The In-Laws (2.0)

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A little beeping noise woke Anguis up and she slowly opened her eyes, looking around.
*ugh what time is it...*
She went to get up but something held her back. Glancing down, she saw that Vincent had his arms wrapped around her stomach and that  she was sitting between his legs, laying low enough so his head was just barely above hers.
*wtf I fell asleep like this?? Well... I mean it wasn't that bad actually..*
The beeping sound grew louder the longer it went on and Anguis looked around for where the sound was coming from. Vincent's phone sat on the table buzzing and making the beeping sound so she reached over and grabbed it. On the screen it showed an alarm, then a snooze button and a stop alarm button. She hit stop alarm and nudged Vincent lightly.
"Pst, Vince, wake up, your alarm was going off."
"Your alarm, it was going off"
"Oh, then we gotta get up and go."
He let go of her and got up and went upstairs to change. Anguis laid down on the couch, stretching and taking up the whole space and thought about how nice Vincent had been to her. She began dozing off again and was gently shaken awake again.
"Huh who wha?"
"Cmon Anguis, we gotta go, and we gotta hurry too, we're already late."
"What time is it?"
"Oh don't worry we're gonna gonna be late."
She got up and began walking to the front door with Vincent following her.
"Well of course we're going to be late, it takes 20 minutes to get there if we drive"
"But we're not driving" she opened the door and walked outside.
"We're not walking either"
"Of course not, imma fly us there."
Vincent closed the door behind him and turned back to see Anguis as the same dragon as yesterday, just much larger. He pressed his back against the door and she lowered her head at his eye level.
"Cmon, jump on, I'm not gonna bite you, I promise."
She laid down on the lawn and he carefully walked over to her and climbed up her wing and sat on her back, holding tightly to her neck.
"So, where do I go again?"
Vincent pointed a certain direction and she turned that way and leapt off the ground, getting higher than the power lines and buildings.
------------------------------------------------------They soared over the town and got to the restaurant in a little under 10 minutes. Vincent got off of her and had a smile on his face.
"That, that was incredible girl!"
Anguis unmorphed and staggered a bit.
"Y-yeah... but I'm... I'm not feelin to... to well.."
She dropped down to her knees and Vincent jogged over to her. He grabbed her hand and then dropped it in alarm.
"Holy shit girl you're freezing!!"
"I, I know... it's... it's so... c-cold..."
"This can't be good..." he mumbled to himself.
He tried to help her to her feet, but every time she did her legs would give in and she would almost fall. Eventually Vincent just picked her up bridal style and carried her inside to the office, where it was warmest. He placed Anguis down in one of the chairs and took of his suit and gave it to her for her to put on.
"Here, this might warm you up faster."
"Th... thanks"
He picked her up again and then sat down with her so her back was against one arm rest and her legs went up and over the other one and held her close to him.
"Damn girl... you're like super super cold, you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah... I loose heat very easily... during the winter I would... I would go into a frozen state.... and not move until summer..."
Her speech was very choppy and she stuttered a lot. Vincent pulled his hand through her hair and looked into her eyes.
"I think you might have the same eye color that I have."
"Really? My eyes are different colors though."
"Are they seriously??"
She pulled the section of her hair back that was covering her face and looked up at him; her left eye was purple colored while her right eye was a blood red.
"Woah... that's sick actually, but what's up with your left eye?"
"Huh? What you mean?"
"There's a big old cut going through it"
"Oh... yeah... that... um... my dad did that to me..."
"Oh, I'm sorry dear"
"It's fine, it actually doesn't hurt at all"
"Wait it's a recent cut?"
"Yeah, he gave me it yesterday..."
"Oh man, you toughed through that??"
He sat there looking at her for a little as if he was analyzing her.
"Hmm... I wonder..."
Vincent put his security guard hat on her and she positioned it so it wasn't covering her eyes. He smirked and it caused Anguis to blush a little and giggle.
"Damn, you cute as hell in that outfit" he purred
She giggled again and he softly and quickly kissed her lips, making her really blush. They didn't notice the footsteps coming down the hallway or the other guard walk when Vincent kissed her.
"What the fuck Vincent"
Anguis looked at the other guard in surprise and Vincent looked up at him and frowned slightly.
"Oh, you're here now"
"Yeah I just got here, who the hell is the hottie? New coworker?"
"Nah, this is Anguis, my girl"
"You got a girl?? When???"
"Doesn't matter"
"Damn man you lucky, we totally have to have a threesome later"
"Yeah no"
"Cmon, dude she hot af lemme just hit her once."
"What's he talking about Vincent?"
"Holy fuck she sounds so cute too"
"Shut up Mike, and don't worry about it baby girl"
"Man you're no fun Vincent... and by the way, Jeremy is coming too"
"Uuugh... really?"
"Who's Jeremy?"
"The world's most skittish and whiny kid you'll ever meet... it was a nightmare trying to train him..."
"He's a really annoying kid, like seriously I'd rather have the day shift for a week than have a sleepover with him."
They heard the doors open and someone sprinting down the hall. In walked a ginger nerdy looking boy not much taller than Anguis. He had rectangular glasses without the frames on the bottom and a few freckles on his cheeks and nose, and he was younger than everyone in the room.
"O-oh, h-hey guys" stuttered Jeremy
"Hey Jeremy"
Jeremy looked down at Anguis and blushed and she smiled a little.
"H-Hi, who are y-you?"
"That's Vincent's bitch"
"Don't call her that you faggot"
"But she is"
"She is NOT a bitch"
"She's a girl, so she's a bitch"
"And this is why you don't have a girlfriend"
Anguis rolled her eyes and held her hand out for a handshake.
"Name's Anguis"
Jeremy weakly shook her hand and nodded and Mike looked at her unenthusiastically.
"Oh so he gets a handshake and I don't?"
"Sorry, don't shake hands with twats, besides, you'd probably jack off with that hand later"
Vincent snickered and Jeremy covered his mouth, trying not to laugh. Mike glared at her and turned around to go through the various screens, making sure everything was normal. Vincent patted her on the head and she looked up and smiled.
"You think I can go see Foxy?"
"Sure thing darling."
Anguis got up and gave Vincent his suit and hat back and walked out of the room. Mike watched her walk out, checking out her figure as she went down the hall. Vincent smacked him and Mike glared at him.
"Ow wtf man"
"You know why I did that"
"But dude she's sexy as fuuuuuck"
"I know"
"You sure you can't let me-"
"No Mike, you're not doing that."
"Dude I'd be a legend at school"
"And I don't care"
"What Jeremy"
"S-she's gonna die o-out there, you remember l-last time what happened w-with the other guard."
"Oh yeah, Vince what the hell man, you just let her kill herself, coulda let me smash once"
"She's not going to die you idiot"
"B-but the l-last guy-"
"Just watch on the cameras"
Jeremy and Mike's attention turned back to the monitors and Vincent leaned back in his chair, waiting for their reaction.
On the screen, Anguis walked out in front of Pirate's cove and tugged on the curtains, rocking back and forth on her feet. Foxy's head popped out and he looked down at her and his mouth slightly opened. Jeremy had a horrified expression on his face when Foxy stepped out and hugged Anguis.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now