest team win!

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now