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"Uuuuuughhhh.... Anguis sweetheart, you awake?"
"~yawns~ I am now... need something?"
"I'm having a shitty hangover... could ya be a darlin and get me some water and some pain killers?"
"Sure thing"
Anguis got out of bed and went over to the bathroom to grab some meds and refill his glass. She added some flavoring to the water and came back and handed him it.
"Here ya go,"
Vincent sat up a little against the wall and took a swig of water with the pain killers and sighed.
"Bleh... I got a terrible migraine.." he complained
"Awh.. is there anything I could do for ya to help?"
"Could give me a blow job"
She raised an eyebrow and he shrugged.
"What I'm just saying"
"maybe later... want anything to eat? Like toast or something?"
"Nah... I just feel like sleeping..."
"Then why don't you?"
"Too bright in here..."
Anguis rolled her eyes and closed the blinds and the door, making the room close to pitch black. She then went back to bed and snuggled next to Vincent, placing a hand on his stomach. He smirked and took her hand and placed it on the bulge on his crotch and she glanced up at him, giving him a confused look.
"Cmon, just one bj, pretty please?"
"~sigh~ alright..."
His smiles grew bigger as he slid off his boxers and she sat down between his legs.
"You do know what to do, right?"
"Yeah... Mike's explained it to me one too many times"
"Oka- wait, who?- ooh, ahh, yeah, there you go..."
She started sucking and moving her head up and down only a little when Vince grabbed a bunch of her hair and pushed her head down further, causing Anguis to gag a little. He groaned loudly once she started using her tongue around the tip and moving her hand up and down his shaft.
"Mmmm, ah, atta girl, yeah, like that, gah fuck.... mmph, F-fuck, aaah, Anguis, I'm, I'm gonna- I'm gonna-"
A warm liquid shot into her mouth and she let out a short muffled yell in surprise. He moaned and finished releasing himself and let go of her hair. Anguis sat up and swallowed it, which took a few tries and a bit of water because it was a little sticky, and shook her head.
*eugh... alright then... that was new...*
"Damn girl... that was better than I thought..."
"Mhmm, best girlfriend ever..."
There was a lingering taste in her mouth that Anguis didn't quite care for, so she got up, brushed her teeth, and slipped back into bed. She was about to fall back asleep when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
"I'm uh, kinda hungry"
"~sigh~ what do you want?"
"Toast of course, with maybe some grape jelly on it"
She got back up and went downstairs to make his request. Stuff from last night laid everywhere still and Anguis sighed after realizing she was going to have to clean everything. While the bread was toasting, the leftover food went either into the fridge or the trash can. Once the toast was ready and covered in jelly, she went back upstairs.
"Here ya go, 4 pieces of toast cooked to your liking and covered in the most rare of toppings; the squished remains of a purple grape"
That got him to laugh a little, "Thanks darling"
She left the room again and went downstairs to the kitchen to continue cleaning. After fumbling around with the radio for a few minutes, Anguis had some rock music playing through the device and she was lip syncing to the lyrics and doing little dances every now and then. She was sweeping the kitchen floor when the song switched to rock and metal song that she knew well. A smile grew on her face and Anguis used the end of the broom like a microphone and danced around the room. About half way through she heard someone chuckle and turned around to see Vincent standing in the doorway between the kitchen and the living room. She froze in place and blushed, which made him laugh.
"I, uh, didn't know you got up"
"Surpriiise, came to help ya clean"
"Oh, it's fine vinny, I can handle this, you go ahead and lay back down"
"You sure?"
"Eh imma still help ya out anyways" he said while walking over to her
"No really, go ahead n go back to bed, you're sorta ill anyways, so go rest up"
"Oh cmon I ain't that sick, look"
He picked Anguis up under her arms and threw her up in the air, making her panic and morph into Eraylew. She landed back in his hands and Vincent flipped her over so she was laying on her back in his arms.
"See? I'm fine"
Anguis whimpered slightly, still in shock from being randomly thrown into the air, and buried her head into the crook of his elbow.
"Awh, did I scare you sweetheart?"
She nodded and Vince sighed and jumped up onto the counter and laid her down on his lap, scratching her stomach. Her tail started wagging and he smirked and kept it up, but slowly moved his way down. Anguis noticed what he was doing and jumped off and unmorphed on the ground so she was standing between his legs and stuck her tongue out at him.
"Damn, I almost had it" he said
She giggled and shook her head.
"You're so weird sometimes"
"Trust me, I know that already"
Vincent winced as his headache got worse and leaned back against the cabinets and sighed.
"Somethin wrong vinny?"
"This headache is getting worse..."
"See I told ya, ya shoulda laid back down."
Anguis grabbed his hand and took him over to the living room and made him lay down on the couch. He grabbed her and while doing so and pulled her down so she was laying on top of him and held her there.
"Vince I gotta clean the house still"
"No you don't"
"But it's a disaster"
"Mmmmmh, you can do that later, but for now you're staying here"
"Cmon for real lemme up"
"Nope, I'm keeping you here"
Anguis sighed and quickly morphed, got out, unmorphed, and started walking back to the kitchen. Vincent growled and partially got up, grabbed her arm, and pulled her back down, trapping her underneath him.
"See, not going anywhere"
She closed her eyes and winced, as if expecting something bad to happen.
"D-don't hurt me... I'm sorry..." Anguis pleaded
"Huh? Anguis... I'm not gonna hurt you..."
She opened and eye and cautiously glanced up at him.
"You're not?"
"Of course not, why would I?"
"I, I dunno now that I think about it... it's just... whenever I did something around my parents, I would always get pinned down and beaten up...kids at school did it to me too..."
A single tear fell down her cheek and Vincent wiped it away and leaned back a little, giving her some space.
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to trigger another flashback, honestly"
"It's okay, sometimes the most random things trip my memory like that... like remember the time I almost blow torched mike when I first met him?"
"Yeah he triggered a memory, but it wasn't because of what he was doing, it was how he was standing when he did it, since my mom used to do that..."
"Hmm... I wonder if there's a way to fix that..."
"I don't think so"
Anguis sat up against the arm rest, with her knees to her chest, and let out a shaken sigh. The doorbell rang and they both looked to see who it was.
"Why is Mike here?" She asked
"Umm... I dunno actually, I'll go see what he wants."
"I'll come with-"
"No, you're not wearing a shirt"
"So? Neither are you"
"Umm, hon, Mike is a bit of a twat when he's turned on"
"Ohhh, okay, yeah I'll stay here then..."
Vincent handed her a large fluffy blanket and went to go answer the door. Anguis hid herself under it and made it look like she wasn't sitting on the couch.
"Hey Vince..."
"Mike? Are you drunk still?"
"Hell fucking yeah I am"
"Sooo... why are you here?"
"Came to, hang out with ya man"
Mike let himself in the house and stumbled a little walking into the living room.
"So, where's ya girl?"
"Uhh, I don't know actually"
"Cmon that's bullshit, you two are never without each other"
Anguis peaked out from her hiding spot and made eye contact with Vincent. He quickly glanced to the stairwell, trying to drop her a hint to go upstairs, but Mike stood in the way.
"Hoy, what are you lookin at, grape?"
"Don't call me that..."
Mike turned around to see what he was looking at and Anguis quickly pulled the blanket back over herself. Vincent sighed and pulled out his phone and went outside to call Fritz and have him pick up his roommate. Mike walked over to the couch once the front door closed and yanked the blanket off and onto the floor, making Anguis fall off the furniture and  scramble back away from him. Mike grinned and grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her up to her feet.
"Well well well, I found a sexy thing" he said with a slur
"Let go of me you drunk bastard!"
He hit her in the back of the head and Anguis yelled and fell back down to the ground.
"That's no way to talk to your superiors"
"Psh, you dumbass, I'm the older one here."
Mike kicked her in the side and then in the stomach several times.
"Listen here you whore! You better treat me with respect!"
She growled, got up slowly, and punched him in the jaw and took a few steps back, ready for him to go after her again. He yelled and then took another swing at her and caught her right in the chin. Anguis slipped on the blanket and fell to the floor. Mike then stomped on her arm and continued to kick her. She screamed and Vincent walked back in just as she was kicked in the head again.
He ran over to the two of them, grabbed the collar of Mike's shirt, and threw him outside onto the lawn.
"If I EVER catch you touching her again, I'm personally going to torture you and make sure you die a slow death, GOT IT??"
"You fucking idiot, can't you see she's a slut just using you for her own happiness??"
"She's not a slut you imbecile, get your head on straight!"
Vincent slammed the door shut and went to go help Anguis. She was sitting up against the couch holding her left arm, letting her head hang down. There were several open wounds that were bleeding slightly, but a gash on her head was dripping blood down onto her chest.
Vince moved her hair out of the way and she glanced up, with her eyes glowing and dilated strangely, and she growled at him.
*uh oh* he thought
She stood up and morphed her right hand into a dragon's paw. Vincent stood up as well and backed up as she continued to walk towards him.
"It was you" she grumbled
"It was you that gave me these shitty scars, who threw me out of the god damn house..."
"Wait what??? Anguis, snap out of this hon, it's not what it seems, really."
She ignored what he had to say and took a swing at him. Vince dodged it and looked around for something to help him calm her down.
*ah shit, what's something that'll help her snap out of this?? What's something that'll spark a good memory with us...*
He spotted the bracelet that he had gotten her that she was wearing, so next time she went to hit him, he grabbed her wrist and held her arm there. Anguis growled and tried to break out of his hold, but spotted the jewelry and tilted her head slightly. The redness went away the longer she stared at it and her eyes went back to normal, and she gasped once she saw what she had tried to do.
"Oh my god no..." she whispered
Vincent let go of her wrist and she backed away a little, staring at her hand, and unmorphed it. She was shaking badly and looked on the urge of having a breakdown.
"Anguis, dear, you okay?"
Her response was to run past him, up the stairs and slammed the door to a room shut.
*taking that as a no, she's not okay...*
He slunked up the stairs a few minutes later with some medical supplies to bandaid her up and saw she had hid herself in her old room. He knocked on the door before opening it and peaking in. Anguis was sitting against the wall on her old bed, resting her head on her knees. A sob shook her and Vincent quietly slipped into the room.
"Hey Honey... you wanna talk?"
"No, I'm f-fine..." she sniffled
"No, no you're not fine, you're crying"
He sat down in front of her on the bed and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Did you have another flashback?"
She nodded and within an instant, went from balled up in a small spot on the bed to hugging Vincent and crying into his shoulder. He returned the hug and patted her back, pulling her onto his lap.
"There there.... it's alright sweetie, I'm here for ya..."
Anguis cried for several minutes before calming down enough to hold a conversation.
"I'm sorry Vinny... I didn't mean to try to attack you..."
"I know you didn't mean to, it's okay-"
"I... I coulda hurt you, it's not okay"
"Don't blame yourself, you can't control it... but hey, on the plus side, you scared away my migraine"
She laughed a little and picked her head off of his shoulder. He looked down at her, then down at his shirt.
"It looks like I went swimming." He stated
That made Anguis giggle again and she received a light but passionate kiss, making her blush a little. Vincent kept planting little kisses around her face, making Anguis blush and laugh even more. He stopped once she kept giggling, even a minute later after he paused, and smiled.
"Now you feeling better?"
"~giggles~ yeah"
"You suuuure?"
"You super sure?"
"Super duper sure?"
"Do I need to prove it to you?"
"Unless you want me to keep asking"
He added a seductive little look at the end of the sentence. She smirked and rolled her hips once, making Vincent bite his bottom lip.
"Mmffh, yep, you're in a better mood... hot damn that felt good..."
Anguis did it again and he groaned, leaning his head back a little.
"Hehe, I found your weakness"
"Alright, you asked for it." He said with a wink.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now