The Kidnapping (part 1)

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Anguis whipped around only to be met with a fist in her jaw. She yelled out in pain and stumbled backwards a little, almost dropping Emma. The small child screamed and started crying at Lucius' appearance. His skin was still regenerating and healing slower than what Anguis usually does, so it was all mangled and torn up still. A bone stuck out on his fingers and he grinned once seeing he alarmed both girls. Anguis shook her head and put Emma on the ground and nudged her towards Jeremy, the bruise on her jaw now very noticeable.
"So, who's the little girl, sis? Is she your little child?"
"Lucius, fuck off."
"Oh, still tough to get through, aren't you?"
"Why, why do you keep following me?"
"Well... you see," he chuckled, "I have a very special contract I was assigned..."
He glanced up and saw the confused look behind her pissed of expression and laughed some more.
"Someone needs you and your purple freak... unfortunately I only have one here, but he's bound to be here somewhere... but for now, I'll just toy around with you"
He lunged forward and tried to grab Emma, but the child was quicker as she avoided him and hid behind Jeremy. Anguis growled and half morphed, taking her brother to the ground.
"Don't you FUCKING touch her"
Lucius smirked and morphed into his werewolf form, grabbing Anguis by the legs and throwing her into a tree. She sunk to the bottom and lazily blinked a few times before shaking her head and getting back on her feet. Lucius howled and charged at her, but she jumped into the air and flew behind him, landing with her arms outstretched, blocking Emma and Jeremy.
"Guys, run!"
Jeremy nodded and picked up his sister and bolted away with the rest of the crowd. Lucius growled and charged after her again and this time, she morphed as they collided. They both roared loudly as they fought each other, slashing at each other. Fur was flying everywhere as Anguis landed multiple blows and bit down on his arm, ripping off a huge section of his fur. Lucius growled and grabbed a hold of a scale on her snout and ripped it off, causing her to yelp and flinch, cutting open a spot on her nose. They both roared simultaneously and continued fighting, not noticing the large crowd standing on the outside of the park's fence line.
A phone started ringing and Vincent sighed as he woke up and groggily answered the call, not bothering to look at who it was from.
"Vince; check the news"
He felt his blood run cold as he sighed and got out of bed.
"Why... who is this anyways?"
"It's Scott you dork..."
"You sound like you just woke up"
"I did...."
He went down the stairs and walked into the living room, picking up the remote and fumbling around with it for a few seconds.
"So wait, you're not in town right now?"
"No... why?"
He turned on the tv and gasped at the helicopter's point of view of the park, where Lucius was standing on top of Anguis' hind legs, slashing at her stomach. Scales were flying off of her and she cried out, trying to hit him with her shorter forearms.
"HOLY SHIT!! HOLD ON ANGUIS IM COMING!!" Vincent yelled as he dropped his phone and ran outside.
He morphed into his dragon look and took off, flying as fast as he could possibly go. He got to the town in the matter of seconds and dove down, tackling Lucius off of Anguis. Anguis tried to stand back up, but was a little shakey as she felt some blood drip down off of her chest. She looked over and gasped once seeing the pitch black dragon.
The werewolf shoved Vincent off with ease and went back at Anguis. She swiped at him and managed to hit him, sending the animal flying off to the side. Lucius skidded across the grass as he frantically tried to get a grip. His paw latched onto a rock and he stopped, getting up on his feet. He chuckled once seeing both dragons and smiled.
"Oh goody, I got the other one here now"
They both roared and charged at him. Lucius howled again and charged at Anguis, hitting her hard enough to send her flying on her back. There was a loud booming noise and she felt something wrap around her body. Panicking, she yelped and struggled to get away, but was unable to move. She let out a loud yelping cry and Vincent glanced over and saw that she was trapped under a metal netting. He grabbed hold of Lucius and spun around a few times before letting go and launching him to the other side of the park. He ran over and tried to pull the netting off of her, but managed to tangle it up even more.
"Hold on hon, I'll get you out."
There was a high pitched whistling noise and a needle hit Anguis right were Lucius had ripped off all her scales. She gasped and panicked, trying to reach down and grab the dart.
"V-Vinny, help... there's... there's a...."
Her body went limp as the tranquilizer kicked in and she fell unconscious. He looked over, saw the needle and ripped it out of her right before he was hit by a net. He growled and tried melting it with fire, but only managed to make it white hot. Anguis unmorphed in her sleep and laid there, not moving. Vincent looked over and decided to unmorph and slip out between the mesh netting. He ran over to Anguis and tried to pull her out when he felt a sharp pain in his back.
"A-ah, ow"
He too fell unconscious and laid limp under the netting. Lucius chucked as he walked over to them and smiled.
"Thank you Jack, I don't know how else I would of gotten them down without you"
"Not a problem Lucius, William and Michael should be happy to see these two."
"Well, maybe not Vincent, but definitely Anguis"
"What about the other two? The kids"
"Already gagged and in the truck"
"Good, very good"
There was a beeping sound of a truck backing up and it stopped a few feet away from them. Jack and Lucius removed the netting off their victims and tied their hands and feet together. They loaded the bodies into the back of the truck, where Jeremy and Emma sat, bound to the seats, and closed the back door. They got in on the passenger side and took off before the police could arrive.
"Well darling, I would have to say you have made a very, very poor choice.."
Vincent groaned as he finally woke up and glanced around at his surroundings. Off to his left was a jail cell where Emma and Jeremy sat on the floor, nervously looking at what was in front of him. He blinked a few times before shifting his gaze and inhaled sharply at what he saw. Anguis was chained down to the ground, her arms and legs spread apart, her mouth duct taped shut. Various new cuts covered her almost nude body as they slowly regenerated. A male was laying down next to her, gently petting her on the cheek, and she had her face turned away from him, tears filling her eyes.
"You back away from her" Vincent growled
The male looked up at him and smiled, getting up off the ground.
"Ah, Vince, long time no see cousin"
"What do you want, Michael"
"~chuckles~ oh Vince... you were always the favorite one the family, you're aware of that, right?"
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Well... I was always jealous of you, Vincent. You were better than me in every way, and my parents adored that about you. Even my girlfriends thought you were one hell of a guy... and now that jealousy has gotten the better of me"
He walked up to Vincent and placed a hand on his chin, smirking.
"It felt like I was being tortured every time my parents congratulated you instead of me, and they didn't even care when you murdered those kids, they brushed it off as if you killed a few pesky bugs."
He turned around and walked back over to Anguis, who was staring at him fearfully.
"Lucky for me, you found a few things you adore that aren't your parents, because I could never want to harm them"
"You better not hurt ANY of them, I swear to god-"
"Vincent, I'm not looking to hurt them... I'm looking to torture you. If that involves hurting them, so be it"
He scowled as Michael walked back over to Anguis and crouched down next to her. She whimpered quietly and tried to move away, but couldn't. Michael chuckled and sat down by her head, petting her.
"My, you really are a pretty one, ain't ya?" He commented, "you must of fallen right into one of Vincent's trap, didn't you?"
She tried saying something and shook her head. He chuckled again and took the tape off of her mouth. She gasped for air and glared at Michael.
"Let go of us you fucking twerp" she spat
"Oh dear, Jack wasn't lying... you do have a foul vocabulary"
"Jack was involved with this??" Vincent asked
"Oh yes, I was involved in every part of this"
They looked up and watched him walk out of the shadows with a remote in hand. Anguis' eyes widened and she tried to squirm out of the chains, making the guys laugh.
"Oh my dear, you can't escape from here, we intentionally designed it to hold you, even when you morph, you will never break out."
Jack handed the remote to Michael and walked back out of the room, closing the door behind himself. He stood up and clicked a button, making the section of the floor Anguis was on rotated vertically. She looked around frantically as the platform came to a halt and turned her head away from Michael when he came face to face with her.
"L-leave Vincent n the others alone, they did nothing wrong" she sputtered
"Oh, Vincent did everything wrong... he must of brainwashed you... as for the others, they're here to watch you suffer as well"
He glanced over at Vincent and saw that he was glaring at him, making Michael laugh.
"Now, what are you in relation to Vince? His friend? A friend with benefits?"
Anguis didn't answer and continued looking at the floor.
"How about... his girlfriend?"
She glanced over at Michael for a split second before looking back down. He smirked and grabbed her jaw, forcing her to look straight at him.
"Mmmm, you're his girlfriend, eh? Good... I have plenty of things to use you for then"
"Don't fucking touch her you bastard" Vincent growled
"And what are you going to do? You're stuck to a concrete wall in my dad's warehouse, that he happily supplied to me."
"Uncle William is involved in this?"
"Oh yes, he helped bail Jack out of jail and paid for the equipment, such a nice man, isn't he?"
Vincent just replied with a glare and Michael looked back over at Anguis.
"Now, pretty thing, if you listen to me, your precious boyfriend doesn't get hurt. You don't listen to me, I shock him with this handy dandy device" he said while holding up the remote, "understand?"
Anguis shuddered as a memory of Jack's arena flashed by in her head and nodded.
"Good, now how do I piss Vincent off, hm?"
She too glared at him and stayed silent.
"Hm, not gonna answer, eh? I guess I'll just go to the weaker links..."
He walked towards the jail cells and crouched down in front of the door. Emma whined and scooted closer to Jeremy, where he pulled her behind himself as if protecting her.
"Little girl, you like the green haired woman, right?"
Emma nodded slightly in response.
"And you wouldn't want to see her get hurt, right?"
"No sir..."
"So, why don't you tell me what Vincent liked about her, hm? If you don't, I hurt Anguis"
"M-Mr. Vincent likes everything about her..." she whispered, "he even said he was going to marry her..."
"Mmmm, going to marry her, is that what I heard?"
"Yes sir..."
"Mm, good girl"
He took a small lollipop out of his pocket and threw it to Emma, who flinched a little in surprise as it clattered across the floor. Michael got back up and walked over to Anguis again.
"See how easy that was dear? I don't know why you had to stay silent... I should punish you for it."
He clicked another button and she was shocked. She yelled out in pain and sagged down in her chains.
"Mrs. Dragon!" Emma exclaimed
"Don't worry child, she deserved it..."
He lifted her head back up and brushed her hair out of her face.
"So, if Vincent was planning on marrying you, I'm assuming you've already fucked before, knowing him. Am I right?"
She blushed and glanced over at Vincent for a second, too embarrassed to answer.
"Hmph, that would be a yes"
He shocked her again and she cringed, looking back at Michael. He chuckled and brought his head closer to hers, making her whimper.
"You are a cute one... maybe I'll keep you for myself."
Anguis shook her head and her eyes widened as Michael leaned in and kissed her. Her yelled was muffled as she tried to turn her head away, but Michael held onto her jaw and forced her into it.
"STOP IT!" Vincent yelled
Michael smirked and pulled away, glancing over at him.
"Oh, does that make you upset that someone is kissing your girl?"
"Don't. Touch. Her."
Michael just laughed and looked back at Anguis.
"Now, you don't want Vincent to get hurt, do you?"
"Mmm... then kiss me back"
"I-I don't wanna..."
Michael pointed the remote at Vincent and her eyes widened.
"A-alright, alright! Don't hurt him!"
"That all depends on what you choose to do"
He went back to kissing her and a tear fell down her cheek.
He pulled against the chains that held him against the wall, but could only move a little. His face turned red with anger as he stared at his cousin. Michael stopped and pulled away, leaving a little trail of saliva connecting their mouths.
"Mmmmm... you're a good kisser little girl..."
He patted her on the head and lowered the platform back down to the ground. He kicked her in the side and laughed as he walked towards the door. A little slot opened and he grabbed the three trays of food and walked back over. He slid two into the jail cell and had a machine pick up one of it and hold it in front of Vincent.
"There's your dinner... I'll be sure to come check on you guys tomorrow... and if you don't eat, she gets it"
Michael pointed at Anguis and she looked at the rest of them nervously. He walked through the door and closed it, leaving just Emma, Jeremy, Vincent, and Anguis in the room.
"Mrs. Dragon... why didn't he give you any food?"
Anguis just sighed as more tears rolled down her cheeks.
"I-I don't know Em..."
"Anguis... don't cry my love, I'll get us out of here eventually..."
"How?? You're stuck too..."
"I'll find a way, I know Michael fairly well, there's always a flaw to his plans."
There was a buzzing noise and Jeremy jumped a little and looked down in his pocket. His phone was still there and he gazed at it in surprise.
"And there's the flaw" Vincent said with a smile.
Jeremy answered the call and put it on speaker phone.
"Jeremy? Where's Vincent?"
"Yeah it's me"
"Scott you gotta help us!"
"What? What's wrong?"
"Scottie, you remember my cousin, right?" Vincent yelled across the room
"Michael? The creepy quiet one that I fired?"
"Well, long story short, he kidnapped us."
"What?!? Who's 'us'?"
"Me, Jeremy, Emma.... and he's torturing Anguis"
"What?!? That's terrible!! Where are you guys??"
"In one of the William Afton warehouses"
"Dude there's over a hundred in the area... almost every warehouse is owned by him..."
"Well, we're in one of them"
"~sigh~ I'll round everyone up and we'll try to find you guys, alright? I can't get the police involved because of a few issues I have with him"
"Alright, just get us out of here"
"Will do, might take a few days, but we'll find you."
"Thank you"
"See you on the flip side."
{time skip to a week later}
"Rise and Shine Maggots!!"
The lights flickered on in the dark room and everyone groaned a little at the sudden change. Anguis' platform was raised up again and she closed her eyes, turning her head to the side. Michael walked over in front of her and folded his arms across his chest.
"Eh hem, where's my good morning kiss baby?"
"You're not fucking getting one you bastard"
"Tsk tsk tsk, you really are one stubborn girl... I might have to wash your mouth out with soap..."
He grabbed her by the jaw and forced her into another kiss, this time she bit down on his tongue and he hissed and shot back.
"Ow you bitch!"
He smacked her as hard as possible and she cried out with pain as it left a red handprint on her face. She looked back up and glared at him, spitting at his feet.
"Still gonna fight back, huh? Imma have to punish you for it."
"Go ahead, I'm not afraid of some little shock"
"Oh no, I would never shock you, I would want to enjoy the punishment too you know"
"Don't you even fucking THINK about it Michael" Vincent growled
"Oh, you would be upset if I, let's say, raped your girl?"
"Well no shit Sherlock"
"Hmm... well maybe I won't go that far..."
His gaze trailed back over to Anguis and looked at her up and down, smirking a little.
"...or maybe I will"
"I will fucking murder you if you lay a finger anywhere near there"
"You can't, you're stuck to a wall"
Michael walked back over to Anguis and loosened the chains ever so slightly so he was able to slide his hands around to her backside, giving her a quick kiss and pulling away quickly so that he wouldn't get bit again.
"I do have to say, Vincent, you did get one hot slut, which strip club did you pick her up at? The place down by the watering hole?"
"She's NOT a slut"
Anguis stared at Michael, her eyes slowly beginning to turn red.
"Get. Off. Of. Me."
Her voice had dropped to a lower octave and Michael backed away from her in surprise. She let out a low growl and he laughed a little and put his hand up against a wall, leaning dangerously close to a button.
"Aw, trying to be brave are we? That so adorable"
An evil grin formed on her face and she summoned in a fire ball and shot it at him, making him yell and hit the wall trying to avoid it. A loud buzzer sounded as he hit the button and both Anguis' and Vincent's chains loosened. Anguis immediately lunged at Michael and tried to attack him, but still couldn't reach him. He screamed in surprise and fell onto his rear, which went right through the flimsy wooden floor. There was a 'thud' as he hit the basement underneath the floor and Jeremy started laughing.
"Hey! Whoever is laughing up there, not funny!! Damn it now I gotta walk all the way to the other side to get out..."
Vincent chuckled as well as he saw the hole in the ground and looked at Anguis as she walked over to him.
"Hello love"
"Hai Vinny"
He gave her a tight hug and she sighed and placed her head against his chest.
"I'm so sorry I got you into this hon..." Vincent mumbled
"I think I've dragged you through more messes though"
"Anyways... Lets see if I can break these off of you"
She slipped her fingers between the cuffs and his wrist and pulled against it, using her necklace for strength. It made a loud creaking sound and finally the hinges snapped on it, the one cuff falling to the floor. They both smiled and made eye contact as Anguis quickly switched to the other one, popping it off with ease.
"Now go, get the others and get out of here" she whispered
"What?? No I'm not leaving you! I know what he'll do to you once he gets out"
"I'll fight him off if I need to"
"Lemme try getting you out"
"I don't have hinged cuffs Vinny, mine are solid and really tight on my wrist"
She held up her hands and Vincent looked at it with a saddened expression.
"Maybe I can try to break the chains"
"It's not worth it, just get the others and get out. Maybe you can find a control room on the way out that'll get these off of me"
"But, Anguis-"
"Please Vinny, the others don't deserve this."
"Neither do you"
She gave him a pleading look and he sighed and glanced over at Emma and Jeremy.
"Okay... but I'm coming back for you"
"No you don't ne-"
"Nope, not changing my mind on this one"
"I'll be-"
"~sigh~ okay..."
He lifted her head up gently and looked her in the eyes, spotting fear in them.
"May I?" He asked quietly
"Uhhh... sure?"
He softly pressed his lips to Anguis', feeling her melt into it as she tried to wrap her arms around his neck. The chains held her back and she winced a little as the metal dug into her wrists. Vincent pulled away and held her hands in his. He gave her another quick kiss, this time on her forehead, then quickly snuck over to jail cell and pulled on the handle.
"Emma, hand me that lollipop he gave you"
"Okay Mr. Vincent"
He bent the end of it and shoved it into the lock, turned it, and popped it open. Jeremy and Emma quietly snuck out, then Emma came running up to Anguis and giving her a hug.
"Thank you Mrs. Dragon... I love you"
"I love you too Em, now run, get as far away from here as possible, and don't come back"
She ran back over to Jeremy and Vincent as they left the room to search for the exit. Anguis sighed as she enjoyed the silence for several minutes, until a blaring siren interrupted her thoughts.
Emergency! Front Entrance has been opened without a card!

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now