Jail Break

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"Ey Monster Lady, wake up"
Jack hit Anguis across the face and she jerked awake, looking around in a panic. Her eyes locked onto Jack and she growled and narrowed her eyes.
"About time, you've been asleep for a few days now. Also, if you do as I say, you'll be fine. You don't do what I say, you'll probably die"
"That doesn't scare me... and why don't I have a shirt or pants on..."
"Oh little girl, you should be afraid, cause really, I have no clue what the side effects could be, and I don't want any cotton particles mixing into my creations"
"Got it..."
A robotic arm came down from the ceiling with an oversized needle as a hand and Anguis gasped a little and tried to get out.
"Stay still, if it misses, you'll die, if you don't move, it'll extract the eggs inside of you and I can get to test tube breeding."
*do I listen to this guy?? I mean Vincent said he followed his rules and look at him now, one of the best killers I've ever met... I guess I probably should*
She took a deep breath and stopped trying to break loose from the chains. The machine lurched forward and impaled her lower stomach area and she screamed in pain.
"See, what did I tell you, you listen to me, you'll be okay"
"That, that doesn't feel like everything's okay..."
"Oh don't worry, if it missed, you would of felt a very painful burning sensation of your stomach acid leaking into your body and dissolving every other organ within you."
The needle started withdrawing the eggs within her and she cried out in pain. A bot flew into the room and tapped on Jack's shoulder.
"Sir, the 371 that the 860 is housed with is demanding to know what's happening to the 860." It said
*Wait that's Vincent*
"Tell him she's being impaled with needles and having certain DNA parts removed from her body"
"Roger Roger"
The drone flew out of the room back down the hall and Jack chuckled and looked back at her.
"Oh just taking strands of your DNA out so the other Monsters, like yourself, have the ability to shape shift as well."
"I'm NOT a monster, and good luck with that, because it's not my DNA that makes me shape shift."
"It has to be"
"Nope, you see this necklace looking tattoo on me?"
She released the necklace and it popped back off of her skin and hung around her neck. Jack gasped and went to grab it, but Anguis absorbed it back in before he could.
"Give. It. To. Me."
"No, finder's keepers"
"Remember what I said, if you listen to me-"
"Blah blah blah, yeah I know, everything will go smooth, but I'm not giving you it"
He frowned and shocked her, this time with a stronger, but shorter pulse, and she let out an ear piercing scream.
"Now, give the necklace to me."
He gave her another powerful shock and she screamed and her body went limp, now too weak to support herself. A warning light went off and sirens started blaring. A drone flew into the room in a panicked manner and shut the door behind it.
"Sir sir sir! A 371 escaped!!"
"What?!? How!! Which one??"
"I forgot to bring the bars up before opening the door and he ran out, and it's the one we were talking about ea-"
The door slammed open and Vincent ran in and tackled Jack and yanked the remote he used to shock people out of his grasp and smashed it against the floor. The needle retracted and the spot that was pierced started bleeding profusely. Anguis tried to break loose by morphing but the last two shocks drained most of the energy from her, so she stayed chained to the wall.
Warning: A 371 has escaped. All other prisoners are to evacuate into their safe pods until further notice. Do not attempt escape as the jail doors will now be fueled by 10,000 volts, causing instant death on contact. Thank you for your cooperation.
"You bastard!" Vincent yelled as he broke the visor on Jack's mask
"What did I do??"
"Oh, like none of us could hear Anguis' screams!"
He took Jack and threw him into one of his own devices and had it lock into place. Another robotic arm with a needle lowered itself and positioned itself right above Jack's stomach.
"No, no you can't do this, I'm the one who trained you to be who you are today!"
"I can do whatever the fuck I want to now, I'm in control"
"Vince... wait..."
"Oh my god Anguis... what happened?? Why are you bleeding from your stomach??"
"Not the time... just... get me down..."
He ran over to the console and pressed a few buttons and she dropped to the floor, too weak to stand up on her own. Vincent went over to her, wrapped a cloth around her stomach, and helped her up and started to leave the room with her.
"Wait... I wanna kill him..." Anguis said, "I know just the... the way to do it..."
"Okay, what do I need to do?"
"Lemme control the needle..."
They walked back over to the console and she positioned it so it was over his gull bladder and smirked.
"You ready to feel acids dissolve every organ in your pathetic and cowardly body?"
"No, no please"
Anguis slammed her hand down on the button and Jack screamed as the needle went through him and pulled back out. A yellowish green bile oozed from the opening and started turning his skin red, then black. She then turned off the power to the doors and hit the intercom button.
"Gentlemen, you are safe to be released. The power is gone from the doors so they can be pushed open, and find a map in the hallways in order to leave the building. Thanks and enjoy your freedom"
"You bitch... you don't know what you just did..."
"Yes I do, I let all of my people free to roam, police can catch them if they can, but they don't have to deal with your cruel and inhuman ways any longer... cmon Vince, let's leave this place"
"Oh so you're just going to leave me hanging here huh?"
"Well, there is one more thing I've always wanted to do..." she added
Anguis flipped a switch on and turned a few levers on and a machine started up.
"Hmmm... tell me, how does having 50,000 volts going through you feel?"
"You crazy woman, that would disintegrate me!"
"Oh, it would? Well, that's good news for me, but about how long would it take?"
"I'm not tellin"
"Then i guess I'll find out right now"
Another lever was flipped and Jack yelled and in the matter of seconds, his armor caught on fire and melted in front of them. Vincent covered his nose and was almost sick from the smell of burning rubber and hair while Anguis grinned and turned off the machine. Jack's helmet fell off of the armor and nothing was left of him besides his outfit. They dug around in the office for a while and found Vincent's phone, which had been spammed with messages for the 5 days it had gone unchecked. They turned and walked into an elevator that went straight to the surface and went up. Anguis nudged him and gave him a smile, but he responded with a queazy and uncertain look.
"Something wrong Vinny?"
"I think you might be more crazy than I am..."
"Oh... yeaaahh... Sorry... I can get a bit carried away.... but man I'm kinda happy now, I've always wanted to see something disintegrate before. I thought it would of been a building or something, but that worked too I guess"
"Oh, Well why didn't you say so, I know some people at a lab that could of shown us stuff like that"
"Whaaaaaat? You do??"
"Yeah, I'll see if I can get us in, I'm sure they'll be glad to teach you a few things"
"You really are full of surprises"
Now Vincent smiled and put his arm around her and sighed happily.
"So, um... What are we gonna do about my clothes? I'm legit just wearing my underwear and that's it"
"Hmm... well I didn't see your clothes laying around anywhere, Jack must of burned them to check for infections that could of harmed his experiments... here"
He took off his long sleeve shirt and gave it to her, leaving him in his undershirt and she put it on and grinned when she noticed the sleeves came over her hands.
"Hehe, I has flappy sleeves"
"You know what's cool about long sleeves like that?"
"Oo what?"
"Here, hold your hands behind your back"
Anguis did as she was told and Vincent took the sleeves and tied them together, making so she couldn't move her arms.
"There, done"
"Oh co- hey wait a second!"
Vincent bursted out laughing and Anguis tried to get out of it, making the knot tighter on her sleeves. The doors opened and they walked out into the cold afternoon air.
"Ehh what did you do?? I can't move my hands apart"
"I tied the sleeves behind your back"
She gave him an unamused look and then checked out their surroundings.
"So... where are we? It smells like a swamp"
"Dunno, lemme check"
He pulled up the GPS map and his phone's battery died seconds later.
"God damn it... phone's dead"
"Yep... got any other ideas?"
"Actually I do"
Anguis morphed back into her usual dragon self and touched her nose to his. Vincent smirked and jumped up onto her back and she leapt through the trees and flew a few hundred feet above the ground. He sighed and wrapped his arms around her neck as they passed over miles of the mysterious and spooky scenery. Wetlands peaked out from behind the hundreds of trees and they were heavily covered with moss and duckweed.
*ya know... this isn't so bad after all* Vincent thought to himself.
"Any idea where we are yet?" Anguis yelled back to him
"No, but I'm kinda liking this to be honest"
Anguis caught wind of a familiar scent and turned towards that direction, flying a bit closer to the ground to get a better smell. They came to the ocean and she instantly recognized how far away they were from home and she sighed.
"So... I got some bad news and some good news"
"Lemme hear the bad news first"
"Bad news is, we're a few hundred miles away from home... like, almost 700 miles away"
"Damn... what's the good news?"
"Well remember how you said you wanted to visit the country and just do stuff?"
"Well, here's your chance, I'll make stops at different towns that I see and we can walk around and stuff"
"Awesome sauce... thanks dear"
The sun was setting and the two still hadn't seen any signs of humanity, so Anguis stopped and landed on the beach, the warm airflow brushing up against her face.
"Well, I guess we'll camp here tonight" she said, "it's too dark way out here for me to see anything"
Vincent jumped off of her and she wandered over to the tree line and snapped off a few dry and dead branches that hung up high and brought them over. She laid them down as an alternating tower and blew fire onto it, creating a medium sized bonfire, then laid down on the sand and drew little stars with the tip of her tail. Vincent laid down with his back against the inside of her forearm and she placed her head next to him on her paws and sighed.
"You know, this isn't so bad" Vince commented
"Yeah, it's so peaceful... no breeze, somewhat warm-"
"And you can see the stars perfectly."
She tilted her head sideways to get a better view of the sky and saw a rock enter that atmosphere and turn into a shooting star.
"Woah... Vinny did you see that?"
"The shooting star?"
"Mhmm, did you make a wish?"
"You're suppose to make a wish?"
"Well you don't have to, but a lot of people do"
"Oh... did you wish for anything?"
"What was it?"
"Can't tell, or else it won't come true"
Anguis moved her head back so it was in a comfortable position and closed her eyes. Vincent scooted closer and kissed her snout and fell asleep within a matter of seconds. She smiled a little and curled her tail around him so he would be protected if something were to happen, like they were prone to have happen to them, and shifted her wing so they wouldn't get wet in case it started raining, then fell asleep as well.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora