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"So, what do you wanna do first?" Anguis asked as she stood back up.
"I wanna see what the big guy is doing!" Emma squeaked
"The big guy?"
"The one who gave me a cookie!"
Vincent and Anguis just glanced at each other and shrugged, not quite sure who she was talking about. Lolbit came scampering out of the kitchen with another plateful of cookies, this time with more than one type, and placed it on the coffee table that was in front of the couches.
"Here you go guys! Ennard just made these for you"
"Yay cookies!!"
Emma ran over to the table and took another rainbow unicorn one and munched on it. Anguis walked over there as well and took a plain chocolate chip cookie and ate that.
"Mmm, these are good Vinny, you should try one."
"Oohhhh Emma must of been talking about Ennard, when she said she wanted to see what the big guy was doing" Vincent said as he clued in
"Hm, yeah it makes sense."
"Oh, also," Ennard said while poking his head through the kitchen doorway, "dinner's ready if you guys want some"
"Alright cool, thanks" said Vincent, "Emma did Mom give you any dinner?"
"Okay, well Anguis and I are going to eat dinner if you wanna join us"
"Okay! I will"
She hurriedly finished up her second cookie and Anguis picked her up and placed the child on her shoulders. Emma giggled the whole time as they walked into the dining room.
"Mommy and Daddy haven't carried me like this before!"
"They haven't?" Anguis asked
"Nope, this is fun!"
"Maybe you could convince Jeremy to do that with you" Vincent said while laughing a little
"Oooo yeah I'll try that"
Anguis had Emma sit on her lap while they ate dinner, and Emma talked about school and her friends and what kind of things she liked doing.
"Ooo wait Mrs. Dragon!"
"Yeah Emma?"
"We have a 'Bring a Friend to School' day tomorrow, could I bring you and Mr. Vincent?"
"Uhh, Vinny what do you think?"
"I don't see a problem with that"
"Sure, we'll go Em"
"You take the bus?"
"No, Mommy or Jeremy usually drive me, or I walk if it's nice out"
"Dang but your school is quite far from your house if I remember correctly" said Vincent
"It's only a mile, Mommy says walking that far is good for me"
"What if I fly you to school tomorrow?"
"Anguis I don't th-"
"~gasps~ oh my I would love that!!!"
"You would?"
"Alright, what time do you usually leave by?"
"8 am"
"Geez, that's early"
"Oh that's a normal time for school to start, I mean heck, Jeremy starts school at 6:30 in the morning." Vincent added
"Oh my, does he just go from work straight to school?"
They finished eating dinner and Emma hopped off of Anguis' lap and skipped over to where Ballora was.
"Hai Miss! You wanna play a game with us?"
"Sure child, what would you like to play?"
"I wanna play hide and seek with you, Mrs. Dragon, Mr. Vincent, Lolbit, and the big guy!"
"Alright, Lolbit! Ennard! Vince! Anguis! Can you guys come here please?"
The others answered to Ballora's call and stood in a semi circle around her and Emma.
"Okay, Emma, go ahead and explain the rules my child."
"I wanna play hide and seek with you guys! So! The rules are: no hiding outside, no telling where the other's are, and have fun! I'll give you guys 20 seconds to hide, okay?"
Everyone nodded as Emma closed her eyes and covered them with her hands.
"One... two..."
They sprinted off to find a place to hide. Anguis immediately morphed, flew up to their room, and buried herself in the laundry basket. Lolbit and Vincent apparently had a similar idea, since they both went upstairs as well, with Lolbit hiding in Anguis' old room, and Vincent hiding himself in their bedroom. He left the door open and moved the laundry bin just enough so he was hiding behind it. Anguis tried not to laugh, but rather poked her nose out from under everything and loudly sniffed.
"Phew, can't tell if that's the clothes or you"
"What the- Anguis?!"
She poked her head out so she could see him and smiled a little.
"You're in my hiding spot"
"No I'm not, technically"
He sighed and quickly glanced around for a new spot to hide. Anguis spotted a drawer that was opened a little and jumped out of her spot and slipped into the tiny opening.
"There, now you can stay there, and I can hide here"
"Thanks sweetie, I didn't wanna make it too hard for Emma to find me, I mean after all, she is just a ki-"
"Come out, come out, wherever you aaaare!!"
Vincent snickered a little bit, getting a confused look from Anguis.
"Heh, 'come out', get it?"
"Dear lord Vinny..."
Emma walked into the room first and looked around. She spotted Vincent and went over and poked him on the shoulder.
"Found you Mr. Vincent!"
"Awh, that you did"
"1 down, 5 more to go!"
She wandered around the room some more while Vincent stood against the wall smiling a little. She searched under the bed, behind pillows and door, even in the closet.
"Whatcha lookin for Em?" He asked
"I have a feeling Mrs. Dragon is around here somewhere, you two seem to like each other"
"Well," he said while crouching down so he was her height, "she is my girlfriend after all"
"She is?!"
"Do you like her?"
"Of course, she's one of few people that have put a smile on my face"
"Do you really like her?"
"Do you really REALLY like her?"
"Do you really really really like her?"
"You can put as many 'really's as you want, and the answer will always be yes"
Emma walked up to him and whispered something into his ear, making him chuckle a little.
"Some day I will, I don't have enough money for that at the moment though"
"Can I be the flower girl Mr. Vincent?"
"Sure, I don't see why not"
"Yay! Cmon, lets go find the others"
"Oh, but you forgot to search a spot"
"I did?"
Emma turned back around and glanced around the room. She gasped quietly once seeing a little white feather sticking out of a drawer and walked over to it and pulled it open.
"Awh, it's just a feather in here..." she said sadly as she pulled it out and held onto it, "I thought it was gonna be Mrs. Dragon..."
"Wait, huh?"
Vincent walked over to her and checked inside the drawer. It was completely empty, and he scratched his head in confusion.
"Wait a second; she was in here...." he mumbled
"'Was' is the key word in that sentence"
Both Vincent and Emma jumped a bit at Anguis' voice and quickly looked around for her. It had sounded like she was directly behind them, but when they looked, she was nowhere to be found. They heard a low giggled behind them and spun around, only to be greeted by a gust of wind. Vincent realized what she was doing and smirked a little.
"Oh you clever girl..."
He took a closer look around and spotted a little golden eye staring back at him from behind a few pillows on the bed. Chuckling to himself, he walked over and pretended to check by the nightstand when he suddenly turned and scooped her up from her hiding spot, getting a light squeak out of her.
"Haha, found ya"
"That you did" she said sadly
Vincent chuckled again as she unmorphed and stood on the bed. He quickly kissed her and she blushed slightly, Emma gasping a little.
"I ship it!" She squeaked
"You a who what?" They both asked
"I ship it! You two are so cute together!"
Anguis giggled a little and jumped down next to Emma, picking her up and placing her on her shoulders. Emma giggled a little and placed her hands on Anguis' head.
"Lets go find the others!" She squeaked
Around 9:30 everyone was found, Ennard being the last one, and Emma let out a quiet little yawn as her, Anguis, and Vincent settled down on a pull-out couch. Vincent turned on the tv so Emma could watch some cartoons as she snuggled up next to Anguis, who was on her left, and sighed.
"You guys are good baby sitters" she mumbled, "I like you guys...."
"Awh, really?"
The girls snuggled next to each other while Vincent laid down on the other side of Emma. She dozed off in a few minutes and Anguis smiled as she glanced down at the child, holding onto her arm and snoring quietly. She felt a larger hand being placed down onto hers and looked up to see it was Vincent's. She looked up at his face as the flash went off on the camera and she quickly turned her head away.
"Gah ow, I'm blind now"
"Oops, my bad, didn't realize the flash was on. At least the picture still turned out good."
"Can I see?"
He turned his phone around and Anguis smiled a little once seeing the picture.
"Awh, cute"
"It's hard to tell who's cuter in the picture"
"Oh it's definitely Emma"
"Mmh imma have to argue against that"
"I'm not the cuter one-"
"Mmm yes you are"
"How can I compete with a sleeping child? They're always cute"
"Mm yeah but you'll always be cuter in my book"
"Aw Vinny-"
"What? I'm being honest"
Anguis blushed a little, making him chuckle. Vincent reached out and brushed the hair hanging in her face, revealing both eyes and he smiled a little when they made eye contact.
"I'm surprised with how well you dealt with Em" Anguis commented, "I mean with... ya know"
"I've always liked her, she's sorta like my child in a way, so I've always felt different towards her, like I gotta keep her protected."
"Awh that's cute"
"I sorta have those kinda feeling for ya too, it's just more like a fatherly instinct for Em though."
"Oh. By the way, what did she ask you while we were playing hide and seek earlier? When she asked if she could be a flower girl."
"Oh, heh, that's a little secret between her n I"
"Alrighty then"
Anguis yawned a little bit and slowly started dozing off. She fell asleep while Vincent was on the edge of falling asleep and staying awake. Around 10 o' clock, the doorbell rang.
"Coming!" Said Ballora as she strolled over to the door.
She opened it and was greeted by Jeremy and Jenna.
"Oh hello, you two must be here to pick up the child"
"Yep" said Jenna, "did she have a good time?"
"Oh she had a blast I'm sure, come on in"
She opened the door a little and they both walked in, Jenna smiling as her eyes fell onto the three of them sleeping.
"Aww... that's adorable"
"W-what is?"
Jeremy peeked around the door and blushed a little once seeing Anguis and Emma snuggling next to each other.
"Jeremy... that, uh, totally isn't a weird thought..." Ballora muttered
"W-wha?!? I-I didn't mean i-it!"
"Yes you did"
Jenna gave her son a puzzled look and he blushed a dark red and quickly turned his head away, only to be greeted by Ennard. He gasped in surprise and stumbled back a little, falling against the door.
"Woah kid chill, I'm not that good looking" said Ennard
Ballora gave him a questioning look and went back to chatting with Jenna.
"I'm guessing Em had a fun time since she's already asleep" Jenna commented
"Yep, we played hide and seek, ate some cookies, watched some cartoons, all sorts of stuff."
Lolbit walked over to where they were and stood next to Ballora.
"You want me to pull her out?" She asked
"No not yet" said Jenna
Vincent yawned a little and glanced over and saw Jenna, then quickly sat up with a slight blush on his face.
"Oh, hi Mrs. Fitzgerald"
"Hello Vince, sleep well?"
"Heh, uh, I guess, I wasn't out for that long"
He attempted to pick Emma up, but as he tried to move her, Anguis growled quietly in her sleep and pulled Emma closer to herself, as if protecting her. Vincent chuckled a little bit while shaking his head and tried it again, this time sliding a pillow in for where Emma was, and successfully got the child out. He walked over to where Jenna was and handed Emma over to her.
"There you go, one worn out child"
"Thanks again for watching her, you did get my text about baby sitting her after school tomorrow, right?"
"Yep, actually we're going to school with her, since they have a little thing where you can bring guests to school with you"
"Oh splendid! See you tomorrow morning then?"
"Alright, have a good night Dear"
"You too Ma"
The little family walked out of the house and Vincent closed the door behind them. He walked over to where Anguis was and picked her off of the couch, waking her up on accident.
"Huh... what's, going on?" She asked groggily
"We're goin to bed, that's what's going on"
"What about Em?"
"She already went home"
"Oh... what about work?"
"I already called us in, I figured since we're going to Emma's school tomorrow, we'd get some sleep tonight"
"Besides, Scott isn't opening the other restaurant till tomorrow since there was a fault in the door mechanic"
"You're kinda tired anyways, so I woulda ended up calling us in anyways"
"Why the ~yawns~ both of us?"
"Cause, why not"
Vincent gently placed her down on the bed and threw on some more casual clothing while Anguis rolled over onto her stomach, placing her head and chest on a pillow with her arms wrapped around it. She sighed lightly as she felt the bed shift a little. Vincent reached over and wrapped his arms around her stomach and dragged her next to himself, even grabbing her legs with his feet and moving them over as well. Anguis moved her head a little so she was looking up at him and smiled faintly.
"You must really ~yawns~ like snuggling with me"
"Mhmm... you excited for tomorrow?"
"I guess... hopefully i don't scare anyone"
"Meh, who cares if you do? Everyone needs to learn that you're not a scary monster that'll eat them while they're sleeping."
She yawned again and nuzzled her head into Vincent's chest again. He smiled a little and kissed her on the head, intertwining his legs with hers.
"Love you Princess"
"Love you too vinny..."
And with that, they both dozed off into a peaceful sleep.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now