Visiting Parents (Shot Down)

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Author's note;
Yeah I'm completely changing this section of the story line. Cause why not.
Also a little mature content at the end.
-Slither & Friend 💚💜
Pain shot through Anguis' shoulder while she shifted in her sleep and she woke up and cried out.
"Owww mother fucker that hurts..."
"What's wrong love?" Vincent cooed
"My shoulder... I think that knife had something on it, cause it still hurts"
"Hmmm... well that's not good, I'll take you to the doctor today and get that checked out."
A little notification sound went off on Vincent's phone and he grabbed it and panicked.
He quickly got out of bed and threw on some clothes.
"What is it?"
"My parents; I totally forgot they were coming over for 2 days, and they're gonna be here in 15 minutes"
"Oh fun"
Anguis got up as well and went back to her room to grab her clothes, but opened the drawers and found them gone.
"Umm, Vinny, where's the clothes I keep borrowing?"
"Oh yeah, sorry, I moved them into my room after you fell asleep earlier"
Anguis wandered back into their room and Vincent handed her some clothes.
"Here, put these on."
"Vince, this is a small crop top and booty shorts"
"Yeah I know" he said with a smirk
"And your parents are coming over"
"Oh yeah, erm, probably not appropriate for them huh"
"Yeah just maybe, here lemme pick something"
Anguis shifted through the mound of clothes and picked out a close fitting v neck tank top and sweatpants.
"How about this?"
"Well, does it show off your tits?"
"Uhh," she blushed "yeah I think so"
"Yep, I'm okay with that then"
She shook her head and had Vincent help her change since she had little mobility with her arm still. He started to get a little excited when Anguis unbuttoned her work shirt from yesterday and slid it off"
"Ew, this thing is covered in blood, and it's torn"
Anguis looked up at him, then where he was staring.
"What? You got some good lookin tits"
"You do realize your parents are gonna be here in like 8 minutes, and we still haven't cleaned the house"
"But, but-"
"Cmon just help me here, you can mess around with them later"
"Oooooooooo okay"
He pulled the tank top over her head and moved her arm only a little so Anguis wasn't in that much pain, and poked her breasts in the process and smiled.
"They jiggle"
"Oh my goodness Vincent..."
"I couldn't help it"
Anguis rolled her eyes and finished getting dressed on her own.
"Hey... that shirt doesn't come that low on you..." he whined
Anguis sighed and looked at him. He made a pouting face and she started laughing and gave him a hug.
"That's better" he mumbled, "Cmon, lets at least try to make the place look somewhat decent before they get here"
"Okay, by the way, do you have like a sling or something to like make it so I can't move my arm too much?"
"Actually, I do in fact have one, wanna use it?"
Vincent turned around and rummaged through a shelf in his closet, pulled it down from its spot, and then clipped Anguis' arm into place for her.
"There you do darling"
"Thank you"
"Okay we really gotta hurry, we got 5 minutes."
"Eek, alright"
They went downstairs and Vincent let Anguis get the easier tasks while he did the ones involving more effort. There wasn't much to clean so they were done within the 5 minutes.
"Well, you ready to meet my parents?"
"I guess..."
"Don't worry, they're not mean at all"
"Okay, could I surprise them?"
"Depends, how are you planning on doing that?"
"Oh I was just thinking of flying in and landing  on your shoulders as my usual small self"
"Yeah you can do that"
"Yay, you're gonna need to catch me though, I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to land in this condition"
"Not a problem"
The doorbell rang and Vincent glanced out the window and smiled.
"Well, they're here"
"Okay, I'll go hide upstairs"
She gave him a quick kiss and he went to go answer the door while Anguis morphed and flew up onto the ledge that over looked the main floor. Vincent opened the door and was greeted by a shorter, cheerful plump lady and a man that still stood short compared to Vince.
"Hi mom, hi dad"
"Oh hello Vincent! How are you?"
"Doing great, have a safe trip coming up here?"
"Oh yes, it was quite relaxing actually, not like last time."
Anguis laughed to herself after realizing what his parents were wearing.
*his mom is wearing a completely red outfit, and his dad's is completely blue, I can see why he likes purple now*
"So, anything new?" Asked his dad
"Actually, there is something, well more like someone, new that I want you guys to meet"
"Oooooo!! When are they coming?"
"Actually, she's already here"
He whistled for her and Anguis glided down to where they were. Vincent caught her when she tried to land and held her on his chest so she wouldn't fall. Vincent's mom squealed with delight while his dad looked at her, confused.
"I thought you said it was someone"
"Just wait a sec Dad"
Vince placed her down on the ground and she unmorphed and smiled.
"Oh my goodness she's adorable!!"
His mom hugged Anguis and she awkwardly hugged her back, not quite sure why she was getting a hug in the first place.
"So is she like a friend of yours?" Asked his dad
"Nope, girlfriend actually"
"Geez mom chill, and yes really"
"My boy finally has a girlfriend, huh"
"Oh my goodness it's so nice to meet you sweetie, what's your name?"
"Anguis" she announced proudly
"Vincent didn't you used to have a major crush on a girl who disappeared that had a name like that too?" His dad asked
"Actually, this is her"
"No way!! You found her??"
"Well... that part is sorta messy, but she was back in town dealing with some issues with her parents, and apparently they had abused her and then kicked her out, which is why she had disappeared, and she came back to get revenge on them I guess, and I just happened to of found her while at work one day."
"Did you say her parents abused her and then just kicked her out??"
"Yep, when she was only 8 too"
"Oh I'm so sorry about that Anguis"
"It's okay Mrs...."
"Sarah, just call me Sarah, and my husband's name is Eric"
"Well, it's nice to meet you Eric and Sarah"
"So wait, what did you do when you found her?"
"Let her stay here, she was, no offense dear, kind of a mess when I found her, and once I realized it was my crush from forever-"
"He pretty much went head over heels" Anguis chimed in with
"Yep, sounds like Vincent all right" said Eric
"Sooo, how long have you two been together?" Asked Sarah
"Ummm, I think a little over a week"
"Like is that how long she's been living with you? Or since you guys started dating?"
"Yeah he pretty much claimed me as his the first day I was back"
Sarah chuckled to herself  and smiled.
"Well, as long as you guys are happy with it-"
"Hell yeah I am" said Vincent, "Anguis you're being awfully quiet, did you take your meds yet?"
"Oh crap, I completely forgot, hold on I'll be right back"
She morphed and flew back up to their room and grabbed her pill bottle and grabbed her medication.
"What does she need her meds for?" Asked Sarah
"Oh, she was in a really bad accident the other day, got shot and the lead bullet stayed in her system"
"Oh goodness!"
"Yeah... just an FYI, they make her kinda loopy so if she starts doing some random shit, just ignore it and she usually calms down"
"Was the cast on her arm from the same thing?"
"No, we had a break in last night in the restaurant and she took a knife to the shoulder, it hurt her pretty badly"
"Oh goodness gracious, she's like a magnet for injuries"
"Yeah, but she's toughed through all of it like a cha-"
"Whatcha need Princess?"
"The, uh, bandage fell off and the cut split open again... its bleeding a lot too..."
"Oh crap... hold on I'll be right up there. You guys know what room is yours, right?"
"Yep, we'll go ahead and get our stuff situated."
"Okay, I gotta go help her, it's a really bad cut and I gotta get her to a doctor soon"
"Not a problem"
He sprinted up the stairs, taking two at a time, and found Anguis sitting on the side of the bath tub holding a bloodied towel to her shoulder.
"It's really bad..." she whimpered
"Oh no... we might need to go to the ER"
"Yeah, let me see it"
She spun around so he could see her back and he carefully removed the towel.
"Oh, it's not that bad actually, but what did you do to tear it open again? Picking at it?"
"No, I just unmorphed and the bandaid fell right off and it started bleeding really badly."
"Hmm, then imma say no more flying for a bit until this gets fixed."
"No buts, I don't need you passing out from blood loss again"
"~sigh~ okay...."
"It's for your own good honey..."
"I know, I just don't like the idea"
Vincent gave her a sympathetic look and scratched her head. A little bleep went off on his phone once more and he checked to see what it was.
"Hey I know what might cheer you up"
"How about all of us go out for a nice dinner? We don't have work tonight because it's a Sunday."
"Oo okay!"
"Alright, lets go"
The group of them went out to dinner and the parents asked Anguis a few questions about what she did with her life in the wild. She would explain it, trying to not sound depressing, but in the end Sarah and Eric still felt bad for her. They came back home around 9 ish and Anguis yawned, the lack of blood in her system made her a bit drowsy. Vincent noticed and gave her the medication she needed before picking her up.
"Well, Anguis and I are going off to bed"
"Alright, Eric and I might as well go to bed too"
"Okay, night mom, night dad"
"Night Sarah and Eric"
"Good night you two"
Vincent and Anguis went to their room and got undressed and laid down in bed.
"Your parents are real sweet people..."
"Yeah, I wonder if I could get mom to make some of her cookies, they're real good"
"Oo more food"
He smiled and slipped his hand under Anguis' bra and played with her breast. She blushed a lot and looked away long enough for Vincent to slip off her panties without her noticing. He slipped his index and middle finger into her and she gasped and looked back over at him. She started to say something when he leaned in and kissed her so she wouldn't talk.
"Shhhhhh, don't worry darling" he said in between breaths, "just let it happen..."
He continued to kiss her and pumped his hand in and out of her. She moaned and her back arched a little.
*oh my god this feels so weird, but so good too*
He slipped in another finger, making Anguis moan some more.
"Shh, I don't need my parents knowing..."
She nodded and tried to hold back from making any noises. There was a knot forming in her stomach and eventually she felt like she was going to give in.
"V-vinny.... I don't know, hah, how long I-aha can last"
His grin widened and picked up the pace. He covered her mouth and she groaned and gave in, then he stopped and slipped his fingers out of her. Anguis laid there sweating a little and panting. Vincent chuckled and licked his fingers clean.
"What, what was that??" She asked
"Oh my dear, its called love" he purred
*love.... okay then...*
He put her panties back on and snuggled next to her, placing an arm around her waist.
"I love you my dear princess"
"I, I love you too Vinny"
He kissed her ear and the two of them drifted off to sleep.

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