Family Trouble

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A beam of sunlight smacked Anguis in the face once the cloud went past and she groaned as she woke up.
"mmmh... cloud why did you have to move" she muttered to herself
She rolled over to her other side and saw that Vincent was still sleeping peacefully. She smiled a little and her eyes trailed down his bare chest, admiring his semi muscular body. She placed her hand on his stomach and gazed at him for a bit.
"Damn..." she whispered
She moved her hand up towards the base of his neck, tracing the outline on his muscles with her finger along the way, when he started chuckling quietly to himself, then she jumped a little in surprise.
"Y-you're awake?!"
"I've been awake for a while sweetie" he said while slowly and lazily opening his eyes.
"Oh, I, uh, thought you were sleeping... so, you, uhh..."
"Felt everything? Yep"
Anguis blushed and glanced away at the pillow her head was laying on. She heard him chuckle again and grab her wrist, placing her hand back on himself. She looked back up at Vincent and he smirked.
"Never said you had to stop; I like attention, remember?"
"Uhh, ya..."
"~chuckles~ did I embarrass you sweetie?"
"Y-yea a little"
"Well, I'm not one to judge"
He held his arm out a little, as if inviting her to continue. She hesitated for a few seconds before going back to checking him out. The smug look on Vincent's face grew the longer she gawked at him and he decided to flex his core muscles while she was looking at them.
"Woah...." Anguis said quietly
"Oh? You like that?"
"I-I, uh, mean I've never really, well, seen anything like this before"
An idea popped into Vincent's head as he sat up a little and pulled Anguis over so that she was sitting on his crotch. She gave him a confused look as he relaxed against the headboard and put his arms behind his head.
"I think you'd get a better view like this" he said with a sly smile
"You mean you'd get a better view of me like this?"
"Damn, you're a smart one"
She giggled quietly and went back to looking at him when there was a light knock at the door.
"Cmon in" Vincent called out
The door opened a little and there was a quiet thumping noise of something jumping around. Something grabbed onto the part of blanket that was hanging off the side of the bed and climbed up it. Bon Bon jumped up onto the bed, exhausted and out of breath.
"Hey, Ennard was wondering what you two want for breakfast"
"Tell him to make a whole slew of things; Anguis really needs the food"
"Alright... what on earth is she doing to you anyways?"
"She's, uh, learning human anatomy"
Bon Bon gave him an odd look, but shrugged and then hopped off the bed to tell Ennard his breakfast request. Anguis shifted her hips a little as she tried to remove the uncomfortable feeling she had where she was sitting, but it did nothing. Vincent smirked and waited for her to figure it out, chuckling quietly to himself as she kept trying.
"What's so funny?" She asked
"Oh, nothing dear, is something wrong?"
"Yeah I keep getting this annoy- oh..."
She whispered the last part as she clued in and blushed a deep red color, pulling the blanket up so her face was covered. Vincent started laughing and she groaned, moving back down so she was laying on her usual side of the bed with her back towards him.
"Hey now, no need to be so embarrassed sweetheart" he purred while pulling her back into his lap.
Anguis mumbled something into the blanket that she was using to hide in and buried her face deeper into it, resting her back against him. Vincent chuckled some more and slid his hands around her, one going down between her legs, one going on her breasts. She uncovered her face a little and peered up at him curiously, trying to determine what he was going to do. He just smiled at her and leaned in, kissing her on the lips. He was about to pull away when he felt Anguis starting to kiss him back, then he smirked a little and leaned into it more. He began roughly rubbing her through her panties and heard a quiet whine come from her.
*oh boy...does that mean keep going? Or stop?...* he thought
He decided to stop and move his hand back to the side of her leg, her aura's glow fading slightly. They pulled out of it so that they could breathe when he noticed it had faded.
"Why'd you stop?" She pouted
"I heard a whine, so I thought that meant stop"
She shook her head no and he sighed.
"You're confusing me here girl"
An idea popped into Vincent's head and he reached over to the nightstand and opened a drawer, pulling out a vibrator. He pulled her panties down to her knees and looped his feet around Anguis' ankles, spreading her legs apart. He leaned in and kissed her again, making sure she closed her eyes, then turned on the device. He heard a questioning 'hm' come from Anguis before pushing it into her. She gasped in surprise and arched her back as he pulled it in and out of her.
"Hah, hah, V-Vinny..." she moaned a few minutes later
He chuckled deeply and ramped up the power on it, earning a loud moan from her. Her body twitched as she felt waves of pleasure flow through her and she rested her head against Vincent's shoulder, panting a little. He smirked and began massaging one of her breasts, toying around with it. He noticed that her breathing was getting heavier and that her knuckles had turned white from holding onto the blanket.
"V-Vinny I'm g-gonna-"
He turned off the vibrator and quickly pulled it out of her before she could come, making a small whimper come from her. She gave him a confused look as he laid her out on her back in front of him and he chuckled.
"My turn~" he sang
"Mmh, imma make you work for it though" Anguis said with a sly smile on her face
"W-what?" Vincent pouted
She winked and quickly morphed, taking off out of the room.
He too leapt off the bed and ran out the door after her. Anguis giggled and ran down the stairs, unmorphing as she took the first few steps. Vincent decided to slide down the hand rail after her and caught up to her right as she was about to go out the back door. He grabbed her by the arm and spun her around so that she was facing him, making her squeak in surprise. Lust clouded his eyes as he pinned her back against the glass door and kissed up and down her neck. She shuddered when he decided to lick her collar bone and they both looked into each other's eyes.
"Eh hem, sorry to interrupt you guys, but breakfast ready"
They looked over at the voice and saw Ennard standing in the doorway with his arms crossed.
"Okay, thanks" Vincent said while standing back up.
The animatronic walked away, leaving the two of them standing there awkwardly. Vincent caught a whiff of what smelled like French toast and smiled a little.
"Alright, well first let's get you some food, you need it Anguis"
"You're not gonna... ya know..."
"Mmh, I might, but you're still really thin, so food first"
Anguis yawned as she laid down on the couch in the back room and put the back of her hand over her eyes, sighing.
"Ooohhh I ate way too much food... I feel like imma bout to pop..." she muttered out loud.
"Well, you needed it" Vincent said while walking in the room, munching on the last bit of French toast, "so anyways, whatcha wanna do for the rest of the day?"
"Mmh... right now, just nap"
"You just slept for... oh wait, that was only 4 hours we slept for..."
"Yeah... I didn't sleep too well anyways... it mighta looked like I was sleepin, but I wasn't..."
Vincent looked down at her and sighed, then decided to lay down on top of her, resting his head on her chest. Anguis blushed a little, but decided to gently pet him on the head and sighed herself.
"So... I'm guessing you just kinda wanna have a lazy day, right?" He asked
"I'm down for that... by the way, did you know tank top jackets are in style?"
"What are those?"
"Oh, its when you take a normal tank top and make it into a jacket looking like thing"
"Oh, cool"
"You want one?"
"Eh, sure why not"
Vincent smirked and sat up a bit, pulling his knife out of his back pocket. Anguis eyed the weapon and squirmed a little, unsure of what he was going to do. He placed his index finger over her mouth, as if hushing her, and made one long cut in the tank top she was wearing, splitting the front in half. She squeaked and quickly covered herself up with her hands, her face now a bright red.
"Tah dah, now you have a tank top jacket" Vincent said with a smirk
"Why did you have to use the one I was wearing???"
"Didn't feel like getting up"
Anguis kept her eyes on the knife until he put it away once more.
*why on earth does he have that on him now? There's no need for it, unless-*
Her thought was interrupted as Vincent placed his hands on top of hers and she flinched in surprise, her gaze shooting straight back to his face.
"Relax sweetheart" he cooed, "there's no need to hide yourself from me"
She kept her hands where they were and stayed silent, not quite sure what to do. He frowned slightly when she didn't move and a quick memory of the knife flashed through Anguis' mind.
"A-alright... just, don't hurt me..."
She said the last part extremely quietly as she moved her hands away from her chest, turning her head away and closing her eyes.
"What was that honey?"
"N-nothing Vince..."
"Don't lie to me Anguis" he growled
"It was nothing important... really"
She looked back up at his face and saw his angered expression. Vincent moved his hand up towards her face and she cringed, waiting to get hit. Instead, her hair was gently brushed out of her eyes and she felt him gently rubbing her cheek.
"Anguis, did you say 'don't hurt me'?"
"~sighs~ yeah..."
"Do... you not trust me still?"
"I mean... you do have a pocket knife on you..."
There was silence for a few seconds and then the sound of something clattering across the floor. The noise made Anguis jump again and she opened her eyes, looking over to where the sound came from. Vincent had thrown his knife into the other room and was now resting his head on her bare chest, giving her a pleading look.
"Is that better darling?"
"Yeah I guess"
He closed his eyes and nuzzled his head on one of her breasts, making Anguis giggle and sigh quietly.
"You're a weird one..." she muttered
"But I'm your weird one" Vincent replied as he licked her nipple
She shuddered when he did that and he smirked and did it once more.
*Nngh, that feels funny...* Anguis thought
She heard him chuckle and then he began sucking on it, earning a quiet moan from her. Anguis closed her eyes and blushed in various shades of dark reds and pinks. Vincent noticed her reaction and laughed to himself as he bit down, trying to tease her.
"Owww, Vinny..."
"Whoops, was that too hard?"
"Yeah... owie... that actually hurt"
"Sorry my love"
He scooted up slightly and kissed her on the chin before relaxing once more, massaging her other breast to keep himself occupied. She glanced down at him and sighed before putting her arms around Vincent and resting her head on a pillow.
"So, darling, you sure you don't wanna do anything?"
"Yeah, doing absolutely nothing sounds great right now"
"We do that a bit too often, don't you think?"
"Well... what else can we do?"
"Could just fuck-"
"-or maybe visit another town or something."
"Maybe the second one, I'm not in the mood for that"
"Damn... that first option sounded really good..."
Anguis shook her head and played around with his hair, twirling it around with her finger. Vincent went back to sucking on her breast, now a little blush covering his cheeks and soft groans coming from him. It was reasonably silent for several minutes until someone laughed deeply. Both of their eyes widened and glanced in the direction that it came from. Anguis whimpered as she saw the man while Vincent moved her underneath himself, creating a shield around her.
"Vincent, Vincent, Vincent...." the male said while shaking his head, "might I say you have an interesting way of keeping your prisoners..."
"How did you get in here Uncle William?"
"Oh it was easy, back door was open"
They all glanced over at the door and Vincent face palmed and looked back over at William.
"So, why are you here?"
"Oh, just wanted to congratulate you for getting past Michael. I'm honestly surprise you could break out of those bonds, I had no clue you were that strong"
"Wait you're not upset at me for killing him?"
"No not at all, I managed to reactive him inside that pathetic rabbit suit he had in that warehouse, he should be a bit better at his job now"
"Oh, alright then"
"By the way, may I inquire on why you decided to keep that girl? I know Michael was after her for a long time, a month or so for a matter of fact, no clue why though. And why isn't she chained up? You usually keep your prisoners chained up somewhere in a basement or something."
"Y-you're keeping me as a prisoner...?" Anguis whispered
Vincent glanced down at her and saw the confused yet sad look on her face.
"No, he doesn't know that I like you sweetie, I never bothered telling him" he said while brushing a little strand of hair out of her face.
"What was that Vincent?" William asked
"I would never chain her up"
"She just free roams around your house?"
"Wow, you must have a fairly good security system to trust her with not running away"
"Uncle Will, she's not a prisoner."
"Oh? She isn't?"
"No, she just lives here with me"
"Tsk tsk tsk... you got attached to her, didn't you?"
"What is he even talking about Vinny?"
"She never was a prisoner William... never was, never will be again on my watch"
"I thought I told you to stay away from women, they'll change everything about you."
"She's not like Maria-"
"Who's Maria?" Anguis questioned
"-okay? She is different than that-"
"Yet you were fully enjoying yourself with her when I walked in."
Vincent let out a loud annoyed sigh and it was quiet for a long period of time.
"Anguis is a serial killer as well" He finally blurted out.
"Anguis, you said her name was?"
"Yes, her name is Anguis, Anguis Everstone"
"Wait Everstone is my actual last n-?"
"She's the one who went missing..."
"Did I seriously become that popular by running away?"
"She's also the one who killed and dismembered all 47 people in that forest, she's killed more than that too, some I even witnessed myself"
"So she's a killer and a morphing beast?"
"I'm so confused..." Anguis muttered
"She's not a beast, she's a human like you and I Will"
"Hm... okay... how did you train her to stay here?"
"~sighs~ I'm dating her William... she lives here and can leave whenever the hell she wants to, if she wants to."
William's jaw fell open slightly and stared at him, dumbfounded. Anguis gave the both of them a puzzled look before annoyingly huffing and pulling a pillow over to cover herself up. Vincent looked back over at her and raised an eyebrow.
"What's wrong hon?"
"Oh don't give me that, just tell me what's bothering you, please?"
"~sigh~ would someone care to explain to me what the fuck is going on, I was so confused that entire conversation, and none of my questions were answered... only ignored..."
*like normal... I should be used to that by now to be honest, oh well*
A little frown appeared on Vincent's face as he realized that she was actually talking during their conversation and he gently cupped her head in his hands.
"Sorry... I didn't mean to ignore you sweetie..."
Anguis didn't say anything to him and sat up, pulling her knees up to her chest and resting her head on them.
"Lolbit... can you bring me a hoodie or something from our room?" She asked outloud
"Yeah, sure thing Anguis!" They heard her call back.
"What was that?" Asked William
"Oh, just a servant" Vincent replied
"Wait, when did you get servants?"
"A while ago"
"So anyways, Anguis, what do you want me to explain to you?"
"Why does he think I was a prisoner?" She asked while nodding towards William
"Cause, he used to be into kidnapping people and leaving them chained up until someone paid him a big lump of cash to bail them, he taught both me and Michael what to do and how to do it properly."
"Yeah but Michael didn't learn anything from it I don't think, speaking how you broke out of the chains"
"Uncle, I didn't break them"
"Anguis managed to scare him into a button on the wall and it loosened our chains, so she went over to me and snapped them off"
William's eyes widened again momentarily as he looked back over at Anguis.
"Strong one, aren't you?"
"I guess..." she mumbled.
Lolbit came back into the room and threw the hoodie at Anguis before walking back to where ever she had come from. She slipped it on and went back to how she was sitting earlier, wrapping her arms around her legs.
"Sooo what else were you wondering?"
"Who's that Maria chick you brought up?"
"My ex wife" William responded
"Thought she was the one, stupid woman didn't like my way of getting money, but I don't have to worry about that bitch anymore."
Anguis clued in to what that meant and nudged herself as far away as possible from him.
*If Vincent learned from him... what if I end up like Maria...*
She looked over at Vincent and noticed how he was acting a little differently than he normally did, fidgeting nervously. She shuddered and noticed out of the corner of her eye how William was staring at her, nodding to himself.
"May iiiiiiiii help you?" She asked snobbishly while looking back over at him.
"Do you mind if I borrowed you for a few.... experiments?"
"No" Vincent snapped, "I know what your stupid 'experiments' are, and you're not doing them on her"
"But Vince, imagine the possibilities-"
"I said no William"
"Just because a few went wrong on you, doesn't mean I'll let that happen to your little pet"
"She's not a pet, and it wasn't just a few, almost every single one went wrong on me"
"Vincent, I have changed my ways of testing, can't I just do one on her?"
"Can I just-"
"NO! Now stop asking!"
"Fine. Anguis, would you be okay if I ran a test on you?"
"Uhh... I mean... I guess it depends...."
"Oh just a bit of acid-"
"Can I finish, Vincent"
William glared at him and scoffed, folding his arms across his chest.
"You've grown obsessed with her; you're not just dating her, your marking her as your territory"
"I'm not subjecting her to your lifestyle, she won't like it"
"And how do you know? Huh?"
"She's not going to like being stuck in a small windowless testing room all day. She needs to roam around, she needs to fly, get out and do stuff."
Anguis sighed as the two kept arguing for several more minutes and stood up, brushing herself off.
"Imma go do a few laps around the lake" she announced, causing both guys to look at her and stop talking.
"Okay hon, be safe"
She started making her way past William when he pulled a barbed syringe out of his pocket, grabbed her by the neck, and pushed her back down so that the needle went into her back. She yelped and tried to get away, but he managed to draw out enough blood to fill up the device, then turned it and yanked it back out, tapping a nerve that was on her spine. Anguis immediately fainted when there was contact between the metal and the nerve and fell back into William's arm. He chuckled and allowed her to slip and fall away, crumpling down to the ground.
"Ah... that was easier than I thought..."
Vincent snapped out of his initial shock and growled, standing up and walking over to them.
"You fucked up now Will, ENNARD!!"
"Oh, is this another one of your little servants you're ca-"
The animatronic grabbed William's arms and covered his mouth, making him cry out in alarm and drop the needle.
"Get him out of here, and make sure he NEVER comes back: use the chute if you'd like"
"Got it boss"
A panicked rush went over his Uncle's face and he tried to squirm away, but was unable to as they disappeared around the corner. Vincent picked up Anguis and sighed.
"I'm sorry sweetheart..." he muttered as he made his way back up to their room so that she could recover in a more comfortable environment.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now