Family Reunion

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"W-what?" Anguis managed to stutter
The werewolf chuckled and stepped back, letting Anguis back up. She quickly scrambled back and partially stood up. Vincent walked over and helped her up, hiding her behind himself.
"You really don't remember me? Your own brother?"
He unmorphed and stood in front of them. Lucius was a little bit shorter than Vincent was, and appeared to be very laid back. His oily hair was slicked forward and he was wearing a cut jean jacket and a dirty white t-shirt underneath. He wore black jeans and brown scuffed boots, and his whole appearance seemed to be like a stereotypical city slicker or biker look. His face was unshaven as well and he had a pack of cigarettes in his pocket. He took one out and tried to light it, but the lighter didn't work.
"Damn... you guys gotta lighter?"
"Uhh, no" said Vincent
"I got it" Anguis said as she summoned in a fireball
Lucius look at her, surprised, but lit the cigarette and took a breath of it, blowing the smoke at them.
"So lil sis, where have you been? I missed ya man"
"You did?"
"What did mom tell you?"
"She said that you ran away"
"No... that's not true at all..."
"It's not?"
"No.... she kicked me out of the house..."
"What the hell?!?"
"You didn't know?"
"Well.... you remember her beating me, right?"
"No way, she did that?"
"No... no that can be true, she's such a nice woman..."
"No she wasn't"
"But, she wouldn't of beaten you, you were such a chill kid"
"She did..."
"I mean I know she whipped us with belts if we misbehaved, which you did a lot, but she would never beat us"
"She did to me, and I got the scars to prove it."
"Hmmm... weird..."
Anguis shook a little as the memories once again hit her. She clung onto Vincent's arm and he glanced down at her, noticing the little tear on her eyelashes. He sighed and patted her on the head.
"You never told me you had a brother" he commented
"I didn't think he liked me either...." Anguis whispered, "or even remembered me..."
"I remembered you sis, but it was weird, after you left, mom or dad never talked about you, or even liked me mentioning you. They were kinda douches to be honest, I remember there were many days that I wished they were dead"
"Yeah... but they didn't like me..."
"Hm, okay... by the way, who's the grape?"
"Don't call me that..." Vincent growled
"Sheesh, alright man"
"Oh, Lucius, this is Vincent."
"Afton, Vincent Afton"
"Wait the serial killer?!?"
"Anguis... why?"
"Cause.... I'm one too...."
"Um... alright then, that's cool I guess..."
"You're not mad?"
"No not really."
"Oh, okay then"
"By the way, Anguis, do you have the power too?"
"What do you mean?"
"I have a power to transform into different things"
"Wait you do too??"
"Yeah, I found out like 7 years ago"
"that's when the werewolf rumors started...." Vincent muttered
"Huh ~yawns~ cool" Anguis mumbled, "guess the power runs in the family"
"Mhmm.... I can do it too..."
"And apparently so can Vincent based on what I saw earlier"
"Oh, Anguis transferred some of the power to me"
"Wait how?"
"Dunno, I was ~yawns~ just able to do it"
"You tired hon?" Vincent asked
"Mkay, let's get you to bed"
He picked her up and she waved to Lucius, who nodded in return, morphed, and then went back to wherever he came from. The two went back upstairs and got dressed into more comfy clothes before sliding into bed. Anguis sighed loudly as she laid down on her stomach, hugging a pillow and resting her head on it.
"Something bothering you sweetheart?"
"Why.... why does my brother now care that I'm back...."
"What do you mean?"
"He was on my parent's side.... he would laugh every time a new slash was added to my back, and sometimes even scare me with the belt, so I didn't think he liked me either"
"Hm, well it seems like he cares. He could of changed too"
"Eh, he might of... I don't really know him very well..."
Her voice was very monotone as she said the last part and Vincent decided to drop the conversation. A few minutes later Anguis was fast asleep and snoring lightly. Vincent noticed and smiled a little, moving a little closer so she would stay warm while she slept, and then eventually dozed off as well.
Anguis tossed and turned throughout the day, not being able to stay asleep for more than half an hour at most. Around 7 in the evening, she gave up and decided to get out of bed. She went downstairs and grabbed a carton of blackberries and began eating them. She walked out back and sat down by the shoreline, dipping her feet in the warm water. She finished off the entire container in a few minutes and went back inside to throw it out.
*you know... it's nice out, imma swim for a little bit.* she thought to herself
Anguis went back upstairs and changed into her swim suit, not putting on the top half of it, and glanced over at Vincent, smiling a little, then went back outside and sat in the shallow water, letting her feet dangle into the steep drop off point. Little fish came up and nibbled at her toes, making her giggle and reach out to catch the fish with her hand. There were a few ripples that came towards her and she looked up and saw a little alligator swimming towards her. She gasped as it swam up next to her, dropping its body so its hind legs and tail were on the bottom of the lake.
"Oh, hello little guy, aren't you the cutest"
She reached out carefully and scratched it on the nose. It blew a few bubbles out of its mouth and swam over a little more so it was laying down on her leg instead. Anguis got an idea and snagged one of the fish as it swam up to her and held it out by its tail. The alligator looked at it and the suddenly leapt out of the water and snatched it out of her hand, eating it very quickly. She giggled and got another fish, getting the same reaction out of the reptile. It swam off after the second fish and she sighed as she watched it cruise away from her.
*I wonder if it'll come back later*
She laid back on her elbows and relaxed as the warm afternoon sunlight heated up her body. It was peaceful for a while until she heard a whistle from behind her.
"Now that's a sight I like to see when I wake up"
Anguis sat up a bit and looked up to see Vincent standing on the shoreline. She giggled a little and tried to splash him, but he jumped back before the water could hit him.
"You wanna join me?" She asked
"Psh, what kinda question is that? Of course I do"
He slipped off the undershirt he was wearing and walked into the water, sitting down next to her. He noticed that she wasn't wearing the top half of her swim suit and kept glancing over at her every now and then.
"Damn, I really did get lucky" he mumbled
"Huh? What are you talking about?"
She then looked at where he was staring, rolled her eyes, and then looked back up at him.
"My eyes are up here silly"
"I'm aware of that"
She sighed slightly and went back to watching the sunset. Small waves from a boat that cruised by earlier rolled on top of them, washing up a large colorful shell. Vincent picked it up and examined it, then held it over one of Anguis' breasts, causing her to blush a little and look up at him.
"Hmm... you would make a good mermaid" he muttered while handing her the shell
"Why do you say that?"
"All the shells would only be big enough to cover a part of your tits, and god damn would that be a good view"
"Is that all you think about?"
"No. Well, maybe. I dunno, I usually think about a lot of things relating to you."
An idea came to her head and she moved over a little and sat back down, but this time on Vincent's lap.
"Woah, hello there sexy"
"~giggles~ hai"
She partially laid down against his chest, and a shy blush covered his face. He smiled a little and poked Anguis on the nose, making her giggle again. He too chuckled a little as she stuck her tongue out at him, then leaned in and kissed her on her forehead. She relaxed a bit more and wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head against his shoulder. There was some rustling in the underbrush to their left and Vincent looked over just as Lucius stumbled out of the woods. Anguis flinched a little and looked over, making a light squeaking noise and blushing a lot once realizing who it was.
"Uh, h-hi Lucius..."
"Hey sister... damn"
Vincent moved his hand so that it was holding onto her shoulder, making it so his arm was blocking the view of her chest. Lucius' eyes moved down a little more and his eyes widened.
"Damn sis, I'm surprised you don't work at a strip club. You'd get hella good money out of it"
"What's a strip club?" Anguis whispered to Vincent
"It's when you wear as little clothes as possible and dance for guys"
"What?!? Hell no!" She exclaimed
"But you'd do great there, you got the right body for it. I know a guy that could get you working at the one I go to"
"She's not working at a strip club... I won't let her put herself out there like that" Vincent grumbled
"Alright, suit yourselves..."
He took out another cigarette and lit it with a new lighter. Anguis and Vincent both glanced at each other, the awkward atmosphere not helping them figure out what to say.
"This is weird...." Anguis whined
"I'm not wearing anything on top... and it's embarrassing"
"Hmmm... I got you dear"
He morphed in his black feathered wings and covered them both up, making Lucius raise an eyebrow in confusion.
"I don't really... trust, your brother" Vincent whispered
"Well... that makes two of us"
"Yeah, he seems a little odd, like how did he know that you were here?"
"Hm, that's a good question... that is kinda creepy to be honest... but I'm still curious"
"About what?"
"About what my parents were like after I left, and what made him change his mind about them"
"Well, why not go up and ask him"
"Cause I'm not wearing anything... it just feels weird to me"
"Ah, I see... wait I have an idea; I'll fly us up to the deck so then you can get dressed. Then I'll just talk to him while you're at it"
"Mkay, sounds like a plan"
Vincent stood up and Anguis braced herself as he took off, getting above the roof of the house with one flap of his wings. He gently landed on the deck and placed Anguis back down so she could go change. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and turned to leave when he smacked her in the rear, making her yelp and jump a little in surprise. Vincent chuckled little as she turned around and gave him a glare, and blew a kiss to her.
"What was that?" She asked
"A kiss"
"You know, like blowing a kiss to someone"
"I've never heard of that"
"Hm, weird"
"I like the other ones better anyways" she said while walking away
"Mm, why didn't you just say so?"
He took a few steps forwards and gently grabbed Anguis by the wrist. She yelled in surprise as he spun her around and brought her in close, kissing her on the lips for a brief second. She blushed a bit, making Vincent chuckle as he went to brush the hair out of her face.
"Is that better?"
"Mkay good, now go get dressed, I'm sure you and your brother have a lot to catch up on"
She half ran-half walked down the hall to their room while Vincent smiled as he watched her leave. He turned around to head back down when he came face to face with Lucius, which startled him a bit.
"Woah hey, how did you get up here?"
"What did you do to my sister" Lucius growled, the stench of cigarettes more potent than anything.
"What do you mean?"
"I heard her cry out, what did you do to her?"
"I just surprised her a bit, chill man"
"Only 'surprised' her?"
"Yeah, it was a little scare, nothin more than that"
"That's not what it sounded like the first time, did you hit her?"
"Well, yeah, I mean I ju-"
Lucius smacked him across the face, leaving a red handprint.
"Don't. Touch. My. Sister."
"Ow, you fucker, I wasn't hurting her"
"Hitting someone isn't hurting them?"
"I was just messing around"
"Are you forcing her to stay here?"
"Uh, excuse me??"
"You're making her stay here, aren't you?"
"I'm not making her do anything bud, take a chill pill or something"
"I don't believe you" Lucius sneered
"Hey, you can even ask her. I'm not restraining her to nothin, she could get up and leave whenever she wants, but she chooses not to"
"You're probably threatening her to get her to do what you want..."
"Woah, dude seriously, what in the actual fuck is up with you, I'm seriously not harming her in any way, I never would"
"Mhmm, sure"
"Dude for real, what is wrong with you"
"What's wrong with me?!? No, what's wrong with you, you freak?!"
"I'm the freak how?"
"First you murder a bunch of kids, then you kidnap my sister and control her like a puppet-"
"Woah buddy, I didn't kidnap Anguis, I just found her outside where I worked and took her in so she would have a place to call home."
"Mhmm, and that's why you trapped her this morning as your Naga morph?"
"I was showing it off to her, she didn't know I made that one"
"Look, Vincent, if you let her go, everything will be chill, and I won't have to hurt you"
"I'm not holding her back you idiot"
"Let. Go. Of. My. Sister."
"Dude, I'm not keeping her prisoner, how many times do I have to tell you it to get it past your thick skull?"
Lucius snapped and punched him in the face. Vincent stumbled back and growled, then went after Lucius. Anguis heard them fighting and quickly threw on the rest of her clothes and ran out into the hallway to see them throwing punches and kicking each other. She gasped and morphed into her normal dragon look and ran out there and pushed Vincent behind herself, now standing between the two riled up guys.
"Ey Ey Ey Ey what the hell guys"
"Anguis, you stay out of this" Lucius growled, "uh, why?
"I'm trying to help you"
"Don't listen to him dear, he's insane"
"I'm not the insane one here you freak"
"Yes you so are"
"No I'm not"
"The both of you, shut up!"
It went silent and the two guys looked over at Anguis, a little surprised at her sudden out lash.
"Lucius, what do you mean by trying to help me?"
"Don't you see that this man is controlling you for his own pleasures?"
"I am so not do-"
"Vinny hush, what do you mean by that?"
"He's using you"
"Sweetheart don't listen to him, he doesn't know what he's talking about."
"I know exactly what I'm talking about"
"Vincent, could you let us talk in private for a few?"
"Of course"
He left through the balcony door and soon Lucius and Anguis were left on the deck.
"Why do you think he's controlling me Lucius? He's not"
"He might not be controlling you, but does he ever threaten you?"
"Psh, no, what kinda question is that?"
"Don't lie to me Anguis"
"I'm not lying"
"Don't. Lie. I know what's going on"
"Obviously you don't"
"Anguis, it's a simple thing to do, just tell me the truth, and I'll help you out"
"I AM telling the truth Lucius"
"Lie to me one more god damn time and I'll just have to do things myself."
Lucius gave her a pissed off look and lunged at her, covering her mouth and grabbing hold of both of her arms.
"I'm sorry sis, this is for your own good"
Anguis panicked and morphed to try to get out of it, but Lucius managed to grab her by the tail and held her upside down.
"You just can't listen, can you?"
"Oh this can't hurt that bad" he said while shaking her
Anguis felt something pop in her back and cried out, trying to escape by clawing at him, but couldn't reach. He shook her again and started laughing, hitting her head on the railing.
"Hehe this is like shaking a goldfish in a plastic bag"
He continued to shake her up and down until the back door slammed open. Lucius whipped around and was grabbed by the throat by Funtime Freddy. He gasped and dropped Anguis, making her land on her head on the deck. She groaned and didn't move from her position.
"W-who a-are you??" Lucius managed to say
"Anguis?? Anguis are you okay??"
Vincent ran out the door with Lolbit and his eyes widened once seeing her laying out on the deck with her eyes closed. He went over to her and quickly picked her up to see if she was okay. Her breaths were rather short and quick and she was crying.
"H-help.... Vinny... i-it hurts..."
"What hurts baby girl?"
He gave Anguis a sympathetic look and kissed her on the snout before turning to go back inside.
"Yes Vincent sir"
"Take that scoundrel to the basement.... I want to have a word with him...."
Lucius' eyes widened and he quickly changed back to his werewolf form and leapt off the balcony, taking off into the woods once more. Freddy turned back around in shock and held up his hand, now completely ruined from the sudden size change in Lucius' throat.
"Uh, I'll fix that later Freddy, I gotta take care of her first"
"Okay boss"
Him and Anguis went back to their room and he attempted to place Anguis on her back, but once he tried to move his hands out from underneath her, she yelled with pain and started crying even more.
"Hon, what did Lucius do to you?"
"H-he was holding m-me upside down b-by my tail and sh-shaking me.... I f-felt something pop too..."
"Oh boy, that's not good"
Vincent flipped her over and had it so she was laying down on her stomach, then laid her down. She unmorphed once comfortable and hid her face in the pillow so no one could see her sobbing.
"Where on your back does it hurt the most?"
"I-I don't know, it just hurts everywhere..." she mumbled
"Hmmm.... imma try something, but it might hurt a bit more...."
He placed two fingers at the base of her neck and moved them down her spinal cord. She cried out once he got to about her shoulder blade level and clenched down on the covers, her knuckles turning white. She stayed that way until he stopped, making him frown a little more.
"Hm, this might be worse than I thought... LOLBIT!"
"Yes Vince?"
"Can you bring the tablet with the green glass screen to be please? It's down the hall in the closet"
"Yes sir"
They heard her scamper down the hall, rummage through the mess of a hall closet, and then a few minutes later, come back with the tablet.
"Here ya go"
He turned it on and impatiently waited for the device to fully power up.
"Welcome Eggs Benedict" the device said while loading.
There was a light singing sound and Vincent hit a switch, turning on the X-ray screen. He once again started at the base of her neck and followed her spinal cord, cringing more the further down he went.
"Uh boy..."
"What is it Vinny?"
"Well, he didn't break anything, but he did hyper extend almost every gap between the plates in your back, which is why everything hurts"
"So, if you want to heal properly, you have to stay still."
"What?!? But-"
"No buts, anything else has the risk to make a plate slip while healing, and that could paralyze you"
"it would heal better if you were on your side, but it's gonna hurt more, is that okay?"
"Mmh, okay"
He gently rolled her over to her side and she whimpered loudly due to the pain.
"Vinny this hurts, l-like really, really hurts..."
"I know dear. I have a stronger pain killer that would help, but it'll make you fall asleep almost immediately."
"Can I have some?"
"You sure?"
He walked over to the medicine cabinet that was in the bathroom and pulled out a small red container and poured out a single pill before walking back.
"Here hon, this one you have to chew on in order for it to work faster."
She took the pill and bit into it once before swallowing it, cringing at the horrible taste. Vincent sat down next to her and gently rubbed her shoulder as she let out a yawn.
"Yes dear?"
"Can you stay here... I won't feel safe if I fell asleep here by myself..."
"Sure, I'll tell Scott what happened too, I'm sure he'll understand since he did the same thing to his back last year"
He laid down in front of Anguis and put his arm around her waist, holding her up so she wouldn't fall onto her back when she fell asleep. She looked up at him and kissed him, drifting off into a deep sleep. Vincent pulled away so that she could breath a little easier and laid there, petting her and making sure she wasn't in pain.

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