Home (2.0)

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Anguis woke up the next morning and yawned loudly, somewhat startling Vincent, yet he stayed sleeping.
*wait.... when did I get home.... hold on, I was in the hospital n then took the stupid pills, and now I'm here? Musta slipped my mind on what we did...*
She shrugged and went to get up, but Vincent had a rather interesting grip on her and she couldn't move. He had one arm across her breasts, his hand holding onto the left one, and his other arm coming from under her stomach area and this hand was placed on her thigh. One of his legs went over both of hers, pinning down her legs so she couldn't move them.
*what the? How on earth is that a comfortable position for him? Eh oh well*
She tried to squirm out of it, but then he shifted a little in his sleep and his hold tightened a bit. Anguis sighed and quickly morphed into a small dragon, slipped out, and then unmorphed again when she was seated next to him on the couch. There was a note left next to two pills on the table so she grabbed them and read the note.
if you wake up before I do, take these, you need to take 2 every 4 hours, n they're gonna make you loopy as hell, but don't worry too much, it's not that bad. -Vinny~
*huh, these are probably why I don't remember anything from last night...*
She took the pills and a minute later they kicked in.
*once again, this is an odd feeling...*
Anguis went upstairs, grasping the handrail to make sure she didn't fall, and jumped into the shower when she got there. She did her thing, dried off, threw on her bra and underwear, and went back into her room to pick out some clothes. Vincent had woken up during that time and was also upstairs and was changing. He walked down to her room and poked his head in the doorway when he was done.
"Hey did you see the note I left yo- woah"
Common sense kicked in and Anguis grabbed her towel and covered herself up, her face quickly turning red.
"Uhh, yeah, yeah I did"
"Once again, god damn you gotta nice lookin body"
"if my face turned anymore red right now, i'd look like a tomato"
Vincent snickered and Anguis grabbed the tank top and leggings she had picked out and sat down on the edge of the bed to put on her pants.
"Sooo, what you wanna do today? Just kinda chill and figure out how your meds work?"
*i dunno why I'm covering myself up, I'm not that ashamed of my scars*
Anguis balled up the towel and threw it into the hamper across the room. Vincent's eyes widened a little and he stood there checking her out while she finished struggling to put on the leggings.
"God why are these so impossible to put on?"
"Dunno, never worn them before"
Anguis looked down at the tank top and shrugged, throwing it off to the side.
"Eh, if we're just staying home, I don't really need to get fully dressed."
She went to go leave and caught Vince staring at her. She looked down at herself, then back up at him.
"What? Is it not normal to just like, not get dressed in your own house?"
He snapped out of the little trance "Uh who what? What was the question?"
"~face palm~ do I need to get completely dressed if we're just chilling around here?"
"No, I mean you can if you want to, but I would prefer if you didn't"
He winked at her and she shook her head and went back downstairs to get some food. Vincent followed her and a few minutes later, they were munching on toast with peanut butter and jelly on top.
"Ya know, I wouldn't mind eating this everyday" commented Anguis
"Neither would i."
The doorbell rang and Anguis hopped off the counter and walked over to see who it was. She peaked through the blinds at first before opening the door.
"Who is it Anguis?"
"Oh, it's just Scott, Jeremy, and Mike"
Vince remembered what Anguis was and wasn't wearing and grabbed a blanket as she started to open the door.
"Oy Anguis wait wait wait wait wait."
Too late, she already opened the door and said hi to the guys. He wrapped the blanket around her and somewhat hid her behind him.
"Oh heeeyy guys"
"Uhh, hey Vincent" said Scott
"Vince why, you ruined the view" said Mike
Scott smacked him in the back of the head and Mike glared at him.
"The hell was that for?"
"You know why"
"What I was being honest"
Jeremy sighed and shook his head while Scott face palmed. Anguis peaked out from behind Vincent and he pushed her back behind him and looked at her.
"What was that for Vinny?" She whispered
"Dude, Mike's here"
"Remember what happened last time..."
"Oh yeah... should probably keep this on then..."
"Yeah, probably should go upstairs too, I'll just blame the meds for it."
"Okay, well you probably ain't wrong on that part either"
She went back up to her room and Vince turned his attention to his guests.
"Sorry about that, her meds are making her kinda loopy"
"Oh it's okay"
"So, what brings you guys here anyways?"
"Oh we just wanted to see if Anguis was okay from yesterday"
Vincent turned around and Anguis came sliding down the railing, skiing across the hardwood floor in some clean socks with the blanket tied around her neck, still not wearing a shirt. She slid up next to Vince and smiled at him, while he face palmed and sighed. Scott and Jeremy exchanged a weird glance and Mike looked at her in surprise.
"That was fun, you gotta try it Vinny"
"Anguis... that's not what I meant by going upstairs..." he mumbled
"It's not?"
"No... not at all"
"Just, stay behind me"
She resumed her place half way behind Vincent and poked her head out from under his arm, sticking her tongue out at the guys.
"Could you guys give us a sec?" He said with this teeth locked together.
"Oh yeah sure"
"No prob"
"Alright, Thanks"
Vincent turned around and picked Anguis up, walked her over to the couch, and placed her down, folding his arms on his chest and he sighed.
"..am I in trouble?" She asked quietly
"Wha- no. Did you take your meds?"
"Yea, just like you told me to"
"Okay that explains it..."
"Explains what?"
"Why you're acting this way"
"I always act this way"
"No, just, ~sigh~ look, if you sit, and STAY here while I talk with the others, I'll let you do what you want for a little while"
"Anything I want to?"
"Okay, deal"
"Alright, just stay here and don't move, if you do move, I get to do what I wanna do"
"Aye aye cap'in"
*she totally has a little innocent kid side to her... awe*
Vincent patted her on the head and went back to the door and opened it again.
"Once again, sorry bout that"
Scott and Mike where laughing to themselves and Jeremy looked at if he was holding back a laugh.
"What? What's so funny?"
"Did she just say 'aye aye captain' to you?" Laughed Scott
Vincent blushed slightly, making the guys laugh more, and he gave them an unamused look.
"Maybe she did, maybe she didn't"
"Oh she totally did" said Mike
"Shut up..."
They started laughing even harder and Jeremy joined them while Vincent stood there somewhat embarrassed. Anguis started giggling too and Vince just shook his head a little.
"Well," said Mike, "I gotta go, Fritz is waiting for me to get home."
"Yeah imma head home too,"
"Okay, well it was nice seeing you guys"
"We'll probably stop by tomorrow" said Scott
"I'll make sure Anguis is dressed by then"
"~laughs~ alrighty, bye"
"C yeah"
Vincent closed the door and turned around to see Anguis sneaking back into the kitchen.
"Ah hah! You moved!"
Anguis squeaked in surprise and placed her back against a wall. He started walking over to her and she shrunk back, almost as if she was scared of something.
"Y-you're not gonna hurt me, right?"
Vince stopped in front of her and looked down at her, a little confused.
"What? Why would I hurt you sweetie?"
"I dunno... I mean you said you would do anything, so I thought I would ask that..."
He chuckled to himself and placed a hand under her chin, lifting her head up slightly. She still had a little bit of fear in her eyes, but most of what Vincent saw was curiosity.
"How about we play a little game of hide and seek" he suggested
"Oo okay!" Her eyes lit up in excitement.
"Imma give you a minute to hide, you can morph and stuff like that, but you can't let me catch you, cause then I'll do what I want to"
Anguis smirked, "challenge accepted"
She morphed and took off running upstairs and Vincent walked back into the kitchen and cleaned up after breakfast. A little timer went off, signaling her time was up, and he went upstairs to search for her.
The second floor of the house was completely dark except for the light coming from he balcony door in the back. All the doors were wide open, with Anguis sitting on top of the door in Vincent's room, where it was pitch black. Her tail swung slowly back and forth, and she was ready to take off running, if needed to.
"Hmmm... where could she be..." Vince thought out loud.
She cupped her paws around her mouth and used a voice throwing technique that she had learned while hunting. She giggled, making it sound like it was coming from another room and Vincent froze in his tracks.
"Alright, that was creepy"
"Oh, I know"
He walked into the room across the hall and turned on the lights, searching the room for her. Anguis quietly jumped down from her spot, walked out into the hall, and flew on the light fixture that hung. The cover on it that helped spread the light around the room better made it a perfect structure to hide behind so she wouldn't be seen if she decided to peak her head out. Vince searched the room for a few minutes and wandered out into the hallway, seeing Anguis' shadow through the cover. He smirked and popped down the ladder to the attic and climbed up it. Anguis was facing the other way and he reached over the cover and grabbed her tail. She yelped and got out of his hold and took off back into Vincent's room. He slid back down and hit the button to make the ladder retract back into its place. Wandering to his room, Vincent caught a glimpse of her claw before she moved her foot and knew she was sitting on top of the door again.
"Now, where could my little girl be?"
He entered his room and stood there in the entry way and pretended to scan the room for her. Anguis tried to jump down behind him, but he spun around and caught her.
"HAH, gotcha"
"Aww man... what do I have to do"
"Hmmm... well first unmorph"
"Well you gotta put me down to do that"
Vince put her down on his bed and she unmorphed and looked up at him.
He smirked and pushed her back so she was laying down on the bed and got on top of her. Anguis quickly blushed a deep red color and Vincent started laughing.
"Just let me know if any of this turns you on or not" he said with a wink.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now