Run Aways

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Scott and Vincent pulled into a gas station and got out to refill their tanks and talk about what had happened a few hours ago.
"Dude, is Anguis okay? What did she get shot by??" Asked Robert as he got out of the car.
"I don't know to be honest, she's not bleeding"
"You didn't check up on her????"
"No I wanted to get away as far as possible first, she said she felt fine so I just trusted what she said"
"Then why don't you check up on her right now?"
"Yeah I probably should"
He walked around to the passenger side of the car and opened the door. Anguis, still in her morph, was curled up on the seat and lifted her head up once the door opened.
"Hey sweetie, how you feelin?"
"Kinda tired, but my right wing hurts a hella lot"
"Mind if I take a look?"
She extended her wing out a little bit and Vincent gently took it and move it up and down, examining both sides. There was a small black object on the underside of her wing that was surrounded by what appeared to be small explosion marks. He reached over and tried to pull it off, but it wouldn't budge.
"Hmm... you got something stuck to you... I think it might be a tracker"
"What??? Get it off!!"
She freaked out a little and pulled her wing back and looked around for it.
"Woah woah woah Anguis calm down-"
She jumped into the back seat and tried to hit it off with her hind legs. Vincent sighed and went around to the back door, opened it, and tried to grab her before she could tear anything up. Scott and Robert stood by their car and watched as the car rocked back and forth from Anguis running into the sides and panicking about the tracker.
"Um... they couldn't of waited until we got somewhere else?" Asked Robert, who was thinking about something completely different when looking at the situation.
"I don't think they're doing that Robbie..." Scott mumbled
Finally Vincent got a hold of Anguis and pulled her out of the car, pinning her back against his chest so he could get a better look at her wing. She was still panicking and kept on struggling to get away.
"Anguis fuckin chill, I'll ge-"
"I'll get it off, just relax!! Geez!"
She calmed down a little, and relaxed her wings so that Vincent could get a better look. He placed Anguis on her back on the hood of the car and opened her wing completely. She whimpered because of how scorching hot the hood was and tried to get up, but Vincent pushed her back down and kept a hand on her to prevent her from moving too much.
"Quit moving, I'm trying to help you here sweetheart"
"But it's too warm"
"What do you mean? We're in the shade in the middle of spring, it's not too warm"
"No the hood is really fuckin warm, it feels like it's burning my back"
He placed the back of his hand onto the hood of the car and immediately pulled away.
"Gah, yeah that's too warm, oops, sorry"
Anguis jumped off the car and sat down on the concrete, holding her wing open to let Vincent take a look at it. He first tried pulling it off normally, but Anguis yelled and swatted at his hand when it began to hurt, then tried to peel it off like a sticker, but that also got swatted at.
"Hmmm... we might have to just cut it off...."
"I'm serious, this thing is like stuck to your wing"
"Like on the leather webbing part?"
"Oh wait hold on, if I unmorphed, it turns into my clothes, so then we can just cut off that section, and it won't hurt like it would if you did it now"
"And why didn't you say anything about this earlier?"
"Didn't think it was that important"
Vincent let out a long annoyed sigh and Anguis unmorphed and stood up. She looked around on her hoodie for the object, but couldn't find it, so she took off her hoodie and looked down on her shirt.
"This is awkward..." she mumbled as she looked at where the tracker was.
"Are you serious? It's gotta be smack dab in the middle of your chest..."
"I could always just take the shirt off ya know, no need to cut off that section"
"I'd rather see you have at least SOMETHING on than nothing."
"Psh, no you wouldn't"
"Okay lemme rephrase that; I'd rather see you wearing at least something in public rather than nothing"
"That sounds more like you, wait: just try ripping the tracker off now, it shouldn't hurt"
He grabbed onto a section of her shirt and pulled on the device, with no luck of it coming off.
"Fuckin hell, what on earth is this thing stuck on here with???"
"I don't know"
"Guess we're gonna have to do this a different way"
Vincent grabbed his knife and cut around the tracker so it left a decent sized hole in the shirt and he threw it as far as possible into a field.
"There, they won't find us now"
"So... what are we gonna do now?"
"That, I don't know... I don't think we can go back to the house, and I don't enough money to buy a new one..."
"Oh... so where are we gonna go?"
"I have no clue... we might just have to live in the car from now on... but, I still got ya, and you're safe. That's all that matters to me"
Anguis made a little 'aww' noise and hugged him. Vincent smiled and hugged her back and dragged his hand through her hair. Scott and Robert paid for the tanks of gas in both cars and walked over to the others.
"Sooo... what kinda plans do you two have?" Asked Robert
"I think we're just gonna live out of the car, I can't afford another house, and I'm sure Jack is gonna have our house taken over." Said Vincent as he let go of Anguis
"Ya know, I'm sure Mike and Fritz wouldn't mind having another 2 roommates, they do need more money to pay for the bills"
"Yeah man, they were like complaining about it last night, want me to ask?"
"Sure I guess"
Robert grabbed his phone and called up Fritz, putting him on speaker phone so everyone could hear him.
"Yooo Robby what's up?"
"Hey hey, you guys alright?"
"Yeah, Mike was crying like a little bitch earlier-"
~in the background on Fritz's end~ "was not!"
"-so anyways, where are you guys at?"
"Gas station on Route 63 and 54 currently, Anguis got hit by a tracker and it stuck to her pretty well, but we just cut it off and chucked it"
"You just flat out cut it off of her???
"It was stuck to her shirt Fritz" said Vincent
"Ohh, I was over here thinking it was stuck to her skin, I was gonna be like 'well shit you're not messing around there'"
"Well Vince has had surgery training so he could of done it if it was stuck to her" said Robert
"Oh, by the way, you know how you said you needed more money to help pay the bills"
"Well, Vincent n Anguis don't really have a house anymore"
"Wait wait wait, you want them to stay with us???" Yelled Mike, "hell fucking no"
"Why not mike?" Questioned Fritz, "we do need more money"
"I'm not housing two psychopathic serial killers who are on the run from a bounty hunter!"
"Wait two?"
"Anguis isn't as innocent as she looks"
"Oh shit that's awesome! Yeah you guys can totally stay here by the way, we don't have another room though so you're gonna have to crash on the couches"
"Fritz! No!"
"Mike this is my house anyways, you're renting, remember?"
"Oh yeah... okay whatever"
"Oh cool, when can we move in?" Asked Vincent
"Today if you wanna"
"Sweeeeeeeet, alright we'll be over asap"
"Kay Kay, see ya soon then"
Fritz told them his address and the two waved to Scott and Robert and took off to see their new home.
Anguis knocked on the front door of the small 2 story house and hid behind Vincent as the door opened, Fritz in a casual outfit of a t-shirt and jeans.
"Hey hey hey hey, that was fast, I thought you guys would of taken longer to get here"
"Well we were speeding by a little, incase someone still had an eye on us" said Vincent
"Ah, yeah that makes sense. Well cmon in, I got Stephanie over, just as an FYI"
The two stepped into the house and Fritz closed the door behind them and lead them through the house. The front room was somewhat dirty, and appeared to be a place where trash collected. Mike peaked his head from by the stairs and waved at the two with a toothbrush in his mouth.
"Sup fuckahs" he tried to say
Vincent ignored him as they passed the staircase and into the back area, where the guys spent most of their time.
"so as you can see, kitchen on the left, living room on the right with a tv n everything, dining area sorta in the middle" Fritz droned on with his lousy tour of the house when a skinny, brown hair and brown eyed girl stepped in from the backyard, balancing a plate of burgers in her right hand.
"Oh, I didn't realize we were having a guest" she said
"There's more than one... wait where's Anguis?" Asked Fritz
"She's hiding behind me, it's okay, no need to be shy honey"
Vincent moved his arm and she cautiously side stepped into view. Fritz's girlfriend screamed and dropped the platter and covered her mouth.
Anguis whimpered slightly and went back to hiding behind Vincent, holding his hand to comfort herself. Fritz got startled by Stephanie's reaction and ran to her side.
"Yo hold on Stephanie, she's not that bad, trust me"
"What do you mean she's not that bad??? We had a professional creature capture person say she was extremely dangerous! And she's in your house!"
"Didn't you see me laughing about that video? That's alllllll bullshit"
"But she can kill people!"
"And you're not complaining about Vincent?"
"Well, I know him, I know he's not gonna attack me"
"Exactly, once you get to know Anguis, I'm sure you two will get along just fine." Said Vincent as he somewhat pulled Anguis out from behind him and held her in front.
Stephanie gave her a puzzled and terrified look while Anguis shyly smiled and waved.
"Hai..." Anguis whispered
"Uhhh..... hi..." said Stephanie
Fritz and Vincent looked at each other and shrugged.
"Well... it might be a while until you two get along" said Fritz
"Yeah... just a bit" added Vincent
There was a single loud beep that made everyone jump and Stephanie and Fritz looked at the time.
"Holy shit, MIKE!! HURRY UP, WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!" Yelled Fritz as he picked up the burgers on the floor and threw them into the trash.
"Hold on man! I'm almost ready!"
"Where you guys going?"
"Oh, Steph n her friends wanted to go to the mall, so Mike n I are taking them"
"Ah, okay, so it's just gonna be Anguis and I here then?"
"Yeah, we're gonna be gone for a few hours"
"Okay, we'll hold down the fort"
"Ight Ight Ight I'm coming I'm coming, sheesh"
Mike stumbled down the stairs and grabbed his car keys off the counter. Fritz had his in hand and Stephanie, Mike, and himself all walked out of the house to go shopping. Vincent grinned and picked Anguis up, making a little squeak escape her, carried her over to the couches, and had her sitting down on his lap.
"So... why don't we have a little fun, eh?"
"Vince! We just got here though"
"Oh I wasn't thinking of going all out, maybe just a little bit of this."
He bucked hips, making Anguis groan a little, and kept grinding on her. The front door opened again and they quickly stopped and turned on the TV to make it look like nothing was happening. Mike stuck his head around the corner and looked at them.
"You guys seen my wallet?"
"Yeah, its on the little island thing in the kitchen"
"Oh, thanks"
He grabbed it and fled back to the car, locking the door behind him, and Vincent went back to what he was doing before being interrupted.
"Mmmm... you liking this girl?"
"I, mean I have no clue what you're doi- ahh,- doing, but it's-"
Anguis moaned as he placed his hands on her hips, forcing her to roll her hips a certain way. Vince grinned and continued to have her do that same move, making them both groan with pleasure.
"Damn Anguis, you're like a natural turn on"
She blushed and they stopped once the show returned, then they watched it until the 5 minutes of ads returned, then swapped between making out and grinding on each other. They eventually stopped once they got tired and then just watched the ads and the show, and drifted off to sleep on the side couch.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now