Heros? (2.0)

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Vincent and Anguis pulled up in front of the pizzeria a few minutes late and ran inside to the office to check in. The other guards looked up when they walked in.
"Vincent don't call me that..."
"Why not?"
"It's annoying"
"It's kinda crowded in here" said Anguis, looking around at the 4 office chairs that were filling the small room.
"Yeah, I was thinking about making this room a bit bigger, but imma need more cash to do that" said Scott
The animatronics powered on and Anguis glanced out of the door.
"I'll be riiiight back" she said as she skipped down the hallway.
"Where you goin sweetie?"
"Guitar lessons"
Vincent checked his phone and Scott looked at him funny.
"Did she just say guitar lessons?"
"What did she mean by that?"
Vincent grabbed the tablet from Jeremy and changed the camera view so it was on the stage. Bonnie and Anguis were sitting there with their guitars and strumming along to a beat that Bonnie was providing by tapping his foot.
"What the hell??"
"She gets along with them???"
Chica showed up by the right door and poked her head in.
"Hey guys!"
"Hi Chica"
Scott looked at her with a puzzled expression and she looked down at him.
"Something confusing you boss?"
"I thought you guys attacked strangers"
"We do, none of you guys are strangers to us though"
"Really? Not even Mike or Jeremy?"
"Nah, they're cool actually, well not Mike"
"Hey I'm cool"
"No not really honey"
"Wow, you're a sassy duck"
"Chicken... imma chicken Mike"
"Chicken, duck, whatever"
She rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen to grab some food.
Near the end of their shift the power went out completely and the place went pitch black, light only coming from Vincent's phone.
"The fuck just happened" said Mike
"I don't know"
Everyone else got out their phones and turned on their flashlights. The metal door at the back of the restaurant opened and slammed shut and everyone sat there completely still. Voices and footsteps were heard echoing throughout the building and Scott moved over by the door, ready to close it.
"Oh boy..."
"What Vince?" Asked Mike
"Where's Anguis?"
"She'll be fine."
There was a loud ear piercing scream and the sound of a guitar hitting something and then an object hitting the floor. There were grunting sounds and a glass shattered in the main room. Anguis screamed and then was the sound of something else hitting the ground. Scott and Vincent exchanged worried looks and peered out of the hallway, holding their phones up to see. There was a body laying part way in the hallway and Anguis was down on her hands and knees, a knife sticking out of her left shoulder. A masked figure held a crowbar behind her and was about to swing down and hit her when Bonnie smacked the person with his guitar and sent him flying.
Vincent sprinted down the hallway with Scott and ran to her side. Jeremy was on the phone with the police and Mike sat there not caring about what was going on. Anguis stood back up and looked at the knife that was in her shoulder.
"Oh lovely..."
"You okay sweetheart?"
"Oh yeah, just fine, not like I have a knife in me"
"Right, ummm, Scott do we still have that roll of towel material in the supply closet?"
"Yeah, I'll go get it"
Police came in through the front door, aiming guns at the guards.
"Do I really have to? I have a knife in my shoulder and it's not very comfortable to move my arm"
"Oh shit girl you serious?"
Anguis spun around, showing off the knife, and then Scott came back with the towels.
"Here Vince"
He threw the whole thing and Vincent caught it. A cop came over to assist him while the others went to the unconscious masked people laying on the ground, checking to see if they were alive or not.
"Oh no" said the cop helping out Vincent and Anguis
"This is a very dangerous knife, if I yank it out of her, the ridges facing the other way are going to do more damage than good"
"Eh just yank the stupid thing out" said Anguis
"Honey did you not just hear what he said?"
"Yeah I did, but remember the thing?"
"Umm, no?"
"Never mind, just pull it out"
"Are you sure?"
"It's either you pulling it out, or I am"
"Alright, if you say so Miss"
The cop grabbed the handle and yanked it out of her. Anguis yelled in agony and braced herself on the table.
"Wooooooooo, ow, okay yeah that hurt more than I thought it would"
"Anguis why would you even do that?? That's stupid" commented Scott
"I heal faster than normal"
"Just look"
Scott and the officer looked at her shoulder and stepped back a little, fairly creeped out by what was happening.
"It's, its regenerating!" Scott exclaimed.
"Vinny could you still wrap me up? I can feel the blood dripping down my back and it's kinda weirding me out."
"Oh yeah of course."
Bonnie walked over to them and helped Vincent by holding her limp arm up to the bandage could be wrapped better. He finished it and tore the material, stuffing the end of it into a wrapped section so it wouldn't become undone.
"No probs"
Anguis felt something drip down her leg and she looked down and saw glass lodged into her, blood running from the various cuts.
"Man I am really good at getting injured" she reached down and pulled a piece out, placed it on the table, and kept doing that until all the shards were out of her. Vincent watched her, somewhat grossed out, but mostly impressed how she wasn't freaking out.
The robbers were cuffed and carted off to the hospital and the bell chimed 6am.
"Well boys, and Anguis, I'd say we had an interesting morning so far" said Scott
"Yep, I'd agree with that" said Anguis
"Oh, by the way, thanks for stopping those weirdos, you really are a hero"
"Me??? A hero??"
"Uhhh... okay... *yawns*"
"You ready to go home darling?" Vincent whispered to her
"Okay, well Anguis and I are goin home"
"Already?" Asked Mike
"Yeah, shes really tired, plus she's gotta take her meds"
"Ah okay, see yah" said Scott
Vincent swept Anguis off her feet and carried her out to the car. She waved at the animatronics on the way out and they said their goodbyes before powering down once more.
{walking into the house}
"You know, I'm surprised you didn't freak out about that knife in your back"
"Eh, it wasn't the first time I've been stabbed in the back"
"Least it was less painful than a steak knife"
"Yeah, steak knives hurt like hell."
"Huh, interesting."
Anguis went upstairs into her room, brushed her teeth, changed, and was about to fall asleep when she heard Vincent clear his throat, trying to get her attention. She opened an eye and saw him standing in the doorway.
"No goodnight kisses?" He pouted
"Yeah really"
She sighed and got up and out of bed, walked over to him and quickly pecked him on the lips. Anguis turned around and was about to go back to bed when Vincent grabbed her around the waist and dragged her to his room.
"What are you ~yawns~ doing??"
"You're gonna sleep with me from now on"
"Mkay.... as long as I get to sleep, I'm fine with it..."
She laid down on the side that wasn't completely bandaged up and Vincent jumped in behind her and started kissing her neck again.
"Not... not right now Vince"
"Whaaat? Why??"
"I'm tired, my shoulder hurts, and I gotta headache...."
"Oh, well I can give you some pain medication if you want it"
"Yes please..."
He reached behind him and opened a drawer on his nightstand and grabbed a pill bottle. Two small red pills fell out onto his hand and he gave them to Anguis.
"Don't chew em"
She grabbed a glass of water that was on her nightstand and took a swig, dropped the pills in her mouth, and swallowed all of it before laying back down. Vincent wrapped his arms around her and pulled her next to him. Anguis yawned again and placed one of her hands on top of his, and drifted off to sleep.
"Sleep well my princess"

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now