The Hunt

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Anguis woke up a few hours later to hear someone pounding on the front door.
"Hey, Vincent!" Said the muffled voice, "open up will ya!"
She groaned and got out of bed, threw on one of Vincent's t-shirts, went downstairs, and peaked through the window to see who it was. Scott was standing outside with a somewhat pissed off expression on his face.
*i wonder what he's doing here*
She walked back over, unlocked the door, and opened it.
"About damn ti- ~looks down~ oh hi Anguis"
"Hai Scott, what are you ~yawns~ doing here so early?"
"I heard about what happened yesterday, you doin okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine, it didn't really hurt me at all, it just put me to sleep."
"Ah, yeah that's what Vincent said. By the way, where is he?"
"I'm right here..."
Anguis turned around and saw that Vincent was coming down the stairs, rubbing his eyes and yawning.
"Sorry man, completely forgot you were coming over"
"Oh it's okay, I thought you were gonna be a bit tired based on the time you called me at"
"Surprised you didn't call to wake me up, and Anguis why are you wearing one of my shirts?"
"Dunno, I just picked up the first thing that I saw so I could answer the door."
"I mean... she does look good in it" mumbled Scott
"You're not wrong on that one"
Anguis blushed and looked down and Vincent ruffled up her hair.
"So you wanna come in? I could make you some toast or something."
"You and your toast, it's like you're addicted to it"
"What? It's good"
"I know but that's like all you eat"
"Well I mean, I do eat other things too" Vince said with a wink.
Scott face palmed and Anguis hit him with her elbow, now really blushing. Vincent started laughing and put his arm around her.
"Ow, alrighty, but in all seriousness, you wanna come in and have coffee or something?"
"I could go for some coffee"
"Alright, well then cmon in"
Vincent closed the door behind Scott and they all went into the kitchen, Anguis sitting up on the counter next to Vincent while Scott stood a few feet down from them.
"What's coffee?" Asked Anguis
"Something you probably don't need"
"It makes you more hyper"
"I wanna try"
"You're already hyper enough"
"True that" Scott added
"Not even a little?"
"You don't even need that much."
"Not even a teeny tiny drop?"
"Not even what's on the side of a used mug"
"Awh okay..."
"I'll let you try some of mine" Scott whispered to Anguis
"Oo okay"
Vincent poured two cups of coffee with some cream and sugar and gave one to Scott.
"So, what are you guys gonna do about that bounty hunter dude?"
"I don't know honestly"
"Kick his ass that's what!"
"Sweetie, he's gotta license to do this... he could easily have the cops called to help him out, I don't think it's a good idea to do that, cause I don't want to get arrested again."
"Hmph... I guess we just hide then"
"Yeah, there's not really many options for us"
The doorbell rang again and Anguis slipped off the counter and skipped over and opened the door.
"Oh, hai Y'all!"
"H-Hey Anguis"
"Sup giiirl"
"Hey there cutie"
"Anguis who is it?" Asked Vincent
"Quite literally everyone I know, Jeremy, Mike, Fritz, even Robert"
"Vincent... um... she's only wearing that shirt, isn't she?" Scott whispered to him
"Ah shit, I need to make a rule so that she can only answer the door fully clothed..."
Scott snort laughed as Vincent walked back over to the door and let everyone in, hiding Anguis behind him.
"Could you at least wear pants next time?" Vincent whispered to her
"~sigh~ well can you go put some on? I don't want the guys getting any funny ideas..."
She morphed and flew upstairs while Vincent closed the door and walked back into the kitchen.
"So wait, why are you guys here?" He asked
"Did you see the news?" Mike asked
"Here, Look" said Robert as he turned his phone to show Vincent
It was multiple short videos and pictures of Anguis either in morph or half morphed, with Jack talking in the foreground.
"As you can see here, we're dealing with a supernatural monster disguising itself as a human, and she's very dangerous, she tried attacking me just last night when I came up to it, so as a warning, if you see her, OR her companion, call the police or contact me at..."
The video stopped and Vincent glared at the screen.
"'Supernatural monster', really??? That's the best he could of come up with???"
"But did she really try attacking him last night?"
"No, he actually followed Anguis and I and shot us with tranquilizers"
"Wait Vince, you were shot too?" Asked Scott
"Holy shit man" said Robert
"And you know what we did when Anguis finally woke up?"
"Yoooooo did you smash?"
"Mike!" Said Scott
"Hell yeah we did"
"Hahaaa niiice man"
Scott face palmed and Anguis came gliding down from the second floor and landed on the counter between Scott and Vincent.
"Speaking of Anguis, here's the pretty girl"
She stayed in morph and walked up to Vincent and nuzzled her head against his. Robert and Fritz looked at her in shock.
"Woah.... she's a tiny dragon..." said Fritz
"Not sure if I would call a 5 foot long dragon small, but okay" said Scott
Anguis giggled and then unmorphed, back to wearing her usual hoodie and shorts combo. Vincent went back to chatting with the others and Scott slid over the rest of his coffee to Anguis.
"Here, you can have the rest of it" he whispered
Anguis glanced around for a quick second and chugged the rest of it and coughed a few times.
*woah, that's some strong shit...*
Vincent looked at her and saw her holding the coffee mug and sighed.
"Did you just drink a buncha coffee?"
"It's very, strong, to say the least"
"Oh boy... Scott did you seriously give her some of yours"
"What she was curious, and I didn't give her that much"
Anguis shook her head and gave the mug a disgusted look.
"I don't think I like coffee... it tastes funny"
"Well that's probably a good thing for me" said Vincent
"Yeah... anyways imma go work out"
"Alright, just don't go too far darling"
Anguis went back upstairs to change into some workout clothes and Fritz looked at Vincent funny.
"What does she mean by that?"
"Oh, you guys totally have to see this" said Scott, "it's amazing"
They went upstairs as well and Vincent lead them out onto the balcony as Anguis jumped off the ledge and flew over the lake. The other guys gazed in awe as she flew around, creating wakes on the surface of the water, while Vincent stood in the back with a smug look on his face.
------------------------------------------------------For a hour she flew around and around the lake, and was about to land when there was a gun shot and she crash landed through the patio door downstairs. The other guards ducked at the sound of the gunshot and Vincent ran back downstairs, jumping off the ledge of the second floor down onto the couch on the first floor, and turned around. There was shattered glass and chunks of wood from the frame of the door laying all over the place,  and Anguis, still as a Dragon, laid on her side in the middle of the walkway.
She responded with a groan and attempted to get up. He ran to her side as the other guys came downstairs and saw the millions of shards of glass scattered everywhere.
"Vincent we need to go, a bunch of boats just came out of the fuckin trees" Said Fritz
He glanced out the back door and saw a few speedboats heading towards the house.
"STOP RIGHT THERE YOU BEAST!" Jack yelled over an intercom system
Vincent panicked and picked up Anguis, cradling her close to his chest, and stood up.
"Guys get in your cars and leave, NOW!"
"W-what about y-you Vince?"
"We'll be fine,  just run!"
The others took off and Vincent ran into the kitchen, grabbed his car keys, and ran outside just as Mike and Fritz's sped off. Jeremy threw his car in reverse and took off in the opposite direction. Robert and Scott jumped into their car and pulled out into the street and waited for Vincent to do the same, then the two cars took off right as Jack and a few other people ran out from behind the house.
The random people grabbed their firearms and shot at the cars, but missed as they turned a corner and shot off into the distance. Jack growled to himself and ordered half of the people to search the house and the other half to drive the boats back to the launch. He pulled out his phone and tapped on a tracking app, a little white dot pinging on the screen, getting further and further away from a red dot in the center.
*hahaha....she can't hide now...* he thought as he put his phone away and walked into the house.

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