Recovery (2.0)

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7 hours later Vincent, Jeremy, and Scott were outside of the emergency room that Anguis was recovering in. Vincent was pacing back and forth in front of the door, muttering nonsense to himself while Scott and Jeremy continued to reassure him that it was going to be okay. A doctor stuck his head out from the room and Vincent whipped around to face him.
"Mr. Afton?"
"Can I see her now?"
"Yes, but be gentle, her surgery has healed already, but she hasn't woken up yet. If she does, then you guys can just leave, but until then, just in case, she has to stay here."
The doctor opened both of the doors and Vincent sprinted in while Jeremy and Scott trailed behind him. Anguis was sprawled out on the hospital bed, one arm dangling off the side with various IVs flowing into her. Vince's heart sank when he saw the condition she was in. He sat down next to her on the bed, putting his hand on hers, and watched her chest rise and fall as she inhaled and exhaled. A nurse took out the IVs and bandaged up her arm and handed Vincent a pill bottle.
"If she wakes up, give her 2 of these every 4 hours, it's gonna help her with the high lead amount she has in her system at the moment. They go into effect immediately, so you're going to need to help her do stuff. "
"Okay, will do."
The nurse left the room and he turned his attention back towards Anguis.
"I'm so sorry...."
"Vince," said Scott, "it's not your fault"
"Y-yeah man, I mean, s-she's still alive"
"I know... but look at her..."
Scott and Jeremy exchanged worried looked and sat down on the extra chairs in the room.

<time skip by 8 hours>

"Dude... we've been here all day... you sure you don't wanna grab some food or something?"
"She might wake up soon"
"Vince, you said that 3 hours ago... Look man, I know you like the girl, but she'll be okay here by herself, I promise"
Anguis started coughing and their attention turned towards her. Her eyes fluttered open and she sat up a little, rubbing the back of her head.
"Uuugh... my fuckin head hurts..."
"Wha- oh!"
Vincent pulled her up and hugged her tightly. Anguis glanced at him, confused, then looked over at Scott and Jeremy.
"Umm... someone mind explaining where on earth I am?"
"You're in the hospital" said Scott, "Vince you're gonna hurt her if you keep huggin her like that"
"Oh, right, sorry hon"
Vincent let go of Anguis and held her out at arms length and looked at her.
"Well someone's excited to see me"
"H-he's been here all d-day anguis"
"Wait, huh?"
"Do you really not know what's going on?" Asked Scott
"No I have like, zero clue"
"You've been unconscious for like, 15 hours now cause you got shot. We've been sitting here all day waiting for you to wake up cause of your goofy boyfriend wanted to be here when you woke up."
Anguis looked back at Vince and he blushed a little and scratched the back of his head.
"Did you really make them stay here the whole time?"
"Heh.... maybe..."
She shook her head and looked over at the two guys.
"I think you two can leave now"
"W-what if all 4 of u-us just go out f-for dinner?"
"Jeremy, Anguis just woke up, I don't think sh-"
"Ooo hell yeah, food"
"Never mind, seems like she's hungry"
"I'm always hungry"
"Mkay, we'll just meet you two outside"
Jeremy and Scott got up and left the room, closing the door behind them. Vincent cleared his throat and Anguis looked back at him.
"You feeling okay? Like after all of that?"
"Of course. So wait you guys actually sat here in this stuffy old room for that long?"
"And you didn't leave?"
"Why?? You must be starving by now!"
"Yeah I'm a bit hungry, but like Scott said, I wanted to be here when you woke up, n we didn't know when that was."
Anguis sighed and shook her head.
"You're an odd one, you know that?"
"Yep, but you're like me,"
"Oh trust me, I already knew I was a weirdo"
He smiled and briefly kissed her, then remembered what the nurse had said.
"Oh, by the way, you have to take these."
He reached into his back pocket and pulled out the bottle and gave her two of the pills.
"Don't chew them, you'd regret it really quickly if you did"
She grabbed a glass of water and swallowed the pills with a swig, making sure not to chew them, and then shook her head.
"Woah... those kicked in quickly..."
"Yeah, nurse said they would do that, cmon, lets grab some food."
Anguis tried to stand up and fell in the first few steps, falling to her hands and knees.
"Wooah, I can't walk at all..."
"Oh dear... don't worry, I got you"
He picked her up and had her sitting on his shoulders when they walked out of the room. Anguis smiled and looked down at Scott.
"Haha, one of us is finally taller than you now"
He shook his head and smiled a little and everyone went outside after Vincent completed the paperwork for Anguis' hospital bill. They got into their individual cars and followed Scott  to a burger joint and got some dinner.
Around 11 Vincent and Anguis came back home and went back inside and laid down on the couches. Anguis took her pills again and leaned back against the backing of the couch, somewhat zoned out.
"These meds... they're really weird... I'm like all tired... n shit..."
"Well it's kinda late too..."
"Wait, hold up... we have work tonight..."
"Did you not listen to Scott?"
"No... I'm like, drugged out, remember"
"We don't have work for the week"
"Niiiiiice.... these meds are makin me feel all warm n fuzzy inside too..."
"Huh, weird, maybe we should ask the doctor if it's right or not..."
Anguis crawled over to Vincent and sat down on his lap and tilted her head sideways a bit.
"Uhhh, hi, you're like really close to my face" he stated
"Ya know... you're cute... like, real cute..."
*wow she is really out of wack right now*
"Uhh, thanks?"
She giggled and kissed him on the cheek for  second. Vince reach over and grabbed the pill bottle and read the ingredients.
*oooohhhh great... she's gonna be completely out of it for a while... maybe I could make this fun...*
Vincent's phone rang and he picked up the FaceTime call.
"Yo Scott, what's up?"
"Is Anguis okay? She was like really loopy during dinner, unless that's normal"
"Oh, yeah she's fine, it's the meds that are doing that to her"
"Hold on Anguis"
"Vinny who you talking to?"
"Oooo lemme say hai"
"Uhh not right now Anguis"
"Cmon, pleaaaase"
She tried to take his phone and he held it out of reach from her and pushed her back slightly. They could see Scott laughing on the screen.
"Oh man, it looks like you're gonna have your hands full for a while there Vince"
"Yep... it's gonna be interesting..."
"Cmoooonn let me say hai..."
He handed Anguis the phone and she waved at Scott.
"Hello Anguis"
"You won't believe what I found out"
"What'd you find?"
"Vinny is like, really hot looking, I got lucky" she whispered to him.
Scott busted out laughing and Vincent snatched his phone back, blushing a bit.
"Man, yeah she's completely out of it"
"Well at least she's still into you, even while drugged out"
"Welp, imma let you two, more like just you vince, have some fun"
"I'll try to keep her under control"
"~laughs~ okay, well c yah"
He hung up and out his phone back down on the table that was beside the couch. Anguis was still looking at him curiously so he sat up against the arm rest and stuck his tongue out at her. She giggled and blushed, looking away, and Vincent chuckled to himself.
"You're really loopy right now girl"
"Whaaaat??? noooo, I feel just fine"
"No trust me, you're completely out of wack right now, but it's cute"
"Me? Cute? Naaahhh"
"You're right, you ain't cute: you're flat out adorable"
"So... you're saying you like me?"
"Well duh, of course I like you, you're my girlfriend"
"~gasp~ wait wait wait wait, you're my boyfriend???"
"Yes silly"
"Oh. my. god. no way"
"Yes way"
Vincent started laughing and she hugged him tightly.
*oh man it's like she's drunk or something.*
"Are you suuuure I'm your girlfriend?" Anguis asked while letting go, "I mean what are the odds"
"Yes, I'm sure you're my girlfriend."
"You like, super duper sure?"
"Super, super duper uber sure?"
"Yes silly"
"Prove it"
"Thought you would never ask"
He grabbed her and dragged her on top of him and started kissing her neck, making her giggle, then moan when he got her collar bone.
*Oooo, I think I found her sweet spot*
"That felt funny..."
"So, does that answer your question dear?"
"Well, how about this?"
He pulled her a bit closer and started making out with her again. They did that for a few minutes until Anguis pulled away, out of breath.
"That answered it"
Vincent smirked and Anguis laid back down on him and yawned. He started stroking her hair again and within minutes, she was snoozing away, dreaming peacefully. Vince once again picked up the bottle and read the label a bit more in depth and saw that she was prescribed to it for a few days.
*this is gonna be funny...*
He placed the bottle back on the table and soon fell asleep, cuddling Anguis like she was a favorite childhood toy.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now