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Anguis woke up a few hours later and attempted to stretch, but quickly realized her mistake and whimpered as a wave of light pain shot through her body.
*ow, okay, yah, can't do anything still...*
She noticed that she was the only person in the room and sighed, zoning out and staring at a pillow. There was a light knock on the door and she looked up. Baby walked into the room with a glass of water and mini sandwiches.
"Hello Anguis"
"Oh, hi Baby"
"Vincent wanted me to tell you that he's out running a few chores. He put me in charge of watching you while he was gone."
"Oh, okay..."
"I made you some food if you want it"
"Oo okay, thanks"
Ignoring the pain, Anguis sat up so she wouldn't make as much as a mess while eating and chowed down on the food. Her mind started to wander and she found herself staring off into space, until Baby waved her hand in front of Anguis' face, causing her to shake a little and snap back to reality.
"Huh, who, what?"
"Are you alright Anguis?"
"I don't know to be honest..."
"Well, would some ice cream make you feel better?"
Baby reached behind her and pulled out an ice cream cone from a compartment in the back and held her finger over it as ice cream poured out. She made it swirl up and then handed it to Anguis, who eagerly took it and smiled.
"Thanks Baby"
"No problem"
They heard the front door open and close as Vincent walked back into the house.
"Hold on Anguis, I'll be right back, I was suppose to update Vince when he got back"
The animatronic got up and went downstairs to talk to Vincent. She found him putting away the groceries and stood on her toes and cleared her throat. Vincent glanced behind him and smiled a bit.
"Ah, Baby, how'd it go?"
"She slept most of the time, but she's awake now though and eating some food that I made for her."
"Mkay, what did you give her?"
"Some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Oh, and an ice cream"
Vincent froze for a second and turned around to look at her.
"Please tell me you mixed that ice cream before giving her some"
"How do I mix it?"
"Oh no..."
"Is it a bad thing if I don't mix it?"
"All the medication is gonna be at the bottom, which is where it dispenses..."
"Oh boy, sorry"
"No it's alright, you didn't know... she's just gonna be loopy for a day or two"
He finished putting away the last item and starred cleaning the kitchen, not hearing the footsteps coming down the stairs. He was cleaning off the stove when he looked down and saw Anguis wrap her arms around him, hugging him from behind.
"Hai Vinny" she purred
"What the- Anguis?! You're suppose to be in bed!"
"But I wanna hang out with you"
"It's 5 in the morning, go back to bed"
"Then you come with me"
"No I gotta clean, this place is a mess"
"I wanna help"
"No, you're not even suppose to be standing up, let alone going up and down the stairs"
"Pretty please?"
"Anguis, What did I say?"
"But Vinny-"
He quickly turned around, breaking Anguis' hold on him and glared at her. She backed up a little and put her head down, nervously looking at him.
"Can't you just do the one simple thing I asked you to do!? It's not that fucking hard to lay down and not do anything, is it?!"
"Then why can't you do it?! Huh?!"
"I-I dunno..."
"Room. Now."
She eyed the towel he was using to clean and quickly morphed and bolted out of the kitchen, flying back up the stairs to her room. Vincent heard the door slam shut and sighed a little before going back to cleaning. A few minutes later Lolbit came into the room with a vacuum canister full of dust and dumped it into the trash can.
"So, what did you say to Anguis exactly?" She asked
"I might of told her off since she didn't listen to me"
"She's in her room crying, like a lot. Her aura is cracked a hella lot too"
"Oh no... is it really?"
"Yeah, like I thought it was bad when I first met her, but it's so much worse now, and I thought it would of been better since she had ice cream."
"I shouldn't of yelled at her...." Vincent muttered
"What was that?"
"I forgot she had that ice cream.... she probably took me yelling really seriously..."
"You said she was in her room?"
"Mkay, could you finish cleaning?"
"Sure thing"
"Alright, thanks"
He stuffed the towel he was using for cleaning around a belt loop and went upstairs to see where Anguis was. He got to her room and heard her crying and frowned a little. He knocked on the door to see if he would get a response. She didn't say anything so he quietly turned the knob on the door and opened it a little. She was balled up on her bed and lifted her head a little, immediately looking at the towel when Vincent walked into the room and trying to back up a bit further, even though she was already against the wall.
"I-I'm sorry Vinny.... pl-please don't hurt me, I-I didn't mean to make y-you upset...."
"Why would you think I'm here to hurt you?"
"Y-you've gotta towel... ain't you g-gonna whip me?"
He glanced down at the piece of fabric, threw the towel off to the side and sat down on the edge of the bed and hugged her. She flinched a little in surprise, but leaned into it once realizing he wasn't harming her.
"Anguis, I would never hurt you..."
"B-but, I didn't listen to you..."
"I'm not gonna hit you because of that, that's a dumb reason to do such a thing. The only time I'd hit you if it's when I'm smackin you in the butt, but even then I'm just playing around, not trying to hurt you"
She didn't say anything afterwords, making Vincent sigh.
"Look, I'm sorry for yelling at you... I didn't mean it, I'm just really tired and I'm irritated very easily when I'm like this"
"I-its okay Vinny..."
"It's not okay, I made your aura crack some more"
"Oh, don't worry about that stupid thing, it's never gonna heal completely"
"Imma still try to fix it as best as possible though"
"Why?" She asked while looking up
"Because, I care"
He gave her a quick kiss, making her blush a light pink color. An idea popped into his head and he morphed into his Naga look and curled around her. She smiled a little bit as he wrapped around her and hugged her from behind.
"So, you said you wanted to hang out?"
"Well, we can do that aaallllll day tomorrow, that sound good?"
"Why not right now?"
"Cause imma bout to fall asleep sitting here"
"Oh, okay"
"But first, I wanna make you feel better, as like an apology"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Oh, you know"
He dragged the end of his tail between her legs and she blushed a lot, looking out the window for a brief second.
"I'm not sure about this Vinny"
"Why do you mean darling?"
"It feels like something is watching us... and that something isn't a good thing..."
"Hmm... I'm sure it's nothing hon"
"Yeah, probably..."
She looked out the window again and gasped as a large wolf-like creature bounced out of the woods towards the house.
"What? What is it?"
"He's back"
"Who's back?"
There was a loud crashing sound as the glass door shattered downstairs.
"INTRUDER!" They heard Bon Bon and Freddy yell
"It's Lucius..." Anguis whimpered
"Okay, hold on. Ballora, if you can hear this: ring the bell system I have set up on you"
There were sounds of things breaking as the animatronics tried to hold back the creature, but a quiet bell rang out above the disaster.
"I'm taking Anguis to Scott's house since she's still injured: keep him distracted"
Another ding went off and Vincent quickly unmorphed and picked up Anguis, making her wrap her legs around his waist so she was supported better, and ran out of the room. They were almost to the balcony when there was a scraping sound and a loud growling sound. Anguis gasped as Lucius landed behind them and stared into her eyes. Vincent whipped around and saw him, then started running faster. The werewolf took off after them and Vincent turned his back to the door and busted it open. He morphed in the same wings as before and used a piece of outdoor furniture to jump over the railing. Lucius broke through the door and swiped at them, slicing through a bit of Anguis' arm and Vincent's wing. He tried to use it, but they both fell and landed in the lake behind the house. The cold water made them gasp and the two quickly split up so they could get back to the surface. Anguis popped up first and coughed up a bunch of water, frantically looking around for Vincent, who was nowhere to be seen.
"Vinny?!? VINCENT!!"
He came up to the surface, coughing and holding onto his shoulder. His wings were gone and he seemed to be struggling.
"Anguis, get out of here, I'll distract Lucius"
"What?! No, I need to deal with this myself, it's my brother"
She morphed in her wings and flew Vincent back to shore before flying up to the balcony.
"Anguis no wait!"
Lucius' eyes locked onto her and he growled once more, leaning back as he was about to pounce.
"What do you want with me Lucius? Huh?" She demanded
"I want payback"
"For what? You're the one who beat me and laughed whenever mom and dad hit me"
"I want payback for the pain you caused our parents while you were around"
"I caused them pain?? I think not"
"How do you know what they went through?"
"Oh you're gonna go down that route, ain't ya? They didn't go through the pain, they just passed it over to me so then they wouldn't have to deal with it."
Lucius suddenly leapt at her and they both dropped back down into the water, sinking to the bottom quickly. Lucius had Anguis by the throat and pushed her down further underwater, making her loose a lot of air. She desperately clawed at him and tried to get out, but as her vision went darker, she realized she wasn't going to make it. There were two loud splashes and she heard Lucius scream underwater as his grip suddenly disappeared. She frantically started swimming for the surface, but passed out from the lack of oxygen in her system. Vincent watched from the shore as the bubbles stopped coming towards the surface and the water turned a crimson red.
*oh god, where is Anguis??*
There was a large splash where the blood was coming up from and Lucius gasped for air as he was dragged under once more. A small alligator popped out from the red water and swam over to the shore where a larger one sat. It make a loud chirping noise and then cruised back out with the larger one. They both sunk under the water and Vincent nervously paced back and forth. A dark gray piece of cloth washed up on the shore and Vincent reached down and picked it up.
*No... no this is off of Anguis' hoodie...*
The smaller alligator resurfaced and chirped again. The larger one came back up, dragging something behind it. Vincent tried to make out what it was, but couldn't in the early morning daylight. It got next to shore and he realized that what it was holding was an arm, and it was dragging Anguis behind it. He gasped and ran out into the shallow part of the lake and tried to shoo away the reptile, thinking it was going to hurt her. It ignored and swam past him, dragging the limp body onto the shore. Confused, Vincent walked back over to where Anguis was and started giving her CPR. Both alligators sat there watching as he tried to revive her, and after several minutes, one push gave in and she started coughing up gallons of water. He rolled her over onto her side so that it wouldn't block her air way and sighed with relief, then glanced over at the reptiles.
*i coulda sworn I just saw them both sigh... I must be imagining things... Mental note: don't stay awake for more than 24 hours at a time*
She continued to cough up water for a little while and tiredly glanced up at Vincent, smiling a little bit.
"Huh... I gotta hot guy to ~coughs~ rescue me..."
"Must be your lucky day"
"Though he did forget the stereotypical ~cough~ rescue move"
"Mmh no I didn't"
He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, making her giggle a bit. The little alligator chirped again and they both looked over at the reptile. It got up and walked over to where they were and laid down next to Anguis. She scratched it on the head while the larger one crawled over to her and placed its head next to hers and sighed. Vincent moved away from the animals and the little one chirped again, making Anguis look over at him.
"It's okay Vinny, they're not gonna hurt you"
"Are you sure? I mean they're wild alligators"
"I'm sure, well the little baby one I'm sure about, I dunno where this other one came from."
The small one walked back over to the other and the larger one opened its mouth, and the little one got into it. Anguis and Vincent both clued in that the bigger one was one of the parents and smiled a little as the animals walked back towards the water. The pain from the slash that Lucius gave suddenly hit Vincent as the adrenaline rush died and he cringed and held onto his upper arm, where the cut transferred to when the wings disappeared. Anguis looked up at him and gasped once seeing the red stain in his shirt.
"Oh no Vinny, what happened???" She asked while getting up to help him.
"It's, nothing... I think..."
She gave him a look that clearly showed that she didn't believe him and morphed in her dragon claws, cutting away that part of the shirt. She looked disgusted once seeing that the cut trailed up his arm onto his shoulder and tried to heal it, but nothing happened.
"Uh oh"
"Um... well, magic can't heal other magical injuries apparently..."
"Oh fun ~yawns~"
Anguis frowned a little as they both stood back up and went inside to go bandage themselves. She finished wrapping up the slit on her arm and helped Vincent with his, taping it all together when she was finished. She made Vincent lay down on the bed while she cleaned up the mess they had made and heard him sigh a little.
"Something wrong Vinny?"
"I didn't think it would burn for this long..." he muttered
"Well, he did have a little bit of poison on his claws" she said while looking at a cloth they had used to clean the wounds.
"Huh? How do you know?"
"He was poison, I'm fire, and my sister is ice I think"
"You have a sister?"
"Yeah... Curre is so much older than my brother and I though, so I barely know her"
"Hmm. Maybe you can talk to her about your parents, cause I don't think Lucius made it out alive"
"Maybe, I would have to find her first"
"I'm sure she didn't go far... gah my arm hurts"
He inhaled sharply as another wave of pain shot through him and he groaned and closed his eyes. Anguis sighed, wishing she could help ease the pain a bit, and took off her soaking wet clothes to change into some dry, warm pajamas. Vincent opened an eye and gazed at her, smiling a little bit as she tried to button up the top part, struggling to button up one spot.
"Need help with that darling?"
"No... Well, maybe"
"Cmere, I'll help you"
She walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed while Vincent tugged at the shirt. He eventually got the button in, but as he let go, it broke and the majority of the buttons popped off, one hitting him in the face and making Anguis blush a lot.
"Oh my gosh!" she gasped as she frantically tried to cover herself up.
Vincent started laughing and smiled a bit.
"Okay, now that's the best thing I've ever seen."
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine"
"Well, I guess I can't wear button up shirts"
"Not with those big toys you're not gonna"
Anguis sighed and slipped off the ruined shirt, carelessly tossing it over to the side of the room. Vincent whistled and she looked at him and giggled once realizing it was for her. He groaned and cringed as another burning feeling shot through his arm.
"Gah.... holy shit, why the fuck does it come in waves of pain...."
An idea popped into Anguis' mind and she crawled over and sat on Vincent's lap, placing a hand on top of his wounds. She absorbed the pain for him and tried to not show how much it hurt. Vincent's pained expression lessened a bit and he relaxed.
*Huh, the pain stopped... weird*
He glanced down and his eyes widened a bit once they came in contact with her breasts. He smirked in a perverted way and licked his lips.
"Damn Anguis... you sexy as fuck"
He looked back up at her face and saw the tears that had gathered in her eyes and felt a wave of panic rush through him as her aura dimmed and the cracks deepened, creating more holes.
"Woah Anguis, what's wrong?!"
"Hm?" She asked while glancing over at him
"What's wrong dear?"
"You've got water in your eyes, there's gotta be somethin wrong"
"I'm fine, really..."
A single tear fell and Vincent frowned a bit and brushed it away with his thumb before giving her a kiss.
"Cmon, I know something is wrong, you don't cry for no reason what so ever, just tell me honey"
"Okay... it hurts..."
"What does?"
"The pain you'd be feeling..."
"I'm taking the pain from your injury... but because it's from my brother, it hurts five times as much for me than it should for you... cause that's how it works for magic and family related injuries..."
"Wait what?!? Anguis stop then!"
"It's okay Vinny, I can handle it"
"No please, let me take the pain, I don't wanna see you voluntarily get hurt, it's not right."
"I deserve it though"
"What? No you don't, why would you think that??"
"Well, earlier I didn't listen to you, n then I let my brother down..."
"~sigh~ Anguis..."
He brought her into a hug and scratched her on the head. He heard her sigh and felt a tear hit his bare back.
"Anguis, hon, there's no need to get hurt because you didn't listen to someone, you hear me?"
"I don't need to get hurt?"
"No, of course not.... is that why you've always listened to me?"
"Wait... how much have you done that you didn't want to do, but only did it cause you didn't want to get hurt?"
"Quite a few things..."
"Oh dear... I'm sorry, I didn't know..."
"It's okay"
"No it's not... I feel terrible now because of it... if you don't wanna do something, just lemme know next time, okay? Then you won't have to do it"
"... please don't tell me that you only had sex cause you were afraid of getting hurt..."
"Nah, I like it actually"
"Phew... okay good... I was gonna be kinda hurt if you didn't..."
He heard her giggle a bit and Anguis lifted her head off his shoulder to look him in the eyes. She smiled a little and went in for a kiss, which Vincent happily accepted.

They didn't notice the remains of a person claw its way out of the lake and stand up, glaring at the house. It's skin rippled as it slowly started regenerating where the bone and muscles were showing.
"I will get you sister... you will pay" it growled as it pointed towards the house.
An alligator bellowed and ran after Lucius, and he gasped and quickly ran away from the animal that chased him to the edge of the forest.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now