Check Up

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The rays from the sunset fell across Anguis' face as she woke up and moved a little while stretching, temporarily blinding her.
*uhh bright light...*
She blocked the light with her hand and heard Vincent groan. Confused, Anguis looked behind her and saw he was still sleeping, but breathing differently than normal. His hands slid up more on her and grabbed her breasts and smiled.
*wtf, is he having a dirty dream??*
"Vince, Vince wake up"
She shook him gently and he somewhat woke up and glanced around, confused.
"Huh, damn it I was having such a good dream."
"The hell were you even dreaming about anyways?"
"Oh, uhhh"
Vincent blushed and looked away and Anguis mentally face palmed after realizing he was having a dirty dream.
"Lemme guess, it was about me"
"How'd you know??"
"Well you were groaning and stuff, and now look where your hands are."
He peaked over her shoulder and smiled.
"Oh, yeah"
His phone buzzed again so he took a hand off of Anguis and checked to see what the notification was.
"Oh yeah, whoops"
"I forgot I had a doctor's appointment today, gotta get a yearly check up to make sure I'm still healthy and whatnot"
"Ah, when is it?"
"About 20 minutes, so I gotta leave"
"Should I get a check up too? Since I haven't had one for kind of a loooong time."
"Probably, I'm sure my doctor wouldn't have a problem with it"
"Okay, so when do we need to leave?"
"Like right now"
"Oh, then what are we waiting for??"
They got up and changed into more formal attire, went down to the car, and drove off towards the doctor's office.
{time skip brought to you by Spirit Airlines}
"You know, maybe my doctor forgot about the appointment, I mean it was suppose to start 15 minutes ago and he's still not here yet"
The door to the office opened and a short man with thick glasses and a white coat walked in.
"Sorry about that Mr. Afton, got stuck in traffic."
"Oh it's not a problem Doc"
The doctor hung up his coat and turned around to see Anguis sitting on a plain plastic chair while Vincent sat on the inspection table.
"I didn't realize we were going to have another person here"
"Oh, yeah, by the way, I was wondering if you could do a quick check up on her as well"
"Sure thing, what's your name, Miss?"
"Last name?"
"Erm... don't have one..."
"Don't have a last name?"
"You gotta have a last name, I mean you came from a family, right?"
"Uh doc, she's rather sensitive about that subject..."
"Wait wait wait, Anguis, that name is familiar... wasn't she in the newspaper?"
"She was that missing child, right?"
"Oh wow, what a lucky girl, most of those people are never found, but anyways, I'll just write you down as an Afton, if that's okay with you two."
He scribbled down a few things about Anguis and turned to her.
"So, Anguis"
"I need a few things about you"
"Natural hair color?"
"Heh, umm, yeah this is my natural hair color"
"No, I mean before you dyed it"
"I didn't dye it"
"Hmm... okay... natural eye color?"
"Um... mine are two different colors"
"That's alright, just list them off"
"Red and purple"
The doctor gave her a questioning look and scribbled it down.
"Sexually active?"
"Mkay then... any drug use?"
"Any sort of random pains in the back or feet?"
"Five foot eight inches"
He jotted down those few notes and looked up at Anguis.
"Imma need to take a DNA test real quick for a few things, so I'm going to need to draw blood"
He reached into the drawer and pulled out a small syringe and a needle. Vincent froze at the sight of the needle and stared at it with wide eyes. The doctor pricked Anguis with the needle and drew in some blood, then placed it inside of a little machine that was on the counter. There was a whirring noise that went on for a couple of minutes and then it stopped and a page printed out. The doctor looked at it and shook his head.
"No no no... that can't be right..."
"What can't be right Sir?" Anguis questioned
"It says here your hair color AND your eye color is natural, you have an incredibly fast immune system, there's too many white blood cells, your bones show you've suffered from hard blows and injuries at a young age, and... oh boy... I'm sorry to say this, but you're not able to have kids"
"Oh? Really?"
"Eh I'm fine with that" said Vincent
"Well then, that's convenient for the two of you then, now for you Vincent"
"Do, do you have to use a needle?"
Vincent shuddered and Anguis looked at him funny.
"Are you scared of needles Vinny?"
"Yes" replied both of the guys
"Just look away from the needle and you'll barely even know it's there."
Vincent cringed and looked away. Before the doc even got close, he jumped off the table and ran by Anguis. The doctor sighed and Anguis looked up at Vincent.
"Cmon Vinny, it's one small prick, you don't even feel it"
"But you don't understand, I gotta phobia of needles"
"hmmm, what if you held my hand?"
"Don't even think that's gonna help"
"Just try it"
He held onto her hand and closed his eyes, looking away. Anguis nodded and the doctor got the blood sample he needed and put it in the machine.
"Tah dah, see Vinny, all done"
He opened his eyes again and let out a sigh of relief.
"Phew, alright"
"I think that's the fastest I've ever done that with you Afton"
Anguis giggled a bit and Vincent blushed from embarrassment. His results printed and the doctor skimmed through them, his mouth open in shock.
"Well, Mr. Afton, your results this time are incredible compared to last time!"
"Yeah, depression, zero, anxiety, only a 2, happiness, 99, health percentage: 97%! That's the highest I've ever seen out of anyone!"
"See, I told you fixing your aura was a good thing" Anguis whispered to Vince
"What was that Anguis?"
"Oh, nothing Doc"
"Oh, I thought you said something about an aura. Haha, they're just a silly child's story, they don't actually exist...."
Anguis and Vincent glanced at each other and shrugged.
"It's like shape shifting, it doesn't actually exist"
"Actually doc, it does" said Vincent
"Psh, and your friend over here can do just that"
Anguis giggled and then morphed, jumped up and sat on Vincent's shoulders.
"Actually, I'm his girlfriend"
The doctor let out a gasp and backed up to the door.
"No, no no no no no, I gotta be imagining things, that's not possible"
"Sure it is, I just did it"
He fled out of the door and Anguis jumped down and unmorphed, letting out a sigh"
"Cause that's totally going to fix my aura..." she grumbled as she walked out the door.
"Hey hey hey Anguis wait"
She ignored Vincent and continued walking down the hall and out of the building with her hood pulled up and her hands in her pocket. Vincent ran out in front of her and placed his hands on her shoulders. Anguis brushed them off and walked around him and morphed in her wings and tail.
"Anguis, wai-"
"What" she growled
She turned around partially and her eyes had a faint red glow to them and tears threatened to flow out.
"sweetheart, What's wrong?"
"What's wrong? what's wrong??? IM STILL AN OUTCAST THATS WHATS WRONG"
She jumped into the air and floated above the ground slightly, using her wings to keep her afloat.
"It HURTS to be called a monster, different, an outcast, and all those other bullshit words! They can call me a bitch, bastard, even a cunt! But I'm no monster... AND IM DONE WITH IT"
Anguis flew up into the air, high above the parking lot, and faced the city.
Her hands caught on fire and other people stared up at her, pointing and taking photos. She took off back towards the forest and Vincent ran after her.
He stopped and went back to his car, threw it in reverse, and drove out of the parking lot, racing towards the highway.
{time skip brought to you by Lego}
Anguis sat down on the edge of the lake and gazed down into the water. A tear fell and it hit the water, creating a seamlessly ending ripple on the top of the water.
*maybe I am a monster...* she thought as she gazed at reflection on the water. She unfolded her wings back and placed her hand in the shallows, then flew back into the air, disappearing amongst the trees.

Vincent stumbled into the clearing and looked around.
"Anguis!? Anguis where are you!?"
He looked around and caught a glimpse of neon green amongst the pines. Looking up at the tree Anguis called her 'home tree', he grabbed onto the first branch and went up, climbing to a branch that had a piece of cloth stuck to it. Vince climbed up on top of the branch and knelt down, picking up the piece, recognizing the dark red pattern .
*its a part of Anguis' jeans...*
"So, you're joining the team of monster hunter investigators too?"
He glanced up and Anguis was flying next to him, her arms folded across her chest and her eyes still slightly glowing.
"I'm doing the what now?"
She landed on the branch as well, the limb now bending more than it should.
"Trying to catch me so you can poke and prod me, trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with me"
"What are you talking about??" He asked while standing back up
"Don't act like you don't know what the hell I'm talking about"
"I don't! I don't know what you're talking about!"
Anguis growled and poked him in the chest.
"I know what you guys are trying to do, trying to get me back in a normal, humane society, to be like a normal human, not some... batshit crazy girl who kills"
"Darling what are you talking about??"
"Just following me around, watching every move to see how I react to certain things, I know I'm being followed"
"Anguis... what are you saying??? I only followed you because I wanted to know if you wanted to talk things out, or just relax back at the house. I needed to know if you were safe."
She gaze softened a bit and she glanced down. The branch broke and Anguis flew back up as Vincent fell, a foot turning into 10 feet, then 20. He yelled and before hitting the ground, was grabbed and flown a few feet until the two were by the edge of the lake once more. Anguis put Vincent back down and flew just so she was at eye level with him. .
"You, you really mean it?" She asked
"Mean what?"
"You needed to know I was safe?"
"Well of course, I care about you sweetie"
"Are you saying that just so I co-operate with you guys, or do you actually mean that too"
"Anguis, darling, of course I mean it when I say I care about you..."
He reached out and hugged her and she slowly lowered herself so she was standing on the ground. Anguis hugged him back and the two heard a click and the high pitched sound of something starting up.
"Well, thank you Mr. Afton, you lead me right to her."
Anguis turned around and found herself staring down the barrel of a rifle. A sharp needle could be seen at the end and she gasped and Vincent put his arms around her.
"Who are you?" He growled
The hooded figure laughed and aimed the gun at Anguis' chest.
"Some say I'm crazy, but it's actually paying off now that there is a strange creature on the loose... I'm Jack, Jack the Wild Hunter"
"You're the guy who keeps on trying to hunt Bigfoot and other mythical creatures, aren't you?"
"Yep, and I found myself a creature alright"
Vincent turned his back to the hunter and took the tranquilizing needle for Anguis. He stumbled a bit and Anguis caught him and helped him up.
"Huh, got a protector I see"
Anguis growled and fully morphed, grabbed Vincent, and took off. Another needle was shot at her and it deflected off her scales. One needle managed to hit Anguis under her arm, where there were no scales, and she winced, but toughened through it.
*must.... get... back.... home*
She grabbed Vincent's car along the way and flew it home too, but smashed Jack's van beforehand.

{time skip brought to you by Wendy's}

Anguis landed in front of Vincent's house, carefully putting his car down on the driveway. She half morphed and ran back inside, after using Vincent's keys to get in, and put Vincent down on the couch. She yanked the needle out of him and threw it onto the coffee table before passing out herself, collapsing onto the hardwood floor and unmorphing.

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now