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"Emma?" Anguis asked as she opened the door to her room, "are you alright?"
The child was still crying slightly and was sitting on the edge of her bed. Anguis frowned and walked over to where she was and hugged her.
"I-I don't like him... he's a m-meanie" she sniffled
"Don't worry Em, he left, so you don't need to worry about him."
Emma sniffled a bit and looked up at her.
"Why are people so mean to you?"
Anguis sighed and glanced out the window, trying to think of the answer to that question herself.
"Well, there's many reasons why Em."
"Like what?"
"For one, I'm different-"
"So, people don't like you because you're different?"
"That's stupid, I like people who are different"
Emma hugged her side, making Anguis smile.
"Awh, thanks em..."
There was a knock on the door and they both looked over to see Vincent walk in.
"Hey Emma"
"Hi Mr. Vincent"
"You feelin okay sweetie?" He asked while picking her up
"Yeah, but...."
"But what?"
"...I feel bad for Mrs. Dragon..." she whispered
"Why do you say that?"
"I asked her why people don't like her and she said it was because she was different"
Both Vincent and Emma looked over at her and noticed she was staring out the window, gazing off into the distance. She sighed and looked down at her nails, picking the dirt from underneath them.
"I think she might be sad... I don't want her to be sad..."
Vincent looked back over at her and saw her aura had even more cracks than usual in it and sighed.
"You want me to try something before everyone gets here? It might cheer her up"
"Alright, you go hang out with your brother, he's cooking with Ennard in the kitchen. I'll bring Anguis back down when she's feeling better, okay?"
He put Emma back down on the ground and she scampered off to go find Jeremy.
"Yeah Vinny?"
"Is everything alright?"
"Uh, yeah, yeah I'm okay..."
"Mmmh, you don't sound okay, what's wrong?"
"I... I honestly don't know..."
Vincent frowned a little and walked in front of her, crouching down to look her in the eyes. She glanced up at him for a second before looking back down at the collections of dirt she had wiped onto her leg.
"Well, is there anything I can do to cheer you up?"
"I dunno..."
He sighed a little, letting his head hang down as he thought.
*hmmm... what would cheer her up.... oh I know*
He stood back up and held out his hands for her to take. She once again glanced up at him, but shook her head and went back to picking at her nails. Vincent raised an eyebrow and decided he was still going to pick her up, making her squeak a little in surprise. She still wrapped her legs around him to support herself and looked him in the eyes, blushing more than usual. He smirked and kissed her on the nose before she could lay her head down on his shoulder and turned to walk out of the room.
"You can't be sad around here" he stated
"Uhh... why?"
"It's illegal"
"~giggles~ it's illegal to be sad?"
"In this house hold, yes"
"So ~giggles~, what's my punishment for being sad?"
"Hmm..." *good, I got her laughing... I think she was being pouty for attention though*
"You don't know what my punishment is?"
"No, I know..."
"What is it then?"
He chuckled and nudged the door to their room so that it partially closed, then poked Anguis in the sides so she let go and fell back onto the bed.
"Your punishment is... oooh, I believe it's tickling"
She gasped and quickly hid herself under the pillows before Vincent leapt on top of her. She squealed as she tried to protect herself and tried to keep her arms glued to her side, where she was most ticklish. Vincent ended up getting a pillow out of her grip, which caused her arms to move from their places. He immediately started tickling her sides and under her arms while Anguis laid there, helpless and laughing. Vincent started laughing too once seeing a tear roll down her cheek from laughing so hard and stopped, holding her in place. They laid there trying to catch their breath, looking each other in the eyes.
"You feelin better now?" Vincent asked
"Good" he said with a smile.
Anguis smiled a little as his eyes trailed lower down her body, pausing at her bikini bottom. A shy blush covered his face, making her giggle a little and his attention snap back up to her.
"What?" He asked
"What what?"
"Why are you laughing?"
"You're thinking of somethin dirty, weren't ya?"
"Uhh, no?"
"Yes you were, you made it kinda obvious"
"Still don't know what your talking about"
"Oh cmon, you were staring down there and blushing, you had to be thinking of something dirty."
He sighed and smiled before looking back at her eyes.
"Alright, you got me there"
She giggled some more and received a light kiss before being lifted off the bed again.
"Cmon, lets go outside and hang out with Emma, I told her I would bring you back down."
{time skip brought to you by Freddy Fazbear}

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now