Human Popsicle (2.0)

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Anguis stumbled a bit on land for Vincent quickly got off her in anticipation of her falling once again. She unmorphed and collapsed right on the lawn, laying out in the cold grass. He went over to her and picked up her ice cold body. She still had a pulse, but it was very weak and barely detectable.
*oh no, this can't be good...*
He went back up to the house and kicked the door open once he turned the doorknob and cracked it open a bit, then went upstairs with Anguis and gently placed her down in her bed. He pulled the covers high on her and then grabbed a spare blanket, threw it in the dryer and let it run for about 20 minutes, making it nice and warm. Vincent put in on top of her and sat down on the bed next to her and held her hand. Anguis coughed a few times and looked up at Vincent and he smiled when their eyes met.
"So... did ~cough~ you like flying?"
"It's super cool, but look what it's doing to you"
"I-its not me ~cough~ flying that's doing it...."
"It's too cold, isn't it"
"Yeah... just a bit..."
"Well then we're taking the car tomorrow."
"But, it's fun flying"
"I know it is, trust me I enjoyed it too, but it's not good for you if we fly when it's cold out... how about this: we can fly around this area during the day when it's warm out."
"But what if someone sees?"
"There's no one else around here for a few hundred feet Anguis, I think we're safe."
"Oh, okay! I'm cool with that"
"Alright, we'll do that later today ~yawn~ but I think imma go to bed, I'm tired."
Vincent got up and began walking away when Anguis reached up and caught the sleeve of his suit. He looked down at her and gave her a puzzled look.
"Could you stay here for a little... I'm still a bit... well, shaken up from earlier..."
"Oh, of course dearie"
He sat back down next to her and pulled her up so she was leaning back onto his chest and began stroking her hair.
"You know,"
"I'm still kinda curious as to who put me in the newspaper."
"Yeah, I've been thinking about it for a while and it still kinda confuses me."
"Why's that?"
"I just, didn't think anyone actually cared about me for that long, I mean I can't think of anyone else that would of remembered me."
"Oh I'm sure you'll think of it at some point"
"There was a number at the bottom of the ad to contact the person who requested it"
"Do you remember it?"
"Well, wanna call them and see?"
"Alright, here."
He handed her the land line phone that sat on that side of the bed and she plunked the numbers into the device and hit call.
"By the way, I think I know who it was"
"Do you really?"
Vincent's phone vibrated and he picked up the call, smiling.
"Of course, I mean I think I know myself."
"Wait, you-"
"Yeah, I put up a missing child alert for you."
"Bu- wait, why??"
"Cause, I missed you"
"But how did you know me?? I'm so confused"
"Okay... well... I may or may not had a crush on you when you went to school with me..."
"I mean, you were actually pretty popular in the higher level grades, you were like the definition of a bad girl, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm uh, kinda attracted to that."
"But... when I suddenly disappeared-"
"It was heartbreaking, everyday I would look for you in the hallways, they even cleaned out your locker at one point, and that's when I knew you weren't coming back anytime soon..."

"But, no one told anyone else that I was gone?"
"Nope, rumors went around that you got killed or kidnapped, but they weren't going to tell the truth to a bunch of kids"
"But I recognized your voice the other night-"
"Wait you could hear me?"
"Well, it was after you yelled at something"
"Probably when I got hit with a pipe"
"Ow... yeah probably, was it before you took down your dad?"
"Yeah, he hit me, I tackled him, then killed mom, then dad"
"Oh, I only saw you take down your dad and then by then time I got to the door, everything was already done with"
"Mkay then... but, if I was popular with the higher grades... did they just, not care, when I left?"
"That I don't know, but you were a pretty popular rumor in high school too, people saying they saw your ghost and stuff, blamed you for whenever the sprinkler system went off and everyone had to leave the building."
"That's kinda funny I guess"
"Yeah, plus I still sorta kinda still had a crush on you throughout high school too..."
"So, I guess you were pretty excited to see me again"
"I, I honestly have no clue what to say, I'm like-"
"Beyond surprised, but is that why you told Mike I was your girlfriend?"
"Well that part was so he wouldn't ask you out, I kinda figured you wouldn't know what to do"
"You ain't wrong on that one, but, I think I'd be okay with that title."
"What title?"
"Me being your girlfriend silly"
"Wha- really?!"
"Of course, you're the only person who's actually cared about me, I mean, I was a homeless rug rat who... um.... well..."
"Who, um... mighta done a few things I shouldn't of done... and probably should be in jail for."
"Oh it can't be that bad, I've probably done worse"
"I've killed people"
"Well then, guess we're on the same level"
"Mhm, don't hate me for it..."
"So wait, lemme get this straight, we both killers?"
"Seems to be that way"
"Actually it's kinda cool, guess ~yawns~ we can't tell Mike huh"
"Oh he already knows about what I did"
"And he hasn't told anyone yet?? "
"Course not, we all got hired because we did at least one really really bad thing, the owner gives second chances to people who otherwise would struggle in the real world for it."
"Oh that's ~yawns~nice of him"
"I know right? I should have you meet him, he's a real nice guy"
"Okay... ~yawns~"
Anguis began dozing off and eventually fell asleep on him, twitching every now and then since she was dreaming. Vincent took the phone and hung up the call and then also fell asleep with her.

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