Home Sweet Home (2.0)

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"After you M'lady"
Vincent opened the door for Anguis and bowed as she walked in, amazed at how large the house was.
"Woah.... Vincent, how on earth do you afford a place this big...."
"Well," he chuckled and closed the door behind them, "I didn't exactly buy the place you see."
"What do you mean?"
"I may have... well, forcefully taken over the house, if you know what I mean."
"You killed the owners??"
"Ding ding ding, correct."
"Huh, one way of getting a house I guess."
*he kills people too?? I guess it explains why he knew how to clean up blood... but what if I'm next...*
Anguis kept her guard up and walked around the living room, admiring the architecture designs. Patterns were laid out in the walls and tapestries hung down from the sides of the fireplace. She placed her hand on the walls and tried to memorize the pattern by touch, since she was better at recognizing something by touch than by sight. Vincent leaned against the doorway watching her curiously and checking her out at the same time.
*damn... she really is good lookin* he thought, *i might just have to claim her for myself*
Anguis felt a pattern change within the wall she was next to and looked up. There was a huge serpent like design carved into it, the large fangs and claws reaching out to something unknown. The cold scales made it almost seem alive as the light rippled across it and Anguis looked at it in awe.
"So, I see you like that creature huh"
She turned around and blushed a little as she realized he had been watching her the entire time.
"Yeah, it's awesome looking"
He walked over to her and stood by her side, looking up at it.
"Yeah it is, I don't know why the previous owners put it here instead of over the fire place, but whatevs."
The sunrise just started to peak over the horizon, casting long shadows from the other room and Anguis yawned a little.
"Yeah... just a little bit"
"Well, I'll go ahead and show you to your room, after all I'm getting kinda drowsy myself."
He beckoned her to follow him and she did, still dragging her hand along the wall as they ascended. Paintings hung on the stairwell and Anguis was careful to avoid those just so she didn't off center them. They got upstairs and Anguis took a quick peak off the balcony that overlooked the entrance room they were just in, and the continued to follow Vincent down the hallway. He stopped about half way down and opened a door to a room.
"Here you go, your brand new room"
Anguis walked inside and her mouth opened slightly in surprise. It was decorated in a mid evil theme and a large sword hung over the bed. A lamp stood on the nightstand that was beside the queen-sized bed and the light that came off of it reflected off the deep red walls.
"You- you mean I get to stay here??"
"Well of course, where else would you stay?"
"I dunno, I just think it's a little too nice, ya know?"
"No, I don't know"
"I mean I thought I was going to have to crash on the floor somewhere."
"Oh nonsense, even if I only had one comfortable spot to rest, I would still let you sleep there n then I would just find a spot to kip out."
"Aw that's so sweet of you, thanks for letting me stay here by the way, it was suppose to get really really cold tonight."
"Oh no problem sweetie, now, go ahead n do what you need to do, bathroom is to the left and there's a washing machine under the sink. Just use the stuff in the blue bottle and fill up the cap if you wanna wash your things."
"Mkay," Vincent turned to leave, but petted her head first and winked before walking out, "sleep well beautiful" he purred as he closed the door.
Anguis could hear his footsteps walking back down the hall and she turned back and glanced around the room, checking out her new area. She walked over to the bathroom and turned on the showers and placing her clothes into the washing machine, following Vincent's instructions, and then jumped in the shower when she was finished. Years of dirt fell away as she washed herself and the fruity smell of the shampoo and body wash filled the air. The washer beeped, letting her know her clothes were done, and she turned off the shower and got out. Patting herself dry with a towel, she snatched her clothes out, which were surprisingly dry already, and then threw them on.
*ahhhh.... this feels nice... it's a quick washer too oh my goodness...*
She stood up and checked herself out in the mirror. Instead of a dirty and disheveled appearance, her tan skin had a nice healthy glow to it and it appeared smooth. She frowned once seeing the cut going through her brow where she had been hit with a pipe and she leaned a little closer to get a good look at it. There was already a scab over it and she picked it off, revealing an off colored white scar that went from above her brow, over her eyelid, and a little bit past her eye.
*lovely... least it doesn't look that bad."
She threw the towel into the washer and then hopped into bed, nestling into the soft blankets and pillows. Anguis sighed and quickly drifted off into a light sleep, still keeping her guard up just in case.
The smell of something cooking, and burning, woke her up several hours later and she sniffed the air trying to tell what it was. She didn't know what it was so Anguis got up and went downstairs to investigate. She found Vincent standing by a toaster and eating a slice of half burnt toast, tapping his foot to some music that was playing quietly through a stereo. He noticed her walk in and feel around on the walls, finding little nooks and crannies with her delicate sense of touch. Anguis got over to where Vincent was and nearly ran into him, making her blush and him laugh. He put an arm around her and pulled her close to him and she resisted at first, unsure of what he was doing, but then let him do what he wanted to do.
"So how'd ya sleep?" He asked
"Pretty well, it was so soft and comfy, I don't think I've ever felt something like that before, and thanks again for letting me stay here for the night."
"No problem dearie, now go ahead and dig in, there's plenty of food and I'm not running out anytime soon."
Anguis grabbed a slice of toast that wasn't completely burnt and added some peanut butter to it so the burnt parts wouldn't taste as bad. The first bite was like an explosion of a new flavor in her mouth and she chewed on it for a little, enjoying the new textures and taste. The warm toasted bread had a nice crunch to it and the sweet peanut butter made it sticky, but held all the crumbs with it whenever she took a bite. She ate about 5 slices and then helped clean up by sweeping the crumbs off the counter and putting away the peanut butter. Vincent poured the two of them a glass of juice and handed her one. They clinked glasses and drank the whole glass in one swig. The citrus taste of oranges impacted Anguis' tastebuds and she rather enjoyed the weird aftertaste that came with it. Vincent checked the time on his phone.
"Huh, we got like 6 hours to do whatever we want" he stated
"Really? What time is it?"
"5:48, I gotta leave for work at 11:30."
"You think I could go back with you? The characters were cool and they seemed okay to talk to."
"Of course, we have the other guard coming in tonight too so you could meet them too."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"No... they're not like, mean or anything, right?"
"Mike? Oh I don't think so, but then again I kinda scare him a bit so he doesn't mess with me."
"Oh, okay"
"Yeah, so anyways, what you wanna do? Watch a movie?"
"You gotta favorite movie you want to see?"
"No... I don't remember ever watching any movies to be honest."
"Oh that's okay, I think I got a few we could watch that you'd like."
They went into the living room and sat down on the couch and Vincent scrolled through movies on Netflix trying to find the one he wanted. Anguis fell asleep during one of the movies and Vincent positioned her in a way so she wouldn't get a cramp in her neck when she woke up, and then also fell asleep.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now