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An annoying and repetitive buzzing noise woke up Vincent and he saw Scott was trying to FaceTime him. He sighed and reached over and accepted the call.
"Wazap Boss?"
"Would you believe me if I said Jack kidnapped us right after you left the house?"
"He did what???"
"He had this weird ass thing on the Deep Web where people could watch others fight to the death, and so he kidnapped Anguis and I and kept us locked away until he needed us to fight."
"Oh my god, that's terrible!! Where are you guys now??"
"Hmmm, about 300 miles away from home..."
"Oh gosh... where's Anguis?"
"She's right here"
He tilted the camera down a little and Scott saw her snoozing next to him, with the blanket pulled up just barely enough to cover her nipples.
"Well then, you, uh, might wanna pull that blanket up on her, I know Fritz and Jeremy were trying to get a hold of you too, and I'm pretty sure you don't wanna nip slip while they're talking to you"
"Heh, yeah that would be weird"
Anguis shifted a little and barely opened her eyes.
"Eyyyy she's awake" said Scott
"Mmmm-hmmm," she groaned while stretching, then saw Scott on the screen and panicked "AH!"
She yanked the blanket up higher and Vincent and Scott started laughing and she blushed.
"Hai Scott"
" ello Anguis, you guys okay?"
"Yeah I think s- OW! Vincent!"
"What?" He said with a smirk
"No pinching my ass!"
"Whaaat? I would neeeeeever do that"
He did it again and she yelped and playfully hit him. Scott facepalmed and shook his head while Vincent chuckled and Anguis rolled her eyes.
"He's kinda in a perverted mood right now." Anguis said
"He's always in a perverted mood" said Scott
"Well I gotta go, I'll tell the others that you're back and I'm guessing on your way home?"
"Yeah, should be home by the end of today"
"Alright cool, see you then"
"Okay, bye"
Scott hung up and Vincent's attention immediately turned to Anguis and he slipped his hand under the blanket and squeezed her rear and pulled her closer. His phone rang again and he sighed and picked up this new FaceTime call.
"Vincent, gosh, I didn't think I would ever say this, but it's good to see you" said Mike
"Hey Vince" said Fritz
"Sup nerds?"
"Hey, Jeremy and Robbie are the nerds in this friend group"
"Mike is totally a nerd tho"
"No I'm not"
Someone knocked on the door and Anguis slipped out of bed to go answer it. She threw on some yoga pants and a tank top and stood at the door talking to the person who was there.
"Hey guys, look at this"
Vincent turned the camera around and zoomed in on Anguis' ass and the other two whistled.
"That ass..."
"Hot damn Vincent, you lucky son of a bitch"
Their FaceTime suddenly cut out and ended and he shrugged and kept gawking at her.
"Vincent are you recording me??" Anguis said as she turned around
"Not recording, but was more like spreading wonders"
"You were looking at my ass, weren't you..."
She sighed, shook her head, and went back over and crawled back into bed, laying down on her stomach.
"So what did the person at the door want?"
"He wanted us out of here in 10 minutes..."
"Oh, alrighty then, why so early?"
"He said everyone was getting kicked out, place is getting a full remodeling"
"Gotcha, we should probably get packing then."
Vincent got up and threw on a new set of clothes and cleaned up their room. Anguis continued to lay there and dozed off until Vince shook her gently, trying to get her to wake up.
"Cmon sweetie, we gotta go"
"Mmmph... I don't wanna get up..."
"Want me to carry you?"
"Alright, but you gotta morph cause my hands are full"
She changed to the same white dragon as yesterday, but changed the size so it was a smaller size, and jumped up onto his shoulders and got herself situated, then they left the hotel and wandered around on the city streets. They got some breakfast at an IHOP that was nearby, then started their route back home.
They got near their house when Anguis saw all the cars that were lined up on the street and she laughed.
"You know this many people Vinny?"
"What do you mean?"
"Look down, there's like 15 cars in front of your house"
"Huh, I don't even recognize half of those"
{everyone on the ground's POV}
"Yo Scott"
"What Robbie"
"Look, I think I see them"
Everyone's head turned towards where he was pointing and the white figure in the air glided closer to them.
"That can't be them..." Fritz muttered
"That's a totally new look for Anguis if it is" said Scott
{back up to Anguis}
The two came in for a landing and everyone on the ground had to move out of the way. Anguis landed and Vincent waved to the others and slipped off. Scott and Fritz gawked at Anguis's new look and Robert went up and put a hand on her forearm.
"Guys, you gotta come feel this, it's a fluffy dragon"
The others walked over and surrounded her and she rolled her eyes and started down at the ground. There were quite a few people didn't recognize, but Vincent did and was chatting away with them. Mike smacked Anguis in the rear and she turned around and knocked him over with her tail and growled, pinning him down with her paw again. The new people gasped and backed up while Mike held his hands up like he was surrendering.
"Hey now Anguis, chill it was just a joke"
She growled again and spat on his face. Vincent cause a glimpse of what was happening and jogged over to them.
"Alright break it up now you two, sheesh, haven't even been here for 5 minutes and you're already fighting"
"He smacked my ass again" Anguis complained
"Mike, what did I tell you about touching her..."
"She's lying"
"No I'm not"
"Are too"
"Am not"
"Are t-"
"Shut up Mike, Anguis just come with me.."
She unmorphed and walked over to Vincent and he put his arm around her and they walked back over to the people he was talking with earlier. A lot of people asked where they were and what had happened, and they explained it to them and how they had gotten away. No one noticed the two figures standing across the street, one severely burned and the other a smaller blonde woman, both frowning and staring with clenched fists.
"So... what's your story" asked the girl
"Those two ruined my career...I lost everything I needed to make millions.... what about you?" said the male
"That bitch ruined my fucking life, and like, my chances of loving him again."
"Hmph, I see"
"We need to like, get one of them alone and like, take them away..."
"But how? They're almost always by each other"
"We would need to take Anguis, otherwise she would end up ripping us to shreads if we took Afton"
"Vincent would like, end up killing us too though, he's got enough skills seeing what happened to you"
"True... but you see, I'm the one who trained him..."
"So you like know how he works?"
"Not quite, he's gotten wiser since I last taught him... he's got a different skill set, and I bet you the girl has to do something with it..."
"God, that bitch, like she reappeared and fucking ruined like everything"
"Reappeared? What do you mean?"
"She went missing for like years... then one day she came back and then like everything started going downhill for me... it's like-"
"Will you stop saying like after every other thought? God you're a basic white girl."
"Well soooorrryyyy, I can't like help it"
"I bet you 'can't even' and eat at chipotle and drink Starbucks in the morning."
"How did you know"
"~face palm~ uggghhh.... why did I agree to work with you..."
"Cause I'm hot"
"No... we both hate a common enemy..."
"well that too, but because of the first reason too, right?"
"Your ego is a bit big..."
"Psh like whatever"
*I'm already regretting this...* "alright, lets go set up a plan back at the base.."

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now