Night Time Gaming

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Anguis woke up to some light beeping noises of her heart beat on the monitor. She yawned a little and saw she was the only person in the room. A note was attached to the little table next to her bed so she grabbed it and read it.
I'm doing a few chores before I completely forget to do them, will be back soon.
*oh, okay, guess imma be here by myself for a little.*
She laid back down and sighed, seeing how it was around 7 at night. There was no tv in the room, and she got bored within a few minutes. She started morphing her hands into various animal paws to see what they look like. At one point she morphed in black jaguar paws and gazed in awe at the fluffy feet. There was a mirror not too far from the bed, so she sat up and morphed in a jaguar tail and ears, giggling at how cute she looked. She could move her ears and tail normally, so she pinned the ears back, and they swiveled forward one hearing footsteps by the door. Vincent unlocked the room and walked in, carrying a few full bags.
"Hey sweetheart, I'm ba- woah"
Anguis turned around partially and smiled.
"Hai Vinny!" She squeaked while wagging her tail
He stood there with his mouth open, staring at her. She giggled a little and walked over to him to see what he brought. The wired connected to her stopped her short and she looked down at them and sighed.
"Damn I hate these things.."
"Girl... that's hot" Vincent managed to say
Anguis blushed a little and smiled shyly.
"You mean the look?"
"Mhmm, like god damn"
"~giggles~ so, what did you bring? Hm?"
"Oh just a few things that might entertain you while you're here... it's kinda funny, I got a cat toy in here cause it was free with a purchase."
He pulled it out and waved it in front of her face. She let out a quiet "ooooo", and swatted at the fluffy ball hanging at the end. Vincent chuckled and had Anguis lay back down in her cot so it wouldn't off balance the wire recording her recovery. He continued to bounce the little ball on a string and she kept hitting it with her paws, never actually getting ahold of it. She extended her claws out and snagged a string hanging off the ball. She smirked with satisfaction and tried to pull the toy out of Vincent's hold, but he wasn't allowing that to happen. He eventually got it out of her grip, making her whimper a little, and he chuckled and laid down in the bed next to her.
"You are like a little kitty cat" he commented while stroking her hair, "a pretty damn sexy cat I may add"
"I am?"
She smiled and her tail started wagging, brushing up again Vincent's crotch. He bit his lip and held back a groan.
*mmph, damn, that feels good as hell...* he thought
He felt his member harden and he grimaced, as it was uncomfortable while wearing jeans.
"Mmf, Anguis, could you, uh, maybe not rub your tail right there?"
"Wha? Oh, sorry"
She blushed a little and moved her tail to the other side of the bed. She yawned a little and rolled over to her side, accidentally ripping the paper hospital gown on her chest. Anguis squeaked and quickly covered herself up, her blush growing even darker in color. Vincent smirked and "accidentally" shook the cot, making it tear open some more as she tried to keep her balance.
"Gah!! Why can't these be made out of a better material?!?"
"I dunno, but frankly, I kinda like it."
She looked over at him and his smile grew a bit bigger when he looked down and saw how much more it had torn open. Anguis sighed and gave up on trying to hold the clothing together, letting go of the ruined paper cloth. Vincent's eyes widened a little and she shivered.
"It's cold in here..." she mumbled
"Yeah I know... don't worry, I'll warm ya up"
He snuggled up against her and pulled the sheet up some more so that they were both covered completely. She looked up at him and got kissed on her forehead, making her giggle.
"You do know I gotta go back to work tonight, right?"
"Awe, you do?" She whined
"Yeah, don't worry though, either Jeremy or Scott will be here to keep you company, since I know you don't like being alone."
"Aw, Thanks Vinny... you're the best..."
"Oh, and I also got something cool for ya too, no peaking though"
He slipped off of the bed and went over to the bags he had brought in and started unpacking something. Anguis waited eagerly as she heard a little binging sound of something starting up. The door opened and closed as he left the room, and an annoying squeaking sound came back as Vincent dragged something on wheels into the room. He hooked up a few cords and brushed himself off before tapping Anguis on the shoulder.
"You can look now sweetie"
She sat up a little so that she could see above the blanket and her hands flew up to her mouth.
"Ohmygosh Vinny... is that-"
"Yeah, I bought you an xbox to play while you're here."
She squeaked a little and gave him a tight hug, catching him off guard and making him loose his balance and fall on top of her. He blushed a little and smiled meekly when she pulled him down on top of her breasts, even thought he knew she didn't mean to do it.
"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you Vinny!!"
"Not a problem sweetheart"
She let go of him, but Vincent just laid there for a bit, then Anguis realized why and blushed.
"Uh, you can get up now if you wanna"
"Mmh, I don't wanna though... they're so soft...."
She laughed and patted him on the head before hugging him again. He scooted up a little more so their faces were right next to each other and kissed her. Anguis relaxed a bit and kissed him back and there was a light knock on the door and the little ginger poked his head in the room.
"O-oh, umm, hey guys..." Jeremy whispered
He only got a glimpse of Vincent's back before he shyly blushed and went back out into the hallway. Anguis heard the door close and tried to see who was there, but couldn't from all the machines in her way.
"Who was that?" She asked when Vincent pulled back to get his breath.
"Dunno, sounded like Jeremy, not too sure though"
"Oh, well whoever is here, they're here rather Early"
"Yeah they are, but they're just gonna have to wait till we're done."
Anguis giggled a little and he went back down on her, and started kissing her again.
Jeremy sat out in the hallway playing on his little Nintendo DS when he heard the elevator ding as it got to their floor. He looked up from his game and saw Scott walk out and look around. Spotting him, he walked over and sat down on the bench next to Jeremy and ruffled his already messy hair up a little.
"Hey Kid, what's up?"
"Eh, n-not much, I can't catch th-this stupid Lapras..."
"Playing Pokémon I'm guessing?"
"Hm, alright, why aren't you sitting in the room? Vince said he'd leave it unlocked for us"
"U-uh, about that, h-he's in there, just a l-little busy with y-you know what."
Scott sighed a little and hit his head against the wall behind him.
"He's fucking her in a hospital... and this is from a guy with a PHD..."
"H-he's a bit off, I'll give you t-that, but he's not a-as bad as Mike"
"True though... say, what do you think one of their kids would look like? I mean you got a guy with purple hair and a chick with a lime green"
"Heh, I-imagine if it d-did a 50/50 s-split with the hair c-color"
"That would be funny, and kinda cool at the same time"
"Y-yeah it would"
"By the way, how long have you been out here?"
"A-around 3 hours I th-think"
"Geez, well imma see if they're done or not, cause frankly, it's really cold and it smells out here"
Scott got back up and knocked on the door loudly.
"Come on in" Vincent yelled
"A-about time" Jeremy mumbled
The two walked into the room and saw Anguis laying on top of Vincent, appeared to be snoozing away peacefully. She still had her cat features and had the blanket pulled up to her shoulders.
"Um... Vince, is she even wearing anything?" Asked Scott while looking at her bare shoulders and back.
"Erm, shit... probably shoulda given her the clothes I got her... then again this is rather satisfying"
Scott face palmed and shook his head while Jeremy blushed a little and looked away, not wanting to get yelled at for staring at her. Anguis opened her eyes a little and yawned, then panicked a little once seeing Scott and Jeremy. She yanked the blankets up some more and covered herself completely, blushing a little.
"Uhh, Ey y'all... ya didn't see nothin, right?"
"Um... why do you have cat ears.. and paws, and a tail?" Scott asked
"Cause, it feels cool"
"And looks sexy as hell" Vincent added
Scott once again shook his head and sighed.
"Well, your shift starts in like 20 minutes, since it takes a while to drive here. Traffic is pretty bad too."
"Humph, alright, well then Anguis, you gotta lemme up"
She scooted off of him, still holding onto the blanket. Vincent walked over to the bags he brought in earlier and threw one onto the bed next to Anguis.
"Here, you can throw those on if you wanna, I'm pretty sure they're your size."
"Awe, thanks. Should I like change in the bathroom or something?"
"Nah I got ya"
He grabbed the blanket and held it up so nobody could see her. She threw on the shorts and underpants before noticing that Vincent was peaking at her a little. She laughed to herself for a little and used her tail to cover up his eyes and continued changing. He let out a sad sigh and stood there until she was done changing, then covered Anguis back up with it when she laid down.
"There ya go darlin"
"Thanks ~yawns~ vinny"
"No problem sweetie ~kissed her forehead~ now you be a good girl while I'm gone, Mkay?"
"Eh no promises there"
Vincent sighed and patted her on the head before turning to leave.
"Please make sure she doesn't do anything that'll get her in trouble" he mumbled as he walked past Jeremy
"O-okay, w-will do"
The door closed behind Vincent as he left the room and Jeremy walked over to the TV and grabbed the controllers for the Xbox.
"S-so what kinda games d-do you have in h-here?"
"I dunno, we just got it today"
"Mmm," Scott said while scrolling through his texts, "Vincent told me you guys got Mario kart, Dark Souls-"
"Ew, d-dark souls is so h-hard to beat"
"Yeah I know, trust me, I've trashed many things because of that game. Also they have Mario party, Battlefield 1 and Minecraft"
"What's Minecraft?" Anguis asked curiously
"It's like a world you can do anything in, and it's all made of blocks."
"Ooo I wanna try"
"Alright, looks like we're playing Minecraft"
The world loaded in and everyone spawned in a forest with a plains biome close by. Anguis looked around her area and started walking around, reading the tutorial at the bottom of the screen. Jeremy and Scott were already gathering materials for building a house while Anguis stared at a little white chicken.
"Awe, Jeremy look, I found a ducky"
"T-that's a chicken Anguis."
"Oh, hello little chicken!"
She went to pet it, but instead smacked it and injured the mob, making it run away from her in a panic manner.
"Wha- come back! I wanna pet you!"
"Anguis you can't pet animals in here, you're actually hurting them"
"I am?"
"Oh, oopsies, sorry little chicken"
Scott went into a cave and started mining while Jeremy and Anguis attempted to build a house. It ended up being made of dirt and wooden planks, and they both took a step back and started laughing.
"O-oh man, this is a-an ugly house"
"Yeah it is, oh well, it works I guess"
Night fell very quickly and Scott ran up from his cave, stacked with cobblestone, iron, and some pieces of gold. The ores were smelting while they crafted weapons and some gear to fight the creatures. Anguis spotted a creeper and opened the door to approach it.
"Where are your arms dude?"
"A-Anguis wait!! Don't walk u-up to it!"
"Why? He looks sad n I wanna give him a hug"
"I-it'll kill you!"
"Really? How? He has no arms?"
The mob had already walked up behind her and made a hissing noise. Her character whipped around as it exploded, sending her player into the air. Anguis yelped and whimpered a little as the loud sound echoed in the room. Scott and Jeremy laughed a little and pushed her back into the house.
"That's scary...." she whimpered, "it's like when my uncle would light fire crackers in my bed and set them off while I was sleeping there..."
Scott inhaled sharply, and not wanting her to have another bad flashback, exited the game so everyone had to leave.
"Uhh, heh, lets not play that..." he said nervously
"Whyyyy?" Anguis whined, "I was having fun"
"It wasn't a good world to spawn in, how about we play Mario kart?"
"I wanna see battlefield"
"Uhh... I don't think that would be v-"
"I-I'll show you how to p-play Anguis"
"Yay, okay!"
They swapped the discs and started up the game. While it was loading, they looked at previews of the game and saw a horse getting whipped to go faster. Anguis frowned a little and tried to push back the memories that threatened to flow into her mind. Scott noticed her wincing in fear every time the whip cracked and he quickly turned off the Xbox, getting an unhappy look from Jeremy.
"S-Scott why?"
"Just look"
Jeremy glanced over at her and saw her trembling under the thin blanket. He got up and sat on the edge of the cot and gave Anguis a hug. She shuddered a little and poked her head out from under the blanket, resting her head on Jeremy's shoulder.
"I-its okay Anguis... maybe we'll j-just keep on playing Mario kart"
"I don't wanna..." she whimpered
Scott sighed and laid down on the bench, drifting off to sleep. Jeremy moved over so his back was against the wall. He started up his DS and resumed his game, and the little Pikachu sound got Anguis' attention. She folded her hands on his shoulder and rested her head on them, watching his character roam around on the small screen. She watched in awe as the different creatures popped up and he took them out in single shots.
"Are you killing them?" She asked
"N-no, only knocking them o-out"
"Oh, so they're not getting hurt?"
"N-not really"
"Huh, coolio"

Hours passed and morning came quickly. Anguis had fallen asleep on Jeremy's shoulder and he yawned quietly, the lack of sleep catching up to him. He almost fell asleep, but jerked awake when the door opened and Vincent walked in.
"Hey gu- umm... Jeremy, what are you doing with Anguis?"
"I-it's not what it l-looks like Vince, h-honestly"
"I'm giving you a minute to explain yourself"
"A-Anguis had a flashback while w-we we're playing battlefield and s-so I was helping her c-calm down, then I started p-playing Pokémon and she wanted t-to watch, so I let her, and t-then she fell sleep on Me"
"Hmm... Scott, is he telling the truth?"
"Huh, who what?" Scott said groggily
"Is Jeremy lying? Or no?"
Scott glanced over at the rest of them and saw why Vincent was on edge, and quickly sat up.
Anguis yawned and woke up a little, rubbing her eyes and adjusting to the bright lights.
"~yawns~ yeah Vinny?"
"Care to explain why you were sleeping on Jeremy?"
"I was watching him knock out little birdies with a lightening mouse"
Scott started laughing and Jeremy gave her a blank stare.
"H-his name is Pikachu, not l-lightening mouse"
"But he looks like a mouse" she said while morphing into a little pikachu, "doesn't it?"
Jeremy gasped and hugged her tightly, making Anguis squeak in surprise.
"Y-you can turn into a p-pikachu?!?" He stuttered
"I guess so"
"N-new favorite p-person"
He set her down on his lap and scratched her head like a puppy, getting an annoyed stare from Vincent. Scott cleared his throat and Jeremy looked over, then noticed Vincent and stopped, blushing a lot.
"S-sorry Vince... I just really like p-pikachu" he said while setting Anguis off to the side and getting up.
"Mhmm, okay..."
Scott signaled for Jeremy to walk over to him and put his hand on his shoulder when he did get there.
"Well, I gotta take this kid back to his parents, see ya tonight Vince"
"See yeah..." he grumbled as the door closed
Anguis unmorphed and gave Vincent a sad and confused look.
"You're not mad at me, are you Vinny?"
"~sigh~ no, sorry, i just had a bad night at work, so I'm a little agitated"
"Oh, sorry..."
"It's not your fault hon," he said while sitting down on the cot.
Anguis gave him a quick kiss and Vincent glanced over at her. She smiled a little with her tongue out and it made him laugh, pulling her a little bit closer and sighing.
"You wanna just sleep?" She asked
"Yeah... I think that'll be better for me"
He laid down on the bed and Anguis snuggled up next to him, morphing back her cat features. Vincent smirked and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a kiss on the forehead.
"Love ya vinny" Anguis purred
"Love you too darling"

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now