The Bet

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Emma fell asleep once her head hit the pillow and Anguis pulled up the blankets and tucked them under her shoulders.
"Goodnight Em" she whispered once leaving the room.
She walked past Jeremy's room and noticed he was already sleeping and closed the door for him. She then went back outside and looked around to see where the others were. Since she didn't see anyone, she shrugged and grabbed a handful of grapes while sitting down at the water's edge, eating them and admiring the moon. 
"Hello love"
Anguis jumped a bit at the voice and glanced somewhat behind her, noticing it was Vincent.
"Hai Vinny, where did everyone go?"
"Oh they left while you were tucking Emma in"
"Oh, okay"
He sat down next to her and put an arm around her shoulder.
"Did you have fun today?" He asked
"Yeah I suppose, whatever happened to Mike?"
"Oh don't worry about him, he's got what he's deserved."
They both continued to stare at the moon for a bit while Vincent tried to figure out a way to get Anguis under his influence.
*how am I gonna do this... with that much money we could go on vacation away from these weird idiots and just relax, just the two of us...* he thought
An idea popped into his head and he decided to morph only his eyes into his dragon form, but also enlarged his member's size by a decent amount. He placed a hand on Anguis' thigh and she glanced up at him with a little bit of pink on her cheeks.
"Woah..." she whispered, "your eyes..."
"Hm? What about them?" He purred
"They're so... I dunno what the word is..."
He chuckled and leaned in and kissed her. She was taken by surprise, but fell for it as he kissed him back. Vincent started leaning on her and eventually she gave into the weight and laid down on her back with him on top. He smirked and lifted her hips to his crotch and grinded against her for a bit, biting his own lip. Anguis blushed even more and groaned quietly once feeling him become aroused.
"Ooh, V-Vinny..."
"Mmh, you like this, don't you love?"
She nodded slightly in response and he grinned and stopped, sliding her bikini off to the side of her. He wetted his fingers in the water and slid them into her, making her back arch a little. She moaned as he started fingering her and closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling. He took his fingers out after a few minutes once feeling her clamp down on him and examined the juices that covered them, chuckling deeply to himself. A larger wave came by and splashed Anguis in the face, making her flinch in surprise and cough out the water that went into her mouth. More larger waves came and she sat up so that she wouldn't get completely soaked.
"Stupid tide..." Vincent muttered as he looked out at the lake, "ya ruined a god damn moment..."
Anguis giggled a little at his reaction and planted a kiss on his cheek, accidentally splashing him with the water that had soaked her hair. He looked back over at her and smirked once seeing how her hair was lazily positioned so that it was half covering her face.
"...But I'm not letting some stupid water cancel my plans with my queen" he mumbled as he held one hand on her hip and lifted her off the ground with the other.
Anguis heard his little comment and smiled shyly as he walked over and placed her back against the shed that was under the deck, kissing down her jawline. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled on his hair a little, getting him to pull his head back. He looked at her with half lidded eyes for a few seconds before smashing his lips to hers. Vincent licked her bottom lip and immediately got her approval as he slid his tongue into her mouth. Anguis whimpered quietly as he reached around with one hand and pulled apart the knot that held the bikini top of her, pinching her in the rear as he slid it off of her. She tightened her grip around his waist for a brief second, trying to give him a hint, and Vincent smirked as he understood what she meant. He undid his swimming trunks and lowered himself down towards her entrance and poked at her. She squirmed a little at the feeling until he shoved himself into her, then gasped once noticing the change he made. Her foot twitched a little as her walls stretched more than normal and she whimpered slightly, catching Vincent's attention.
"What's wrong my love? Don't like the bigger size?"
"I-its just... uncomfortable..."
"I can always stop hon, just tell me if you want to"
"Just.... lemme adjust..."
"Alright, if you say so"
It was almost completely silent for a few minutes, with only the sound of Anguis quietly whimpering at the pain. Her whines died down eventually and she nodded.
"O-okay... you can move now..."
He gave her an are-you-sure look and she nodded again. He slowly began thrusting into her and she groaned as her walls split a little, but smiled a little once she was used to it. Vincent noticed her aura started glowing more than it had been for the past few days and smirked, thrusting into her faster.
"Hah, ha, V-Vinny" Anguis panted
"Mmmmh, god, you're even tighter that usual..."
Anguis whimpered as he continuously hit her g-spot and she felt her core starting to tighten around him. Vincent was already panting as he slammed himself deeper into her, grinning as she moaned into his ear.
"V-Vinny, I-I'm not g-gonna last..."
Her walls were clamped down around his member and she hit her limit and let herself go all over him. He smirked and continued to pound her until he could feel himself at his own limit.
"O-oh baby, I, I'm-"
He released himself inside of her as she dug her nails into his back and groaned. He pulled out once he was done and tugged on his swim trunks so they were back up to their normal spot. He did the same with the bottom half of Anguis' bikini and placed her on the ground while reaching over for her top.
"Thanks" she mumbled as she took it from him.
There was a single person clapping and their heads whipped towards the sound. Anguis quickly covered herself up with her hands and was blushing madly, but gasped once seeing Robert and Fritz come out from the shadows.
"Damn Vince, I didn't think you'd actually do it" Fritz commented
"Do what?" Anguis asked
"You didn't tell her about the bet?" Robert asked
"What bet? What did I miss?"
"Uhh.... well..." Vincent trailed off while looking away, *oh shit I think she's mad...*
"Yo we made a bet with Vincent that he wouldn't fuck you and make you squirt while we were watching." Fritz explained, "hah Robert you owe him 3k now"
"You did WHAT Vinny???"
"I'm sorry sweetheart, lemme exp-"
"Oh I think they've already explained! How could you?!? You ARE using me, aren't you?!?"
"No no no that's not what I wa-"
She glared at him and he immediately stopped talking.
"How could you Vinny.... using me to get cash... psh, probably gonna sell me to my brother next, then use it all to buy booze or something..."
Anguis sighed and walked back towards the house.
"I'll be sleeping on the couch in the living room tonight, if you care to know..." she muttered as she closed the door behind her.
Fritz and Robert glanced over at each other while Vincent inhaled deeply and pulled on his hair.
"Damn dude... you fucked up big time now..."
Robert commented
"Dude you didn't have to do the bet, like damn"
"I know... but I thought with the cash we could... oh never mind..."
He snatched the money out of Robert's hand and walked back inside. The other two glanced at each other and shrugged, walking back to their car to head home.
Vincent sighed as he went back up to his room, where Anguis was changing into her pajamas. He knocked on the door and tried turning the handle, but found it was locked.
"Anguis, my love... I'm sorry..."
"No you're not"
"But I am, I'm truly and honestly sorry"
"Doesn't sound like you are.."
"No really, I-"
He was cut off as the door swung open and she glared at him. She looked down at his hand and her eyes narrowed even more. She scoffed at it and looked at his face again.
"If you were truly sorry, you wouldn't have taken the cash"
"No wait, hear me out-"
"I think you've done enough talking for tonight, Vincent"
She stormed past him and went down the stairs. Vincent sighed and hit his head against the door frame a few times.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid... god I fucking messed up now..."
"Mr. Vincent?"
He glanced down behind him and saw Emma had woken up and was wrapped up in a fuzzy pink blanket.
"Emma? Shouldn't you be in bed?"
"Is something wrong Mr. Vincent?"
"No... ~sigh~ well, yes there is..."
"What's wrong?"
"I messed up..."
"I made Anguis mad at me..."
"I did something with her to get money...."
"Cause I wasn't thinking... excuse me Emma... I need some time to myself..."
He walked into his room and closed the door behind him. She heard him sigh once more before walking down the stairs. She heard someone crying quietly and frowned as she went towards the sound. She got to the living room and faintly saw Anguis laying on the couch, sniffling.
"Mrs. Dragon?"
"Mrs. Dragon, don't cry... it's okay..."
"No... its not okay..."
She sniffled again and Emma walked over to the kitchen table, grabbed a box of tissues, and walked back to the living room and handed her the box.
She blew her nose and tossed it onto the coffee table, and Anguis shivered a little as a breeze drafted through the open window. Remembering what she said earlier, Emma climbed up on the couch with her and put her blanket around the two of them. Anguis shook her head and tried to give the blanket back to Emma, but she insisted and put it back around her again.
"You said earlier you didn't like the cold, so keep it on you, it always keeps me warm when I'm cold"
Anguis sniffled again and smiled a little, putting her arms around the child and hugging her.
"Thank you Em..."
"Can I sleep with you Mrs. Dragon?"
Emma snuggled up next to her and quickly fell asleep. Anguis looked down at her and ran her fingers through her hair while gazing at the moonlight that danced across the hardwood floor. She stared at it for a long time before getting up. She walked into the kitchen and found a little notepad, where she scribbled out a little note.
I thought you didn't want anyone else seeing that part of me, I thought you wanted it to be just the two of us during those moments... I trusted you... and you know I have trust issues, so me trusting you was huge for me... guess I was wrong though... I love you, but I guess money is more important for you...
I'll be living back at my old house if you need anything... ~Anguis
She ripped it off the notepad and stuck it to the fridge with a magnet. She then unlocked the front door and walked outside, closing it as quietly as possible behind herself. She morphed in her wings and took off into the night.
Vincent laid awake all night long, trying to think of a way to redeem himself.
*we could go on vacation, but she's not going to want to go right now... god why am I so stupid... I knew she only wanted to do that if no one else was there... I betrayed her trust... I have to get her back some how... but how am I going to do that...,*
It seemed like weeks until the sun started coming up over the horizon. He decided he was going to try to redeem himself through gifts that she might like and got up and out of bed. He got dressed into some casual looking clothes and went downstairs, where he found Emma searching around for something.
"Hey Emma, what are you doing up so early?" He said cheerfully
"I'm looking for Mrs. Dragon, but I can't find her."
His blood ran cold and his eyes widened a bit.
"You... can't find her?"
"No, I fell asleep with her last night on the couch, but when I woke up, she was gone."
"Oh shit... where haven't you checked yet??"
"The kitchen"
He ran over to the kitchen and frantically started searching everything while Emma stood between the fridge and the living room, sucking on her thumb and holding a teddy bear. He threw open all the cabinets and tried to see if she had morphed and was hiding up there, but found nothing. He opened the fridge and looked to see if she was hiding behind anything in there, and nothing came up again. He went through the pantry, the oven, looked underneath the oven, even underneath the fridge, but still didn't see any changes. Emma noticed the note on the fridge and jumped up and pulled it down. She read it with a concerned and confused look on her face.
"Mr. Vincent, where did Mrs. Dragon used to live?"
"In a forest, why?"
"It says here that she went back home"
"What? Lemme see it"
She held out the letter and he quickly grabbed it, scanning over it.
"No... no no no...."
He slammed the piece of paper back down on the counter, making Emma jump a little bit.
"DAMN IT!" He yelled, "...I have to go get her..."
He grabbed his car keys and scribbled a note for Jeremy on the notepad and left it on the table. He was about to walk out the door when he felt a tug on his shirt.
"Mr. Vincent, can I come with?"
Then he paused for a second and looked down at her pleading face.
*she might be able to reason with Anguis better than I could right now...*
"Wait... Yeah, sure you can come with"
He picked her up and they both went out to the car, got in, and sped off towards the forest.
It was spooky walking through there for Emma and she whined about it about half way through.
"Mr. Vincent... I'm scared..."
"Trust me... I am too..."
"Mrs. Dragon said there were wolves and bears here..."
"There are, but don't worry, the odds of us running into some are small..."
They heard a barking noise that was close by and glanced at each other, then turned and full blown sprinted to the open area. They got there and glanced around, not seeing Anguis anywhere. Vincent sighed a little and walked over to a rock that was in the shade of the trees and sat down on it with Emma on his lap.
"This is where Mrs. Dragon used to live?"
"Mhmm, as far as I know it is"
"It's pretty, I wouldn't mind living here"
"Yea, as long as there was a house... oooo or maybe she has a tree house, have you seen one around here?"
"Nope... she slept in a tree, but not a tree house."
"Oh... where is Mrs. Dragon then?"
"Probably looking for food..."
"What Does she eat out here? Candy?"
"No, usually berries and fish, sometimes deer if she's lucky"
"Oh, that sounds cool"
"Eh, sort of"
Some leaves rustled to the right of them and they looked over, hoping to see Anguis. Instead a big black bear came out and they gasped. Emma hid her face in Vincent's shoulder and he sat there, frozen with fear. It stood up on its hind legs and sniffed the air, falling back down on all fours with a loud thud.
*please don't see us, please don't see us* Vincent thought
It sniffed around some more and walked further out into the clearing. Vincent sighed when it got further away, but then it froze and turned to look at them.
"Fuck I'm stupid" he muttered.
The animal growled at them and started walking their way. Vincent stood up and tried to hide Emma to the side of him, but she saw the animal and whimpered a little.
"Mr. Vincent...."
"Shh shh shh Emma, it's okay, if you stay calm and quiet it won't attack..."
It kept getting closer and closer, and Vincent took a few steps back, accidentally stepping on a branch and breaking it. It roared at them and ran towards them, and Vincent yelled and took off. It chased them until they were backed up against one of the largest trees in the area and it stood up. Emma started crying loudly and it roared again.
"I'm sorry Emma, I shouldn't of brought you"
Vincent said while turning his back to the animal.
"Mr. Vincent... I-I'm scared"
"I know you are... s-so am I..."
He felt its nose against his back and stiffened up. The animal growled again and stood up on two feet, towering over the two people. Vincent turned around partially and gasped at the size of the animal. Emma cried even harder and it roared at them, and held its paw back, about to swing and hit them with it, when another roar echoed close by.

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