Party Part 2

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"Wait what?!?!? I thought that was her dad!!!"
"I, uh, don't have a dad..."
"Yeah, um Ivan, Vincent is almost the same age you are, only like a year older actually" said Scott
"Oh, um, alright then"
Anguis was handed a larger shot of scotch and she drank it, thinking it was whiskey, and cringed.
"Bleh, that tastes funny"
"Vincent, why do you let her have stuff like that? She gonna end up being an alcoholic" said Scott
"Psh, no she won't, she prefers sodas over anything else"
"Especially sprite," Anguis chimed in, "i really like sprite"
"Dad, can I try some?"
"I'm pretty sure you've already had some Ivan"
"Not true"
"Mhmm, okay, I'll believe that when I stop smelling vodka in your breath when you come from Pete's house"
Ivan's face turned a light pink and Anguis laughed at his embarrassed expression.
"He knows Pete?" Vincent asked
"Oh yeah they're pretty good friends actually, I think he's here actually"
"Yeah he is here..." Ivan mumbled, "Ey Pete!"
"C'mere a sec"
"Dude this is bullshit they're not letting me get booze- uhh, why are you talking with her?"
Pete pointed a finger at Anguis as she took another drink of her sprite. He spotted Vincent sitting behind her and grinned.
"Heyyyyy man! What's happenin?"
"Nothin much really, you wanna drink?"
"Hell yeah I do, what they got on tab?"
"Just Miller"
"Damn, oh well, lemme get one"
He ordered the drink and then handed it to Pete, who drank half of it in one gulp.
"So, Vincent, why you talking with The Girl?"
"Who? Anguis?"
"Yeah, the morphing lady"
"Umm, cause she's my girlfriend, duh"
"Whaaaaaaaaat? You're kidding, right?"
"No not kidding"
"Huh, why though? Like Have you seen the amount of shit she gets on the internet?"
"Yeah, still not gonna change my mind though, she's amazing, you just gotta talk with her"
"Well I mean she's not talking right now"
"She can be shy, cmon hon, you can at least say hi"
"Eh... hai..." Anguis whispered
"Dude I could barely hear you, and you're sitting on my lap"
"~sigh~ Hai"
"Sup" said Pete
"Eh not much"
"You liking the party?"
"Sorta I guess... there's too many people for my liking though"
"Too many?? Girl what are you talking about this is like half the amount of people in high school parties"
"Um, Pete," said Vincent, "she didn't go to school"
"Really? Hey what's 7X11?"
"77" Anguis replied
"The area of a 3 by 7 by 8 rectangular prism?"
"The formula for making salt water"
"Sodium and chlorine plus two hydrogens and an oxygen"
"A double displacement reaction?"
"When the positive atoms swap places to create a new molecule, such as hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide creates salt and water"
"What's Pi?"
"Alright that's enough, you said she didn't go to school, how the hell does she know all of that stuff though??"
"Oh, I um, I was reading one of your old textbooks the other day Vinny, they got some interesting stuff in there"
"You we're just casually reading a collage text book?"
"Mhmm... it's not normal, is it?..."
"Not really, but I mean hey, I'm cool with it"
Pete just looked at her like she sprouted another pair of eyes and him and Ivan left to go back with the group they were originally with, also now talking and pointing at her at random moments.
"Well... I just weirded them out.."
"Hey hey now, it's alright, not everyone you meet is gonna get along with ya"
"They're not?"
"Nope, but don't worry, those kinds of people ain't important"
Vincent wrapped his arms around her stomach and rested his head on hers, making Anguis feel a little better.
"I'm surprised this stool hasn't broken yet" Vince commented
"Same to be honest" said Scott, "or the fact you two haven't fallen over yet"
"Mmmm I have a feeling that's gonna happen"
"I'm not catching you two if that does happen"
Jeremy walked over with a little girl clinging to his leg, hiding behind him almost in fear.
"H-Hey guys"
"Hai Jeremy" said Anguis, "who's that hiding down there?"
"O-oh, this is my sister, E-emma"
Anguis slipped out of Vincent's hold and crouched down on the floor so that she wasn't super tall compared to the small child.
"Hello Emma!"
"Hi Mrs. Dragon"
"Hold up, what did she just call Anguis?" Scott asked
"Mrs. Dragon" said Vincent
"Oh my"
"S-she's a fan of y-yours Anguis, when she saw J-Jack's video she said she w-wanted to meet you"
"Awe, well don't be shy Emma, I'm friendly"
In an instant Emma went from clinging to Jeremy to hugging Anguis, who was taken aback from the sudden change of mood, but smiled and briefly hugged her back.
"You're my hero Mrs. Dragon"
"I, I am?"
"Yeah, you're really, really cool too"
"Awe, thanks! Say, you wanna fly around? I'll give you a ride"
Emma gasped and tugged on Jeremy's sleeve.
"Can I!?!? Can I fly with them Jeremy?!?"
"Y-you have to ask m-mom on that one"
Emma grabbed the sleeve of his shirt and dragged Jeremy along to go find their mother.
"She's adorable" said Anguis while standing back up
"Yeah she is, shoulda seen her a few years back, cutest little kid ever" said Vincent, "you were probably cuter though"
"Awh Vinny cmon, I'm not that cute"
"Yes you are"
"No I'm nooooot"
"Yes you aaaaare"
He grabbed one of her arms and spun Anguis around so her back was against the stool he was sitting on. She giggled as Vincent started kissing her along her jawline and neck, making Scott shake his head and walk back to where Robert was talking to some other chick. Emma came running back to them, still dragging Jeremy along with her, and was jumping in place because of how excited she was to tell Anguis the news.
"Mrs. Dragon!! Mrs. Dragon!!! Mommy said yes I can fly with you!!"
"U-uh Emma, maybe we sh-should let them be-"
"Oh that's great!" Anguis said while gently pushing Vincent away so she could have a non-awkward conversation, "Want to go right now?"
"Alright cool, Vinny can you come with to make sure she doesn't fall off?"
"Well of course"
They all took a step out into the backyard where a few people were smoking cigarettes and chatting. Emma had a gleam in her eyes while Anguis took a few steps away from the house and morphed into her Eraylew form. Jeremy grabbed a rope from the storage box that was against the side of the house and put it into Anguis' mouth so it was like reins for Emma to hold onto. Vincent jumped up onto her back as had Emma handed up to him, and placed her in front of him so he could hold onto her in case she started falling.
"Ready?" Anguis called back
"Ready when you are baby girl"
She let out a roar and jumped into the air, flying low enough to scrape her feet across the roofs of the houses. More guests at the party walked outside to see what was going on, and Jeremy's mom and dad stood on the patio watching everything. A few minutes later they came back and Emma was laughing and smiling as she slid down a wing into her mother's arms.
"Mommy! Mommy! Did you see?? I was flying!!"
"Yes I saw Emma, was it fun?"
"Yea!! I wanna do it again!!"
Vincent chuckled and Anguis looked at him and whispered something to him.
"Umm... I'm not sure..."
"Awe cmon, pleaaaase"
"But what if it goes wrong?"
"It won't, I'll be sure to catch you"
"You're absolutely sure on this one?"
"Remember I'm the one who caught you when we were in that battle thingy"
"Mkay, I'm trusting you on this one... Who wants to see some stunts?!"
A few guests cheered and Vincent put his hand to his ear.
"I can't hear ya!!"
More people chimed in and Anguis grinned and took off without warning. She went straight up into the air and went above the clouds, making Vincent gasp at the cold temperatures.
"Anguis, you're gonna freeze! Get back down!!"
She played dead and they free fell back to earth. Vincent yelled as he slipped off and started falling faster than Anguis was.
"Oopsies, hold on vinny!"
She rotated back around and grabbed him with her front paws and opened her wings, shooting straight forward and clipping the leaves off a few taller trees. The guests stared in awe as she went back up above the houses and threw Vincent into the air. He panicked a little until he was caught again, then Anguis started flying again, doing flips and rolls in the air. After she was done with her act, she very carefully landed on her hind legs and placed Vincent back down on the ground, then unmorphed and hugged him. Her adrenaline was running and she was giggling and full of excitement and energy.
"That was fun! What'd you think of it Vinny?"
"It was, interesting, I guess"
"You, you didn't like it?" She whined
"What? No no no that's ~laughs~ that's not what I meant darling," He kept laughing a little and hugged her back, "I mean I had fun, I just think we should of practiced that before doing those stunts, so I would be more prepared, ya know?"
"Ooohhh, I see what you mean now ~yawns~"
"Aw, tired already?"
"Hey! Hey Anguis!"
They both looked at the direction of the voice and Ivan and his group of friends jogged over to them.
"Yo, uhh, my friends and I were wondering if you could change into a tiger or something so we can take a few selfies"
"Why not a dragon?"
"Psh, we don't want no Angel fur fairy thing, we want something badass"
"Psh, just watch"
She morphed into her original dragon form, and the guys took a few steps back in shock. She lowered her head and gave them an evil looking grin, causing a few of them to freeze in place.
"How about something more like this?"
"Ooh ho HOAH!! That's sick!!!!"
They all took pictures of themselves with her, sometimes as if she was biting down on them, sometimes as they were being held by her tail, or just Anguis giving a mischievous grin in the background. After the little photo shoot was done, they all said thanks and went back inside. Anguis unmorphed and let out another loud yawn.
"What time is it..." she mumbled
"11 pm"
"Oh my"
"But we have work tonight, you know that, right?"
"What??? We ~yawns~ do???"
"Can't you just call us in sick? I'm really tired..."
"Yeah, I'll just tell Scott, I'm pretty sure he isn't gonna make it to work either, he had quite a few drinks before we came out here"
"Mkay ~yawns~"
Vincent crouched down and picked her up and walked back out to their car. He placed Anguis in the passenger seat and rolled down the window for her.
"Hey stay here, imma go tell everyone we're leaving and let Scott know we're not showing up for work"
"But it's cold in here"
"I know, I know, I'll turn on the heat when I get back, okay sweetheart?"
As soon as he closed the front door behind him, Anguis got out and tried to find a warmer spot to sit, since her tank top wasn't keeping her very warm. The hood of the car was still a bit warm so she laid down on it, hoping to stay warm enough so that she wouldn't go into her sleeping state.
*gah, it's so cold out here... why didn't I bring my hoodie or something...*
Minutes passed and she struggled to stay awake, eventually just closing her eyes. She didn't hear Vincent walk over to the car until he was next to it.
"Anguis what part of 'stay here' didn't you understand?"
"I'm s-still here t-technically"
"Why are you stuttering... wait..."
He gently placed his hand on her forehead and recoiled back, almost as if he was burned.
"Girl you're freezing!!! Hold on I got you"
Vincent swiftly opened the car door with his foot and grabbed an emergency blanket from the back seat and wrapped it around her tightly, then put her back in the passenger seat, rolled up the window, and got in the driver's seat. He turned the heater on high and pulled her over the stick shift so he could hold onto her and make sure she didn't overheat.
*she looks so peaceful like this...* Vincent thought
Her eyes fluttered open and Anguis groggily glanced up at him and smiled.
"Hey hey"
"Hey hey yourself sexy"
She giggled and nestled into his chest some more. Vincent smirked and pulled the blanket just over her eyes, making it so she couldn't see at all.
"Heyyy, what was that fo-"
He cut her off mid sentence by kissing her. Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink and she melted into it, the rest of her body becoming almost limp. They went slow, not bothering to take control over the make out session, and only little moans of pleasure could be heard. It went on for several minutes, despite the fact people walking by gave them odd looks, and Vincent pulled away, leaving a little string of saliva connecting their mouths.
"Now that was nice" He stated as he wiped away the spit trail
"Then why'd you stop?"
"Cause otherwise imma get a kink in my neck leaning over like that, plus we gotta get home"
"Fair point"
Anguis changed into a smaller Eraylew form and curled up on Vincent's lap. He threw the blanket to the back seat and drove off while petting the small dragon.
By the time the car left the curb at Jeremy's house to when it pulled into the garage at their house, Anguis had fallen asleep and was peacefully laying down in Vincent's lap. He noticed her snoozing away and decided to leave her sleeping, so he quietly and carefully carried her back up to their room and laid her down on the bed before undressing. She partially woke up and unmorphed and stretched, then also got undressed and slipped under the covers. Vincent turned around once he was done and looked at her, confused.
"Wait, are you awake?"
"Mmh, sorta..."
"Oh, okay then"
He too pulled the covers up on him, once he laid down in bed, and pulled Anguis next to him so that she was using his chest as a pillow. He was about to fall asleep when he felt a poke in the nose, then opened an eye and looked at Anguis.
"What...." he mumbled
"I just felt like poking you, that's all"
"~sigh~ okay then.."
"Well, also, I don't get a goodnight kiss?"
"Well, its technically morning now, so no"
She gave Vincent a sad expression, which made him chuckle, and he ruffled up her hair and kissed her on the forehead.
"I'm just messing with you hon"
"What? What you being all pouty for?"
Anguis responded with a drawn out sigh, so he reached down and pinched her in the butt.
"Ow! Hey! What was that for?"
"I just felt like it"
She gave him an unamused look and he laughed and patted her on the back.
"I'm guessing you're not in the mood for this, huh?" Vincent asked
"Not really..."
"Mkay I'll stop... maybe"
"Well in that case I'll just head on back to my room"
Anguis moved over and sat up on the edge of the bed and Vincent quickly reached over and grabbed her hand.
"Wait wait wait I'm kidding, I'll stop, don't leave please"
"~giggles~ Are you begging??"
"erm, maybe"
She looked back at him and got a pleading look from him.
"You are begging!"
"cmon, stay here, I'll stop being a dick"
"I'll take ya out for breakfast tomorrow"
"Mmmm, okay"
She laid back down next to him and Vincent brought her next to himself and cuddled her.
"Well ~yawns~ good night Vinny..."
"It's morning..."
"~sigh~ then sleep well"
"Oh I will"
He gave Anguis a kiss on her ear and they both fell asleep snuggling with each other

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