The Nightmares (2.0, part 2)

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They jumped off of the desk, landing onto her and bit down on her, causing her to scream and fall to the floor, trying to brush them off.
Scott grabbed one and threw it against the hallway wall and it shattered into thousands of pieces, and to their surprise, turned into ashes. The other two got the same treatment and Anguis got back up and held onto her already injured shoulder.
"It ripped open again..." her voice quavered and it sounded like she was about to cry
"Oh no"
Vincent pulled her over to a corner and stood in front of her so no one could see her. He slid his hand up the back of her shirt and placed it on the bandaid.
"How bad is it?"
"Oh god.... yeah it's bad"
He pulled his hand back out and it was covered in blood.
"I know this is gonna be awkward, but you're gonna need to take off your shirt hon, it's really bad."
He showed her the palm of his hand and she looked at in in shock. She sighed and took off her shirt and then covered herself with it in case the others tried to take a peek.
"Scott, we need more towels."
"Oh cmon it can't be that bad"
Vincent held out his bloodied hand behind him and the others gasped.
"Take that back, that's bad"
He ran out into the hallway and Vincent put his suit on her so the back side covered the front of her, leaving her back exposed so they could fix the now ruined bandaids.
"Wait I thought Anguis could regenerate" said Mike
"She can, it takes some time though. Foxy must of got a swing at her and apparently it sliced right through her."
Scott came back and unrolled a few towels off.
"How are we suppose to cut this?"
Vincent pulled out his knife and with one swift swipe, separated the section from the main roll.
"Why on earth do you carry a sharp ass knife with you???" Asked Scott
"Don't worry about it"
"No imma worry about it, cause like what the fuck"
Vincent ignored him and cut the large towel into smaller strips and turned back to care for Anguis.
"I'm sorry if this hurts" he mumbled
"Wait if what *hiccup* hurts??"
He slide the knife between the bandaid and her back and sliced it off with a quick rotation of the weapon. She shuddered at the feeling of cold steel on her back and Vincent quickly rewrapped a bandaid on her.
"There, you should heal on your own now"
"Thanks Vinny"
She gave his suit back and then slid her shirt back on, and Vincent smiled at the sight of her temporarily shirtless. A laugh echoed through the facility and everyone froze and turned extremely pale.
"W-what the f-fuck was that??" Asked Jeremy
"That was totally not creepy at all." Said Mike
There were footsteps from the right hallway and Scott glanced out to see what it was. He gasped and quickly closed the door as something ran into it. A torn up and terrifying version of Chica walked into view and picked up an even creepier version of her cupcake, Carl. She gazed in at the group and turned around an left. They all relaxed a little and Vincent sat back down in his chair, patting his lap and trying to get Anguis to sit with him. He wore a stupid but cute smirk and Jeremy glanced over at him and gave him a questioning look, and went back to watching the cameras. Anguis sat down with him, since there were no other chairs in the room, and he wrapped his arms around her waist and lightly kissed her neck, then quietly rolled the chair to the back of the room.
"Hey sweetie" he whispered
"I'm bored, let's make it a bit more interesting here"
"We're at work though"
"I won't take it too far, just a little something to make it less dull in here"
"~sigh~ what did you have in mind..."
"Hmm.... well first off, it would be funny if you scared Mike, like how we talked about earlier"
"Oh my gosh yes"
Anguis morphed and sat on Vincent's hand as a decent sized spider, roughly the size of a quarter.
"No you gotta go bigger than that, make it like a tarantula"
She turned into a Goliath bird eating spider and Vincent smiled as she crawled off his hand and onto the arm rest of his chair.
He picked her up off of the chair and set her on the back of Mike's chair. Anguis crawled around and went onto his arm and sat there for a few minutes.
"U-uh Mike"
"What Jeremy"
"w-what's that on y-your arm?"
Mike looked down and Anguis reared up as if she was going to bite him. He let a high pitched scream loose and quickly brushed her off, running out of the office into the hallway. Anguis unmorphed and her and Vincent roared with laugher.
"Not funny guys!" Said Mike
"No, that's totally funny" said Anguis
"I didn't realize we had another girl in here" said Scott, who was quietly laughing to himself
Mike glared at her and balled his fists up.
"Why you little-"
Anguis morphed again, this time in her usual dragon self, and jumped back onto Vincent's lap so Mike wouldn't do anything to her. She stuck her tongue out at him and he sat back down into his chair, grumbling to himself.
"Atta girl" Vincent commented
Anguis unmorphed again and was laying down across the chair instead of sitting up, dangling her legs off one of the arm rests.
"How was that?" She whispered
"Funny as hell, we're so doing it again at some time"
More metallic foot steps came down the hallway and Anguis reached out and kicked the button so the door closed for that hallway. An off colored and extremely torn up blueish purple rabbit walked into view of the window and slammed its fists on the glass, creating a crack. Jeremy quickly moved away from that window and a nightmarish version of Freddy showed up on the right. Scott closed the door to that hallway and soon they were blocked in on both sides. Freddy pounded on the door and Anguis whimpered. Glass shattered as Bonnie broke through the window and reached in, trying to grab onto someone. Everyone stood up and had their backs against the far wall, staying as far away as possible. Foxy jumped in through the broken window and crouched down on all fours. He snarled and the guys gasped in surprise.
"Well, it was nice knowing you guys" said Mike
The animatronic twitched and then lunged at the guards, letting out an ear piercing screech.
Anguis jumped out in front of Foxy and pushed him back against the desk. She had half morphed, so she supported the wings, part of the legs, arms, and tail of her dragon self, while the rest was human. She was a few inches taller as well, now standing at about 6 foot instead of 5'8", and her eyes had begun glowing red again. Her clothes had changed back into the same armor that she had gotten when fighting Dustin and she turned around and looked at the guys.
"Guys get out of here!"
Foxy jumped back at her and his claws made a gash across her chest. Anguis shook it off and grabbed an office chair and knocked the fox down to the ground with it. She opened the left door and beat up the nightmarish rabbit as well and the guards ran out of the office. Vincent stopped when he was at the doors to leave the place and looked back. Anguis threw Chica down back towards the office and caught a glimpse of him.
"Vince get out of here"
"I'm not leaving you"
"You have to, it's too-"
Freddy took a swing at Anguis and it drilled her in the back. She stumbled forward and took a jab at him with her tail, impaling him in the chest. The animatronic let out a mechanical scream and turned into a fine powder, just like the mini ones did.
"It's too dangerous Vinny, go"
Bonnie ran up behind her and grabbed her tail and pulled her back, making her scream in pain. She spun around and sunk a claw into its nose and it shook her off and pinned her against the wall. Before Anguis had time to react, Vincent was on the rabbit and stabbed it in the back with his knife, also turning it into dust. He helped Anguis back up to her feet when Foxy came sprinting at them with his hook ready to swing and impale someone. Anguis shoved Vincent out of the way and caught the hook in the face, slicing open her scar once more. She cried out and covered her eye, then stabbed the fox with her tail and vaporized it.
"Oh gosh are you okay?!?"
"Doing Just... peachy..."
A familiar scent of flammable gas was filling the air and Anguis could detect it, even when Vincent couldn't.
"We need to get out, now"
She grabbed his hand and took off towards the door. Chica and Carl ran after them and Anguis slammed the door in her face and pushed Vincent out into the parking lot. A spark flew as Chica's beak collided with the door and the place suddenly burst into flames.
------------------------------------------------------The mini explosion that came with it knocked Anguis a few feet away, making her impact the ground hard and skid a few feet. She unmorphed and laid on the ground, not quite unconscious, but close to it. The other guards were knocked back onto the ground with the explosion and they now stared at the restaurant as it slowly burned. Fire engines could be heard across town and Vincent sat up, rubbing the back of his head. He watched as the orange and red flames swallowed the party hats and tables inside, and then out of the corner of his eye, caught a glimpse of green as Anguis moved a little. He looked over and saw her laying on her injured side with her back to him and he crawled over to her. Sitting back on his legs next to her, Vince first rolled her over so she was on her back and saw the numerous burns and whatnot she had gotten from being only a few inches away from the explosion, then pulled her up so she was sitting up slightly, leaning against his legs. Anguis coughed and her eyes barely opened as she glanced up at Vincent. Seeing that he was okay, she reached up and touched his cheek and smiled before falling unconscious.
"Anguis? Anguis wake up"
No response
"No.... cmon, please, wake up darling..."
He placed his head on hers and hugged her limp body. Scott turned to look at him and frowned when he saw Vincent crying a little and Anguis laying there with her eyes closed and bleeding from around her eye. Fire engines and an ambulance pulled up and started putting out the fire. Paramedics came over to where Vincent was and did a check up on Anguis. They cleaned up the cut around her eye and put on a lot of burn ointment, but according to them, that's all she needed, otherwise she was fine. They checked up on the other guards and saw they were okay.
"You guys can go home if you wanna" said Scott
"Okay, what about you Scott?" Asked Mike
"I, I think imma stay here, ya know, in case the cops need some answers."
Jeremy walked over to where Vincent was and crouched down next to him and put a hand on his back.
"H-hey, can you tell a-Anguis Mike and I owe her b-big time when s-she wakes up?"
"Yeah... I'll do that..." he whispered
Jeremy gave him a hug and then went back to his car and left. Vincent picked Anguis up and carried her back to his car and gently laid her down in the back seat.
"Hey man,"
Mike walked up behind him and Vincent whipped around and blocked the door.
"Look, I'm sorry about being a complete dickhead to Anguis, I didn't think she would actually risk her life like that for us... is there a way I could make it up for her?"
"I, uhhh, I don't know"
"well just text me if you do think of one"
"Umm.... okay?"
Mike left as well and Vincent finished buckling Anguis into place and drove home with her.
{time skip brought to you by McDonald's}

Vincent knocked on the door to his house again and his father opened the door.
"Oh hey, you're ho- dear god Vincent what happened??? You're covered in blood!"
He barged in past Eric and sat down on the couch and laid a still unconscious Anguis next to him. His parents kept their word and the place was in fact cleaned and no signs of the party were there. Eric walked up to them and folded his arms across his chest. Sarah came down the stairs and saw Vincent talking with his dad.
"Heyyyy, how was work son?"
"Sarah, its best you don't come over here"
"Why? What's the matter?"
She still walked over to them and gasped at the sight of the two.
"Oh my goodness what happened???" She exclaimed
"It was a rather... rough day at work.." Vincent grumbled
Anguis started coughing again and groaned as she opened her eyes.
"Ow... everything hurts..."
"Oh thank god you're awake now"
Anguis sat up a little and Vince dragged her up so she was leaning back on him and he wrapped his arms around her, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.
"But do you care to explain why you two are covered in blood?" Asked Eric
"Well..." Vince sighed, "you want the long story or the short one?"

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