Round 1

62 2 0

The bars fell into the floor and both teams immediately ran out into the arena. The loud cheering somewhat frightened Anguis and she clung onto Vincent's arm. The other contenders stood side by side and had evil smiles plastered on their faces while Vincent gave them a scowl.
"Ooooo looky here, a girl" 326 called out
"And you know, the only rule is to kill or be killed, so we can do aaaanything we wanna do in order to kill her" 183 yelled
"Or do anything we want to before killing her, and boy I sure do know what I'm gonna do to her"
"Same here"
Anguis whimpered slightly and Vincent scratched her head.
"Don't worry, I won't let them touch you, at least not like that"
"Okay... you wanna take on 326 while I get 183?"
"What?? 183 is huge though"
"So is my dragon morph"
"What if we both targeted 183, you could probably hit 326 far enough across the room so we could do that without worrying about him."
"True, or I could just stab him once with my tail, that would easily kill him"
"Yeah, let's do that one instead"
They turned and looked at the other two killers and took off running towards them, Anguis lagging a bit behind Vincent. The opposing side ran as well and about a forth of the way across Vincent stopped and crouched down. Anguis used him as a springboard and jumped off his back, morphing in mid air, and landed in front of him. She let out a loud roar and flung Vincent up onto her back with arrowhead part her tail. The stadium cheered even more and the other two guys stopped in their tracks.
"O ho shit"
"Dude run"
326 took off to the left and Anguis leapt in front of him and looked him in the eyes. He gasped and turned to run but Anguis lunged forward and sunk her teeth into his torso. 326 let out a scream as Anguis shook her head and sent him flying into a wall, killing him on impact. 183 tried to use Anguis' snout to get up to Vincent, but failed as her tail came around and smashed him back down into the ground. He got up and quickly took off towards the tight rope walk and Anguis unmorphed, caught Vincent, and put him on the ground. He looked over at the crushed corpse of 326 and shuddered.
"Eugh, remind me to never get killed by you" he muttered
"Psh I would never kill you, you know that"
183 grabbed onto the ladder and was skyrocketed up to the platform and began his walk across to the weapon that was suspended over the middle of the 30 foot rope.
"I have an idea" said Anguis, "go to the side that he went up, I'll go up the other, then we'll trap him in the middle until the rope falls."
"Wait do what??? Anguis that's a 200 foot fall!"
"I think I know what I'm doing"
Vincent gave her a worried look and briefly hugged her.
"Alright, I'm trusting you"
He ran over to the ladder and did the same thing while Anguis morphed in her wings and flew to the other platform. 183 grabbed the weapon and started making his way back across when Anguis and Vincent both stepped onto the wire and walked closer to him.
"What are two doing?? You're gonna get us all killed!"
"That's the plan" said Anguis
*what?? She's trying to kill the both of us??* thought Vincent
"Anguis!! I thought you said-"
"-you knew what you were-"
"I do know!!"
She winked as the rope snapped off and all 3 of them started falling. 183 and Vincent both yelled while Anguis morphed completely and smacked 183 further down to the ground and grabbed Vincent, holding him against her chest with both paws. 183 took a shot with the weapon he got and the round tore through a big section of Anguis' wing and he hit the ground and died instantly. Anguis tried to fly, but was unable to, so she turned around and hit the ground back first, creating a huge but shallow crater in the concrete and made chunks fly up. The entire place went silent as the cloud of dust started to settle, waiting to see what happened. A paw came out of the cloud and hit the ground and Vincent walked off coughing and waving away the dust. The crowd stayed quiet and everything cleared away and everyone could see Anguis laying on her back, still in morph, and not moving.
"Anguis... no..."
Vincent ran over to where her head was and placed a hand on her snout.
"Anguis... wake up dear..."
No response
"No... no cmon you can't be dead... p-please, wake up"
A tear fell and everyone in the stands looked at one another. A camera zoomed in on them and he fell to his knees crying.
"A-Anguis no, y-you can't b-be gone... god please, wake up!!"
Something shifted and it caused the ground to shake a little and a quick panic rushed over everyone. Anguis' eyes slowly opened and she looked down a Vincent.
"Don't worry.... I'm not dead yet.... now am I?"
He gasped and hugged her and the crowd started cheering once more. She smiled and gently patted him on the back with a paw.
"Oh my god you had me worried there for a while"
"Well, moving didn't sound too good after falling 200 feet... i still don't wanna move..."
"You don't have to, just unmorph"
She did and Vincent went down and picked her up next carried her away from everything.
Team One is the winner!!
Everyone in the stands began cheering and Anguis and Vincent smiled.
"We, we did it!" She exclaimed, "we're still alive!!"
They stood there laughing and Vincent brought her up into a kiss and everyone else started clapping and whistling along with cheering.
Winners, please return to your correct cell and stand on the proper platform to return back to base.
They walked over to where the automated voice told them to go and Vincent put Anguis back down and the platform returned them to their room. A few lights were on, but it was still semi-dark in their cell. They reached the ground level and Vincent went back to hugging her.
"I seriously thought you died when we hit the ground like that... I, I didn't know you were gonna save me."
"why wouldn't I save you?"
"Hmm... good point... by the way, are you okay after that fall?"
"eh, A sight headache is all I have right now, but everything kinda hurts."
There was a quiet ding sound and a slot opened and pushed out two trays of food. Anguis sat back against the wall while Vincent got up and grabbed the food for the two of them and brought them back over.
"Here ya go sweetheart" he said while giving her a tray.
"Thanks Vinny"
He sat down next to her and they quickly ate their food, but slowed down once they realized how disgusting it tasted.
"Is it sad this shit is better than my mom's cooking?" Anguis pondered out loud
"Yeah, it kinda is, cause this is kinda gross"
"Okay like really gross... who on earth fails this badly at making a cheeseburger.."
"It's like the school lunches back in high school"
Anguis giggled and they finished and slide the trays back into the slot and chilled next to each other for a while. Solid metal beams suddenly shot up around them and they panicked and stood up, trying to get out.
"Ahh, my dear pets, you did good today" said Jack as he came into view
"Pets? We're not pets you fucking coward" growled Anguis
She was shocked again and dropped down to her knees.
"Tsk tsk tsk, you don't learn do you silly girl?"
"Stop shocking her will ya? It's only going to make it worse for you when we get out."
"HAH, you really think you can escape? Huh, you two are dumber than I thought. No one escapes from here, I mean, you're underground so your friend over here can't just magically change and bust outa here"
"We... we will get out, and when we do, you're dying a slow and very painful death..."
"Oh you silly girl-"
"Stop calling me that..."
"Am I hurting your 'widdle feelings'?-"
Anguis stood back up and growled, making Jack laugh.
"-You can't do anything little girl, you're trapped behind bars."
She summoned a fireball and shot it at Jack, who cried out and stumbled back, trying to get the flames to stop. Anguis grinned and then was shocked again, this time for a longer, and she fell, almost unconscious. Vincent caught her and glared at Jack, who was still putting out the fire on his armor.
"Pesky fuckin girl, thinks she's everything when really no one cares about her..." he grumbled as he left the room.
"Someone cares about her you retard!" Yelled Vincent
He got shocked as well and dropped down to a knee as the bars around them fell, and the room was silent for a few minutes, then Anguis started quietly crying.
"Oh sweetheart... what's wrong?"
"W-what did I do to deserve t-this..."
"What do you mean?"
"Why is it always gotta be me that suffers shit like this..."
"~sigh~ I wish I knew the answer to that hon, but I don't..."
He sat down against the wall and pulled her up onto his lap and hugged her. She continued to cry for a few minutes until Vincent calmed her down. Her sadness turned to rage and she got up, morphed, and charged the door, putting a dent in it.
"DAMN IT WHY??" She yelled
She did it over and over again, creating other smaller dents. Vincent got up and stopped her from charging the door again, so she paced back and forth in front of it, cursing to herself.
"Anguis, don't hurt yourself, We'll get through this crummy situation, I promise."
"I don't like being caged..." she growled, "I'm not some fuckin animal in a zoo for people to gawk at..."
"I know you aren't, but running into a solid metal door isn't gonna help the cause"
"It's not solid, I put a dent in it"
"Wait really?"
The rage boiled up in her and she turned around and let out a stream of fire at the door, attempting to melt it. Once the flame gave away, she hit the white hot door as hard as possible, only making the dent a little deeper.
"God fucking damn it..."
"Save your energy for later Anguis... you don't know ~yawns~ what's going to happen next time we're out."
"Fine... but I will find a way out of here, I promise you that."
She unmorphed and sat down against a wall and let out a sigh. Vince sat down next to her and pulled her a bit closer and shivered.
"It's kinda cold in here" he muttered
"I know right... here hold on."
Anguis got up, morphed again and laid down in the middle of the room. She wrapped her tail around him and placed him in the crook of her elbow and placed her head down on her paws, then moved her wing so it was covering Vincent and her head and sighed.
"How on earth are you so warm as a dragon?"
"Probably cause my body now produces fire, so it's gotta stay warm."
"Ah, okay"
He used her forearm as a pillow and curled up, exhausted from enduring all the shocks, and fell asleep. Anguis smiled a little when she saw him sleeping peacefully and also dozed off.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now