A New Light

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Anguis woke up to a wave of pain rolling through her stomach area and she whimpered quietly.
*owww.... I think that food went bad last night... oh dear god this hurts so much*
Another stronger wave hit her and she let out a short agonizing roar, accidentally waking up Vincent.
"Hm? What's goin on?" He muttered.
He slowly shifted his gaze to Anguis and saw the pained expression on her face.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?"
"My stomach... it hurts so bad...aaaagh..."
"Hmm... that's not good"
"And it comes in like these short waves.."
"Hmm... is it like a 'I'm going to vomit' feeling?"
"Just uncomfortable?"
"N-gaaaaah, no"
"Does it feel like your stomach is squeezing when it happens?"
"Wait, really?!"
"Yeah, why?"
"Oh boy, are you being serious?"
"Yes I'm being fucking ser- AAAAUGH!!"
"hold on, I gotta get Jenny and Linda, they'll help you, at least better than I would"
"Wait!! What does it mean??" She yelled up at him as he took off into the air, "or just not answer me, that works t- Agh!!"
She laid her head down on the grass and curled up into a ball, whining loudly. She looked around and noticed people had come back to the park, walking along the trails and whatnot that were there. A stronger wave of pain went through and she yelled in agony, getting the attention of a woman who was jogging with a baby in a stroller. She stopped and pulled out her headphones, watching Anguis as she struggled to deal with her situation.
"Are you alright?" The woman asked
"N-no..." Anguis stuttered
"What's the matter? Ate something funny?"
"Maybe... Gah this hurts too much!"
"Wait, where's the other dragon?"
"He went to get help... he says the squeezing feeling in my stomach wasn't... AGH!"
"It wasn't what?"
"It... it's not normal... it comes in waves and really fucking hurts..."
"Oh dear, I think I know what's happening, just move your tail so it's in a straight line, it will help a little"
Anguis did what was asked and continued to cry out whenever more pain came. Vincent came back a several minutes later and both Linda and Jenny slid off his wing and ran towards her. Linda placed her ear against Anguis' stomach while Jenny went up to her face and crouched down next to her.
"Uh... weird question... but did Vincent ever... uh, have sex with you yesterday?" She asked
"Yeah, why?"
"Oh lord, Vincent!!"
"Grab some blankets from your house, preferably wool ones"
He took off again while Anguis let out another loud roar.
"Jenny... do you know what is happening to me?"
"As a matter of fact, I do. I studied mythology for a long time at school"
"What's wrong with me??"
"~sighs~ you're going to be in one heck of a surprise. Linda, status?"
"It's a yes"
"What is it??"
Vincent had the blankets in his claws when he heard a distant agonizing scream.
*oh god, I wonder what's happening to her*
He turned around and flew back to the park, flying faster every time he heard Anguis yell. About half way there it went quiet and a look of concern covered his face. He booked it and landed several feet away from the group. Anguis was still laying on her side, looking down at Linda and Jenny with a mixed expression of worried, happy, and confused. She appeared to be exhausted and closed her eyes, allowing her head to rest in the dirt. Jenny and Linda were blocking the view of whatever they were kneeling next to, but they also had similar expressions on their faces. He dropped the blankets down behind them and went over to Anguis, laying down next to her head. He licked her on the cheek and she barely opened her eyes to look up at him.
"Hey Vinny..."
"Sweetheart, what happened?"
"You'll never guess"
"Just tell me, please. I'm worried"
"Well, Vincent" said Jenny
"Anguis laid an egg"
"She what?!"
"Dragons, well at least the female ones, lay eggs at least 12 hours after they mate"
"You're kidding, right?"
"No, come look"
He walked over and looked over their shoulders. Sure enough, there was a large pearl colored egg wrapped up in the blankets. Anguis stood up and walked over to the nearby pond and sat down with her head hanging low. Vincent noticed her and went over to her, nudging his head against hers.
"What am I going to do..." she muttered
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know how to care for a kid! A baby dragon no less!" She said with a panicky voice
"I wasn't even suppose to be able to have kids! And look what happened!"
"What does a child even need? What if-"
"Why are you so worried?"
"I... I just don't want them to end up like me... like how I was raised..."
She unmorphed and stood there with her arms folded across her chest, looking down at her feet. Vincent unmorphed as well and put his arm on her shoulder.
"What do you mean you don't want them to end up like you?"
He immediately regretted asking that as she pushed away, glaring at him.
"You've forgotten, haven't you?"
She ripped off her shirt and gestured to herself, point out the scars that were all over her body.
"I don't want them getting hurt like I did... but I can't control myself when I'm pissed off... I don't know how I could live with myself if I injured someone again..."
He noticed her eyes were watery and frowned, pulling her into a tight hug.
"Anguis, I'll make sure the two of us never injure our kid. Unless we're scolding then for doing something wrong, they will never have a finger laid on them"
"Y-you actually mean it?"
"Of course I do"
"But, what if me laying an egg is like when chickens do?"
"Sometimes, when chickens lay eggs, they never hatch cause the babies were never in there"
"You mean they aren't fertilized?"
"Yeah, exactly"
"Huh, never thought of it that way"
"So maybe, we won't have a kid?"
"Only time will tell... how long does it take for an egg to hatch anyways?"
"Well Jenny said if there's a baby in there, a week at max, but if there's not a baby in there, it's gonna turn into little white butterflies within a few hours of it being laid"
"Um... what was that second part, I don't think I heard that correctly"
"Jenny said the egg would crumble into either a pretty diamond dust or turn into pure white butterflies if the egg wasn't fertile"
"Diamond dust?"
"Yeah, weird right?"
"Anguis; you do realize we could make billions off of that, right?"
"We could?"
"Yeah, and then think about it, we wouldn't have to work ever again."
"But I like working at Freddy's"
"Okay but let's be real here; when was the last time we actually went into work?"
"Yeah good point, I kinda wanna see the egg now"
Anguis put her shirt back on and morphed back into her white dragon before walking back over to Linda and Jenny. Vincent did the same and stood over Anguis while also looking at the egg.
"It's so pretty looking" she commented
"Yes, yes it is, you should be proud Anguis" said Jenny, "are you going to take it back to your house?"
"Eh, I dunno..."
"We would, but you know what everyone is gonna do if we try that" Vincent chimed in
"Yeah, good point"
Linda's phone started ringing and she looked down at her pocket in surprise.
"I didn't even realize I had this on me" she said while answering the call on speakerphone, "morning Scott"
"Linda? Where are you?"
"I'm at Central Park"
"This early in the morning? Why? The sun is barely over the horizon"
"You should come look for yourself"
"Um... okay? Does it have to do with Vincent and Anguis again?"
"Yea, its truly beautiful actually"
"Oh, alright, I'll be over soon"
He hung up and Anguis nudged the egg close to herself, hiding it under her wing while curled around it.
"Well, this explains why you were so moody yesterday" Vincent joked
"I was?"
"Yeah, only a little though"
"Oh, sorry..."
"No need to apologize sweetheart"
He nuzzled up next to Anguis and sighed as he allowed himself to relax while waiting for the others to arrive.
An hour past when someone yelled out Jenny's name. Vincent lazily opened his eye to see Linda and Jenny had fallen asleep against Anguis' forearm, exhausted from being up early in the morning.
*whoops... should of probably taken those two home* he thought.
"They're over here!" Vincent called out
Brian and Scott jogged over to where they were and looked down at their wives.
"Oh, that's why they weren't answering our calls." Brian stated
"Yeah, why on earth did you call them out here at 4 this morning?" Scott asked
"Look under Anguis' wing"
"Just do it"
He walked over to her and tried lifting her wing, but it didn't want to budge. He tried it again and heard a loud growl come from Anguis. He stopped what he was doing and stepped back just as she opened her eyes and lunged at him, trying to get him to back off. He yelled, waking up both Jenny and Linda, and almost fell backwards.
"Anguis!" Yelled Vincent
"What?" She asked while glancing up at him
"Don't attack Scott for fucks sake!"
"Wait who?"
She looked back over and saw Linda and Jenny had walked over to their husbands and her eyes widened a little.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Scott. I, I didn't know it was you"
"It's okay Anguis."
"I guess she's already got her motherly instincts" Linda commented
"Wait... she's a mother now?" Brian asked
"Well hopefully" said Jenny
Anguis lifted her wing up, revealing her egg, and both Scott and Brian's jaw dropped open in surprise, making Vincent chuckle.
"Wow, that's a big egg" Scott said
"What do you mean hopefully Jenny?" Asked Linda
"Well, the egg could be supporting a baby, or it could just be empty"
"Vincent, what are you going to do if it's not empty?" Asked Brian
"Well, help take care of the little baby of course, what do you think I'd do? Leave her?"
"I mean, I have only seen you interact well with Emma..."
Jenny and Linda both glared at Brian and he only shrugged. More people were gathering around them, snapping pictures of Anguis and her egg. She folded her wing back to her side and looked up at Vincent with a glimmer in her eyes. He sat down next to her and touched his nose to hers, making her smile. An 'awe' echoed through the crowd as the other four snaked their way through everyone else.
"Yes dear?"
"What are we gonna do if this egg actually hatches?"
"Raise the baby... whatever comes out of it"
"But I don't know what to do..."
"We'll figure it out"
Her attention turned back towards the egg as she sat up on her back legs and picked it up in her front paws, cradling it in her arms. A rather expensive looking box van pulled up next to the park and a man in a white lab coat got out of the passenger side. He looked up at Anguis, then his gaze shifted so that he was looking at the egg. He smiled as a much shorter assistant walked around with a large brief case.
"Ah excellent, Rupus your prediction was right" said the one in a lab coat, "there is an offspring"
Anguis glanced over at them, but ignored the comment and looked back up at Vincent.
"You wanna hold it?" She asked
"No I mean the ghost standing to your right; yes you silly"
"Oh, uh, sure"
He scooped the egg out of her arms and looked at it curiously.
"Wow, this is lighter than it looks"
"Yeah I know, sure as hell wasn't fun to get out though"
"I can imagine, this large of an egg out of your tiny little self, it had to be tough"
"Yeah, it was"
Vincent put it back down on the ground between the two of them and once more touched his nose with Anguis. She smiled with the tip of her tongue poking out before licking his nose.
"Eh hem, 'xcuse us"
"Pardon me"
Anguis glanced over to the voices and saw the guys with the lab coats were attempting to make their way towards the two of them. She nudged the egg underneath where there was a lot of fur and laid down on top of it. Eventually the scientist made it through the crowd and stood a few feet away from them.
"Good morning fellows, the name is Dr. Kester and I'm in the department of reptile studies." Said the taller one of the two
"And I'm Dr. Rupus, his assistant" said the shorter one
"What do you two want?" Asked Vincent
"Ah, well, you see," Kester started,"we were wondering if we could take a look at the egg to-"
"No" growled Anguis
"Pardon me?"
"I said no, you're not taking my egg"
"Ma'am, we're not going to take the egg, we're just going to take a few samples and maybe do a test or two on it"
"We promise we won't harm it" Rupus chimed in
"I said. No."
"You won't even let us do this in the name of science? This discovery could be huge!"
"She said no" growled Vincent, cutting off what Anguis was about to say, "Just accept that as an answer and leave"
"Well can we at least get a picture of it?" Asked Kester
"Uhh.... sure I guess" mumbled Anguis
She sat up slightly and scooted the egg so that it was between her front paws before laying back down. They snapped a couple of photos and the egg began to shake. Everyone gasped and watched it curiously, when suddenly it exploded into a cloud of butterflies. They all fluttered away in random directions and the crowd snapped hundreds of photos as they went over their heads.
"Well, at least we know the egg wasn't fertile" said Vincent
He looked over and saw that Anguis was watching the white bugs with a sad look. He went over and nuzzled his head against her cheek, getting her attention to drift away from what had happened.
"You wanna go home now? Everyone is distracted so we could easily slip out of here"
"Yeah let's get out of here"
"Here, I'll just fly you back. We'll mix things up this time"
She jumped up onto his back and watched as a butterfly landed on the tip of her nose. She gently picked it off and held it between her paws as Vincent took off into the air, heading home.
They unmorphed and walked into the house, sighing with relief as they entered. Anguis opened her hands and released the butterfly, watching as it slowly faded away from existence.
"You know, I think laying an egg is probably easier than having a child" she stated
"What makes you think that?"
"An egg is just a simple shape"
"Hm, never thought of that before"
"~yawns~ still a lot of work though..."
She ran her fingers through her own hair and gave a disgusted look when she felt how gross it was.
*yeah I'm taking a shower, n then heading to bed... mental note: don't have another fucking egg, that's too much work*
Vincent went into the kitchen for some toast while Anguis went upstairs and hopped into the shower, not caring how hot or cold the water was. She made it quick and hopped out, then noticed the AC was on. She morphed into a tiny hamster and stood on the vent, allowing it to dry her fur completely. It didn't take long, and when she went back to her human form, her hair was completely dry.
*oh hell yeah, that's convenient for me*
She walked out of the bathroom and saw a bag of clothes that Vincent had bought her a few days earlier. She put on a new matching pair of lace patterned underwear and a bra and laid down on the bed.
"Ahh... so comfy..." she muttered, "I could lay here all day..."
She closed her eyes and relaxed, enjoying the silence. There was a quiet sound of a picture being snapped and she opened her left eye to see what it was. Vincent stood at the end of the bed chuckling to himself. Anguis quickly realized what he did and blushed and sat up.
"Did you take a picture of me???" She asked
"Damn right I did"
"Needed a new wallpaper on my phone"
He turned it around so it was on the home screen and behind all the apps was the photo he had taken.
"Huh, it actually doesn't look that bad," she mumbled,"wanna just have like a mini photo shoot? We got nothin better to do"
"Oh fuck yeah, lets do that"
She laid back down on the bed in a different pose and waited for him to snap the picture. He cleared his throat and Anguis glanced back up at him.
"You know, these pictures would come out much better if there were less clothes in it" Vincent said with a wink
"Y-you want me to take pictures while I'm completely nude?"
"Well, the panties can stay, but the bra"
He made a clicking noise with his tongue and gestured that it had to go.
"Oh, uh, okay"
She unclipped it and tossed it to the side, making Vincent's smirk widen even more.
"There you go, much better" he purred
He snapped several pictures while positioning her into different poses and chuckled while scrolling through them.
"Imma end up running out of space on my phone after this" he commented
"Are you sending these to anyone"
"Nope, these are for my eyes only"
"Okay, I mean I wouldn't mind if you showed other people, I just didn't know if you were going to or not"
They continued snapping photos, some serious ones, some funny and playful ones, and then some in a normal stance. Vincent stopped after a while, scrolling through to see which ones he could delete and which ones he should keep. Anguis sat on his lap helping him choose as well when an idea sparked in her head.
"Oooo wait Vinny"
"We should take some photos together! It would be cute"
"Meh, I don't like taking photos of myself"
"Dunno, I just never have"
"Cmon, please? Just a couple of them?"
"Pretty please Vinny? And then we can do something else, like play or something"
"Mmm, you wanna play?"
"Alright, a few pictures of the two of us, and then we can play"
"But, we're gonna play how I wanna play" he said with a slight smirk on his face

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now