New Location

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Author's Note: alrigh, we're not exactly gonna follow the old storyline anymore cause, ya know, We all have some better ideas for this story. Some parts might reoccur, but otherwise we're going on a new track.
-Slithy💚 Katz💜 Stephen 💛 Darwin 🖤
"So that's what happened..."
Eric and Sarah glanced at each other and then back at Vincent. Anguis was slowly falling asleep while Vincent was explaining what had happened that night and was curled up on his lap.
"Oh goodness... she's one brave girl..." said Sarah
"Yeah she is, you better keep her, she's a special one" said Eric
Anguis smiled at that comment and let out a loud yawn. Someone honked their horn outside and Sarah looked out the window.
"Oh! Our ride is here!"
"You guys are... leaving this early?" Asked Vincent
"Yeah, going to Georgia today, a looong drive at that"
"Oh... well, have a good time."
He moved Anguis over a little and stood up, giving his parents a hug.
"I'll miss you guys..."
"We'll miss you too Vince, and you too Anguis" said Sarah.
"It was nice meeting you" mumbled Anguis
Sarah walked over to where Anguis was laying and gave her a hug and kissed both of her cheeks.
"Take care of Vincent for us"
"I'll try to"
The girls smiled and Vincent's parents grabbed their suitcases and left for the cab. Vincent stood at the door waving until the car was no longer in sight, and then closed the door, letting out a sigh.
"You seem like you're close to your parents"
"yeah, we were a tight knit family, the three of us did almost everything together, heck they would come over everyday to visit me once I moved out, their house isn't that far away from here."
"Oh, that sounds nice... but what happened?"
"What do you mean?"
"You said they would come over everyday"
"They still do, but they're not going to be able to when they're two thousand miles away"
"Oh... right, how come I never met them before?"
"You were sleeping and I didn't wanna wake you up"
"Ah... okay.."
She sighed and a memory clicked in Vincent's head and he remembered that Anguis didn't have a family that cared for her and instantly regretted having that conversation with her. He walked back over to where she was now sitting up and hugged her.
"Oh man... I'm sorry Anguis..."
"I, I completely forgot about your parents... I'm not trying to put you down in the dumps or anything"
"Vince, what do you mean? It's adorable that your family is like that, it's really ~yawns~ cool that you're close to your parents."
"Really? I just thought because of what happened between your famil-"
"Eh, don't worry about it, I never counted them as parents, heck I didn't even think of them as actual people."
*not counting your own parents as people... now that's when you know the family had issues...* thought Vincent.
"Besides, you guys are like my family now; You, Jeremy, Scott, Sarah, Eric, even Mike, though I will admit, he's kind of a douche"
"Yeah well, I think every family has a person like that"
"Probably ~yawns~"
"Okay, Come here"
Anguis morphed into her usual small dragon and jumped up onto Vincent's chest, her claws digging into his shirt. He winced and supported her with so her grip loosened up and went upstairs to change and head to sleep.
{time skip brought to you by Fredbear's Family Diner}
"Are these two dead or something? Like geez we've been trying to wake them up for the past 20 minutes"
"I don't know, but if they're not dead then damn I wish I could sleep this well."
Vincent and Anguis were shaken again and they both groaned and opened their eyes. Mike and Scott stood next to the bed while Jeremy and Robert were in the doorway. The two yelled in surprise and sat up. Vincent immediately grabbed the pillow he had been using and covered up Anguis with it and held it there.
"What the hell are you guys doing here?!?!?," Vincent yelled, "And how the fuck did you get in????"
"Well first off the front door was unlocked, dummy, and second, we've been trying to get in contact with you for like an hour but you weren't answering the phone." Said Robert
"So you broke into our house???"
"More like just letting ourselves in. also Anguis, that underwear looks great on you"
Mike bolted out the door and Vincent leapt out of bed and chased him. Anguis just sat there hugging the pillow and staring down at her knees. Nothing was said for a while and the awkward atmosphere didn't help the situation.
"Sooo.... why are you guys here" Anguis asked, breaking the silence.
"Oh, we needed to tell you two something important." Scott replied
"Well obviously, but I mean what is it?"
"That part, we should probably wait till Vincent gets back."
"Mkay.... could you guys leave for a bit while I get dressed, cause for me, this is really god damn awkward."
"Oh, uh, yeah"
The rest of the guys left the room, closing the door behind them. Anguis sighed and got up. Glancing over at the clock, she saw it was a little bit past 4 in the afternoon.
*ugh... we coulda slept for a few more hours... what on earth could be so important you gotta wake up two people that are in a dead sleep?*
Anguis had only thrown on a pair of pants when the door started opening. She quickly morphed in her wings and covered herself when Jeremy poked his head in.
"H-hey, ummm, I, I just wanted to say th-thanks for saving us y-yesterday"
"Oh, uh, no problem man"
*he could of waited till I was done to say that..."
"Jeremy you peekin on Anguis??"
Mike poked his head through the gap as well and Anguis just glared at the two.
"Cmon girl, put away those wings." Begged Mike
"What??? No!"
"Just once? One little peek?"
"No, get the fuck out!"
Jeremy left but Mike kept staring at her, trying to picture her without her wings.
"Pretty please?"
"What the fuck quit watching my girlfriend you creep!!"
Mike was yanked back from the door and Anguis heard a loud thud and Mike yell.
"Vincent I can explain!"
"Oh you better, you got 10 seconds"
"I was gonna tell her I was sorry!"
"That could of waited till she was done, dipshit"
She heard Mike yell again and Vincent opened the door completely and walked back in the room, holding his knife in one hand. There was a little bit of blood on the edge of it and Mike scrambled to his feet, placing a hand on his cheek, and took off downstairs.
"You do that again and it's gonna be a LOT worse!"
He closed the door behind him and turned back to see Anguis with her back against the wall, shaking a little. Her eyes were dilated strangely and every now and then she would twitch.
"Ummm, you okay love?"
She shook her head and was out of her trance. Her eyes went back to normal and she stood back up, unmorphing her wings.
"Uh who what? What was the question?"
"Is something wrong?"
"No, why?"
"You were acting funny for a second"
"Oh... um.... it's nothing..." *crap he noticed...*
"You sure?"
"Umm... yeah"
"Is it nothing, or do you just don't want to talk about it just yet?"
*man... he is really persistent....* "just don't wanna talk about it yet.."
"Mkay, but if you do just lemme know."
They both got dressed and Vincent checked up on how Anguis was doing. Her burns were gone and her shoulder was almost healed completely, but just in case, he put more ointment on it and wrapped it back up, then they went downstairs to see what the other guys wanted.

Scott, Mike, Jeremy, and Robert were all seated on the couches in the living room, so Vincent and Anguis took their places next to Jeremy.
"So, Scott, what was it you needed to tell us so badly?" Asked Robert
"Okay, so the restaurant is in pretty bad condition after last night, so we can't open it for a few days, maybe even a week or two. The animatronics weren't damaged too badly thank goodness, but they still need to be repaired."
"Mkay, and?"
"Well, I still have one of the older restaurants in good condition, and this is why I brought Robert with, you guys are going to that one now until the usual one is fixed."
"Oh, okay" said Vincent, "Robert which one do you work at?"
"The one with the toys"
Jeremy and Vincent went stiff and Mike and Anguis looked at him, confused.
"The toys? That sounds sexual" said Mike
Vincent wrapped his arms around Anguis, as if he was protecting her from something and held her rather close.
"I am NOT letting her go there! Those things are waaayyy too dangerous, you remember what happened between Mangle and that kid."
"Yes I know, but I know you guys need cash, but I can't just freely give it away without you guys actually working, that's against the law if I do."
"Okay, what are these 'toys' that you mentioned Robert?" Asked Anguis
"They're the more 'kid friendly' version of the other animatronics."
"K-kid friendly my ass, o-one had the f-front of h-his head bitten off."
"He had his brain bitten out????" Both Anguis and Mike yelled
"Yeah, that's why I don't want you working there sweetie, too dangerous"
"Plus that puppet thing-" added Robert
"Oh don't even get me started with the Puppet, I could go on a fuckin 5 hour rant about that creep" Vincent growled
"Guys, guys, guys, calm down. I knew you weren't going to like that idea, but it's all I got, so, I decided to raise your pay to $300 for the week instead of $120, but, only if you do go and stay the whole night."
"$300???? I'm in" said Mike
"Imma go anyways, I'm curious about these guys."
"B-but Anguis, these guys a-aren't friendly like t-the others at night."
"Whatcha mean?"
"These ones will KILL anyone and everyone at night, they're super dangerous, and I don't want you getting hurt again." Said Vince
"Oooo, so it's like a survival thing?"
"Yes exa-"
"Then I'm totally going"
"Cmon Vinny, you know me, surviving is like my specialty, and if there's a chance of dying, it's even more exciting"
The guys looked at her like she was insane and Vincent shook his head.
"I still don't want you going"
"Cmon I'll be fine, you saw what happened last night"
"Exactly! You got injured again!"
"But I'm still alive along with the rest of you guys"
"She's not wrong, I mean she did kinda save all of us last night Vincent" said Mike
"Y-yeah, she could protect a-all of us from t-the toys"
"But she's not gonna stab them and have them turn into dust, they're super hard to take out. Scott you even designed them to be bullet proof so if there was a bad guy in the restaurant, they would take him out"
"Yeah well I think you would know best, Vincent, that they don't do a good job with it" said Robert
"Oh shut up"
"What do you mean by that?" Asked Anguis
"You haven't told her yet??" Asked Mike
"No I haven't, and I wasn't planning on it..."
"Tell me what?"
"well, you know how Vincent kills people, right?" Said Robert
"He killed a few kids a while back, got arrested for it, but Scott, for some odd reason, bailed him out and brought him back to work with us"
"Oh, Vinny that's not that bad-"
"You're not upset about that??? I mean, I killed little innocent kids!"
"Of course not, y'all know about those people that kept disappearing into the forest, right?"
"Yeah, wasn't there like over 40 people-"
"-and they only found parts and pieces of every person?"
"Yep, and that would of been me"
The room went completely silent and Vincent looked at her in surprise.
"Woah, okay that's impressive"
Robert and Scott face palmed while Mike and Jeremy stared at them.
"So back to the topic about the restaurant" said Scott, "are you guys in for it or no?"
"I-I g-guess"
"Hell fuckin yeah! Survival games!"
"Alright, your shifts starts tonight."

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now