Carnival Day

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*this is so not what I had in mind when Vince said 'playing'* Anguis though as she looked up at her hands.
She had her hands tied to a bar on the headboard and her ankles were bound separately to other posts at the foot of the bed. She tugged on the rope that was bound above her head, but it wouldn't budge from its spot. She heard Vincent chuckle and glanced over at the doorway to see he had come back to the room.
"Damn, and I thought you couldn't get any sexier earlier while I was snappin those nudes." He muttered
"Why am I tied to the bed?"
"You said you wanted to play my way, so I went along with it"
*He's into some weeiiiird stuff...*
He placed down an object that he was carrying and crawled onto of Anguis, sitting down on her lap. She tried to shift the rope around her ankles, but it also didn't move, and cringed as it dug into her skin.
"These ropes are really tight" she whined
"Which ones?"
"The ones on my ankles"
Vincent glanced behind himself and flicked open his pocket knife. She whimpered quietly once feeling the metal against her skin, but was relieved once he sliced away the restrainers.
"Now, I think we can have a little fun" Vincent purred
He placed down the knife next to Anguis, who looked at it with a wary glance. She was about to ask a question about the tool when she looked back and was met with Vincent crashing his lips onto hers. Her eyes widened in alarm and a blush rapidly formed on her face, but she reluctantly gave in under his control and unenthusiastically went along with it. He pulled away a few minutes later, breathing heavily and smirking slightly, but noticed Anguis' slightly annoyed expression and cupped her head in his hands.
"Hey, what's the matter?"
"What do you mean?"
"You don't look too happy and your eyes are all watery"
"I... never mind"
"Cmooooon, just tell me"
"I... I don't like being tied up, it's hurting my wrist... also I had a creepy flashback..."
Vincent reached up and untied her hands, tossing the rope into the trash can, then sat up and scratched Anguis behind her ears.
"What was the flashback about? I'm guessing it wasn't anything too serious since you didn't have a breakdown"
"Remember that one time when the Puppet dude took control of you?"
"Well, for whatever reason when you were under its control, I didn't see you completely like how I see you now"
"There was like a ghost like figure of you that was somewhat there, but with red eyes and razor sharp bloody teeth... it kinda scares me to think about it..."
"Anything else?"
"You're hands, they were like claws instead of actual hands"
"Oh, so it looked like this"
He morphed into what she had described and Anguis gasped, her bottom lip immediately started trembling. Vincent laughed deeply and brought his face closer to hers, rubbing her cheek with his hands.
"Did I get it right?"
"V-Vinny st-stop"
"y-you're m-making the fl-flashback c...come b- back..."
He realized that he was scaring her and quickly unmorphed right as she burst into tears, morphing herself into her small white dragon and hiding underneath a pillow.
"Oh no, no no no, Anguis, don't cry, I-I didn't mean to scare you"
He moved the pillow off of her and tried to pick her up, but she only whined nervously and backed further away.
"Anguis it's okay, look, I'm back to normal now, there's no need to be scared anymore"
She moved her paw off of her eye and glanced over at Vincent. He once more reached over and scooped her up into his arms, cradling her against his chest. He kept apologizing and scratching her on the head while she shook whenever a sob rocked through her.
"How do you not hate me by now..." he muttered out loud several minutes later.
Anguis sniffed a few times before unmorphing and sitting on his lap, resting her head against his shoulder.
"Cause ~sniffle~ I-its hard to stay mad at s-someone you like"
She glanced up at Vincent to see that he was looking down at her with a small smile creeping across his lips.
"You know just what to say to make someone feel better, don't you?" He asked
"I-I do?"
He continued to hug her until she stopped sniffling and picked her head up off his shoulder, looking up at him. He planted a soft kiss between her eyes and Anguis giggled.
"So, why'd you even tie me up in the first place?" She questioned
"Well, I like the thought of having control, especially when it's doing something I enjoy"
"Oh, well why didn't you say so? I woulda let ya"
"Yeah, I don't mind laying back and relaxing"
His familiar perverted smirk came back to his face and Anguis couldn't help but giggle.
"That look is so goofy" she commented
"Mmh, wanna 'play' now?"
"Sure, why n- Eep!"
Vincent let go of her and she almost fell backwards, but she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself back up. He chuckled and crawled onto his hands and knees so that Anguis was laying on her back and kissed her along her neck.
"Hope you're ready to scream" he purred into her ear.
*oh boy* she thought
"Okay, just stay silent and they won't know we're here" mumbled Jack
"Why are we here again?"
"Jesus fucking Criest Alexia..."
"What, you never told me!"
"Yes he did" said Lucius, "he told us about 7 different times on the way over here"
"Well I didn't hear him, I was stuck in the furthest seat away in his truck"
"There's a reason for that" both of the guys said simultaneously
"Ugh rude"
"Why are we working with her again?" Lucius whispered to Jack
"I couldn't get rid of her... I initially started working with her because she knew a lot about Vincent, and now she won't leave my side"
"Oh brother..."
"Yeah, now I can see why Vincent dumped her"
Jack took a peak through the binoculars at the lower level and searched around for them. He raised an eyebrow once spotting Funtime Freddy and Lolbit playing chess while Ballora sat on the couches talking to Baby.
"It's Lucius"
"Close enough, look at the first floor"
"Oh, those guys... I remember them..."
"You do?"
"Yeah, they're hard to take out, don't mess with them"
"Got it"
Jack kept scanning all the windows until he got to a certain room on the second floor and nudged Lucius to look where he was.
"Alrighty then" Lucius mumbled, "cause this isn't weird to spy on at all"
"He's just kissing her, it's not that weird yet"
"Just don't tell-"
They heard a sob from Alexia and put down their binoculars and looked over at her. She has hers up towards the second floor of the house as well and tears were streaming down her face. The boys glanced over at each other and then back at her.
"Uhh, Alexia, you alright?" Lucius asked
"T-that's suppose to b-be me"
Once again, Lucius and Jack looked at each other, raised an eyebrow at her comment, and then looked back at her.
"What are you talking about?"
"V-Vincent is suppose to l-love ME, not th-that bitch!!"
"Keep your voice down damn it, do you really want them noticing us?"
She ignored his comment and continued to stare up at the window. Jack noticed Vincent was looking back out the window and pulled Lucius down into the tall wild grass that stood out past his lawn.
"Alexia! Get down they're going to see you!" He growled
"I want him to notice me"
"What!? No this is a spying mission, not 'get back someone who doesn't give a flying fuck about you anymore' mission!"
"Oh brother" said Lucius
The two of them pulled out of their make out session, gasping for air and smiling.
"That's so much more enjoyable not tied down" Anguis commented
"Hm, was it now?"
She laid her head down on a pillow and gazed up at Vincent, who turned and looked out the open window.
*what the fuck? Is that... Alexia?* Vincent thought as he recognized the blonde girl standing just outside his property.
He kept looking when Anguis reached up and brushed a stray hair out of his face, getting his attention and looking back down at her. The hair popped back out of its place and she giggled and flicked it.
"You've got a unicorn horn with that hair sticking out the way it is"
Vincent looked up as if he was trying to see what she was seeing and chuckled, then looked back out the window, noticing Alexia was still standing there.
*Hmph, you know what, I'll just mess with her and fuck Anguis hard enough so that she can hear her... that should get my point across*
"Hm? Yes my love?"
"Is something wrong? You keep lookin out the window"
He took another quick side glance and noticed Alexia was gone.
*what the- I must be seeing things*
"No honey, I'm okay"
"You su-mmmh.."
Vincent interrupted her by shoving his tongue back into her mouth and kissing her. She groaned and put her arms back around her neck, playing with his hair. He pulled out of it again and looked her in her eyes.
"You mind if we try something new?"
"Sure, I don't see why not"
He smirked and pulled off both of their clothes, making Anguis blush as her gaze drifted down.
*oh gosh, he's really excited...* she thought
He picked her legs up onto his shoulders and positioned himself a bit lower than usual.
"I gue- AAAUGH!!"
He thrusted his entire length into her and she yelled in surprise and in pain.
*His dick is in my ass!! And he morphed it larger again!!*
She cringed and closed her eyes, trying to adapt to the new feeling.
"Ow ow ow, Vinny"
She could hear him chuckling and opened her right eye, looking up at him. He had a wider smirk on his face and was looking at her lower half.
"Don't worry sweetie, it won't hurt much longer"
"Could you of not morphed your dick? At least for a first time?"
"Hmm, I could of, but I didn't"
She squirmed a little and tried to see if she could shift the uncomfortable feeling, but it made it worse.
"T-this isn't quite what I imagined when you said you wanted to try something new..."
"Oh, I'm not quite done yet"
He took the vibrator that was next to the bed and examined her other entrance before pushing it into her and turning it on. She moaned and closed her eyes again.
*I got his dick in my ass, the other thing in there... why, why he gotta-*
Her thought was interrupted as Vincent began moving inside of her. She whimpered slightly as the pain continued to come from her rear, but groaned when he ramped up the power on the vibrator.
"Ahh... Vinny..." Anguis panted
"O-oh baby girl, you feel so good back here too"
She blushed as she heard him moan loudly and responded with a quieter one. His member hardened right before he released himself inside of her.
"Aaa-a-aahh" he groaned
"O-oh Vinny..."
When Vincent finished, he switched off the vibrator and pulled it out of her, carelessly dropping it on the floor, and let her legs fall back onto the bed. Anguis opened her eyes and saw that Vincent was staring at her once more, bitting his bottom lip while smirking.
"God damn... that was a big load I just dumped into you..."
He pulled out and laid down next to her and sighed loudly.
"Oh my sweetheart..."
"Yeah Vinny?"
He shifted his head a little so that he could look at her eyes.
"You're perfect for me"
"Y-you really think so?"
"No, I don't think so-"
"-I know you are"
"Oh" she said with a lighter tone
"You thought I was gonna say something else, didn't you?"
"No I didn't"
"Mmmm yes you diiiid" Vincent half sang
"No I diiiidnt, I knew you were gonna say that"
"Mhmm, suuuuure"
"I did!"
Vincent chuckled to himself and patted her on the head.
"Mhmm, okay darling"
There was a loud vibrating noise as someone was trying to call Vincent and he looked over at his phone, picking it up to see who it was.
"Huh, Robert is trying to call me, that's a first ~answers~ hello?"
"Hey hey! Vince my man"
"What do you need?"
"Oh bro, I don't need nothin, I was just gonna tell you the carnival is comin to town. You should take Anguis, I can sneak you both in for free"
"We could both probably sneak in by morphing"
"True, but I could get those unlimited wristbands so you don't have to keep on getting tickets."
"Hm, fair point, I'll think about it, she doesn't like crowds however"
"Then I'll just get you in during the adult only hours, those are a blast"
"Ah, alright cool, what days?"
"Hmmm.... looks like tonight is the only adult hours night"
"That's fine, we'll go then"
"Alright cool, see you 'round 8 then"
Robert hung up and Vincent tossed his phone off to the side and stretched.
"What was that about?" Anguis asked curiously
"Wanna go to a carnival?"
"What's a carnival?"
"You've never been to one before? Or even seen one?"
"Oh, well it's a place with a bunch of rides and greasy but tasty food, Robert wants to take us during the adult hours so there's not a lot of people."
"Ooo, can we go?"
"Yay! Do they have ice cream there?"
"Mhmm, and a lot more than just the standard ones we get at the other place"
"Ooooo I wanna try all the new flavors"
"~chuckles~ I'm sure you do"
"When are we going?"
"8 I think he said"
Anguis looked over at the clock and a frown appeared on her face.
"Awh that's over 5 hours away though..."
She gave Vincent a pouty look and he shook his head and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Don't worry, we can kill the time by watching tv or swimming or something."
"Deep fried ice cream?" Anguis asked while pointing at a light up sign
"How do you deep fry something?"
"Well, you gotta dip whatever you're frying into the batter, then dunk it into boiling oil until it's fried, then you're done"
"But, ice cream is cold, and boiling water is hot, so wouldn't it melt?"
"Not if you do it fast enough it won't"
She gazed around at the attractions while munching on cotton candy that she had gotten earlier in the day. There was a live DJ, a large Ferris wheel, and other smaller roller coasters. Anguis looked up at the lights shining off of the DJ's stand and tugged on Vincent's arm.
"Yes dear?"
"I wanna see the flashy light up close"
"You want to go to the DJ booth?"
"Okay, just don't climb up on the stage, okay?"
"Kay Kay!!"
He trailed behind her as Anguis ran up ahead. She carefully snuck her way through the crowd and stood directly in front of the stage.
*wow, these are bright up close, but they're so cool*
The song that was playing ended and she looked up at the DJ, who was walking across the front of the stage giving out high fives to the fans. He got over to Anguis and gave her a look of surprise, but smiled.
"Hey Hey everyone!" He announced "We got a special guest right up front here, it's your own town legend!"
A couple of people screamed when they looked over and suddenly people started running. Anguis realized she had scared everyone and sighed, morphing into a small dragon and snaking her way underneath the temporary stage. She got to the back by the dressing rooms and popped out and unmorphed.
*man... I can't even enjoy a light show without causing havoc.*
She balled up with her head on her knees and started crying. She was alone for a few minutes until she head someone step on a dry leaf, but pretended to not notice.
"Hey man,"
She looked up and noticed it was the same DJ as before, then looked back down at her knees.
"Oh wait, bro, you're that chick I saw earlier, right?"
"What's the matter sister? Why you crying?"
"I, I don't understand why everyone is so scared of me..."
"You ain't that scary sis, I think you're pretty chill"
"Y-you do?"
"Yeah man"
They both heard Vincent yell out her name and she perked up a bit.
"Yo she's over here!" Yelled out the DJ, "your name is Anguis?"
"Yeah.. Anguis, Anguis Everstone"
"Cool, I'm Xanford"
Some leaves crunched as Vincent turned the corner and relief flowed through him as he saw her.
"Oh sweet heavens you're okay"
He crouched down and gave her a quick little hug before sitting down with them.
"What happened? All I heard was screaming" he asked
"I saw Anguis standing by the stage and I was like 'holy shit cool, she is real' so I did like a shout out thing on my mic and for some reason everyone panicked and ran off"
"Yeah, there's been some pretty nasty rumors about her in this town."
"I'm not liked here..." Anguis muttered
"Oh don't say that darling, I'm sure some people like you"
"I mean I think you're pretty dope" said the DJ
"See, someone else thinks you're okay"
She didn't respond with anything and kept staring at the ground, drawing in the dirt with a stick. Vincent sighed and put a hand on her shoulder, getting her attention.
"You want to get some ice cream? I know that'll cheer you up"
"... can I try the new flavors?"
"Of course"
Anguis quickly got back up on her feet, eager to get some food, while Vincent just smiled and took his time getting up.
"Well, thanks for finding her Xanford"
"Oh no problem man"
"Alright, lets go find you some ice cream dear."
They waved goodbye and wandered around for a bit until Anguis spotted a booth and dragged Vincent over to it.
"Geez, someone is a little eager for food" he commented, "still gotta wait in this long ass line though"
"Awh man..."
"Here, I'll wait in line, you go run off and see if you can find Robert, the place closes soon"
"Oh, and here"
He gave her a handful of cash, which she looked at confused.
"What's this for?"
"Incase you find something you want to buy"
"Oh, okay! Thanks Vinny"
She gave him a quick hug before skipping off. It wasn't long until she found Robert sitting at a table outside a stripper booth. He spotted Anguis and waved her over, moving a chair out for her to sit down on.
"Hey Anguis"
"What a surprise seeing you over here" she said sarcastically
"Hey man, if Vincent was still single he'd be over here too"
"Mhmm, suuuure"
"Just being honest, where is he anyways?"
"There was a long line at the ice cream booth, n I didn't wanna wait in line so he stayed behind and told me to find something I like and buy it."
A stripper came out and handed Robert another drink, then looked over at Anguis.
"Oh, you replaced Alexia?" The girl commented
"Nah this is a friend of mine." Said Robert, "Oh hey wait! Could you show her how to pole dance?"
"Sure thing, just follow me"
Anguis gave Robert a confused look, but got up and followed the girl.
"Have you ever tried pole dancing?"
"No, not really"
"Oh don't worry, it's really easy and it's a good workout"
They walked past everyone to a back room, where the stripper demonstrated how to do everything. Anguis copied what she did and the girl clapped.
"Oh fantastic! You're a natural at this"
"I am?"
"Yeah! I'm surprised, usually I have to train the person for a few hours before they get good at it."
"Now, we do sell outfits and poles that you can use at home."
"What are the outfits for?"
"Oh the outfits are just for comfort, since usually normal clothes leave markings and such when doing more complicated stuff."
"Ah, okay"
"You interested?"
"Yeah sure"
The two of them walked back out and she was shown around at the small shop they had in another tent. Anguis bought an outfit and a pole, reading the information book on the different workout types.
*huh cool, with this I can get better arm strength, then I could be a better fighter.*
She walked back outside and sat down next to Robert again, chatting with him until Vincent came around with her ice cream.
"Here you go darling"
"Ooooo thank you!!"
"I see you bought a few things"
"Mind if I take a look?"
"Uhh... you can't look, It's a surprise"
"Oh, okay"
"Damn it where did my stripper go?" Robert whined
"Really? You actually got yourself a stripper?" Vincent asked
"Hell yeah man, it's a cute blondie too"
*wait... the other girl earlier asked where Alexia was... Robert said she was a blonde... oh boy-*
"~gasp~ Vincent!!!!"
"Shit" muttered Anguis and Vincent
Alexia ran over from her tent to the table and Vincent sighed and gave Robert a disappointed look.
"Really? Out of all the ones here, you picked her"
"What's wrong with that?"
"Thats my ex you nimwhit"

An Odd Family Version 2.0Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora