Living with a Nightmare

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A low chuckle echoed through the dark and empty room, making Anguis shudder as she looked around for something to familiarize herself with. In one hand she held a fireball so she could see where she was going, and a scraping noise got her to jump a little.
"Who's there?" She asked quietly
"T-t-t-the n-n-n-new you-u-u" a mechanical voice creaked
Anguis felt her heart begin to race and she spun around, looking for what had just talked to her. She got a glimpse of a wire cluster, but it moved out of the way before she could get a good look at it.
"This isn't funny man, show yourself!"
Another low chuckle went out behind her and she whipped around to see an 8 foot animatronic standing behind her. She gasped as the creature towered over her, the various and random eyes all over its body staring at her.
"W-who or what are you???"
"I-I-Imma endoskeleton, an u-u-u-unfinished project that someo-o-o-one forgot about... they call me En-n-n-nard"
Anguis slowly backed away from the hunk of moving wires, and it took a gigantic step forward, making the ground shake a little.
"W-what do you want from me??"
"Your b-b-b-body"
Ennard reached out for her, but Anguis turned around and started running. There was a low but loud mechanical screech as he began to chase her.
*cmon cmon cmon morph damn it! Why isn't this working?!?*
Her necklace glowed, but nothing actually happened. She threw the fireball back at the partially destroyed endoskeleton and summoned another one as she ran into something in the dark. Groaning, she held another fireball and came face to face with another wire endoskeleton, this time in the shape of a bear. It wasn't as tall as Ennard, but it still towered over her, scaring her a bit.
"Yendo! G-g-g-Get her!"
It twitched and tried to grab her leg. Anguis quickly moved out of the way and stood up as something covered her mouth. She tried to scream and break out of the hold, but the wiring held her down. Another hand came around and tried to grab hold of her arms, but she continued to fight back and make it difficult for her attacker. Two wires shot out around her and wrapped around her body, pinning her in one position. Ennard picked up the helpless Anguis and carried her away as she kicked and squirmed. There was a pair of accordion doors that they passed through and she was violently thrown to the ground, making a loud crashing sound as she landed on metal objects. The doors started closing again as the mangled endoskeleton walked away, and she made a move to escape, but didn't make it to the doors in time. They locked and bars shot across the entrance, making it impossible to get out. Anguis continued to try to morph, but still nothing would happen. A red warning light went off and sirens blared and she turned around in a panic. The costumes of various animatronics laid skewed about and broken down. The suits were mostly hollow with few wires randomly laying around them.
Warning: Scooping operation will now commence. All workers stand clear of the procedure.
"Wait what?"
A metal claw lunged out at her and hit her in the stomach. She screamed as the machinery cut her open and pulled out her organs. She sank down to the ground as her vision immediately started to darken. Blood began pooling around her as she started crying from pain.
Scooping operation success, all personal may now re-enter the area.
The bars retracted and the doors opened again, and Ennard walked in with his hands behind his back.
"Ah, th-th-th-thank you for being my t-t-t-ticket out of this hell ho-o-o-ole."
"What ~cough~ do you mean?"
"I needed a d-d-d-disguise, something 'normal', and I could l-l-l-leave this underground place... y-y-y-you are the skin I n-n-n-n-needed to hide myself. I do a-a-a-apologize for the painful proc-c-c-cedure, but as you will know, a-a-a-a suit needs to be hollow before o-o-o-o-one can get into it."
The endoskeleton monster condensed down to a smaller size so it was a bit shorter than Anguis. With her last bit of energy, she tried to stop Ennard from going with his plan, but he easily pushed past her weak attempts. She cried out as she felt the animatronic enter the hole created in her stomach region, slicing through any organs that were still left in there. He started filling the empty cavity in her and She let out one last scream of pain before completely loosing consciousness.
Anguis woke up in cold sweat and quickly sat up. Her heart was racing and there were tears in her eyes. The sun was setting and she looked over at the clock, seeing how it was only 8:34. She shuddered as the random nightmare flashed through her mind again and she got out of bed and walked down the hall, out to the balcony. She stood by the railing, trying to clear her mind, yet the pain from the machinery felt so real, and her stomach still ached from it. Looking down, she made sure the gouge wasn't actually there, but only found a long cut from where the Puppet had hit her with the knife.
*maybe that's why it hurts...* she thought
Another flash of the nightmare went by, making her head temporarily feel like it was being smashed. Her ears started ringing and she cringed and stabilized herself on the railing. Her legs gave out under her and she crumpled down to the deck. She was sick for a bit as another image of her bloodied organs laying out on the cold concrete flashed by and groaned as the pain in her stomach returned. Looking down, she saw the tip of a knife sticking out of her and she glanced behind her to see Ennard standing there with a knife in his hand.
"I n-n-n-need a costume... an escape p-p-p-p-plan... will you help-p-p-p me?"
He twisted the blade and her vision suddenly cut off as she passed out, making her head slam against the wooden deck.
"Anguis? Anguis answer me!"
She yelled and jerked awake, quickly sitting up again and looking around in a panic. Her hands had morphed and she was back in bed with Vincent who had a concerned expression on his face.
"Where is he?"
"Where's who Anguis?"
"I have no clue what you're talking about hon"
"You know, a creepy tall bastard that- wait, pinch me"
"Pinch me"
"Uhh... okay?"
He gently pinched her on the back of her arm and she coiled back from pain, but unmorphed her hands.
"Ow... oh thank god, I'm not dreaming..."
She sighed and rested her head on Vincent's shoulder, and he gave her a confused look.
"Uhh, are you alright dear?"
"I dunno..."
"What happened?"
"I had this... weird double dream I guess it was... there was this really really weird endoskeleton dude, he said his name was Yendo or Ennard or something like that, n he said he needed my skin to escape...."
"Like... the first time I was in this weird underground room and he scooped out my organs and stuff n physically got into my body to disguise itself, n then the second one I was here at the house and he stabbed me in the back..."
"Hmmm, strange."
"But I think I'm safe now..."
"Of course you are, you got me here"
She glanced back up at Vincent and he softly smiled at her. Anguis stuck her tongue out at him when she smiled back and he shook his head and kissed her forehead. Another crack healed and he smiled a bit once seeing it. There was a knock on their bedroom door and they both looked in that direction.
"Oh, the models must of activated" Vincent said
"Oh, I've been working on similar animatronics to Funtime Foxy, and I put in the activation chips before you started having a weird seizure thing in bed"
"I had a seizure?!"
"Well while you were dreaming you kept twitching a lot and you were crying, so I of course panicked and kept trying to get you to wake up"
There was another knock at the door.
"Cmon in" said Vincent
The door creaked open and Ennard poked his head in.
"You wanted what again on your toast boss?"
Anguis' eyes widened as she recognized the animatronic endoskeleton from her dream and she screamed, morphed herself into her original dragon form, and dove under the covers, completely hiding herself. Both Vincent and Ennard looked at her in alarm and then back at each other, confused. Vincent grabbed the little bundle of blankets and pulled it onto his lap.
"You alright sweetheart?" He said while trying to uncover her.
He lifted one part of the blanket up and she snapped at him and let out a growl, making him jump a little in surprise.
"Woah Anguis, chill a bit, it's alright, he's not gonna hurt you"
She didn't calm down and instead continued to growl at him. He cautiously reach in the little cave she was in and gently petted her on the head. Her growls lessened a bit, but didn't quite go away. Vincent sighed and kept doing that in hopes of getting her to calm down a bit and turned his attention back to Ennard.
"Make some grape jelly on some toasts and eggs and bacon for Anguis"
He disappeared around the corner and Anguis warily peeked out from her hiding spot to see if Ennard had really left. She sighed with relief when she didn't see him and unmorphed, making it so she was still bundled up in a bunch of blankets between Vincent's legs. He gave her a puzzled look but hugged her so she was leaning back on his chest.
"What was that for?" He asked
"What was what for?"
"That reaction, you like panicked when you saw  Ennard"
"That's the one who kept killing me in my dreams..." she muttered
"Oh boy... and you had a flashback, didn't you?"
"I'm sorry dear, but I promise you he won't try to kill you.  I'm making his costume so he doesn't have to worry about standing out like that."
Vincent pulled back the little hood part that was covering most of Anguis' face and she glanced up at him again. He gave her a quick little kiss, making her giggle a little and her aura flare up for a second.
"You really do like attention, don't you?"
"Well good, 'cause so do I."
Anguis smiled a tiny bit and let out a happy sigh as she rested her head against Vincent's shoulder. They continued to cuddle until another light knock was heard at the door and Ennard stepped into the room carrying their food. Anguis shrunk back a bit in fear and let out a barely audible whine.
"Here you guys go: grape toast for Vince, Eggs, Bacon, pancakes and French toast for the Lady"
"Thanks Ennard"
The endoskeleton placed the food and utensils down on the night stand and left the room. Other robotic noises could be heard throughout the house and Anguis gave Vincent a confused look.
"How many did you build?"
"Oh, about 5 others, including Ennard"
"Woah... could I see them?"
"Of course, after breakfast though."
She moved over so they could both eat their meal and they chowed down on their food. Vincent quickly nabbed one of the slices of bacon, making Anguis whimper a little.
"Heyyy.... that was miiine...."
He chuckled and put one of the ends in his mouth and held in there with his teeth.
"If you want it, come and get it" he said with a wink
Anguis smirked and grabbed the rest of it and tore it off, getting an unamused look from him.
"Damn it, thought you were gonna do that with your mouth and not your hand..."
She giggled and stuck her tongue out at him again, getting Vincent to shake his head and smile a little.
"You're so goofy sometimes, you know that?" He commented
"I am?"
"Mhmm, and you act like a lil kid sometimes."
"I'm not little..." she pouted
"Oh trust me, I know" he said while poking her breasts, "those kinda give it away"
Anguis rolled her eyes and took a bite out of her French toast, which got Vincent's attention as he stared at it.
"Is that French toast?"
"I guess so"
"C-can I have some?"
She looked over at him and laughed a little once seeing the pleading look on his face. She sliced off a bite sized chunk and fed him it, and he smiled as he tasted the powered sugar, maple syrup, and toast.
"Mmmm... this is good..." he said with his mouth full, "might have to steal some more of that"
"No you won't"
"Yes I will"
"No you wooont"
"Yes I willll"
Anguis booped him on the nose with a piece to get the powered sugar on his face and tried to pull it away before he could eat it, but he was a bit faster and pulled it off the fork and ate it.
"See, told you I would get some more"
"Awh, I was so close..."
Vincent chuckled and ruffled up her hair a little bit before getting up to start the day. Anguis finished up her breakfast and got dressed as well, then went downstairs to put the dirtied plate away. She gazed in awe as she spotted the new animatronics doing the chores around the house, trying to figure out who was who. There was a ballerina doing the sweeping in the living room, another animatronic fox dusting the area, a bear with a rabbit puppet organizing a bookshelf, Ennard on kitchen duty, and a girl with pigtails buffing the swept hardwood floor.
"They're cool, aren't they?"
She glanced up and behind her to see that Vincent had also come down the stairs.
"Yeah they are, what are the names?"
"The one sweeping is Ballora, the other fox is Lolbit, the bear and rabbit is Funtime Freddy and Bon Bon, pigtails is named Baby, and you already met Funtime Foxy and Ennard."
"This is so cool..."
Lolbit glanced over from where she was cleaning and quickly stood up and saluted them.
"Hello Mr. Boss Sir!" She chirped
"Lolbit you know you don't need to do that, right?"
"I don't? Sir?"
"No, don't need to call me 'sir' either, just Vince is okay"
"Okay Vince!"
Her eyes shifted down a bit and saw Anguis standing next to him and her mood suddenly changed from being very open and friendly to stern and almost mean.
"INTRUDER!" She barked
The other animatronics stopped what they were doing and turned to look at Anguis. She whimpered a little and held onto Vincent's arm.
"Wait wait wait wait she's not an intruder, she lives here as well"
"How do you know?"
"...cause I let her live here... she's my girlfriend...."
Funtime Freddy and Bon Bon stuck their faces right in front of Anguis and got a closer look at her. She stared at them, shaking a little, and Bon Bon poked her in the cheek.
"There's something about her that I don't like..." Freddy mumbled
"Yeah, she's not normal..." Ballora agreed
There was a little cracking sound and Vincent looked back down to see her aura had cracked a few times and he frowned.
"Yeah... I know I'm not normal..." Anguis muttered in a sad voice
She wandered off to the backyard and Vincent sighed and looked back up at the animatronics.
"Guys, you can't say that around her..." he said as the back door closed
"Why not?" Asked Baby
"She's rather sensitive about that... besides, you guys will learn to love her"
"Well, I will have to say, she's a beautiful person, I already know imma like her"
"Baby, you know how to use that ice cream machine?"
"You should go give Anguis some, she absolutely loves ice cream"
"Oo okay!"
The animatronic skipped off to go find Anguis while the other animatronics gave Vincent a questioning look.
"You made her able to dispense ice cream?" Asked Freddy
"Yep, and it's got a little bonus medication in there, more for me than for her, but it makes her more attracted to me."
"Your drugging your own girlfriend?!?" Asked Bon Bon, "that's terrible!"
"I have a theory on something... you see, her soul is a bit, corrupt to say the least, but ever since she's met me, it's been healing and getting better, so I'm thinking if she likes me more, she'll get better faster"
"Oh, but why make Baby give out ice cream out of all animatronics?" Asked Freddy
"Oh, she really likes ice cream"
"Then Anguis would like her more because there's food involved."
"What? No that's not why, I gave each of you a different attribute that I adore about Anguis."
"What's mine?" Asked Bon Bon
"She loves rabbits, like at the other restaurant she nicknamed Bonnie to Bon Bon, which is how you got your name"
"What's mine?" Asked Ballora
"Anguis has a better sense of touch than anything else, but since I don't know how to program a sense of feeling, you have much better hearing than anything else and can find your way through a pitch black room, just like her."
"What's mine?" Asks Funtime Freddy
"Uh, well she really likes Golden Freddy, so I thought if there was another bear in here, she'd like it more"
"She doesn't like it here?" Said Ballora
"Well, I'm pretty sure she does, I'm not 100 percent though"
The back door opened again and Baby and Anguis both walked back in talking to one another. Anguis was finishing up her ice cream cone and saw Vincent, blushed, and looked away, giggling. He smirked a bit and took note that the drugged ice cream worked and walked up to her.
"Hello darling" he cooed
"Hai Vinny, look what Baby gave me! She can make ice cream!"
"Oh that's very cool sweetie"
"~giggles~ I get the pun, it's cool cause it's ice cream, n ice cream is cold"
Vincent chuckled and patted her on the head.
"Well, I'll be upstairs in our room cleaning and doing laundry if you need anything, or want to do anything." He was with a wink
"Wait imma come with you!"
They both went back upstairs and closed the door to the bedroom, leaving just the animatronics in the living room. They stood there talking for a few minutes when Ballora's eyes opened a little and she shuddered.
"This is when I wish I didn't have such sensitive hearing..."

An Odd Family Version 2.0Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora