The Nightmares (2.0)

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"Anguis shouldn't we land in a non-crowded area?"
"Nah, it's fun to scare people"
"We're not scaring anyone right now"
"But, I wanna"
"No Anguis"
"Cmon just once?"
"What did I say."
Anguis glided closer to the buildings so she couldn't be seen from far away and landed on the barren streets. Vincent slide off her wing and brushed himself off while she unmorphed. They walked together into the nearby grocery store and Vincent pulled up a list of things they needed on his phone and started adding things to the basket.
"I really wanted to scare someone..." she mumbled
"You can scare Mike later tonight if you wanna"
"Okay, I dunno what he's scare of tho"
"Spiders; he has a huuuuge fear of spiders"
"~giggles~ but they're so teeny tiny and cute"
"Well, I'm not sure about that last part, but yeah, he's scared of those little buggers"
"I'm so scaring him then, I loooooooove creepy crawly things like that"
They walked past the sweets section and Anguis gawked at the amount of chocolate bars there were and stopped in her tracks. Vincent stopped as well and chuckled to himself quietly seeing her gaze at the food like a small child would.
"You can pick out some if you want" he said
"Yeah, just don't go over 5 pieces"
She ran over to the shelves and sorted through the candy on the bottom shelves, trying to find ones that looked tasty. A mom with her 2 kids came by and the little kids ran up to the shelves and also looked through the candy, making the parent stop and wait for them.
"Your kid likes them sweets too huh"
"Oh, that's not my kid"
"Babysitting duty?"
"Nope, that's actually my girlfriend"
Anguis stood back up and came back with a bar of chocolate and a bag of gummy bears and put them in the basket and grinned. The mother looked up at her in surprise and Vincent smiled back and ruffled up her hair before continuing on to get the rest of their items. He grabbed a few cases of beer and some hard liquor and had Anguis carry the basket.
"What's with the booze?" Asked Anguis
"Oh yeah, forgot to mention we're throwing a party tonight with my parents and a few other friends."
"Oooooo fun!!! I've never been to a party before"
"Really???? Not even your friends invited you to like sleepovers or something???"
"Oh dear, well this is gonna be an adult party, and they're a hella lotta fun"
"Yeah, you'll have a blast"
They paid for the items and went back to the same barren street as before. Anguis morphed once more and Vincent gave her the groceries and jumped back up on her and they flew back home to get ready.
Anguis was in charge of cleaning up a little while Vincent cooked a few things to eat, mostly laying out the store bought snacks on the kitchen table.
"So Vinny, what's the party for?"
"Just cause my parents are in town and it's their last full day here"
"But they just got here yesterday"
"I know, they're traveling around the US and visiting old friends of theirs."
"Oh coolio"
"Yeah, I want to do that some day too, it's just so boring in this small town"
"But we have an entire ocean like right next to us"
"I know, but it would still be cool to see other places, I've never left this town before"
"Same here"
Vincent pulled a batch of nachos out of the oven and Anguis went to go take one when he stopped her.
"Ah ah ah ah, you gotta wait goofy, they're still a bit warm"
"Here," he grabbed a mini hotdog wrapped in a bit of a croissant and coated in various seasonings, "try this"
He fed it to her and Anguis smiled a little, liking the flavorful snack.
"Oh my goodness this is amazing"
"I know right, and it's super easy to make"
Anguis grabbed a few more and sat on the counter eating it, this time not in one bite so she could fully enjoy the flavors.
"Girl don't eat them all, I don't have that many ingredients to make another batch."
"I won't try to, might need to hide these from me, they're so tasty"
Vincent moved the plate to the table and Anguis slouched back a little.
"Or you can do that"
Vincent laughed a little and then gave her a nacho, then moved the plate before she could grab some more.
"Why don't you change into something a little nicer? Everyone should start showing up soon"
"Okay! But don't we have work tonight?"
"Yeah, so don't go drinking any beer or whatnot"
Anguis went upstairs and changed from her slobbish hoodie and shorts look and went with a lower cut V neck t shirt and black slacks. Looking in the mirror, she tried to pull up the t-shirt so it wasn't as revealing, but it kept falling back down into its normal position. The doorbell rang and she heard Mike, Jeremy, and Scott's voices, along with another voice that she didn't recognize
*oh Vincent isn't gonna like me wearing this shirt around the other guys... it's so sparkly though, I gotta wear it*
She looked at her necklace and placed it on top of her shirt and went back downstairs. As Anguis walked into the kitchen, the reflection of the light off her shirt caught the new person's attention and he looked at her.
"Hot diggity damn, you even got us some entertainment" he said
Everyone else looked at Anguis and Vincent glared at the person who said it.
"Hey wait a fucking second there Robert, that's not a stripper" said Vincent
"It's not?"
"No, Anguis what on earth are you wearing??"
"A sparkly shirt, you told me to dress up, so I did"
"That I did..."
*i really need to be more specific when I tell her these things* Vincent thought
"So wait dude, this chick ain't her to entertain us? Then why the hell she here."
"Because you moron, she lives here"
"Broooooo you gotta hot roommate"
"Robert my man," said Scott, glancing over and seeing the annoyance in Vincent's expression "that's his girlfriend"
"Damn.... Vincent's always the lucky one, ain't he"
Anguis rolled her eyes and went over to where the snacks were and Vincent followed her.
"Did you really have to wear a shirt like that?" He whispered to her
"Well no, but I like the way it shines in the light so I just had to wear it"
He sighed and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Just don't go too close to Mike wearing that, okay?"
He kissed the top of her head and left her alone for a little while. Robert handed her a shot of whiskey and a chaser. Anguis, not knowing what it was, drank it and the chaser and shivered.
*woo, it made me feel warm... what was that?*
More and more people arrived and eventually Vincent's parents showed up, bringing even more friends. Anguis was handed more and more drinks and she eventually started hiccuping a lot, using the counter as a spot to stand herself up.
------------------------------------------------------When it got close to around 11pm Vincent changed into his work clothes, went back downstairs, and started looking around for Anguis. He found her talking to one of Scott's friends.
"Hey Anguis, we gotta leave soon dear"
"Buuuuut I'm having *hiccup* so much fuuuun"
"Why are you talking like that... have you been drinking??"
"Maaaay-*hiccup*-beeee, are the drinks suppose to make me feel all *hiccup* warm?"
"God damn it Anguis, I told you not to drink"
"I didn't *hiccup* know"
He sighed and the alarm went off on his phone, signaling that they needed to leave.
"Hoy Scott, grab the other two, we need to go"
"Cmon sweetie, we gotta leave too"
"But *hiccup* I wanna staaayy"
"We can't, we gotta job we have to go to"
"You're being a party pooper Vinny"
*gotta do this a different way I suppose* he thought
Vincent picked her up and tried to hold onto her. She kept squirming and then Anguis morphed for a brief second, slipping out of his hold, and sat back down onto the counter and took another shot.
*oh dear... this might be difficult*
He walked back over to her and she sat there giggling.
"Iiiiiii got aw- *hiccup* -aaaayyyyyy"
"Seriously Anguis we have to go, I'm not playing around"
He gave her a stern look and she sighed and looked down.
"O- *hiccup*- kay...."
"One more drink though"
"Ohhh no you don't"
He picked her up again, this time carrying her so she was facing behind him, and carried her though the crowd and went outside. Anguis kept her legs and arms wrapped around him and rested her head on his shoulder.
"Please don't *hiccup* drop me..." whispered Anguis
"I'm not gonna, don't worry"
Vince put her in the passenger seat of the car and got in the driver's seat when Sarah walked outside.
"Is everything alright Vincent? You left in quite a hurry."
"Yeah, we gotta go to work actually, so if you could watch the house for us-"
"Oh, no problem, we'll clean it up for you too"
"Alright, thanks Mom"
She waved to them as they pulled out of the driveway and drove to the pizzeria.
They arrived there and Anguis attempted to get out and walk around, but Vincent stopped her and got out first and helped her.
"Man... I shoulda just called you in sick"
"It's *hiccup* fine Vinny, I can do this"
Scott had somehow beaten them to the restaurant and was sitting in the office when they came in.
"Heeeeeeyyyyy Scottieeeeee" said Anguis
"Is she drunk?"
"Yeah.... yeah she is..."
"Oh this is gonna be fun for you"
"I know... where's Mike and Jeremy?"
"they took their own cars"
"Ah, alright"
The two sat down on the same chair and a few minutes later the front door opened and Mike and Jeremy walked in as the bell rang, signaling their shift to start. Anguis hummed along to a song that was stuck in her head and Mike looked at her strangely.
"What's up with her?"
"Drank a bit too much"
"Oh great, the annoying one is even more annoying now."
"She's not that annoying" said Scott
"Yes she is, and I hope you have a way to get her to shut up"
"Mike, you gotta get a way to shut up yourself."

{2 hours later}

"You guys *hiccup* are so quiet, geez"
"Hey Lime Head, shut the fuck up"
"Mike, manners" scolded Scott
"Oh I'm sorry, Hey Lime Head, please, shut the fuck up"
Scott sighed and Anguis looked at Vincent with a dreamy look to her eyes.
"Yes?" Vince asked
"Man you're really, really drunk"
"It's not *hiccup* that bad"
"It kinda is*
She wrapped her arms around his neck loosely and brought him into a soft kiss. The others looked at him and Vince glanced at Scott and shrugged and closed his eyes, going with it.
"Ya know, as long as it keeps her quiet, I'm totally okay with it"
"S-hut up M-Mike"
They stopped after a few minutes and Anguis smiled a bit.
"Can *hiccup* we go see Foxy?"
"Sure, we'll be right back"
Vince helped her up and together they walked down the hall. Once they got to his spot, Anguis opened the curtains a little and tilted her head sideways in confusion.
"When did F- *hiccup*-oxy get a new costume?"
Vincent laughed a little bit, and remembering she was drunk, reached over and started opening the curtains.
"Oh don't be silly, he didn't get a- What the fuck"
The beast that somewhat resembled Foxy turned around to face them. It's snout was completely torn and a long metallic tongue hung out of its mouth. The claws on it where razor sharp and it growled at them. Anguis giggled and waved to him while Vincent grabbed her and started backing up.
"Hai-ya Foxy!"
"Scott!!" Vince yelled "what did you do to the animatronics????"
The camera beeped, signaling it was in use and the intercom system turned on.
"VINCENT RUN" yelled Jeremy and Scott
The beast screeched and took off after them. Vincent picked up Anguis and dove back into the office. Mike slammed the door down behind them and the creature sunk its hook and teeth into the door. It stood there growling for a few minutes and everyone looked at the door, frozen with fear. It peaked through one of the holes and then turned around and left, its footsteps shaking the floor slightly.
"what in the god damn hell was THAT???" Asked Mike
"I-I don't know to be honest with you" said Scott
"What do you mean you don't know, you OWN this place"
Vincent let go of Anguis and stood back up, brushing himself off.
"You okay dear?"
She just whimpered as a reply and hugged him around his waist. There was a little chattering noise coming from the vents and everyone looked to see what it was. The cover was thrown off and 3 mini bears jumped down onto the desk and turned their attention to Anguis and growled.
"Oh no"
(A/N: this will have 2 parts now)

An Odd Family Version 2.0Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang