Aura Healing

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Anguis stretched as she woke up and let out a loud yawn. Vincent was still asleep beside her, snoring quietly and had a hand draped around her waist. The tv was still on and the light static noise got Anguis' attention.
*oh, the tv is on, ooo i can go back to playing Minecraft*
She gently moved Vincent's hand off of herself and crawled over to the edge of the bed to avoid having to step over him. Vincent woke up a little as Anguis shifted the cot and saw her on her hands and knees, trying to reach out for a controller without having to get off of the bed. He smirked and sat up a little, staring at her behind. She managed to grab a controller and sat back on her legs and heard a deep chuckle behind her. She turned around and saw that Vincent has a mischievous smile on his face and she blushed a little.
"I didn't know you were awake"
"You wanna play Minecraft with me?"
"Sure, could you grab a controller for me dear?"
She reached out for the other one and yelped as she felt a smack on her rear. Anguis whipped around and saw Vincent's smile had widened a little.
"Wha- did you have me get your controller so you could look at my ass?"
"Maybe" he said slyly, "I mean it is a better view than most sunsets"
Anguis giggled a little and shook her head and tried to grab the controller again. She got a hold of it when she felt the cot shift and someone place their hands on her hips. She blushed slightly and sat up, only to find Vincent had crawled up behind her and was sitting rather close.
"Uhh, hai Vinny"
"Hello darling" he purred into her ear as he wrapped his arms around her waist
"You're in a better mood now, ain't ya?"
"Like in one of those weird... uh...ya know-"
"Horny moods?"
"Yeah, that"
"Nah, more like in a snuggling mood..."
"Well that's easy enough to satisfy"
Anguis turned on the Xbox and handed Vincent his controller. She laid down against him so her head was just below his and relaxed. He started up the world and they both spawned on a somewhat flat island with only a few trees and flowers and a long continuous beach line.
"Woah..." Anguis said as she looked around, "this place is so cool..."
"It's like a paradise"
"Well, let's get started"
{time skip to 11:40 pm}
A little alarm went off on Vincent's phone, but it went unheard as a ghast let out a cry and shot a fireball at the two players. Anguis panicked and swung her little stone sword at the ember and shot it back at the beast, hitting it and killing it.
"Damn nice hit dear"
The batteries in her controller died and she looked at the device, confused.
"Um... what just happened..."
"Ran outa juice, just grab the extra batteries on the cart, they're right next to where you got the controllers."
"Oh, okay"
She crawled forward to get them and heard a low chuckle from behind her. Blushing, Anguis turned and glanced at Vincent, who was licking his lips and staring at her. She smiled and shook her head a little when Vincent noticed she was looking at him and quickly looked away, pretending to check his controller.
"Ya know, ya don't have to stop, right?" Anguis suggested while stretching and lying down so she was on her forearms and knees.
"Mhmm, I happen to like attention"
"Well in that case imma give you all the attention I can"
He stood up partially so he was on his knees on the bed and wrapped his arm around her stomach. Vincent went back to a sitting position, pulling her so she was seated on his lap, and started kissing her wherever he could. Anguis let out a little "oooo" sound and giggled,  making him smirk.
"You know I love you, right?" Vince purred into her ear
"Mkay good"
He kept kissing her when a few minutes later, there was a light knock on the door and they both sighed.
"Cmon in..." Vincent grumbled
Jeremy and Scott both walked in the room.
"Um... Vince, what are you still doing here? It's 11:57"
"Oh shit, it is?!?!"
"Yeah... and the hell is that beeping noise? It's really annoying"
Anguis and Vincent both looked at each other in a panicky manner and dug around on the cot to find Vincent's phone. Anguis found it first and saw the alarm was still going off, and she hit the stop button and handed it to him.
"Here ya go"
"Thanks darlin ~kisses her cheek while getting up~ now behave yourself, Mkay?"
"I'll try to"
He walked past Jeremy and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and brought him face to face, making him squeak a little.
"And no funny business, or else..." he said while flashing the blade of his knife.
"G-got it..."
Vincent patted him on the shoulder and let go and opened the door, only to find Golden Freddy standing there.
"What the- Goldie?!?"
"You got a visitor Anguis..." the yellow bear mumbled
There was a little squeal and Emma ran up to Anguis and held her hand.
"Hai Mrs. Dragon!"
"Oh hello Emma!" Anguis reached over and picked up the little girl, setting her down next to herself, "how are ya?"
"I'm doing good, Jer Jer said you got hurt, so I wanted got make sure you were okay"
"Yeah, it wasn't too bad, but I'll be okay"
"Emma hurry up, I don't need your mother finding out I teleported you out of your house..."
"Just one more minute Goldie! Look, I made you something"
Emma pulled a braided thread with beads attached to it out of her pocket and tied it around Anguis' wrist.
"It's a friendship bracelet, I made a matching one for me too"
She showed her the twin bracelet.
"Awe Emma, that's so sweet of you... thanks..."
Anguis briefly hugged her and the others could see the tears slowly building up in her eyes.
"I gotta go now before Mommy finds out I'm not in bed, bai bai!!"
"Bye now, sweet dreams"
Emma skipped back over to Goldie and held onto his paw, a beaming smile plastered to her face. Goldie checked the time and looked back over at Vincent.
"You need a 'port over to the job?"
"Yeah, thanks"
Vincent walked over and held onto Emma's hand, the 3 of them disappearing with a little 'poof'. Anguis sat on her cot looking at her new bracelet, smiling. A single tear fell down her cheek and both Scott and Jeremy glanced over at each other.
"You okay Anguis?" Scott asked
"Y-yeah... I'm fine..."
"You sure? Cause you're kinda crying"
"I'm sure... I'm just happy, that's all"
"I wish Linda would be that happy over a little homemade gift" He muttered
Jeremy laughed a little and sat down on the bench, continuing to play Pokémon. Anguis attempted to put the batteries in her controller, but couldn't figure it out and swore to herself. Scott noticed her having some difficulties and showed her how to properly put them in, and joined her, but in the same world as the day before.
Morning came around quickly and Vincent was teleported back to the office with Golden Freddy and saw that the three were playing a card game on the ground, Anguis half awake and leaning on Scott's shoulder. They all looked up from their game and nodded to him and Goldie disappeared once more.
"I'm guessing everything went smoothly" stated Vince
"Yeah it did, though I'm surprised on how short Anguis' attention span is, we bounced between like 8 different games in 4 hours before we settled on this"
"That's normal, but I mean it keeps things entertaining for me, right hon?"
Vincent chuckled at her tired response and scooped her off the floor.
"Well thanks for watching her again, it means a lot to us"
"Oh no problem man, same time tomorrow?"
"Alrighty, see ya then"
Scott and Jeremy cleaned up the game and left the room while Vincent laid back down on the cot with Anguis. She purred quietly and snuggled up next to him, making him smile a little.
"Did you have a good day at work?"
"Eh, it was still boring, Mike's still being an ass too"
"Awh I'm sorry, I'll teach him a lesson when I'm able to leave this sucky room"
"No it's okay, he's actually complaining about you not being there"
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah, he keeps saying his 'eye candy' ain't there"
"hm, alrighty then, what a weirdo"
"Yep... just an everyday fuckboi"
He continued to pet her by stroking her hair and she let out a happy sigh and kept examining her bracelet. There were letters written on the beads and she looked at them, confused.
"What does 'u r m y b f f 4 e v r n I l y' mean?"
"It's 'you're my best friend forever and I love you', why you askin?"
"It's on the bracelet Emma made me ~holds her wrist up~ see"
"Awe, that's adorable"
"I know right... you know what I've always wondered?"
"I dunno what my aura actually looks like, I mean I can see it in mirror and stuff, but I haven't seen it lately"
"Hmmm, I wonder if you transferred some of your power to me, I could see it for ya. Ya know, like how you were able to morph wings in for me."
"Hm, I'll try"
She closed her eyes for a few seconds and cringed a little, making it appear that it wasn't an easy task. Vincent closed his eyes as well and when they both opened them, he gasped a little.
"Oh my gosh...."
"What? What is it?"
"Your aura... it's like... it looks like shattered glass, but the colors are beautiful... and it's glowing..."
"It's glowing?"
"Well so is yours"
"It is?"
"Huh, maybe it's a normal thing"
"Well the other's don't have glowing auras"
"They don't?"
"M mmh"
"Hmm, we must have something special then"
Anguis giggled a little and decided to kiss Vincent. He looked down and saw her aura glow brighter, then die back down when she pulled away.
"Your aura, when you kissed me, it like flared up"
"It did?"
"Mhmm... I wonder..."
"Wonder what?"
"How bright I could get your aura to go, if you know what I mean"
"No i dunno what you mean"
He smirked and whispered something into her ear, making Anguis blush a little.
"I, uhh, well, I mean, ehm..."
"Awh, you dunno what to even think of that, do ya?"
"Eh heh, well, no"
"I didn't ~yawn~ think so..."
"You tired?"
"I'm kinda tired too... sleep well Vinny"
"You too my princess.."

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