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*why, why do all of my good dreams have to be ruined?* Vincent thought as he smacked the alarm clock to turn off the beeping sound.
He stretched and glanced around, realizing he was the only one in the bed. Confused, he sat up and looked around to see if Anguis was still in the room, or in the bathroom, but no light shone from under the door and she wasn't in the room.
*huh, this is new. I wonder where she could be*
He got up and threw on a dark gray undershirt on before wandering out into the hallway. A light breeze wafted through and he shivered a little and glanced over to where it came from. The door out to the balcony was open with Anguis standing next to the railing, leaning on it and gazing out into the distance. Vincent smiled a little and walked out there with her, standing behind her and leaning over her. She tensed up a little and glanced behind her, relaxing once noticing who it was.
"Oh, hey Vinny"
"Hey sweetheart, whatcha doing out here? Hm?"
"I, I had a few bad dreams n couldn't sleep, so I thought I would come out here and clear my mind for a little"
"Mm I see. Just curious, what were the dreams about?"
"That werewolf that the one student brought up today, it sounds really familiar to me and it creeps me out a bit."
"Oh don't worry about that dear, it's just a legend. I would think if there was an actual werewolf around here, we would of found it by now."
"True, but then again look how long I went unknown for"
"Hm, good point. Oh well, I doubt it would ever find us."
There was a faint howl off in the distance and Anguis quickly glanced up and in the direction where it came from.
"That sounded close.... like less than a mile away close"
"Oh it's probably just someone's dog honey"
"You sure? I mean there is a full moon out..."
"Yes I'm sure"
"Even if there was a werewolf, I would protect you from it"
"But, what if you got bit?"
"Well, then you're gonna have one hell of a good time when and if I decide to fuck you while transformed"
"That's... not the response I was expecting, but okay then"
Vincent chuckled a little and glanced down at his phone, inhaling sharply.
"Shit, we gotta go. We're gonna be late again."
"We won't be late, I'll just fly us"
"Hon you're already cold enough as it is right now-"
"I found a way of heating myself up, don't worry"
"You did?"
"Oh, cool, then lets get goin"
They walked in after unlocking the doors a few minutes later and saw that no one else was around. The animatronics on stage were powered down and Anguis gazed in awe as she admired the new models. She reached out and felt the short fur that made up the costumes and smiled a little.
"They're softer than I remember" she whispered
"Is that a bad thing?"
"No, I love it"
She shivered a little as the AC kicked on in the place and Vincent placed a hand on her shoulder, flinching a little as them ice cold temperature of her skin startled him.
"Geez Anguis, you're really, really cold"
"Wait, for real? I don't feel it"
"Yeah, let's get you to the office, you'll warm up in there"
"But I wanna say hi to Bonnie when he powers on"
"You will, don't worry, but you feeling this cold isn't good"
Anguis started walking down the hall ahead of  Vincent and he smirked once realizing she was wearing an extremely short skirt instead of her usual jean shorts. Since he had remote access to the building, when she walked into the room, he flipped on the floor vents and her skirt flew up and she gasped in surprise and tried holding down the fabric. He chuckled and turned it back off while sitting down in one of the chairs.
"Did you do that?"
"Did I do what?"
"Turn on the air"
"I might of"
Anguis sighed a little, making Vincent chuckle some more, and he patted his lap, trying to give Anguis a hint.
"Hmmm, I dunno, turning on the air was kind of a douche move..."
"Oh cmon, you know I'm just playing around with you darling"
"Yeah I know, but still..."
"Pretty please?"
"Well.... okay"
"But only cause I'm feeling a little... daring" she said with a wink while sitting down
"Daring you say? Or... naughty?"
"Oo definitely naughty"
"Well, you're in luck today, cause that cute ass outfit turned me on"
Vincent intertwined his legs with hers and spread them a part so her panties were shown. Anguis blushed as his left hand snaked around her back and fondled one of her breasts while the other reached down and began rubbing her privates. She groaned a little and leaned her head back a little, her breathing becoming a little faster. Vincent took the opportunity to tilt her face towards him and brought her into a heated kiss. He too groaned a little as he felt his member harden, none of them noticing the sound of the main door opening and closing. He felt her back arch a little as he started rubbing her harder and smirked as he laid kisses along her neck.
"Mmh, enjoying this, are we?" He purred into her ear
"Mhmm.... more..."
"gimme more Vinny..."
Vincent smirked and was about to slip his fingers into here when he heard footsteps coming down the hall, quickly realizing they were no longer alone. He stopped what he was doing down there and pushed her legs back together, getting a confused whine out of Anguis. He smoothed out her skirt, but still kept his other hand on her breast, and finished up right as Scott and Mike walked into the room.
"Hey guys" said Scott
"What's up with Anguis?" Mike asked
"What do you mean?"
"Just look at her, her face is all flustered, and she's shaking a little."
"Oh, um, she must be overheating. She's kinda sensitive to temperatures as you know"
"Ah, try going out to the back hallway. The one that goes towards the alleyway, it's a nice temp over there" Scott suggested
"Okay, cmon dear"
He stood up with Anguis in his arms and walked her down into the hallway. She looked up at Vincent and gave him a shy little smile, and he smirked back.
"You know what's good about this hallway?"
"Besides the fact it's nearly pitch black?"
"Well, that, and there's no cameras, and the animatronics can't come down here; they don't even see this hallway"
"Okay? And that helps how?"
"Well, you did say earlier you wanted more, so ya know, I was gonna do what my princess asked..." he said while placing her back down on her feet
"Oh, Well then, what are you waiting for?"
The animatronics powered on and blinked a few times before glancing around the room.
"Woah, they rebuilt it completely differently" said Chica
"Yeah they did, this isn't what I remember at all" commented Bonnie
The animatronic rabbit glanced up at the clock and saw that it read 5:47 and looked around for the familiar dim glow coming from the office area.
"Hey guys" he whispered once seeing it, "lets go say hi to the guards, I'm sure some of them will be glad to talk to us again"
"Alright, lead the way"
"You're the leader here Freddy, why don't you go?"
"Ugh, fiiine"
They started walking down the hall when Chica heard something and stopped in her tracks. She glanced around trying to see where the sound came from, but didn't see where it would of.
"Guys, did you hear that?"
"Hear what?" Asked Freddy
"That sound"
"There's a lot of sounds going on in here: you're gonna have to be more specific than that"
"It sounded like-"
They all heard it this time and they looked around, confused.
"It sounds close, but where?"
"Maybe down that hallway" Bonnie said while pointing
"What hallway?"
"You don't see the hallway here Freddy?"
"You're loosing your mind Bonnie, there's nothing there"
"No I'm not. Chica, you know what I'm talking about, right?"
"No, I don't see anything"
"What the heck, really??"
"Really, we don't see it"
"Hold on"
They all walked over to where Bonnie said the hallway was and they stood there, slightly confused.
"So Bonnie"
"Yeah Chica?"
"You're saying that there's a hallway right here where Freddy and I see a wall"
"Yeah, there is, watch"
He stuck his hand past where the wall should have been and Freddy and Chica gasped.
"You just stuck your hand through a wall!"
"What on earth???"
They too tried it and stared in amazement as their hand disappeared past the wall.
"I wonder why you guys can't see this hallway, but I can"
"Yeah, that is weird"
Another sound echoed close by and their heads turned to look down the hallway.
"I think that sound is coming from down there" Freddy commented
"And it sounds like someone's getting hurt" Chica mumbled
"I'll go take a look" Bonnie stated
"Kay Kay"
He started walking down the hallway, disappearing out of their sight. He realized he could see clearly for a few feet inside the blackened hallway and avoided any objects that would end up making noise. After a few long strides, he came across a shoe that seemed to be floating, since the back of it trailed off where he couldn't see. He took another step closer and found that the shoe was connected to a leg, and the rest of a body. Glancing up, he noticed it was Vincent, with Anguis sitting on his lap and facing him. Both of them were breathing heavily and hugging one another.
"Uh, you guys okay?" Bonnie randomly asked
The other two gasped and jumped a little. Vincent pulled out his knife and growled slightly.
"Who's there?" He hissed, "show yourself"
"It's me, Bonnie"
"Wha- wait Bonnie?"
Anguis partially turned around and held her arm out, summoning a fireball. Their eyes trailed up from his feet to his head and sat there in shock and embarrassment.
"Uhh, what are you doing here?"
"Chica kept hearing something, but she can't see this hallway for whatever reason, so I thought I would wander down here and see what it was."
"Wait, you can see the hallway?"
"Oh, umm... okay"
There was a loud banging sound that made everyone jump and look down the hall. Anguis quickly put out the fire to make sure whoever was coming down didn't see them.
"Ow shitty ass mother fucker I stubbed my god damn toe.... hey, are you two doing alright down there? You've been there almost the whole night" Mike yelled
"Yeah we're fine" Vincent yelled back, "I don't recommend coming down here though"
"Um... okay? Why?"
"Well based on your coordination skills, you're gonna be stubbing your toe some more..."
"Hey it's kinda dark down here. I can't see a god damn thing...but I do have a flashlight somewhere..."
"No, really, don't come down here"
"wait, are you fucking Anguis???"
"Damn straight I am"
"Niiiice, well imma head back now. Oh, do you know where Bonnie is? He seems to be missing off stage"
"Yeah, he's heading back to stage now"
"Was he in the kitchen?"
"Ah, okay. Well imma let y'all keep on fuckin, just make sure Scott doesn't find any jizz anywhere."
With that, Mike walked away from the hallway and back towards the office. Bonnie got the hint that Vincent dropped earlier and went back down the hall once the coast was clear, leaving the two of them alone by themselves.
"Well that was awkward" said Anguis
"Mhmm, totally worth it though"
"~snort laugh~ really?"
"It always is"
"You make it seem like it's a privilege"
"Well it is, I don't think any of the other guys are this lucky. Maybe Scott, but the others, hell nah"
The bell chimed for the end of their shift and the two glanced back at the entrance of the hallway. They could hear someone walking closer and panicked, Vincent quickly sliding out of Anguis and redoing his pants while Anguis tidied up her looks a bit.
"Hey you two, dunno if you heard or not, but the shift ended" Scott yelled down to them
"Yeah we heard"
A flashlight turned on and blinded the two of them and they covered their eyes and looked away. Scott gave them a confused look and aimed the beam at the floor.
"What on earth were you guys doing down here anyways? Planning world domination?"
"No, Anguis kept going from extremely warm to extremely cold for the longest time, but she's balancing out now, right hon?"
"Huh, weird. Might be getting sick"
"Maybe, guess I'll find out later"
"Yeah, by the way, where's your car?"
"Oh we flew here"
"Oh, okay then. You flying back or do you want me to drop you off?"
"I wanna fly home"
"Mkay, guess we're flying back"
"Okay, that's fine with me. Just lock up the place when you're out of here"
"Alright, will do. Night Scott"
"Night Vince, night Anguis"
"Bai bai Scottie"
Anguis and Vincent got home as the sun started to pass the horizon and sighed with relief when they walked into the house.
"Ahh... home sweet home..." Vincent commented
"I still didn't get to say hi to Bonnie..." Anguis whined
"Well you still got to see him moving around and talkin, right?"
She glanced down at the floor and Vincent gave her a sympathetic look and draped an arm across her shoulders.
"Don't worry, you'll get to see him tomorrow when we go in for our next shift. I promise I won't distract you with other... things"
"Oh, by the way, I was messin around with the morph features the other day"
"Oh? And?"
"Well, I kinda like this mythical morph."
He took a step away and transformed his lower half into a long snake body that was easily over 20 feet long. His clothes had turned into more of a half vest, showing off his somewhat muscular body, and there was a bright yellow gem in the middle of his chest. Yellow scales lined up on the bottom of the snake half while smaller purple scales covered the rest of the morph. There were some golden yellow spikes on his shoulders and many golden brackets covered his arms. He smirked and coiled around Anguis, pinning her arms to the side. She gasped and panicked a little as he did that while he reared up, still towering over her.
"So, darling, what do you think of this?"
Anguis just whimpered a little and her eyes clouded over with a dark gray haze for a second, then turned back to normal. She flinched a little as it happened and Vincent could feel her shaking a little, making him frown. He gave her a longer kiss and pulled away, hoping it would help. She closed her eyes, a single tear falling down her cheek, and he became more worried for her.
"Anguis, what's wrong honey? Did I scare you?"
She shook her head.
"Do you, not like it?"
Again, she shook her head.
"Then why are you crying love?"
"I-I had a f-flashback..." she whispered
"Oh Anguis..."
He immediately felt sorry for her and hugged her, making the snake half of him push her up so she could sit on top of his coils. She shuddered a little and hugged him back once her arms were free.
"But... I d-do like the morph... it's hot"
"Oh is now?"
"Mmmm, Good to know... but what did you have a flash back about? Had a bad experience with snakes?"
"No.... kids at school would take the jump ropes and tie me up with them, and it would be so tight my arms would go numb until a teacher found me and untied the knots..."
"Damn.... man that sucks, did the kids hide you or something?"
"Yeah... they would put me behind the dumpsters..."
"If I ever find those kids, I'm doing the same thing to them that they did to you"
"There's no need to Vinny-"
"Yes there is, that's such a shitty way to treat your own classmates, they deserve it.. would you care if I duct taped their mouth shut?"
"~sigh~ go ahead"
"Hey, if you don't want me to do it, then just say so"
"Well, at least bring me along when you do it"
"Heh, okay"
There was a loud howl that was close by and they both jumped a little at the sound. Anguis glanced out the back door and saw a pair of golden yellow eyes staring in at her. They disappeared and she tilted her head sideways a little and slipped off of Vincent to go take a look.
"I'll be right back..." she muttered
"Uhh... okay?"
She opened the door and saw the eyes reappear again, this time closer and much higher up. She took a few steps outside and closed the door behind herself. As the door closed, there was a low growl and the beast leapt on top of her.
Vincent heard a loud scream and immediately unmorphed himself and ran outside, where a large werewolf creature was pinning down Anguis, snarling and licking its lips. He stood there in shock as it lowered its face next to Anguis'.
"Hello sister" it growled

An Odd Family Version 2.0Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant