Days Off/ Unexpected Foe (2.0)

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Vincent woke up first and was immediately greeted by a blinding sunrise. He groaned and reached over for his phone so he could remotely close the blinds that covered the massive front room windows. After hitting a few spots on his screen, the blinds rotated and soon they were in the shadows instead of broad daylight. Anguis shifted a little in her sleep and Vincent looked at her and smiled.
*aww... she's so adorable, how could anyone have abused this sweet girl...*
He pulled her up a little higher and massaged her back with one hand, and then placed his other on her rear and just kinda snuggled with her. She somewhat woke up a few minutes later and lifted her head slightly and looked up at Vincent.
"Well good morning cutie..." Vincent purred
"Morn ~yawns~ ing Vinny...."
Anguis placed her hands under her chin and they gazed at each other, not saying a word. After a few minutes Anguis reached up and poked Vince in the nose.
"Did you just poke me?"
"No, I booped le snoot"
He face palmed while Anguis laid there giggling.
"Oh, what am I gonna do with you Anguis..."
"I dunno, try to catch me?"
She morphed into a small dragon and took off, running upstairs to hide somewhere.
"Oh, you wanna play games huh? Well," he said while getting up, "imma get you"
Anguis sat up on a shelf in a spare bedroom and looked down at the door. Vincent peaked his head in and looked around.
"Aaaaanguis, where are you silly girl?"
She stopped herself from laughing and jumped off, landing behind him, and bolted down the hallway again. She quietly slipped out the patio door and sat on the outdoor balcony that was overlooking the lake. It was peaceful outside, only a slight breeze blowing through the air. Anguis sighed and heard a faint radio in the distance playing a saddening song and her head was suddenly flooded with memories of her parents. They screamed at her for being a disappointment and beat her, calling her bad names and such. Anguis tried to block them out but more and more of them kept coming.
*get out of my head!!!*
She folded her arms on the railing and put her head on them, trying to hide the fact she was now crying. The back door opened again and Vincent walked up behind her and playfully grabbed her.
"Haha, I got you"
She didn't respond and a sob that she tried to suppress shook her body.
"Anguis? You okay?"
"~sigh~ come here..."
Anguis picked her head off of her arms and looked up at him. Vincent had a concerned look to him and placed a hand on her back and she quickly turned around and hugged him tightly, making him stumble back in surprise. He hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.
"There there... it's okay... now, what's wrong?"
"I... I dunno, I keep getting these bad flashbacks of my parents, and they just kept coming, and coming, and I just can-"
"Shh... it's okay baby girl, you don't have to worry about them anymore, those terrible people are gone now, no need to be scared"
Vince held her there until she calmed down a bit and stopped crying. Anguis looked up at him and he faintly smiled. She looked away again and muttered something under her breath.
"What was that hon?"
"I'm still sorta scared tho"
"Scared of what?"
"Loosing people I care about again..."
"Aww, Anguis... I don't think you're gonna loose any of us anytime soon, especially me."
"Yeah, it's hard to find a crazy cute girl that's exactly like you in every way, and I mean heck, you like me back, it's a miracle."
He placed his hand under her chin and tilted her head up so she was looked up at him. A rogue tear fell and Vince wiped it away for her.
"You feel better now?"
He picked Anguis up and she giggled a little.
"You really do like picking me up, don't you?"
"Well I mean, how else am I suppose to make a princess feel special?"
"Could just kiss em I guess"
"I have no problem with that"
"Okay! ...Wait"
Anguis realized what he had said before she gave him that suggestion and did a mental face palm. Vincent sat down with her in one of the outdoor furniture.
"What do you mean 'Wait'?"
"Oh nothing, I was thinking out loud"
"Ah, so, may I?"
"May you what?"
"You know"
"Eh Sure, why not"
He smirked and moved Anguis so she was sitting on his waist and planted his lips on hers. They made out for a little and Anguis felt him become aroused from it and she blushed a little, then the doorbell rang. They both stopped and looked in the direction of the ringing sound.
"Damn it, why does someone always gotta ruin the moment" mumbled Vincent
"Dunno, I'll get the door tho"
They got up and Anguis left to answer the door while Vincent went to go change out of his clothes from yesterday. She skipped over to the door and opened it, immediately getting hit in the face by someone's fist. She cried out and fell back onto the floor and glared at her attacker, then panicking at who it was.
"Ah, you do remember me"
"How the hell did you know-"
"That you were here? Simple, word got around you were back, I had my friends get more info, then found out you lived here."
She stood back up and growled slightly.
"My god, you gotta nice big ol' house here, how'd you get it"
"None of your business, now get the hell outa here"
"No, I'm here to finish some old business"
*god if this jackass is still a bully after 11 years*
He took a step inside and Anguis braced herself and was ready to fight. Even though Howie wasn't much taller than her, it was obvious he went to the gym daily. Howie looked down at her and scoffed.
"Are you preparing yourself to loose?"
"No, I'm ready to win actually."
"HAH, no, you're gonna get your ass beat and then run back to wherever you disappeared to-"
"What the hell going on??"
Howie and Anguis looked up to the second floor and Vincent stood there looking down at them.
"Oooo Anguis has a body guard" mocked Howie, "how cute"
*damn it why can't I leave Anguis' side for a few minutes without something happening to her...* thought Vince,
Anguis ran up to Howie and shoved him back through the door with enough force to send him off the porch and into the lawn a few yards away. He scrambled back up to his feet and looked at her in shock, but then went back to his stupid smile.
"Awe you wanna fight me outside? Don't wanna break anything huh"
Anguis closed the door and jumped off the porch and morphed into a larger dragon and snarled at him. Vincent caught a glimpse of her tail through the other window and ran downstairs and threw the front door open.
Anguis smacked Howie with her paw and sent him flying into his car, where he hit and made a fairly large dent in the door.
"Anguis wait!!" Yelled Vincent, "don't-"
Two other people got out of the car and aimed a handgun at her and began firing. Vincent ducked and dove into the bushes to avoid being shot. Most of the bullets deflected off of her and Anguis grabbed the car and threw it onto the kids, killing them almost instantly. Howie grabbed his side arm from a case on his belt loop and fired a shot at the dragon, the bullet slipping in between scales and lodging itself in her. She cried out and unmorphed, falling back onto the grass holding her stomach. Vincent popped his head up and gasped as he saw Anguis fall. He growled and snuck over to Howie, who had stood back up and was brushing himself off.
"Silly girl, you think you could of beaten me? Well, you thought wro- AUGH"
Howie looked down and saw a knife sticking out of his chest. Vincent twisted the weapon and yanked it out of him, causing more damage to the organs.
"No one hurts my girl." Vince growled as Howie fell.
His attention went back to Anguis and he ran over to her, kneeling down by her side. Her eyes went closed, but she was still breathing.
"Hey, Anguis, can you hear me?"
He moved her hand slightly and blood gushed out of the wound and he quickly placed her hand back over it. There wasn't any blood on the grass yet so Vincent knew the bullet didn't go all the way through. He shook Anguis gently and her eyes opened a little and she started giggling.
"You look damn good without a shirt... should be like that more often..."
"What? Oh, erm, yeah I wasn't finished changing... just stay awake, I'll get some help"
He ran back inside and grabbed his phone and called an ambulance, then hung up and cleaned up the knife he used, threw on a shirt and went back outside to help Anguis. She had her eyes closed again so he gently shook her again to try to get her to wake up.
"Anguis... Anguis, wake up hon"
No response.
"Anguis?? No... no, no cmon, wake up!"
Vince checked her pulse and made sure she was still breathing, which she was, but just not responding. He panicked a little and kept the pressure on her wound until the paramedics arrived. They loaded her onto the stretcher and told Vincent he couldn't come on with them since she was in critical condition, so he ran back inside, grabbed the keys to his car, and sped off behind the ambulance.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now