Drugged out Babysitting

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The two came back down the stairs a little while later, Vincent with a smug look on his face and carrying Anguis, who was kind of zoned out with a dreamy expression. He laid her down on the couch and kissed her on the cheek before going to grab a drink from the kitchen. Lolbit and Baby walked over to where Anguis was and looked at her, the two of them puzzled.
"Umm, Miss, you alright?" Asked Lolbit
"Mmmyeahmmm... suuuuure..." she mumbled
"Vince, what's up with her?" Baby asked as he walked back into the living room
"Oh, it must be the drugs."
"Drugs? What drugs?"
"He drugged the ice cream so she can heal faster" Lolbit explained
"Ohh, alright then, what did you to do upstairs?"
"Do I really have to explain that?"
"Um... Ye- well no, now that I think about what we were hearing earlier..."
Vincent chuckled and sat back down on the couch and Anguis crawled over to him and snuggled next to him. She had a content and happy smile on her face once she was settled in and purred a little when he put his arm around her.
"So, what exactly do the drugs do?" Asked Baby
"They make her more attracted to me, since it's her aura that's cracked and broken, it heals whenever she gets affection."
"And that helps her how?"
"Well, if I give her the affection and attention she wants, the cracks go away, so I thought if she liked me just a tiny bit more, it would heal faster because she would see more things as affection."
"And she's okay with this?"
"Well she did say I could do anything to help her, so yes"
"Does she even know she's drugged?"
"Nope, think I might of made it too strong though"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, watch this"
Vincent attempted to stand up in order to get another beer, but Anguis whimpered a little and clung onto his arm and wrapped her legs around one of his, making the animatronics laugh.
"You're like one of those sharks with those fish that are always by them" commented Lolbit
"Heh, yeah sorta, but you see what I mean by I gave her too much?"
"So imma have to change out the drug or just dilute it a bit."
He chugged the rest of his beverage and once again, tried to get up. Anguis let out a loud whimper and gave Vincent a fully body hug, making it almost impossible for him to get up.
"Vinny don't leave me," she whined
"I'm not gonna leave you sweetheart, just lemme get another drink n I'll be riiiight back, okay?"
"That's still technically leaving me..."
"I'm not gonna be gone for that long silly, maybe at most 3 minutes"
"Nooooo don't leave..."
He sighed and laid there for a few more seconds before an idea came to his mind.
"Hey Anguis"
"Yeah Vinny?"
"Could you morph into one of your smaller dragons?"
"Which one, Eraylew or Inersal?"
"Uhhh... the fluffy one preferably"
"Okay! Eraylew it is!"
She did what was asked and sat on his chest, giving him a curious look. Vincent smiled a little and stood up, holding onto her with one hand.
"There, see, now you're easier to carry around, and you can go pretty much everywhere with me"
"Oooo yay!!!"
"Just don't dig your claws into me please, it's rather uncomfortable"
They went over to the kitchen and both of them grabbed a beer. Anguis jumped off onto the counter and unmorphed so she could drink her beverage. They clinked their cans together before drinking it. Vincent looked over at Anguis and smirked a little, which made her giggle and look away, blushing. He chuckled at her reaction and walked over to her and stood between her legs, placing a hand on her thigh. She looked over at him and blushed even more, making him laugh.
"Oh dearie, your face looks like a tomato"
"It does?"
"Oh" she said while giggling
*i kinda like her in this sorta mood... maybe I won't dilute the drug....* Vincent thought
He was going to text Scott and tell him about Anguis and how she was going to be a bit loopy during her shift, but realized his phone wasn't in his pocket. Sighing, he turned around and started to leave when he heard a loud whimper.
*oohh yeah... I gotta take her with me... maybe I don't have to*
"Hold on Anguis, imma just grab my phone, Mkay?"
"But I don't wanna be left alone..."
"You won't be silly, you got Ennard here"
He glanced behind him and saw the sad expression on her face. He tried not to laugh and bit his lip to stop one from coming out.
"I promise I'll be right back darling, Mkay?"
Vincent reached up and gently caressed her cheek, giving her a quick kiss before leaving. Anguis sighed and got off of the counter and went to go see what Ennard was doing. She poked her head from underneath his arm and gasped quietly once she saw what he was making.
"Oooo croissant sausage dogs!"
Ennard jumped a little, startled by her sudden presence, and laughed a little.
"You like these?"
"Yea, can I have one? Pleaaaase?"
"Sure" he said while handing her one, "careful though, they just came out of the oven"
She ignored him and took a bite out of it, then quickly realized her mistake as she fanned out her mouth.
"Ho, woah, ah, HOT!!!"
Ennard just sighed and shook his head a little bit, handing her the cold beer she left on the counter. She quickly drank the rest of the can and sighed when it provided the relief she wanted.
"Ahhh... much better...."
"Did you not hear what I said?"
"I said they just came out of the oven"
"Ooohh, what's that suppose to mean?"
"It means they're still hot"
She ate the rest of it after blowing on it to get it to cool down and reached over for another one. Vincent came back downstairs and snuck up behind Anguis and playfully tapped her on her sides.
She squeaked and whipped around to face Vincent, who was standing there laughing.
"Someone's scared easily, aren't they"
"Mmmmhhhh... no I'm not..."
"Yes you are"
"No I'm nooot"
"Yes you aaare"
Anguis groaned and placed her head against his chest. Vincent continued to chuckle a little and picked her up so that her legs wrapped around his waist. She purred a little and rested her head on his shoulder as they went back over to the living room and laid back down on the couch. There was a quiet knock on the door and Lolbit skipped over and answered it.
"Uh, h-hi, is Vincent h-home?"
"Yeah, cmon in"
She opened the door some more and before Jeremy walked in, Vincent cleared his throat.
"Uh, just a warning kid, Anguis is a bit loopy from her medication and is really really clingy right now"
He entered the house and Anguis perked up a bit, looking over to see who it was.
"Hai Jer Jer!" She chirped
"H-hey Anguis"
She got up and quickly ran over to him and gave Jeremy a tight hug. He blushed a lot, but returned the hug, making Vincent chuckle.
"Man, you really do make it obvious"
"M-make what obvious?"
"That you like Anguis"
His face turned an even brighter shade of red and he looked down at the ground.
"Don't worry little bro-shki, I like you too..."
Anguis mumbled
"I'm pretty sure he likes you in a different way Hon"
"Hm?" She said while letting go, "what do you mean?"
"I mean he likes you the same way I do"
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah he does" said Ballora as she walked into the room with them
"H-how do you know?"
"I can hear your thoughts"
"Damn. wait a second: I don't think I made your hearing THAT sensitive, did I?" asked Vincent
"Yes, you did"
"Mkay then what am I thinking about right now?"
"Your thinking some weird thoughts about having sex with Anguis" she said very bluntly
Anguis' face quickly turned a dark red and she smiled meekly, looking down at the floor. Jeremy gave Vincent a grossed out expression while he just sat there with a smug and perverted smile on his face.
"Huh, I guess I did give you sensitive hearing"
"Besides you've been thinking about that pretty much all day, including right after you guys did it..."
"That's awkward" said Lolbit
"I could go on longer-"
"N-no we're good" said Jeremy
"Anyways, what brings you over here kid?" Vincent asked
"O-oh yeah, Mom wanted to k-know if you and Anguis w-wanted to baby sit Emma t-tonight and tomorrow while w-we went out for the n-night"
"Oh sure, we can do that, right Anguis?"
"Right" she said shyly
"O-okay cool, thanks"
"But why'd you drive over here? Coulda just texted me"
"I-I was already out and about, g-getting groceries and stuff"
"Ah, okay"
"He also wanted to see Anguis" said Ballora
Jeremy blushed again and Lolbit face palmed.
"W-well I should probably get g-going, I have ice cream s-sitting in the trunk"
"Yeaahhhh, should probably get that home before it melts"
"A-alright, see you guys l-later"
He quickly scurried out the door and Lolbit closed it behind him.
"Imma go get some more food, Mkay Vinny?"
Anguis skipped over to the kitchen to see that Ennard had baked a lot of goods, from cookies to dinner to more croissants, and she grabbed a few hot dog croissants and ate those. She didn't notice that Vincent had walked up behind her again until he reached over and nabbed one of the hot dogs from her and popped it in his mouth.
"Hey what?"
"I was gonna eat that..."
He chuckled and wrapped her arms around her, giving her a hug. Anguis shook her head and smiled a little as she finished off the rest of her food and jumped up onto the counter. She cracked open a new can of beer and added some whiskey to it, then drank a part of the mixture.
"Mmmm... that's some good stuff..."
"You know what else is really good?" Vincent said with a smirk
"Being Kissed"
Anguis blushed as she was quickly cut off by Vincent roughly pressing his lips against hers. She whimpered quietly when he started becoming too forceful and he eased up so it was more comfortable for her. She then licked his bottom lip, hoping for entrance, and he poked her in the sides, making her gasp a little. He took the opportunity and slipped his tongue into her mouth, the two of them groaning with pleasure. Vincent took a quick peak to see her aura was glowing brighter than usual.
*mmm good... the drugs do have an effect on her aura...*
He went to pull out of the kiss, but Anguis leaned forward more and wrapped her arms and legs around him to keep it going. He sighed mentally and brought her closer to the edge of the counter and picked her up. She then pulled away a few minutes later and smiled a little.
"You're right: that is really good" she purred
"See, I know a thing or two about what you like"
She giggled a little and then caught a glimpse of Baby. Vincent's phone started ringing so he put Anguis down so he could answer it. She ran off to get more ice cream while Vincent picked up the call.
"Hi Vince, its Jenna"
"Oh hey, what's up?"
"You did say you could watch Emma tonight, right? Jeremy doesn't remember"
"Yeah we can, n he probably doesn't remember cause he was so busy staring at Anguis."
"He was actually talking about her earlier today"
"Oh was he now? What was he saying?"
"Oh it was just little things about how cute she was and how nice her hair smelled, stuff like that. I don't even think he realized he was saying it out loud."
"Hmph, okay then... so what time do we need to be over by to baby sit Emma?"
"Oh, I actually was gonna drop her off for ya, and around 8:30ish"
Vincent glanced over at the clock and saw it was 8:12.
"Alright, that's fine, you must be leaving right now then."
"Yeah I am"
"Alright, imma let you go then, see you when you get here"
"Okay dear, bye now"
Jenna hung up and Anguis came skipping around the corner, licking her ice cream. Vincent saw her and mentally face palmed.
*uh boy.... she's gonna be all loopy n shit with Emma here... that's not gonna end well*
"Then why don't you just let Lolbit and I watch her?" Ballora said as she walked into the room
"Well, Emma is fond of lil Anguis, and I'm sure she would want to play with her and stuff"
"Okay, I see what you're saying: why not just let her have what she wants before Emma gets here? That way she can hold out long enough to reach like a little break point."
"That's not a bad idea... Hey Anguis!"
"Yeah Vinny?" She said while peaking around the corner
"Come here for a sec"
"Vincent... that's such a dirty thought..."
"What, it would satisfy her"
"But you have like 18 minutes...."
"Don't worry, I got my ways of making her-"
"Whatcha need Vinny?"
"Oh, Ey there you are, you like your ice cream?"
"Mmm good, you wanna come watch the sunset with me?"
Anguis reached up with her free hand and held his hand as they both left the room and went upstairs to the balcony. Vincent looked at Ballora and whispered the words 'we'll be right back'. She heard it, nodded, and resumed cleaning. 
"It's so pretty..." Anguis muttered as she gazed at the bright orange and yellow beams that lit up the sky.
"Mhmm, just like you"
"Awe Vinny, you're being such a flirt today"
"I'm like this every day baby girl" he cooed
She blushed a little at the nickname, making Vincent chuckle. He brought her a little closer and she glanced up at him; then suddenly kissed him. He was taken aback for a second, but kissed her back and they sat down on one of the reclining outdoor chairs. She pulled away after a few minutes and they sat there trying to catch their breath.
"You do know we're baby sitting Emma tonight, right?"
"Till what time?"
"I think Jenna said 10:30"
"So that means we can't do stuff like this until she's gone"
"Well we can, it's just we would have to have Lolbit or Ballora watch her during the time."
"Why can't they just baby sit her?"
"Cause Emma wants to spend some time with you"
"Aww, that's cute"
"Mhmm, and the reason why I brought you up here is so we can go ahead and do this sorta stuff before she gets here so you're not wanting to do it as often when she is here"
"Oo okay"
"I didn't think you would of objected that"
Anguis giggled again and went back to making out with Vincent.

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