A New Home

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They dropped the Fitzgeralds off at their house and went back to Scott's house, where they were happily greeted by a bouncy and hyper active dog.
"Oi Chloe, get down." Scott said to his pet
The dog lowered her ears and wandered back off to another room, where she flopped down and let out a loud sigh.
"Well, welcome to your new home Vince, you can go ahead and pick any room that's not occupied upstairs. If you want Linda, Ivan or I could drive you out to the store to get some clothes and whatever you need."
"Alright, thanks again man, means a lot"
"Oh no problem, dinner is going to be ready shortly by the way"
"Alright cool"
Vincent went up the stairs and snooped around the room, picking one with a pastel purple wallpaper. He carefully unwrapped Anguis from her carrier and laid her down on the bed, kissing her on the forehead before heading to the bathroom to clean himself up. He noticed the layout of the room was almost exactly the same as his, even with the miniature two in one washing machine and dryer underneath the sink in the bathroom. After his quick shower, he came back into the room and picked the still sleeping Anguis up, rocking her gently back and forth. Hearing the quiet ding of the oven, he remembered what Scott had said and went back down the stairs. He nearly missed a step and stumbled a little, waking Anguis up.
"Mmmh-mmmmmhhhhhh ~yawns~ what's.... what's going on?" She mumbled while stretching.
"It's almost time for dinner."
"How's your leg feelin?"
"It hurts, a lot"
"Well don't worry, I got some heavy duty pain killers that I stole while grabbing your crutches, you can take some after dinner"
"Why not before?"
"It'd be easier on your body to intake it"
"Oh, okay"
Ivan and Scott were already sitting down at the table, so Vincent took an empty seat and placed Anguis on his lap. She partially laid down on her back, making it so that she was leaning up against his stomach, and looked up at him. Chloe crept into the room and spotted Anguis' tail. She darted underneath the table and snuck up to the two of them and bit down on her tail, making Anguis yelp and try to run away. Her injured leg wouldn't allow that to happen, so she just clawed her way up Vincent's shirt. He winced and instead picked her off of himself and laid her on her back in his arm while looking under the table to see why she panicked.
"I don't think Chloe likes Anguis" he stated
Scott raised an eyebrow and looked under the table as well and frowned, smacking the dog on her hindquarters.
"Chloe!" He scolded, "you know better than that!"
The dog turned and looked at him, whining and growling quietly. Vincent chuckled and shook his head while Scott told the dog not to talk back to him.
"I think your dog is more sassy than my girlfriend" Vincent said while laughing.
"I swear... Chloe only started talking back to me once Ivan started talking back to Linda... I think she picked up on it"
"Hey don't put the blame on me for that Dad"
"Well you did technically start it"
"Did not"
"See look, you're doing it again"
"Oh my god..."
Vincent chuckled again and looked down at Anguis. She was holding her tail between her front paws and examining the end, which was bleeding slightly.
"You okay darling?"
"I think so..."
He placed her back down in his lap and kept a hand on her as Linda came out of the kitchen with dinner. Anguis' eyes widened as she spotted the large steaks and licked her lips.
"Vinny, should I unmorph?"
"But I can't reach the table"
"I'll feed you, don't worry"
He took one of the larger portions of food to split between the two of them and dished out some of the other foods that were brought out. He sliced off a small piece of steak and held it out for Anguis to eat, which she happily did. Linda raised an eyebrow at his actions while Scott watched her curiously.
"Why don't you want her to unmorph?" He asked
"She doesn't know how to use her crutches yet, and I don't think she's gonna listen to me when I tell her not to walk on her bad foot, so I think it would be easier if she stayed like this so I can hold onto her better"
"Ah, okay"
"I'd listen to you Vinny"
"Okay, you'd listen, but you'd forget and then try to walk again, and then you're gonna fall and hurt your leg even more and then I gotta come help you, it would just be better if you stayed morphed."
Vincent was about to eat a piece of steak when Anguis snatched it off the fork and ate it. He gave her an unamused look and she giggled.
"It's pay back for my French toast" she said after chewing and swallowing
He sighed and patted her on the head before giving her a spoonful of corn to try.
"So Vince"
"Yes Ivan?"
"How long have you known Anguis for? I mean it's seems like you two have known each other for a while"
"Oh I've known her since elementary school, but she's known me for only a few weeks."
"You.... stalked her?"
"Not quite, she was popular to all the upper classes at the elementary school, and then all throughout middle school and high school"
"I thought you said she didn't go to school"
"She didn't"
"How on earth was she popular then?"
"After she disappeared she became more of a rumored ghost, if you ask your teachers about her, they'll definitely remember"
"Yo wait, homecoming is this week: I could totally bring you and her in"
"Sorry man, already going with Jeremy"
"We are?" Anguis asked
"Oh yay"
"Rats... he's a lucky kid" Ivan muttered
They ate in almost complete silence the rest of the time, Scott only talking to scold the dog for trying to jump up on the table a couple of times. Ivan cleared all the dirtied plates out of the way and Linda stood up and sighed.
"Well I hope you guys saved room for desert" she sang while happily skipping to the kitchen
Anguis tilted her head sideways and watched as Linda left the room.
"She seems happy" she commented
"Oh Linda loves to cook, she does work at a very expensive restaurant you know" Scott said
"She does? Since when?" Vincent asked
"Oh ever since Ivan was in middle school, since he could be home by himself."
"Oh that's nice"
"Yeah, she's learned so much from there, I know she loves her job"
She came out of the kitchen holding a very large chocolate cake and Anguis' pupils widened once seeing it.
"Ooooo.... chocolate..." she mumbled
"Not just chocolate" Linda added, "a chocolate caramel and ice cream lava cake"
"Ice cream?"
"Oh boy" Vincent chuckled, "shouldn't of mentioned the ice cream"
"Does she not like it?"
"No, she's obsessed with it"
"Oh!" Linda said while laughing, "well don't worry Anguis, you can have as much as your little stomach can hold"
Everyone else laughed at her cheerfulness and she tried to stand up on her back legs to get a better view of the food. Vincent instead grabbed her underneath her front arms and held her up so that she could see. Her tail started wagging and a little bit of drool trailed down her tongue. Linda sliced her a piece and gave it to Vincent, who took the first bite of it while holding Anguis away with his other arm. She whined loudly and put her head down, pouting. He chuckled and got another slice and acted like he was going to feed it to her, but as the food was just out of her reach, he changed its direction and instead he ate it.
"Awe Vince, don't do that to her" said Linda, "look how sad she is now, her ears are drooping"
He looked down at her and she glanced up at him for a brief moment before letting her head hang down again.
"Meanie..." she said quietly
"~chuckles~ I'm just messing with you baby girl, you know that, right?"
She didn't respond with anything. Vincent changed his hold on her so that she was laying on her back on his arm with her head at his elbow, making her look up at him. He got another piece of cake and held it out in front of her mouth, but she turned her head away slightly and continued pouting.
"Anguis, cmon sweetie, I only wanted two pieces, I was gonna let you have the rest."
This time she glanced at him for a second, but still didn't say anything. An idea came to his head and he gently nudged the spoon between her jaws, opening her mouth, and dumped the cake in there. She chewed it and her tail started wagging, making Vincent smile.
"This is yummy" Anguis commented, "thank you Linda"
"Oh not a problem Anguis"
She quickly finished up the rest that was served to them and let out a yawn. Vincent picked her up in one arm and the dirty plate in the other hand and put it into the sink before heading over to the living room. Scott was playing fetch with Chloe and almost nailed Vincent in the head with the ball. He ducked and let it soar over his head, then dodged the riled up dog as she ran past him. He laid down on the couch and placed Anguis on his lap. She looked down at herself and put her front paws on her stomach, pushing inwards.
"I think I ate too much cake..."
"Not feeling well?"
"No, I'm getting fat"
She let go and the little pouch on her stomach jiggled ever so slightly.
"You're not getting fat silly, you just ate a lot, that's all"
"But look"
She poked herself in the stomach again and looked at him. He picked her up under her arms and kissed her on her stomach, making a quiet squeak come out of her.
"Yeah, definitely not fat hon, just wait till tomorrow, it won't jiggle like that"
"But my are you getting heavy"
He extended his arms out as far as they would possibly go and held Anguis out in front of him. She giggled and flapped her wings a few times to stay balanced on his hands. He brought her back down and she touched her nose to his and giggled again.
"Don't panic" Vincent muttered
"Panic about what?"
He threw her up in the air and she let out a squeal. He caught her as she came back down, laughing once seeing her excited reaction.
"Again! Do it again!"
He threw her up again and again, doing more than a dozen times. With the last toss into the air, she opened her wings, gently floating back down instead of falling. She landed softly on his chest and snuggled up against his neck, flopping down on her side that wasn't injured and sighing.
"I'm tired..." she mumbled
"Tired? From what?"
"Getting crushed by a house, breaking a leg, being stressed in general..."
"Oh yeah"
Vincent moved her a little and held onto her as he stood up and made his way up to their new room. He gave her the pain killer and placed her down in bed, kissing her on the head.
"Good night my love"
"You're not coming to bed?"
"I will, just maybe a bit later. I wanna talk with Scott and Linda"
She unmorphed once he left the room and undressed herself. Her torn clothes were in ruins and there were more holes than fabric. She carelessly tossed them on the side of the bed she was laying on and moved underneath the covers. She was unable to sleep, no matter what position she was in, so she just rolled to her side and watched the clock, bored out of her mind. Minutes ticked by and her eyelids dropped while watching the time, slowly crawling to an hour, then two hours. Around midnight the door clicked open and she barely opened her eyes and glanced down to see Vincent quietly creep back into the room, thinking she was sleeping. He too undressed himself and laid down next to her, putting his hands behind his head and sighing. Anguis scooted a little closer to him and put her arms around his torso, hugging him. He flinched a little in surprise and also put his arm around her.
"Did I wake you up sweetie?"
"You've been awake this whole time?"
"You coulda came back down and joined us you know"
"But you told me not to walk on my bad foot"
"Just use the crutches"
"I ~yawns~ don't know how to..."
"Oh, I'll show you tomorrow, though I'll probably carry you most of the time"
"Cause I want to"
"I thought you said I was getting heavy though..."
"~chuckles~ doesn't mean I can't carry you, I just gotta get into shape, that's all"
"Maybe you could lift me instead of weights" she suggested while giggling
"I'd be okay with that"
She smiled and nuzzled her head up again his chest. Vincent turned to his side and gave her a full body hug, sighing contently.
"Mmh... your skin is so smooth..."
"Is that bad?"
"No... it feels so nice..."
*okay then...* Anguis thought
"Also... thank you for saving us today honey... I don't know how I can repay you for that..."
"Oh there's no need to Vinny"
"Yes there is: we could died if you hadn't protected us or gotten us out of the basement so quickly"
"But I don't see why we need to make a big deal about something I would normally do..."
"Cause not many people would risk their lives like that"
He let that thought drift throughout the room while he dragged his hand through Anguis' hair. She laid there, troubled by that thought, and sighed quietly.
"Why?" She quietly asked
"Why what?"
"Why don't people risk their lives for others?"
"Because they care more about themselves than for others"
"Like my parents?"
"Sure, lets go with that"
Anguis shifted a little and furrowed her brows together, thinking. Vincent noticed her change in mood and nudged her head up a little. She was about to ask what he was doing when he leaned in and kissed her. A shy blush covered her face, even though it wasn't seen in the midnight darkened room, and she went with it until he pulled away.
"What was that for?" She asked
"Wanted to cheer ya up"
"Oh, heh, okay"
She gave Vincent a quick kiss on the nose before curling up next to him, the two of them drifting off to sleep.
Anguis woke up early in the morning and groggily sat up, rubbing her head. Forgetting where she was, she looked around the room and got up, grabbing one of the crutches and looking at it. She put the padded section under her arm and supported herself on it while glancing around, still confused.
*wait... where am I?*
She walked over to the door and opened it. Directly in front of it was Chloe, and she looked up at Anguis and growled in a mean way. She panicked and closed the door before the dog could attack, holding it there with her back to it.
*oh, right: I'm at Scott's house*
She waited until the growling died down and then walked back over to the bed, laying down on her side and staring out the window. Vincent mumbled something in his sleep and Anguis glanced back over at him and smiled.
*i wonder what he's dreaming about... maybe puppies. Or kitties, he seems more like a cat person*
She resumed looking out the window and felt the bed shift a little as Vincent moved, draping an arm over her side.
*yay snuggling*
A little red bird caught her eye and she immediately glanced up at it. The small animal had landed on the windowsill and was bouncing around, chirping. Anguis watched it curiously until she noticed Vincent's hand had moved up from its original spot and was grabbing her breast.
"Um, Vinny?"
She looked over her shoulder and nudge him a little. He didn't budge, but smirked slightly and groaned lightly. A sudden realization of something hit Anguis and she facepalmed.
*He's not dreaming about puppies or kittens... he's dreaming about me...*
The bird chirped again and it got her attention for a brief second. Wanting to watch the bird she had never seen before and not get touched, she tried to move out from under his hold, but was unsuccessful as he draped a leg over both of hers, trapping her. She annoyingly sighed and moved his arm from on her and then sat up to move his leg. Vincent growled quietly in his sleep and grabbed Anguis around the waist and held her down, laying partially on top of her. She grumbled something under her breath and tried to get out again when the door opened. Scott poked his head in and his eyes widened slightly once him and Anguis made eye contact.
"Bad timing to stop by?" He asked
"He's sleeping..." Anguis grumbled, "I can't get out"
"Wait, he's holding you down in his sleep?" Scott said while laughing a little.
"Yeah... he's having a dirty dream about me... again..."
"Wish I could say I am surprised by that"
"You're not?"
"Nah, he's kinda perverted that way"
"Also, could you try to wake him up? I want to get you guys some clothes before all the people get out of church and fill the stores"
"Yeah I'll try to"
"Alright, thanks"
He closed the door again and walked away. Anguis sighed and heard Vincent chuckle and blushed.
"You really thought I was sleeping?" He mumbled out loud
"Well... yeah..."
"~chuckles~ well you were right about one thing"
"What one thing?"
Vincent pulled her on top of himself and smirked as their faces were millimeters apart.
"I was having a dirty dream about my little kitten" he purred
He quickly pecked her on the lips and placed his hands on her rear. Anguis smiled and shook her head slightly, remembering what Scott said about him.
"You're so weird"
"Yeah I know, but ~glances down at her body~ you gotta admit, it's nice to have a sexy person with you"
She laid her head down on Vincent's chest and sighed, slowly falling back asleep. A hand patted her gently on the back of her head and scratched her, making her purr lightly.
"Shouldn't we get up so Scottie can take us shopping?" Anguis asked
"Yeah probably... a couple more minutes though..."
There was a loud knock on the door and they heard some mumbling from outside.
"Vincent wake up! I know you wanna beat the churchies to the store so you don't have to listen to them."
"Oh fuck I forgot it was Sunday" Vincent mumbled, "alright be right out"
"What about us snuggling though." Anguis said in a sad voice
"We can do that later: I don't wanna get stuck talking with some church person again..."
"Oh, okay! Then let's go"

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now