Party at the Fitzgerald's

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"Asked for what?"
He poked her on the nose and smiled.
"I booped ya"
She gasped slightly and poked him back and took off running.
"Can't catch meeeee!!"
"Oh yes I can!"
Anguis ran downstairs and threw the patio door open, being chased by Vincent. She was laughing and tried to outrun him, but he caught up and got a hold of her and they both fell onto the lawn, laughing.
"I Gotcha"
"I noticed ~giggles~ but can you get me like this?"
She morphed into a small Eraylew form and took off into the air. Vince stood up and tried to grab her tail before she got too high, but missed.
"Hey not fair!"
"Sure it is, you got wings too!"
He looked at his shadow and noticed Anguis had morphed in some wings for him, then took off after her. The dragon was a bit faster since it had a more aerodynamic form, so Anguis wasn't caught while flying around. She landed on the patio deck on the second floor and ran back inside to hide in a guest room. Vincent landed as well and lost his feathery wings once he stood up to his full height. He walked inside and caught a glimpse of her tail and smiled.
*i got you now*
He went into the room he saw her disappear into and spotted a little white feather sitting between pillows. He pulled a pillow off, but she wasn't sitting behind it, but discovered the pillow was loosing feathers from a small hole in it. Something brushed up by his leg and saw Anguis run out of the room.
"Oh you cleaver girl..."
She only went around the corner and sat by the doorframe. Vincent walked past her and looked around to see what room she could of gone into. She giggled to herself and jumped up onto his back and let out a little roar. He yelled and tried to pull Anguis off of him, but she stayed just out of reach. She gently nipped the back of his neck and then took off downstairs, sliding down the railing. She decided to hide behind the couch cushions, but didn't realize a tail feather was sticking out. Vincent spotted her once he walked into the living room and reached down and grabbed her. She yelped and unmorphed, trying to escape, but that just made her fall back onto the couch.
"I got you now..." Vince said with a smirk
Anguis blushed and covered herself with a blanket. He picked up the bundle, hoisted it over his shoulder, and carried her up the stairs to their room, humming a tune.
"Umm, where are you taking me?"
"Mmm, Someplace special"
*oh boy* she thought to herself
She was thrown down on the bed and got entangled in the blanket when trying to escape. Vincent placed his hands on her shoulders to get her to stop moving and uncovered her head. Anguis looked around and recognized where they were and tried to wiggle out again.
"Nah-ah-aaahh" Vincent scolded playfully, "you're my little prisoner now"
He climbed on top of her and and leaned over so their faces were only inches apart and smiled.
"You know, you're an adorable prisoner, you'd definitely get some attention from the fuzz in the pound"
"I'd get the who what now?"
"~sigh~ oh don't worry about it darlin"
"So uh, how do I get out of this?"
"Just do what I want"
"Uh, Oooka-mmmmmfff!!!!"
He smashed his lips onto hers, making Anguis moan a little. She winced as he was being a little rough, but eventually allowed him to slide his tongue into her mouth and take over. He groaned with pleasure and explored every inch possible and toyed around with her by licking her tongue every now and then. After several minutes Vince pulled away and got off of her.
"That's all I wanted" he purred as he left the room, "for now"
"Ey wait I'm still stuck!!"
"I know, I'm saving you for later"
"Vincent!! Get back here!!"
Anguis sighed and slowly wiggled her way out, since not even morphing helped her in this situation. She got about half way out when Vincent came back upstairs, eating a slice of toast.
"Sho, ya need help?" He said with his mouth full.
"I mean it would be nice"
He held the last of the toast in his mouth and pulled her out of her trap. Anguis took a bite out of his food and gave him a smug satisfied grin. Vince gave her an unamused look and repositioned her so he was holding her up by her thighs. She wrapped her legs around him and took another bite out of the slice of toast before resting her head on his shoulder.
"I'm assuming you're hungry" said Vincent
"Mkay, whatcha want?"
"Dunno, I'll go ahead and find something"
"I could make you something too ya know"
"It's alright, you don't need to make anything"
"Meh I feel like it, how about pancakes? You want some of those?"
"Ooooo okay"
They both made their way to the kitchen to get a more substantial breakfast than just toast.  Anguis sat down on the counter next to the stove while Vincent was cooking and turned the radio back on. The clock struck one and the two looked at each other.
"Guess we're having a breakfast lunch"
"Are those a thing?"
"Are what a thing?"
"Breakfast lunches"
"well Brunches are, not sure about breakfast lunches though"
"What are brunches?"
"Like a meal between breakfast and lunch"
"Oh, coolio"
There was a light knock on the door and Anguis got up and walked over and answered, partially hiding herself so the guests couldn't see she was only dressed in her underwear.
"H-hey Anguis"
"Oh hai Jeremy! Hai Scott, What's up?"
"Anguis how many damn times do I have to remind you, you gotta have a fuckin shirt on before answering the door??"
Vincent walked over and pulled the shirt that he was wearing over her head, making it so her arms were stuck by her side. She rolled her eyes and pulled her arms through the sleeves. Scott and Jeremy were laughing quietly to themselves and Vincent gave them a puzzled look.
"What? What's so funny?"
"Is that really a common problem with her?" Asked Scott
"Erm, yeah..."
"O-oh boy... s-so what happened to a-Anguis?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"S-she had a new cut on her face"
"Oh, so Mike the drunk ass bastard walked over here, all the way from his house, and decided to beat the shit out of her for not treating him with respect"
"What?!?! Really?!?!"
"Yep, so I threw him as far as possible outside"
"Did he hit the rose bush?"
"HAH, there ya go, I swear that kid is so not right in the head, it would be interesting to see what his parents are like."
"True, so anyways, what brings you two over here?"
"O-oh, I was w-wondering if you and a-Anguis want to come o-over for dinner, my p-parents are inviting a b-bunch of people over and s-said I could I-invite a few friends as w-well"
"I'd be glad to, Anguis what about you darlin?"
Their attention turned towards her and watched as she chased her tail around in her morph in the middle of the kitchen. She got it eventually and sat down with the feather in her mouth and a proud expression, until she noticed the others staring, then blushed and looked away. Vincent chuckled and motioned for her to come over where he was, so she took a running start and jumped into his arms, where he then cradled her against his chest and rubbed her back.
"So, do you wanna do that?"
"Do what?"
"Head over to Jeremy's place for dinner tonight"
"I'm chill with it"
"Okay, then yeah we'll go Jeremy"
"O-okay, I'll text my mom, t-they really really w-wanna see y-you again Vincent"
"Huh, I thought I scared them last time"
"N-nah, I'm not sure h-how they're gonna react t-to Anguis though"
"Hmmm... she'll behave while she's there, Right?"
"I need a definite answer hon"
"I'll try my best"
"...yeah I'll behave"
"That's better, so who's all comin so far?"
"M-mike, Fritz, Robert, y-you two, Scott, Ivan, a-and Linda"
"Oh, Linda's coming as well?"
"Yep," said Scott, "I think she'll enjoy it there"
"Who's Linda and Ivan?" Anguis asked
"Scott's wife and son"
"So uh, Vincent"
"Yeah Scott?"
"Any particular reason why the stove is on?"
"Oh, whoopsies, we were gonna have lunch, you two wanna say for it?"
"Nah we both gotta leave here like now, gotta pick stuff up at the store"
"Ah alright, see you two tonight"
"C yeah"
The visitors left and Anguis jumped down and unmorphed.
"So, you wanna learn how to cook pancakes?" Vincent asked
"Alright here, its simple"
{time skip by a few hours}
"Anguis!! We gotta leave soon!! Like in 40 minutes!"
"Alright hold on I'm still trying to dry my hair off"
"You've been out of the shower for half an hour now, it's still not dry??"
"My hair is a hella lot longer than yours Vinny"
Vincent sighed and walked into the bathroom, where Anguis was attempting to dry her hair off with a corner of a towel that she had wrapped around her.
"Why don't you just use a hair dryer?"
"A what?"
"A hair dryer"
"I dunno how to, dunno what it even looks like"
"Oh, uh, right, here I'll do it for ya"
He opened a drawer and pulled out a black dryer and plugged it into the wall, turned it on, and used a brush to flatten out the hair a little so it would dry faster.
"You want it styled somehow? Like curls or have it wavy or something?"
"Curls sound interesting"
He twisted the brush and then dried the hair that way, and half an hour later, it was completely dry and partially curly. Anguis admired it in the mirror and let the curls bounce like springs.
"Woah, this is cool" she stated
"You like it?"
"Yeah, thanks!"
"No problem, now we really gotta hurry, we got less than 10 minutes."
"eek, alright"
"Don't worry, I already got your outfit laid out"
"It's not purple, is it?"
"Nah, remember that outfit you wore for my parent's party?"
"The one with the sparkly shirt?"
"Yep, you're gonna be wearing that"
"Ooooo yay! I love that shirt"
"Same here, probably for a different reason though"
Anguis shook her head and slipped on the clothes she was given and glanced in the mirror one last time. She glanced up at the scar that was on her eye and frowned slightly, leaning closer to get a better look. It was much paler than the rest of her skin and stood out a lot.
"Something wrong dear?"
"It's this scar.... it just doesn't look good..."
"What you mean? It looks perfectly fine to me"
"I mean it's just so noticeable, like it stands out so much"
"And? It looks awesome, it makes you different than other people, n I like that"
"For reals?"
"Yeah really"
A little beeping noise came from Vincent's phone, signaling it was time to leave. Anguis quickly threw on the shoes that Vincent had gotten her for the outfit and followed him down the stairs to the car.
"Woah, these are weird to walk in" she commented
"Huh, I just noticed They almost look like Ballora's shoes"
"Who's Ballora?"
"Oh, a secret little project I'm working on"
"Oooo can I see?"
"When we get back"
The drive to Jeremy's house took about 40 minutes, and when they pulled up, there were about 20 different cars lined up on both sides of the street.
"Holy shit... I didn't realize Jeremy's parents knew THIS many people" said Vincent
Anguis looked at the vehicles with a worried look on her face.
*oh man... this is a lot of people... I don't wanna scare them all...* she thought
They found a place to park and got out of the vehicle. Vincent started up to the house while Anguis hung back by the car. He got about half way up the steps when he noticed Anguis wasn't next to him.
"Anguis, cmon hon"
"I'm not too sure about this Vinny, imma be honest..."
He sighed and went back down to the car.
"You're not too sure about what?"
"I don't wanna scare the people.... plus it looks like there's a lot of people here..."
"I don't think everyone is in that house sweetie, and besides, you're not gonna scare them, I'm pretty sure only a few people saw that video. Besides, it couldn't of gone viral, it's too stupid"
Vincent held out his arm for her and they both went upstairs to the front door and rang the bell.
"Comiiiinng!!" Sang a female voice
Anguis took a step behind Vincent as the door opened and a middle aged women smiled as she greeted them.
"Oh hello Vincent dear! I haven't seen you in forever!"
"Hello Mrs. Fitzgerald, good to see you"
"Well come in, come in! I'll tell Jer that you're here now"
She stepped to the side and called for her son. Vincent glanced behind him and pulled his arm forward slightly.
"It's okay honey, no need to hide from her, she's a nice lady"
"Who are you talking to?" Asked Mrs. Fitzgerald
"Oh, it's my girlfriend, she's a little shy"
Anguis finally peaked out from behind him and waved shyly.
Mrs. Fitzgerald gasped and her hands flew up to her mouth.
"Oh my goodness hello!! I didn't even see you there dear!!"
The two walked into the house and wiped off their shoes. Jeremy's mother hugged Vincent, then Anguis, and gave them both a beaming smile.
"Well, welcome to the Fitzgerald house, Vincent I'm sure you know where everything is, I'm sure you can show, um,-"
"Anguis, yeah, you can show her around, I got things cooking on the stove at the moment so if you'll excuse me"
She scurried off back to the kitchen, leaving the couple standing awkwardly in the entrance. Voices and laughter came from the right room and Anguis coiled back a little in fear.
"That sounds like a lot of people..." she whispered
"Oh I'm sure they just have a sit com running on the tv or something"
They walked over to the room and Anguis froze as there was over 30 people sitting in the dining room and living room combined.
"Oooookay... there's a lot of people here..." said Vincent
Anguis whimpered slightly and stepped closer to him, making herself almost invisible to other people. Scott and Robert spotted the two and waved them over.
"Heyyyyy Vince, you made it" said Scott
"Barely, but we're here" he joked
"What's up with Anguis? It looks like she's seen a ghost or something"
Vincent looked down and saw she was trembling in place and somewhat hiding herself.
"Oh, she doesn't do well with crowds. It's okay sweetie, no one here is going to hurt you, I promise"
"But... what if someone does try something..." she whispered
"Then I beat the living hell out of them, cause no one touches my little girl"
Robert decided to poke Anguis after he said that and Vincent gave him an unamused look.
"So, you gonna beat him up?" She joked
"Maybe later I might, though it is tempting to do it now"
They all laughed about it a little and then sat down on the couch. One of the parent's friends walked over to them and said hello, not noticing Anguis at first. She then spotted her and had a panicked expression on her face.
"Oh gosh... she's here... she's actually here.."
Anguis sighed and Vincent put his arm around her and comforted her.
"Hey now, Anguis isn't that bad"
"That's ONE person's opinion on her, she's really a sweet person"
"Ehhh... okay..."
The random guest walked away and started talking to another group of people, every now and then glancing back over at them. Anguis tried to ignore them, but always ended up looking at them every now and then. Jeremy walked over to Vincent and Anguis and started talking with them and that distracted her from her thoughts.
"Hey Look!! It's the lime headed freak show!" Yelled a teenaged guy in the front of the room.
The groups around him howled with laughed as they all pointed fingers at her. Her breath quickened and she covered her face with her hands, trying to pretend like she wasn't there.
"Oh look, you scared her, boo hoo"
"Hey maybe we can get her to roll up into a pill bug and send her down a hill!"
More laugher followed and Scott stood up and walked over to the group.
"Eh hem, Ivan, knock it off"
"Dad cmon, you know how weird she is"
"Doesn't mean you need to make fun of her for Criest sake!"
"She's not that bad, now quit it"
"She totally is, you saw the video"
"Fine, since you won't change your mindset, I'll just have you meet her"
Scott grabbed Ivan by the back of his shirt and forced him to walk over to where she was sitting.
"Ivan, this is Anguis, Anguis, meet my son, Ivan"
Anguis glanced up at the kid and looked back down at her feet. Vincent sighed and moved next to her and gave her a half hug and felt how bad she was shaking.
"Anguis? You alright?" He asked
"I don't like it here...."
"You're having another anxiety attack, aren't you?"
"*sigh* excuse us for a sec."
Vincent got up and got Anguis to follow him to a more quiet corner of the room. She let out a shakey sigh and placed her head on his chest.
"It's alright..." said Vincent while patting her back, "you wanna get a drink? Maybe some whiskey, I know you like that"
"O-okay" she muttered
"Hey, look at me"
She glanced up at him and received a light kiss on her forehead. Anguis blushed a slight bit and felt the weight on her shoulders disappear. Vincent smiled as they both walked over to the bar to get a drink. Their shots came and they clinked glasses before drinking them.
"Woah, yep, that's some goooooood shit" said Vincent
Anguis giggled and Scott and his son walked over to where they were.
"You all good now Anguis?" Scott asked
"Yep! Hai Ivan"
"Oookayyy she's a lot more perky than I thought she would be" Ivan muttered
They shook hands and Anguis took a quick sip of a soda she had gotten.
"So, is it true?"
"Is what true?"
"You attacked Jack? That Hunter dude"
"Oh, psh no, his dumbass actually came after me first"
"Yeah, you see that not-so-little spot on my right shoulder?"
"He drilled me with a fuckin dart, tried to put me asleep"
"Oh, wow"
"So yeah, don't believe everything ya see on the internet."
"That's something my dad says..."
"Hey I heard that" said Scott
They both laughed and Scott sat on a chair next to Vincent.
"Looks like they could end up getting along after all" he commented.
"Maybe, we should go over to your house tomorrow or something"
"I'm okay with that, lunch at 1 maybe?"
"Alright, I can do that, I would have to wake Anguis up though"
"Oh I'm sure she won't mind if there's food involved"
"Probably not"
Vincent picked Anguis up under her arms and had her sitting in front of him on the bar stool. Her and Ivan kept chatting about things while drinking and eating off the platter of nachos.
"So, just curious, hold old are you?" Ivan asked
"Oh cool, we're the same age, wanna go to the movies at some point?"
Scott started laughing and Ivan gave him an odd look.
"Did, did you seriously just ask her out!? On a date!?"
"What's wrong with that dad?"
"You said that while she's sitting with her boyfriend."

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now