Anguis' Birthday

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Anguis woke up with sunlight in her face and she groaned a little and shifted so she was facing the other way. She was about to drift back off to sleep when she felt a hand rub her cheek. Opening her eyes a little, she saw that Vincent was awake and looking at her and she smiled slightly.
"Oh, you are awake" he said
"Mhmm, sorta"
She stretched and got poked in the stomach, which made her laugh a little and cover herself with the blankets so it wouldn't happen again.
"Are you trying to hide from me?"
"Well, you know what I do when someone is hiding from me?"
"Iii, tickle em!"
Anguis squealed as he ripped the covers off of her and began tickling her sides. She tried to get away but ended up being stuck where she was, laughing so hard she was crying. The front door opened and closed, but they didn't hear it over the sounds of laughter. The people walked up the stairs and peered into the doorway.
"Vincent you're doing it wrong,"
The two stopped and looked at who walked in.
"You gotta tickle her under her arms"
"Mom! Dad!"
Vincent jumped off the bed and gave the two a tight hug. Anguis sat up with the blanket wrapped around her and she waved.
"Hello" she said shyly
"Oh hello Anguis dear!" said Sarah as she gave her a hug, "how are you?"
"Doing great, how was the trip?"
"Not as exciting as we thought I was going to be, but it was interesting to say the least"
"Yeah, most of the cities were kind of bland and the same old stuff" Eric added
"Oh, well sorry to hear that" said Vincent
"So, what did you two do while we're gone?"
"Well, a lota things happened"
"Oh? Like what?"
"Getting kidnapped, into fights, that sorta stuff" said Anguis
"What?!?" Exclaimed Sarah
"This should be an interesting explanation" said Eric
"...and then Anguis managed to fly us home in only three days, incredible right?"
"Well, you two certainly had a fun time" said Sarah, "so why is downstairs all-"
"Shh shh wait mom don't spoil it for her"
"Spoil what- wait, it's-"
"It's anguis' birthday "
"Oh my goodness happy birthday sweetie!!"
Sarah hugged her again and Anguis blushed slightly.
"Huh, her birthday is only a day before yours is Vincent" said Eric
"What?!?! It is?!?!" Said Anguis
"You didn't tell her?" Asked Sarah
"Ah shit Vinny why didn't you say something??"
"What? Is it a bad thing?"
"Well I would of planned for it of course! Shit I gotta figure somethin out now"
"Oh you don't have to darling, it's fine"
"I totally have to, remember what you said last night?"
"Yeah, but I mean I've celebrated all 20 birthdays so far, you've only done one"
"Doesn't mean you gotta stop all the sudden."
"Don't worry Anguis, I'll help ya plan it out" said Sarah
They went downstairs and Anguis' jaw dropped when she saw the amount of decorations hung from everywhere.
"Woaahh.... vinny this, this is amazing... how did you get all of this done in one night?"
"Oh I had a little help from someone."
A white and pink animatronic fox walked out of the kitchen area and waved at the group.
"Hello Anguis" it said with a female voice, "it's me, Funtime Foxy, or FF for short."
Her tail wagged and Anguis stood there completely shocked.
"You, you fixed her"
"Oh I fixed her a while back, she's just been powered down until now"
FF and Anguis walked up to each other and Anguis looked at the new design. There was a red ribbon on her chest, above a speaker, and she stood about the same height as Anguis.
"This is cooooolll"
Vincent and his parents smiled and the two girls hugged each other.
"Oh! And breakfast is ready" said FF as they broke out of the brief hug.
Anguis looked back at Vincent and gave him a puzzled look.
"You gave her the coding for how to cook?"
"And a lot more than just that"
He smiled and they all went to the dining room and started chowing down on the food. There were various flavors of pancakes and syrups, bacon, eggs, muffins, and donuts. Both Anguis and Vincent ate most of the food and eventually leaned back in their chairs, completely full. Sarah and Eric helped by cleaning up the dishes and putting leftovers away.
"Mmmm.... that was gooooood... thanks FF!" Said Anguis
"No probs"
"So, anything special you wanna do today Princess?"
"Eh, not really, I just feel like lounging around the house and napping a lot"
"Alright, we can do that easily, but first, you wanna open some presents?"
"Yeah, you know, like li-"
"No I know what they are," she said while laughing a little, "but y'all actually got me stuff?"
"Well of course" said Sarah
"Awh, y'all didn't have to, ya know that, right?"
"Sure we did" said Eric, "Vince has like non-stop talked about you ever since we met you, so since you're that special to him, you're special to us"
Anguis smiled and blushed slightly and looked at Vincent, who also had a small bit of red on his face.
"Do you really?" She asked
She gently nudged him under the table with her foot and he looked up at her and kicked her back, then moved his feet further away from her. Anguis slid down in her chair and tapped one of his feet and quickly sat back up and pulled her feet onto her chair. He tried doing the same thing she did, but couldn't hit her feet.
"Haha, can't reach me noowww"
"Sure I can"
"Nuh uh"
He stood up and quickly walked over and picked her up and out of her chair and smiled.
"See, got you"
She giggled and he carried her back over to the living room and they sat down on the couch together. Anguis morphed into her newer form and started licking Vincent's face like an eager puppy would. He laughed and tried to stop her, but she would always find a way to slip between little openings and get him. Once a tear rolled down his face from laughing so hard, she stopped, unmorphed, and laid on him, giggling a lot.
"You sure are an odd one" Vincent said while petting her head
"I know" she said with a happy smile.
They turned on the tv and went back to watching more childish cartoons. There was an advertisement for a different channel that had facts about animals and conspiracy theories about other mythical creatures and Anguis perked up a bit.
"Ooo, can we watch that?"
"Really? You wanna watch documentaries?"
"It seems interesting"
"Well alright then, I don't see why not"
He changed the channel and she stared at the screen, listening to every word that was coming out of the tv. Vincent got bored after about 2 hours of it and dozed off, holding onto Anguis like a toy. Sarah came over and crouched down next to them.
"So Anguis, what did you have in mind for Vincent's birthday?"
"Well, I was thinking throwing a big party and inviting the guys from the job n whatever other friends he has, or that you guys know he'll be happy to see"
"Ah, yeah that's a great idea actually!"
"Maybe some drinks too, like vodka and stuff"
"Alright, we can do that, any food ideas?"
Sarah laughed.
"Well he would certainly enjoy that"
"Ooooo wait, remember when he said he would eat anything as long as it's on toast?"
"That's how we should serve everything, on toast"
"You're one clever girl, you know that?"
Anguis shook her head and giggled a bit. Sarah got up and left while Anguis continued to watch her documentaries.
{ 5 hour time skip brought to you by Dairy Queen}
The last documentary began when Vincent started waking up. He stretched and startled Anguis when he did, and she let out a little squeak.
"You're still watching these?" He asked while yawning
"Mhmm, they're all on reptiles"
"That would interest you, wouldn't it?"
"Yep, reptiles, bugs, if it's anything out of the ordinary, I like it"
Vincent chuckled and the tv changed from the documentary to the 5 minutes of advertisements .
"Ugh I hate ads...they so boring"
"Well we could make it less boring" he said while squeezing her ass, "if you know what I mean"
"As long as your parents don't see" she said with a wink
They both looked around to see where his parents were, then heard their voices from the kitchen.
"Hmmm... well shit" said Vincent
"Don't worry," Anguis moved a little so her rear was on his crotch and so she was still hovering slightly over his chest, "we could still have a little fun"
"But they're like right ther- gah, damn girl"
She smirked and moved her hips again, making him groan slightly.
"So you do like that, huh"
"Shut up..."
"Make me"
"Easy enough"
He grabbed her by the waist and sat up a little, pulling her into a kiss and licked her bottom lip. She denied him so Vincent pinched her side and she winced slightly, but kept her mouth close.
"Hmm playing hard to get I see" he mumbled
"Well don't worry, I'll get through to you"
"Mmmm no you wo-"
He took the opportunity and slipped his tongue into her mouth, making her moan slightly in surprise. She moved her hips again and he growled.
"Hey Vincent!" Yelled Sarah
He sighed and pulled out of the kiss and rolled his eyes.
"Damn parents, always gotta ruin the inappropriate fun..."
Anguis giggled at his comment and let him up so he could see what his mom wanted. She went back to watching her show all bundled up under a blanket and almost fell asleep when she felt a tap on her head, then looked up to see who it was.
"Ey, mom and dad are wondering what kinda ice cream cake you want" Vincent asked
"Ice cream cake?"
"Yeah ya know, a cake that is made out of ice cream"
"That's a thing???"
"Woah... that sounds amazing, I say chocolate cake and ice cream"
He went back to the kitchen to relay the message and Anguis snuggled back down in between the couch cushions. The documentary was on alligators and she sat there staring at the screen in awe.
*they're like real life dragons* she thought
Vincent sat back down next to her with a bowl of cheesy popcorn and shared it. A scene came up with baby alligators and Anguis gasped slightly.
"Oh my gosh they're adorable!!! Vinny can I get one?"
"Umm... yeah no"
"But look how cute"
"But they get like 10 feet long hon, where would we even keep that?"
"Hmmm... good point.."
"Besides, we already got a cute thing in this house"
Anguis giggled a little and Vincent started nipping and kissing her neck, making her laugh even more. She fell onto her back and he crawled on top of her and kept kissing her.
"Are you always in this sorta mood?" She asked
"Mhmm," He stopped and looked her in the eyes, "why, is it annoying you?"
"No not at all actually, I kinda like it"
Vincen smirked and went back to making out with her. Eric walked past them, not even noticing the two of them, and went to the room they were staying in and started watching NASCAR while drinking a can of Budweiser. Sarah was doing some simple cleaning around the house and was going to clean the living room when she saw them and gasped.
He glanced up, blushed a lot and sat up.
"Uhhh, hi mom"
"I can't believe what I'm seeing! Imagine what your father is gonna say about this!"
"He walked right past us earlier" said Anguis, "don't even think he cared"
"Wha- ERIC! Get in here!"
There was a sigh from the other room and he got up and walked over to the living room.
"Just look what your son is doing!"
"Yeah? And? He's an adult, what do you expect?" He said while leaving
Sarah stopped and thought for a few minutes, making the atmosphere very awkward.
"Hmph, fine"
She went out of the room and the two looked at each other and shrugged, then resumed what they were doing.
The family went out for dinner and ate the cake at the restaurant, and dropped FF off at the pizzeria, then returned the parents back to their house. Vincent drove back home when an idea sparked into Anguis' mind and she morphed once stepping out of the car and grabbed Vincent's shirt with her teeth and took off.
"You'll see"
She flew the two of them past her old house and to the beach that was a few hundred yards away. They landed and Vincent was placed back on the ground and Anguid unmorphed once more and bowed a little.
"Tah dah, my secret little paradise"
Large sharp boulders blocked either side of the beach, making it only accessible if you went through the forest. He looked around and knelt down and felt the fine white sand.
"Woah... how did you find this place..."
"Oh, I was bored one day and explored around, and found this place."
"It's beautiful..."
Anguis morphed again, this time her smaller version of Eraylew, then jumped up, licked Vincent's face, and took off running across the beach. He smiled and chased her around, eventually grabbing her and spinning her. She unmorphed and wrapped her legs around him.
"So, you ready for tomorrow?" She asked
"What did you plan?"
"Ohh, a lot of things actually, you're gonna love it"
"Can't wait to see it then, but let's go back home, I'm getting kinda tired"
Vincent put her back down and she morphed. He jumped onto Anguis' back and she took off back towards the house, doing loopy loops and rolls in the air. They both yelled and laughed as they did the tricks and an hour later, arrived back at the house, exhausted yet happy. She unmorphed and Vincent caught her and carried her back up to the house and to their room, since night had fallen a few hours before.     Anguis jumped into bed after throwing off
her t-shirt and laid there and sighed.
"Today was awesome..." she muttered
"You forgot to open your present, ya know that?"
"I did?"
"Mhmm, I got it right here though"
He handed her a small box that was tied with a purple ribbon and had red foiled wrapping paper on it. Her eyes lit up and she gently tore open the wrapping and opened the box. Inside was a snake-like bracelet that had rubies, emeralds, and purple sapphires in it. There was a charm at the very bottom that was the shape of a dragon.
"Oh my gosh Vinny... it's beautiful.."
"Just like my girl" he said while sitting down on the bed and giving her a kiss on the cheek.
She smiled and hugged him.
"I, I love it, thank you"
"Kinda Thought you would"
Anguis yawned and placed the box on the nightstand on her side of the bed and laid down on her side and yawned. Vincent turned off the lights and laid down directly behind her, putting an arm around her. She got an idea and nudged her rear against his crotch and he inhaled sharply. She smirked and did it again, but this time didn't move away afterwords and he let out a low growl.
"You trying to excite me or somethin?" He asked
"You pervy girl..."
She giggled and did it again and this time he put his hand on her hip and pushed her further against him.
"Mmmmm yeah, that feels good"
Anguis blushed as she realized he was being aroused by this and he kept her in that spot. She dozed off after a few minutes and Vincent smirked, thinking about tomorrow, and he fell asleep as well.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now