New Guard (2.0)

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"So, lemme get this straight, you've known each other since elementary, then Anguis disappeared, you're the one who put an alert in for her, she magically shows up again, kills her parents in front of you basically, and you find that hot?" Said Scott
"You serial killers have a weiiiird mindset..."
"Oh we know"
Anguis yawned and laid back down onto the hospital bed. Vincent looked down at her and scratched her head.
"You tired hon?"
"Yeah... ~yawns~"
"Well then, let's go home"
He slid his arms underneath her and picked her up and stood up in the process. Scott held the door open for them and trailed behind them as they walked down to the lobby.
"Ah shit...." said Vincent
"What is it Vinny?"
"I got in the ambulance with you..."
"I left my car at the restaurant..."
"Oh boy..."
"Wait your car is here though Vince, I parked next to it"
"Oh Mr. Afton," said the person at the desk, "someone by the name of Fred dropped it off for you, he was wearing a yellow bear mask if that helps ring a bell."
Scott looked at Vincent in shock and Anguis smiled.
"Good ol' Goldie" she mumbled.
The group walked out to their cars and said goodbye to each other as they went their separate ways.
------------------------------------------------------The ride home for Anguis and Vincent was rather quiet since Anguis kept waking up and falling asleep, but when they got home, Anguis got out and stumbled a bit.
"Woo these meds are tripping me out."
"Hold on, I'll just carry you"
"No I got this, don't worry"
She tried taking another step and almost fell, but Vincent caught her and put her back on her feet.
"Second thought, can you carry me... I'm woozy as hell right now..."
"What's the magic wooord?"
"It's a word? I thought I coulda just done this"
She gave him a quick kiss and he looked down at her in surprise.
"I mean yeah, that does work too, buuuut-"
She giggled, "please?"
"There we go"
He picked her up again and she wrapped her arms around his neck and placed her head on his shoulder. They went upstairs and Vincent placed Anguis down in her bed and crawled in as well, laying down beside her. She looked up at him and nuzzled her head into his chest and sighed happily.
"You know, for a tall girl like yourself, you're actually really light."
"I am?"
"Yeah, like I could carry you around for an entire day and not get tired"
"Hmm, I might just have you do that at some point"
Anguis glanced over at the mirror that sat at the foot of the bed and frowned when she saw the bruise marks on her throat. She sat up and looked at them closely and she could see where Mike had tried to strangle her.
"Damn... he really did beat me up pretty good..."
Vincent looked away from his phone and glanced over at her.
"Yeah he did, but don't worry, it'll go away eventually."
"But... it just looks so ugly"
"And? I don't care about if you look good or nah, it's not gonna change how I feel about you"
"Wait really?"
"Yeah, wait you thought I liked you cause of how you looked?"
"Well, the other guys did, I mean look at Mike, he said I was annoying but still liked me cause of how I looked"
"Oh cmon, Mike isn't right in the head, you know that"
"I know, but-"
"Then why worry about what he thinks?"
"Hm....~yawns~ good point."
Vincent sat up slightly and pulled Anguis back down next to him and she squeaked a little. He laid down on top of her, trapping her underneath him, and she blushed and gave him a puzzled look.
"What are you doi-mmmffff!!!"
He quickly pushed his head forward and cut her off mid sentence by kissing her. She blushed even harder and just accepted it once he showed no signs of stopping soon. He managed to get her mouth open a little and they explored each other's mouths while making out and pulled away from it after a few minutes. They both laid there, out of  breath, and Vincent smirked when their eyes met.
"I need to do that more often, I liked that." he cooed
Anguis blushed some more and he got off of her and laid down next to her. She yawned again and snuggled against him, falling asleep within a few minutes. Vincent stayed awake a bit longer, admiring her curvy figure, then pulled the covers up on them and fell asleep, holding Anguis close.
Later that day Anguis woke up, catching the sunset's rays right in her face. She looked away and covered her eyes, then heard someone having a conversation. She listened a bit more and heard Vincent and another familiar voice that she couldn't quite remember who is belonged to. Getting up, Anguis threw on a sports bra and sweats and went downstairs to grab some food, planning on getting a quick flying workout in. She entered the kitchen and Vincent looked over and his jaw dropped. Scott turned around looked at her in surprise.
"Hai guys!" Said Anguis as she walked over to the fridge and grab some orange juice.
"Hello Anguis"
She poured herself a glass and put the rest back in the fridge and sat on the counter next to Vincent, who was still gawking at her.
"So, whatcha guys talking about?"
"Actually, we were talking about you" said Scott
"Yeah, we were maybe thinking, letting you become a guard at Fazbear's too."
"~gasp~ really?!?!"
"Yeah really, whatcha think about that idea?"
"I, I would love to be a guard!!"
"Alright cool, you're hired"
"Sweet!! Vinny did you hear? Imma be working with you now!"
"God, DAMN girl"
"Did you even hear what I said?"
"Yeah, I think I found something more interesting though"
Scott and Anguis looked at each other and shrugged. She finished off her drink and placed the glass in the sink.
"Hey babe, imma go get a workout in."
"But you'll be seen"
"No I won't, I'll keep a low profile; I'll just go over the lake"
"Alright... just don't let anyone see you..."
She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and morphed into a baby dragon and bounced out the open screen door, taking off over the lake. Scott stood there dumbfounded at what he saw and Vincent smirked and touched his face where Anguis had kissed him.
"Wha- what did she just do???"
"Oh yeah, forgot to mention, she's kinda, different, but in a good way..."
"But what did she just do??"
"cmon I'll show you"
They went upstairs to the balcony that was up there and stood there watching Anguis fly around above the water. Vincent whistled for her and she flew back up and landed on his arm.
"Tah dah, dragon girlfriend"
Anguis nuzzled her head against his chin and looked up at Scott.
"Well I'll be damned, you gotta magical girlfriend"
Anguis smiled and jumped off of Vincent, landing on a water bottle that she had brought out there. She tried to open it and whimpered when she couldn't. Vincent shook his head and grabbed the container, opened it, and then held it up so she could drink some. Anguis finished off the whole thing in one sitting and then jumped back up onto the ledge of the balcony and leapt off, going for another few laps around the lake edge. Vincent went back inside to refill the bottle and Scott stood there watching Anguis fly around, simply amazed at the fact he was watching a real life dragon glide through the air.
Few minutes later Vincent came back up with some food and more water for Anguis and joined Scott in watching her practice.
"Dude, Anguis is just-"
"Amazing, isn't she?"
"Yeah... let's go with that..." said Scott
On her last lap, Anguis shot up above the tree line, doing a tight upwards spiral, and then free fell back down towards the water. She opened her wings at the last second and shot back up, landing perfectly on the balcony ledge.
"How, how was that?" She asked, out of breath
"Awesome" said Scott
"A-fucking-mazing" said Vincent as he scratched her on her head.
She smiled and Vince handed her a nacho and she quickly ate it and wagged her tail, wanting more. He kept feeding her while Scott looked at them, studying Anguis and how her scales were lined up on her.
"Hey, uh Anguis"
"Yeah Scott?"
"You mind if I take a closer look at you? Your scale design is simply intriguing"
"Oh yeah go ahead"
She stood back up and Scott picked up her little paw and looked at how simple the design was, but how it seemed so complex from farther away. The top level of scales were much larger than the ones that were covering her feet and wings.
"Absolutely stunning... Vincent have you thought about showing everyone else?"
"Well Mike and Jeremy know about it, otherwise no one else does"
"You should, imagine if the world got to know her"
Anguis shrunk back at that comment and shook her head.
"Something wrong with that idea Anguis?" Asked Scott
"I...I don't like it... that's like, way too many people..."
"Oh yeah, I forgot she absolutely hates being around really large crowds, nor does she like the idea of being really well known."
"Oh, that's a shame, you'd get some good money off of it"
Vincent shrugged and went back to petting Anguis. She purred when he started scratching behind the horns that were on her head and he kept at it for a while. Scott raised an eyebrow and laughed to himself and Vincent looked at him.
"What's so funny?"
"Out of all these years I've known you, I've never seen you more devoted to something, nor have I seen you care so much about someone, not even your first girl."
"Well," Vincent picked up Anguis and supported her with one hand underneath her and one hand on her back between her wings, "I mean, she has been my dream girl forever so yeah imma make sure I treat her nice"
"You had a crush on her??"
"Woah, wait, the Vincent I know has emotions like that?"
Anguis giggled at that comment and slipped out of Vincent's hold and laid down across his shoulders, her tail hanging off his left while she laid her head down on his right. He looked at her and kissed her on the nose and turned back towards Scott.
"Yeah, I do"
"I swear Vincent you are a mystery, would of never expected that out of you."
Scott's phone buzzed and he looked down at it and inhaled sharply.
"Shit, I gotta go... Linda is still sorta sick so I gotta help her around the house and whatnot."
"Ah alright man, take care"
"C yeah"
He left down the stairs on the balcony and Anguis jumped off of Vincent and unmorphed. She was still sweating and dried herself off with a towel that was out there. Vince went back to gawking at her and she ate the rest of the food that was out there.
"Man, I am pooped after that."
"Girl, your body"
Anguis turned around and looked at him, blushing a little. He looked at her eyes, then back down, then back up again, and he seemed to be in shock.
"What about it?"
"I-its like..flawless."
"Oh, I got plenty of flaws on me"
"I don't see it"
"Look on my back"
She turned around again and Vincent noticed all the scars that were on her shoulder blades, trailing down where her spine was lined up.
"Oh my goodness"
"What happened???"
"I was beaten when I was little..."
"Awh... I'm sorry... man your parents WERE assholes"
"I know"
"Don't worry, I'll make sure to treat you waaaayyyy better than that."
He spun Anguis around so she was facing him and kissed her on her forehead. She blushed a little and Vincent looked down at her.
"So, what you wanna do tonight? We don't have work by the way, Scott let us have it off in case your injury still needed to heal"
"Oh, uh, I dunno, it's a what, Monday night?"
"Maybe eat some dinner? I'm still sorta hungry after all of that"
"Sure thing"
"Okay, well imma take a shower first,"
"I'll just grab some take out while you're showering"
They went back inside, Anguis going into her room while Vincent went downstairs to order some Chinese takeout. The food got to the house right as Anguis stepped out of the bathroom and she slid down the handrails to the door to grab the food. Vincent paid while Anguis placed everything on the coffee table and turned on the tv, trying to find the cartoons. She found some eventually and sat there giggling to herself and eating her food. Vince sat down next to her and looked at what was on the tv.
"You're watching cartoons?"
"Yeah, I haven't seen this show in foreeeever"
"You're still a little kid in your head, ain't ya?"
"Sort of"
He smiled and grabbed his food and watched the silly kids show with her, laughing at some of the childish jokes. They finished after an hour and Anguis fell asleep after a few hours of cartoons. Vincent changed the channel to an animated drama show and cleaned up before laying back down with Anguis. He positioned her so she was laying on top of him and he wrapped his arms around her as if he was hugging her and fell asleep that way after the show finished around 2 in the morning.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now