Old Home (Another Home)

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Anguis let out a loud yawn and somewhat woke up. She moved over to the edge of the bed with her feet dangling over the side, and she turned around and looked at Vincent.
*he's so sweet... we were just random strangers a few days ago, and he's remembered me after all these years of being gone...*
She thought about the conversation they had yesterday and slid off the bed to go get some food for herself, first jumping in the shower and cleaning herself up. She grabbed a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants and went downstairs, sliding down the hand railing, and grabbed a few fruits and eggs from the fridge. While she was cooking the eggs, Anguis ate some berries of various kinds and waited for her eggs and toast to finish. She was jamming out to a song that was playing on the radio when someone came up behind her and wrapped their arms around her waist in a loose hug, making Anguis freeze in place and her blood run cold.
"Relax sweetie, it's only me"
She lowered her guard once recognizing the familiar voice and heard him chuckling to himself.
"Well good afternoon to you too Vinny"
"You really are startled rather easily, aren't you?"
"Yeah, then again, living in the wild causes you to be that way."
Anguis finished cooking and put her food on a plate, jumped up onto the counter, and began eating it while sitting there. Vincent nabbed one of the slices of toast from her and ate that.
"So, whatcha wanna do today pretty girl, hm?"
"Flying of course"
"I somehow knew you were going to say that, but I think there's too many trees around here for it."
"I could just fly above them"
"Someone would see then."
"Oh... yeah that would be a problem..."
They thought about it for an while until Anguis perked up a little, an idea coming to her head.
"Oo wait I know!! Hold on I just need to change and then we can go"
She jumped off the counter and ran upstairs to go change. Vincent cleaned up after their meal and went to go change as well. Anguis grabbed her usual clothes, a gray hoodie with brown flames and a pair of ripped dark red jean shorts, and ran outside of the room, doing a flip up and over the balcony railing, and landing without any complications. Vincent happened to of opened his door and watched her do that, and was standing on the balcony, peering over the edge.
"You're insane"
Anguis turned around and looked up at him and smiled. He went down the stairs and walked up next to her.
"Oh, you saw me do the whole flip thing?"
"Yeah, where on earth did you learn to do that??"
"Well I'll show you, but we need to drive there."
He grabbed his car keys and they walked out to the car and got in.
"So, where we goin?"
"There's an exit ramp off of... I think it's highway 63, go there"
"Don't worry, you'll probably like it"

They arrived at their destination and Anguis jumped out of the car and could barely stay standing still. Vincent got out and walked around to her side and she grabbed his hand and pulled him deeper into the forest. He ran to keep up with her and after a few minutes of running, they busted into a clearing that was deep within the forest. Vincent gawked at the area and looked around at everything. A small waterfall trickled off a cliffside that walled off one side and fell into a deep lake. Water flowed from the lake and turned into a small creek that snaked through the tall grassland.
"Woah... Anguis, this place is beautiful, how did you know about this??"
"Because," she said as she bowed, "this is my home."
"This is where you've been hiding??"
"Yep, 11 long years."
"But... it's so far away from humanity... you had to be lonely"
"Yeah, I was... I mostly just hunted and hung out around here, I didn't really have much to do"
"But, what about winter?"
"What you mean?"
"You said if you got too cold, you pretty much froze until spring."
"Yep, did that every year, just hid myself in this good old tree here-" she jumped up into a pine tree that stood behind Vincent and climbed up a few branches, "-and stayed here for the winter, never moving, never eating, just sleeping"
She jumped down again and looked up at him.
"Is, that a bad thing?"
"It's just, sorta sad"
"Cause so many fun things happen in the winter, like Christmas, the New Year, different holidays"
"Oh... well, I didn't have anyone to celebrate them with... so I didn't really see a reason why I needed to..."
"Well, now you do, and imma spoil you rotten so be ready for a whole lotta things."
He ruffled up her hair, which caused her to giggle, and she turned into her little dragon self and jumped up on his shoulder and nuzzled her head on his.
"I'm guessing you wanna fly"
"Hell yeah I do!"
"Alright, we can do it how they train eagles and stuff."
He held out his arm and she walked down it, making sure she stayed balanced so she didn't fall off. Vincent threw her up into the air and she gained some altitude, zipping around the open field and flying through the water fall. He sat down up against a tree and watched her practice. Anguis flew back after a few hours and landed on his arm again, panting and out of breath. She almost fell off while landing and increased her grip on him.
"your claws, kinda hurt"
"Oh, oops, sorry"
She jumped down and sat down in his lap, looking up at Vincent. He scratched her under her chin and she purred and started wagging her tail.
"You like that, don't ya?"
He continued to scratch her some more until she gained more energy and was able to continue her practicing. Anguis was recharged after another half an hour and flew for another hour, landing next to Vincent instead of on him so she wouldn't hurt him. She unmorphed and yawned, exhausted from the amount of exercise she had gotten. Vince pulled her next to him and played with her hair again.
"You seem to like doing that" said Anguis
"Doing what?"
"Just, doing somethin with my hair"
"Well, yeah, I mean how on earth do you get it to stay this green?"
"Oh, its naturally like that"
"But, the picture in the newspaper, you were blonde."
"Yeah..... about thaaat... you see that tree over there with like half the trunk missing"
"I was struck by a big ol bolt of lightening there, which is why my eyes and hair are weird colors."
"Damn, you're like real lucky"
"I am?"
"Mhmm, I mean, you haven't been killed during your little hibernation state, you survived being hit by lightening, and you've been living By yourself for like 11 years, no help or nothing"
"You forgot one"
"I did?"
"Yeah," she tilted her head back and looked at him, "got myself a good lookin boyfriend too"
Vincent looked down at her and smirked and she flashed him a little smile.
"Well you're not wrong on that one"
He kissed the top of her head and she blushed slightly. A breeze blew through the area, causing Anguis to shiver.
"You gettin cold hon?"
"Yeah, what time is it anyways, it's kinda dark out."
"Oh, umm, it's 9:30"
"Woah, that's a lot later than I thought"
"Yeah, but do-"
Vince's phone started to ring and he looked at the caller ID to see who it was.
"Oh, hold on dear I gotta take this, its the boss ~starts call~ hey yo Scottie"
"Sup Vince"
"Not much, just hanging with someone, need something?"
"Yeah I need you to come in tonight, I'm not gonna be able to make it, wife's sick"
"Alright I can do that, hope she gets better"
"Same here, and thanks man"
"No probs"
"Ight I'll talk to you later, n don't worry you'll get a little bonus for this, oh, and you can bring your girl in if you want."
"Wait how did you know abo-"
"Oh yeah, forgot about those."
"Dork, well talk to you later"
"C yah"
Scott hung up and Vincent let out an annoyed sigh.
"What'd he say?"
"I gotta go in for work tonight"
"Yeah, so we gotta leave"
"Okay, can I come with?"
They got up and Anguis lead him back through the forest to his car, telling him when to duck and whatnot.
"How on earth can you see, it's like pitch black in here"
"Oh I got it memorized by touch, by the way duck"
He stooped down and missed a branch by a few centimeters.
"You said you got the place memorized? By touch?"
"Yep, so I can see in the dark basically"
"Is that why you were scanning the walls when you first came over."
"Yep, got everything memorized already at your place"
"Dang, impressive"
They got to the car and got in, drove back to Vincent's house, he grabbed a few things, then got back and and headed to Fazbear's.
The place was still open when they arrived and little kids ran around their legs playing tag. Jeremy stood on the other side of the room and Vincent waved and walked over to him. Anguis crept over to Foxy's curtain and peaked in. He was sitting on the floor polishing his hook, but looked up when she opened the curtains a little.
"Hey Foxy"
"Ello laddie, what are Ye doin here so early?"
"Vince had to come in early, so I tagged along to annoy him"
"Ah, okay, cmon in, Ye n I can chat for a little."
Anguis looked around to make sure no one was watching her and slid in and sat down next to Foxy. They chatted for a while and Golden Freddy joined them in their conversation. After an hour, Jeremy called out that the place was closed and the kids whined about it, but obeyed and left with their parents. A janitor began cleaning up the place with the guards and Vincent looked around, wondering where Anguis had disappeared off to.
"Anguis? Where you at girl?"
Foxy, Goldie, and Anguis stuck their heads out of Pirates Cove and Jeremy gasped and hid himself behind a chair.
"She's right here Vince" said Golden Freddy
"What are you doing in there?"
"She was talkin with us lad"
"Ah, okay"
"N to the laddie that's hidin, don't worry, we ain't gonna hurt ya"
Jeremy poked his head up and the other animatronics went off the grid and walked around helping them clean up. Vincent looked at them, confused as to why they weren't attacking Jeremy, but shrugged and went over to Anguis, who was standing in a corner picking at her nails.
"Hey cutie"
"Oh hey Vinny"
"Whatcha doin way over here?"
"Just kinda thinking about things"
"Mkay, by the way, what do you think of this?"
He gently pushed her against the wall and started kissing her, which made her blush a lot, but she returned the kiss. Chica noticed them and tapped on Bonnie's shoulder and pointed.
"Look, isn't that cute?"
"Not really, what's up with girls and thinking that's cute?"
"Cmon Bonnie it is sorta cute" said Freddy
Bonnie and Foxy looked at each other and shrugged while Chica fangirled over it. The entrance door opened and Mike stumbled in.
"Good god it is cold out there"
Everyone stopped what they were doing turned and looked at him. The animatronics opened their mouthed and stared at him.
"Oh shit..."
Bonnie couldn't keep his composure and started laughing, and it made everyone else laugh.
"What's so funny?"
"You might wanna check your pants man" said Anguis
"Bathrooms are right over there" pointed Vincent
Mike grumbled something and left for the office and Jeremy followed him.
"So wait, if the other two are staying, why did you have to come in?" Anguis asked
"Oh, incase something inside the building happens, like let's say electricity cuts short when it's not suppose to, I know how to fix it so we still have our usual limit of power."
"Plus I gotta make sure these buffoons don't do something stupid"
"Ah, alright"
"Speaking of which, we should probably go to the office"
She started walking over when Vincent swept her off her feet, making a little squeak come out of her, and carried her to the office. Clock struck midnight and their shift began once more.

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