Reunited w/ Old friends

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*beep be-beep* *beep be-beep*
"Ugh... Vinny wake up and turn off your stupid alarm..."
"You're closer to it..."
Anguis sighed and felt around on the covers for his phone, not bothering to open her eyes. Vincent smirked and moved his phone so it was on his crotch and waited for her to figure out where it was. The beeping noise kept getting louder and eventually Anguis found it and was going to grab the phone when Vincent moved it off to the side once again.
She opened her eyes and jumped back a little once she realized she didn't grab his phone and Vincent laughed to himself, making Anguis roll her eyes.
"So you're not gonna keep going?" He whined
"I'm just messing with ya darling. We should probably hurry, we gotta go to work"
"Do we haaave to?"
"Yeah, kinda wanna be able to eat this week"
Anguis went to get up when a sharp pain shot through her shoulders and she yelled a little and fell back against the wall.
"You alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine"
"You sure?"
"Okay, if you say so"
They got up and dressed themselves, went downstairs, and left to go back to work.
They beat the others to the restaurant and Anguis took a seat on the desk once more while Vincent slouched in one of the office chairs, checking the feed on his phone. Anguis kept having waves of pain going through her body and laid back on the desk and closed her eyes.
"You sure you're alright dear?" Vincent asked as he wheeled back over, "you don't look too well"
"I'm not sure anymore..."
He frowned a little and pulled her off the desk and onto his lap and gave her a surprised look.
"Geez girl, you're freezing!"
"Really? I feel like I'm burning though"
"Hmm... well that's not good"
She yawned and put her head on his shoulder and sighed a little.
"My shoulders hurt... so does my stomach" she complained
"You're fallin apart on me Anguis, we shoulda stayed home."
"Well of course imma stay home if you're sick"
"So I can care for you silly"
"I'd be fine home alone Vinny, I'm not completely incapable of doing things"
"But it's still nice to have someone around to care for you, usually whenever I got sick my mom or dad would come over and care for me"
"Oh, that's nice of them"
"So imma do what my parents do for me and take care of ya"
"Sup fuckeeeers" Mike yelled as he walked into the building
"Well... the other morons are here..." Vincent muttered, "you wanna annoy the shit out of them?"
He smirked and then started making out with her. Mike, Robert, Fritz, and Jeremy walked around the corner and saw them sitting in the office and Robert let out a sigh.
"Those two I swear..." he muttered
"Well at least we all know they like each other.." said Fritz
"Yoo Hoo" yelled Mike, "Ey there's other people here now, you two can stop now"
Vincent flicked him off and ignored him. Mike rolled his eyes and everyone else took their places and then bell chimed. Anguis pulled away and they both had a wide smirk on their faces.
"Mission accomplished" she whispered
There was a loud ~thunk~ at the end of the hallway around 6 am and the sound of a door opening and slamming shut. Jeremy turned the flashlight on and everyone's blood ran cold as an older version of Bonnie stood at the end of the hall, his face and left arm missing.
"Oh my gosh..." Anguis whispered
"The hell happened to him??" Asked mike
"He's one they used for parts... I didn't realize they used THAT many from them" said Robert
"Anguis you look like you've seen a ghost" said Fritz
"Bonnie was my favorite one..."
She was on the verge of tears and Vincent gave her hug. The animatronic walked closer to them and the guys threw on their masks. The rabbit entered the office and Anguis got off of Vincent and walked towards the 7 foot animatronic and placed a hand on his chest.
"Bon Bon... what happened to you..."
"Anguis!" Fritz hissed, "put on your mask! You're gonna get killed!"
Bonnie looked down at her and petted her head with his metal hand and Vincent cautiously wheeled his chair over, about to grab Anguis and pull her away from the dangerous situation. Toy Chica crawled out from the left vent and he froze in place. She spotted Anguis and let out a scream and attacked her, the two of them falling to the ground and fist fighting. Vincent and Bonnie both reacted as Bonnie grabbed Toy Chica and threw her out of the office and turned to face her while Vincent grabbed hold of Anguis and pulled her back onto his lap and guarded her as the two animatronics fought. Chica' beak was ripped off of her, exposing her endoskeleton on the inside, and was cracked as it hit the ground. She grabbed her version of Carl the Cupcake and ran back to the stage area. Bonnie turned around and Vincent growled and put his arms around Anguis. He walked back into the office towards the two and held out his hand for Anguis to take.
"She's not leaving, rabbit" Vincent growled
Bonnie's ear drooped and he turned around and walked out of the room and started going back to the Part and Service section.
"Wait Bon Bon!"
Anguis morphed and slipped out of Vincent's hold and he desperately tried to grab her again, but she bounced away to the edge of the hallway and unmorphed.
"Anguis get back here!"
"No, gimme a second"
The animatronic walked back to the office and they stood toe to toe with each other.
"What did they do to you..." she asked while looking at all the holes and wires poking out of him. Bonnie shrugged and Anguis took a closer look at his hand. Another loud thud echoed throughout the place and Bonnie turned around and looked to see what it was. Foxy stood at the end of the hallway and started walking closer to them. Robert gasped as he saw the condition his favorite animatronic Fox was in. He too suffered from various parts missing and twitched every once in a while.
"ladd-d-d-die, we be-e-e needin teh g-g-go ba-a-ack." He said as he grabbed onto Bonnie's shoulder. Bonnie motioned towards Anguis and she looked at Foxy and smiled.
"Well if i-i-i-it isn't teh y-y-y-young la-a-addie, e-e-ello aga-a-ain"
"Hai Foxy..."
"Anguis what are you doing??"
Vincent had stood up and taken off his mask. The animatronics looked at him and Foxy laughed.
"I-I-I-it be us, from ba-a-a-ack at the o-o-old restaurant"
"The one that exploded about a week and a half ago?"
"Y-e-e-ep, tis the o-o-one"
Jeremy and Mike sighed of relief and took off their masks as well and got up and hugged the animatronics. Robert and Fritz glanced at each other and shrugged, taking off their masks as well.
"S-so when were you g-guys moved here?" Jeremy asked
"L-l-l-like the day after it ha-a-a-appened"
"Bon Bon... can you talk?"
The rabbit shook his head no and Anguis slouched a little in disappointment. Bonnie gave her a hug and she let out a shakey sigh.
The bell signaled that their shift was up and the animatronics waved goodbye and went back to their room. Jeremy patted Anguis on the back and she glanced up at him.
"H-hey Anguis, don't w-worry"
"Don't worry about what?"
"B-Bonnie n them, th-they'll probably get fixed S-soon"
He gave her a light smile and followed Mike and Fritz out of the restaurant. Another wave of pain shot through Anguis, this time a lot worse than before, and she braced herself against a wall and slowly sunk down to the floor. Robert and Vincent were talking to one another when Robert noticed her fall.
"Woah Anguis, you alright?" He asked
"No... gah..."
Vincent went to her side and helped her up.
"Okay I'm taking you to a doctor, there's something really wrong"
"It's fine Vinny, I just need to rest..."
"You said you were fine earlier, but it's obvious you're not"
"Like I said, I just need to rest..."
"Hmmm... fine, but if you're like this later today or tomorrow, I'm taking us out of work and you're going to the doctor's office"
She morphed into the white dragon and Vincent picked her up and carried her like a mother would with their baby. She nuzzled her head into the crook of his arm and fell asleep as they got outside to their car. He placed Anguis on his lap and drove home with her there, one hand on the wheel, the other scratching her back. While waiting for a light to turn green, he noticed the muscles on her shoulders were extremely tense and almost stuck in place when he tried to move her wing.
*that's probably why she keeps feeling all this pain, her body is like as stiff as a board. Maybe her and I will take a spa day and just relax... actually, that's exactly what we're going to do*
He called Scott and told him that Anguis was experiencing trauma from the amount of times she was shocked. They chatted for a while until Vincent got home, then he carried the still sleeping Anguis up to their room and told Scott he had to go. Scott told him to take the next few days off to get situated with life again and then said goodbye and hung up. Anguis somewhat woke up and unmorphed once Vincent put her down on the bed and went into the bathroom to get himself ready for bed. She sighed and laid down on her stomach and tried to ignore the throbbing pain in her shoulders. Vince finished up and walked out and saw her laying there with her head resting on her arms.
"Oh by the way, I think I know why you're in so much pain Anguis."
"Why's that..." she muttered
"Your muscles are completely stiff, like there's next to no mobility in them whatsoever."
"Probably from flying..."
"Probably... you want me to try something to see if it helps?"
He sat down on the back of her legs and massaged her back, making her purr.
"Yeah, the definitely feels good..."
After about half an hour of it, Anguis fell asleep and Vincent stopped and laid down next to her. He played with her hair for a little and then moved her so her body was touching his and fell asleep with his arms around her.

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