Experimental Inhalation

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"Awww look at them Fritz, they're so cute! Why don't you do stuff like that with me?"
"Dunno, not really into that shit."
"Anyways, Ey Grape, wake the fuck up"
Vincent felt his hair being pulled on and he lazily opened an eye and looked at who was doing it. Fritz and Stephanie stood behind him and he sighed.
"What do you want..."
"We got work today, remember"
"Yeah, and?"
"We gotta go soon"
"Well luckily for me and Anguis, we got it off"
"Whaaaat??!! Lucky bastard!"
"Would you quiet down? You're gonna wake up Anguis"
"I'm already awake Vinny..."
Vincent looked down and moved the blanket that was covering her face and she glanced up at him and stuck her tongue out at him. He smiled and snaked his hands down to her rear and gently squeezed her ass, making her blush slightly.
"Well hello sweetheart" he purred
"Haai" Anguis yawned
"See Fritz, why can't you be more like that?"
"Cause I'm just not like that"
"Hmph... Alexia was right.."
"Wait," said Vincent, "you mean like Alexia with the blonde hair is obsessed with some guy?"
"Yeah, her and I are like totally besties"
"This is awkward..."
"Why? Wait, you're that Vincent????"
"Holy shit hold on I gotta tell her this"
"NO!!!" Yelled everyone but Stephanie
"What? Why?"
"I don't need her knowing I'm here..."
"But she said you were still into her a little"
"Psh, that's a total lie, I fuckin hate her ass"
"Wait, if you're that Vincent... then does that mean Anguis is the chick who dumped the trash onto her??" Stephanie asked while clenching her fists
Stephanie went to hit Anguis but Vincent covered her back up with the blanket and rolled to his side, taking the blow for her. Fritz grabbed his girlfriend by the arm and threw her onto the other couch.
"The hell is wrong with you??" Fritz yelled
"She messed up my girl friend's clothes!!! They were completely ruined!!"
"Dude are you shitting me right now? You attacked Anguis over some random clothes??"
"You don't understand! Alexia loved that outfit!"
"You can just buy a new one! Can't ya?"
"It won't be the same"
"No it's not!"
"Ya know what, that's it. get the hell out of my house! I don't want to see you here EVER AGAIN!"
It was silent for a few minutes until Stephanie started bawling and ran out the front door, slamming it behind her. Fritz sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands and sighed. An alarm went off on Fritz's phone and he grabbed his coat and left for work. Anguis gave Vincent a confused look and he shrugged.
"What just happened?"
"I think you just witnessed a break up"
"Oh... by the way, are you okay? It seemed like she hit you pretty hard."
"Yeah, it stings a little still, but I'm alright"
"Okay good"
She wrapped her arms around his neck and put her head back down on his chest.
"So... you think we're ever gonna get the rest of your stuff from your house?" Asked Anguis
"You mean our house?"
"I guess..."
"I don't think so hon, knowing Jack, he's gonna have people on the lookout there 24/7"
"I could always morph and sneak in"
"Wait, I wonder if I could morph you too"
"Hold on," she said while standing up, "here stand up"
Vincent stood up and Anguis held his hands and closed her eyes.
"Now I'm not sure if this is going to work.. but imma try anyways"
It was quiet for a few seconds and then Vincent had black angel wings morphed in on his back, and when Anguis opened her eyes again, she let out a gasp.
"What? What happened?" He asked, "something feels different"
"Oh my god...."
"What?? What is it??"
"Hold on"
Anguis grabbed his phone off of the side of the couch and pulled up the camera and took a picture of him.
"Oh my gosh I can't believe it, Vinny look!"
She turned the phone screen so he could see it and his jaw dropped open in surprise.
"I, I have wings"
"Oh my gosh, I could teach you how to fly!"
Anguis had a crazy happy smile on her face and threw herself on him, "please, pleeeease can I? You'd love it! I promise!!"
"Yay!! Cmon lets go!!"
She grabbed his arm and pulled him out into the backyard and morphed in her wings.
"Won't someone see us though?" He asked
"Nah we'll be okay, it's dark out, okay but first off, you want to be able to move your wings, can you?"
Vincent flapped his wings a few times and Anguis clapped.
"I'm legit super excited about this, okay so then you want to push them downwards rather quickly, like this"
She flapped her wings a few times and flew off of the ground a little. Vincent copied her and got a few inches off the ground, almost falling when he landed back down. He grinned and did it a few times and got several feet off the ground and laughed.
"This is amazing!"
"I know right!?"
Anguis flew even further into the air and Vincent chased her, the two flying above the neighborhood and playing tag. He eventually caught up and grabbed her around the waist, making her squeak. They saw Fritz's car pull back into the driveway and dove back down to greet him.
"Hey yo Fritz! Heads up!" Vince yelled as he landed with Anguis still in his arms.
He placed her back down on the ground as Fritz turned around and gasped.
"what the- how???"
"It's a new trick Anguis learned"
"She can morph other people??? That's badass!!"
"I know right"
"Dude, you could totally fuck her with a dragon's dick, then you'd really make her scream"
Vincent smirked and looked down at Anguis, who blushed a lot and buried her head into his chest.
"Hmm.. might have to try that"
Fritz laughed and went into his house, grabbing something off of a coffee table in the front room.
"What'd you forget this time?"
"extra batteries for the flashlight"
"Ah, okay"
"Welp, see you guys in the morning, hopefully"
Anguis unmorphed her wings and waved to Fritz as he drove back to the pizzeria. Vincent picked her up again and flew her to the roof of the house, setting her down on the peak and landing behind her.
"Woah... I can see the whole neighborhood from up here.." Anguis commented as she walked around, admiring the view.
"I know, isn't it cool?"
"Wait... if I can morph you, we both could sneak back into our house and grab what we need"
"Ooooor better yet, we can kill the guys guarding the house" He said with a psychotic smile, "you know, have a little fun"
"Oooo, I definitely like that idea much better," Anguis said while turning around to face him, "let's do that instead."
Vincent chuckled and kissed her briefly.
"This is why I love you, you're as crazy as I am"
Anguis giggled and morphed her wings back in and they both jumped off, soaring into the air and heading back to their house.
Since the house was mostly hidden in a forest, they flew in as close as possible without alerting anyone and landed on a tree. Then Anguis lead Vince from branch to branch until they were on the outskirts of the property. There were guards blocking every entrance of the house and Anguis' eyes faintly glowed and she licked her lips. They looked at each other and made a quick jump onto the roof, not being noticed by anyone else.
"So, who we taking out first?" Anguis whispered
"Why not the two on the upper deck? They seem like easy targets"
"Mmmm okay"
They crawled over to the edge and looked down on the guards, then jumped down on top of them, Vincent stabbing one with his knife while Anguis sunk a claw into the other's neck. They used their wings to soften the sound of the fall and stood back up and laughed quietly.
"Two down, about 10 more to go"
"You know darling, you're like super attractive when you're like this."
"Even though I'm now covered in blood?"
"Yep, makes you look that much more insane"
She giggled and then followed him into the house. There was a guard with his back to them and Anguis morphed Vincent into a small dragon, then did the same to herself, and they jumped up onto the light fixture just as the guard turned around to do another pass down the hallway. Once he had their back to them, they both jumped down and sunk their teeth into his jugular and killed him instantly, then they both unmorphed and went for the next person, who happened to be sleeping on the couch underneath the ledge separating the second floor from the first. Vincent jumped down and killed that person, and a guard in the kitchen whipped around to see what the noise was. He hid until the guard walked into Anguis' view, then she jumped down and killed that guy.
"You know, you're not too bad at this" Vincent whispered
"I mean I've been doing this my whole life"
The back door, that had been fixed while they were gone, opened up and the two dropped to the floor.
"Private Henry, you alright? We heard some commotion from outside"
He walked over by the couch and Anguis leapt up and tackled the guy to the ground. He let out a loud yell as she dug her claws into his chest and ripped down, breaking several ribs. She stood back up and had a wild grin on her face and started quietly laughing. Vincent smiled as well as the other guards walked into the house after hearing a yell and the two braced themselves in order to take out the other 6 patrols.
"Hey! Who's in here!" Yelled a Sargent
Anguis cupped her hands around her mouth and used her voice throwing technique.
"Oh, you already know who it is" she purred
"I, I don't like this man" said a younger patrol
"Oh can it will you, it's not like we're gonna d- AAH"
Vincent had snuck up behind a lone guard and put his knife through his chest, twisted it, and pulled it back out.
"Sheriff!! Sheriff 436 are you okay!"
There was another blood curdling scream as Anguis took out another guard, leaving 4 remaining. They were huddled in a group in the kitchen, guns up and ready to shoot anything that moved.
"You hoo, cutie pieee" Anguis called out, "where am I, hmmm?"
"Show yourself you foul beast!!"
"Oh, there's more than one of us" Vincent added
Anguis chucked a pillow across the room and the guys unloaded on it. Vincent and Anguis crept up behind the guys and took two out, while the others took off.
"Ooooo we got runners" Anguis said with a smooth tone
"Even more fun"
Anguis morphed and Vincent jumped onto her back and they took off after them. The guards ran outside and Anguis tackled them, pinning them down with her front paws. Vincent's phone rang and he looked at who was calling.
"This is awkward... it's our boss"
"Eh, pick it up anyways, I'll save one for you"
Vincent slid off her wing as Anguis placed her jaws around one guard's head and bit down, crushing his skull into a mix of blood and shards of bones.
"Hey Scottie, what's up?"
"Where are you two? Fritz said you were back at the house but I'm there now and don't see you guys"
"We went back to her our house to remove a few bugs"
"LET GO OF ME YOU PATHETIC BEAST" yelled the guard
"What?!?! You two are killing people???" Scott said in a panicky voice
"Vinny darling, your kill is getting restless"
"Hey I'll call you back Scott, got one more pest to remove"
"Vincent don't you move or kill the guy, I'm on my wa-"
Vincent hung up oh Scott and walked over to the last victim and stabbed him in the throat. Anguis unmorphed and started giggling again and loosely wrapped her arms around Vincent's neck, gazing into his eyes.
"You know, you're a real sexy serial killer" she cooed
"So are you darlin"
She jumped up and wrapped her legs around him while he supported her by holding onto her rear. They both smiled and lustfully kissed each other under the bright moonlight. They made out for several minutes, then paused to catch their breath.
"Ooo, your eyes glow too" said Anguis, "they're almost completely white looking now"
"Attractive, is it?"
"Hell yeah it is"
"It's what happens when I'm in a killin mood"
She bit his bottom lip and they went back to making out when Scott's car pulled into the driveway and he got out while leaving it running. He stared at all the lifeless corpses on the lawn and sighed.
"How many people did you two kill?" He asked, not bothering to turn around and face them.
" a few" said Vincent as Anguis whined when he stopped to answer the question.
"Aaaaand that turned the both of you on?"
"What? ~ she's a great killer ~ shoulda seen how happy she was too"
"Well... we should probably clean up your guys' mess before sunrise... which is in an hour.."
"Don't worry I ~ know some people that'll~ clean it up ~ for us" said Vincent in between kisses
"Mkay, as long as you two don't end up in jail, I'm cool with it... Want me to call the guys to clean up?"
Scott phoned the company while Vincent pulled away and  put Anguis back down on the ground.
"Why'd you stop?" She whined
"He does have a point, we do have a lot to clean up, and I don't know when Jack is coming back"
"Awh man...okay..."
"Don't worry, I'll be sure to reward you later," he said with a wink, "you bad girl"
The last bit of that comment made her heart jump and they both started moving the bodies out onto the lawn for easier disposal for the cleaners.

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