The Cawthon Family

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"Aaaaaanguiiiis, you gotta wake up dearie"
"Mmmhhhh, whyyyy?"
"Cause Scottie invited us over for lunch"
"What time do we have to be over there by?"
"About 1-ish"
"Aaaand what time is it now?"
"Eleven, and it takes like a hour to get there"
Anguis somewhat opened her eyes and glanced over. Vincent shook her again and she swatted at his hand, making him laugh.
"Cmon I'm serious, you gotta get up."
"Gimme like 5 more minutes Vinny..."
"Nope cmon you gotta get up now"
"I don't wanna... plus you said you would buy breakfast today..."
"You wouldn't wake up silly, I tried to but you were in a dead sleep pretty much, I'll get dinner though if that makes you happy"
"Mmh, okay..."
Anguis got up and walked over to where her clothes where and had on only her underwear and bra when she heard Vincent do a cat call whistle. She giggled and looked in the mirror to see him sitting on the edge of the bed and staring at her.
"~giggles while talking~ May I help you?"
"Yeah, you can actually"
"By doin what?"
He gently grabbed her by the wrist and spun her around so she was standing in front of him. He planted his lips onto hers and gently but passionately kissed her, and guided her so she crawled onto his lap and sat down with her legs on either side of his. Vincent placed his hands on her hips and pulled away for a quick second.
"I want you" he purred
Anguis' face turned a bright reddish-pink and she squeaked as he went back to making out with her, every now and then nipping at her lips, neck, anything he could. Vincent directed her hips so she was grinding on him, and she eventually picked up what he was doing and did it on her own.
"Ahhh yeah.... atta girl... yep, that's, gah, that's the spot, mmmmyeah"
She felt him become aroused, which made her moan as it rubbed against her. He partially stood up with her still clinging onto him and dropped his pants and boxers to the floor, then moved her underwear to the side and teased her by rubbing her entrance for a while, then thrusted in. Anguis dug her nails into his back as he nailed her g-spot and yelled as a wave of pure ecstasy came over her. He kept at it for a while, listening to her moans and smiling.
"Aaah! V-Vinny, faster!!!"
"What, eh, was that my princess?"
"F-faster! Go fa-aster!!"
Vincent smirked and picked up the pace, making her yell even more. Her stomach clenched and she groaned as her orgasm took over, causing her mind to go completely blank.
"Mmh, Vinny, ah, I'm, I'm, ah, gon- nngh"
She released herself and Vince kept going until he came as well, then they both fell back on the bed, exhausted. They laid there in silence, catching their breath, until Vincent started laughing quietly to himself.
"Now that's the best way to start out any day" he muttered
Anguis nodded slightly and received a light kiss  on her forehead.
"I Love you sweetheart"
"Love you too Vinny"
~random silence~
"We should probably get up soon... we got like 20 minutes until we need to leave..."
"I could just fly us"
"True, but he lives in a big neighborhood"
"So? It would only take like 20 minutes for us to get there then, maybe even less"
"Mmmm, okay, still should probably get up though and take a shower, at least I should"
"Wanna just shower together?"
*shower, together? Huh?* Anguis thought
"Umm, sure, didn't even know that was a thing"
"Yep, cmon lets go, I'll blow dry your hair afterwords"
They finished showering half an hour later and dressed themselves in more casual clothing before going to Scott's house. A slight breeze blew through the air, making Anguis shiver once they both stepped outside.
"Brr, it's kinda chilly out"
"You sure you wanna fly?"
"Yeah, Im pretty sure I'll be fine"
"Only 'pretty sure'?"
"I'll do fiiiine Vinny"
"Ehem, I think we should take the car"
"But then we're really gonna be late"
"I don't want you to freeze though"
"I'm not gonna freeze"
"You 100% sure?"
"No, more like 67% sure"
"Then we're not flying"
"What? Whyyy"
"Like I said, I don't you to freeze on me"
"But we're gonna be late by like 45 minutes"
"I'd rather be late than crash land somewhere and have you get hurt"
"Im not gonna crash land, I'll be in my newer morph, so I'll probably stay a bit warmer with the fur"
"But once you land and all of that is contracted back into your usual self? You'd definitely fall asleep"
"But I'd end up waking up eventually"
Vincent let out an annoyed sigh, seeing how this conversation wasn't going anywhere.
"Fine, we can fly-"
"But we're taking the car with since you're not gonna be flying us home"
"What? Cmon"
"Pleaaase Vinny"
"Pretty please?"
"~sigh~ okay...."
"Hey, ~lifts her head up so she is looking at him~ I'm just trying to protect you darling, I want you to be safe"
"I know..."
"How about, when it gets to be warmer out, you and I can just spend the whole day flying and eating ice cream. How's that sound?"
"Hmm.... okay"
"That wasn't a definite answer"
"Okay!" She said with more enthusiasm
"That's better"
Anguis stuck her tongue out at him playfully and Vincent shook his head and then ruffled up her hair.
"Alright, let's get going"
The two flew for about 15 minutes before spotting the neighborhood Scott lived in. Most of the houses were ginormous and Anguis gawked at them in surprise.
"Woah, imagine trying to clean one of these houses, it would take an entire week..."
"Yeah, that's why I chose a smaller house" said Vincent
"How does Scott even keep his clean?"
"He hires people to clean it up for him"
"Makes sense... mmf..."
"What's wrong Hon?"
"My hands and arms are numb... and the car keeps slipping a little bit..."
"Jesus Criest Anguis!! Just land for crying out loud!"
"I, I almost got it, I can make it there"
"No, cmon land, right now"
"I got-"
"Sweetheart, land, trust me, you'll thank me later"
"Mkay fine."
Anguis landed back paws first on the ground with a loud *thud*, and placed the car down on the ground while Vincent slipped off her back. She walked off to the side to unmorph, but stumbled a bit and fell onto her side, making the ground shake a little.
"U-ugh...." she groaned
"Oh no... Anguis?! Anguis, talk to me dear"
"I feel tired..."
"No, no don't fall asleep on me now! You gotta stay awake, at least as the morph"
"No promises there..."
"You have to, cmon do it for me, don't. Fall. Asleep."
Vincent got an idea and started the car, had the heater on full blast, then grabbed the blanket out of the back seat and ran back to where Anguis had fallen. He placed a hand on her face and felt how cold she was.
"Anguis? Anguis sweetheart, talk to me, are you still awake?"
"I need you to unmorph, I got a blanket and warm place for you, cmon"
"But then I'll end up falling asleep..."
"I'll wake you up, don't worry"
She opened an eye slightly and looked up at him.
"Promise I won't wake up without you?"
"I won't ever leave you, I can promise you that"
Anguis sighed and unmorphed, laying out in the grass, sleeping and almost completely numb from the cold. Vincent quickly put the blanket around her and carried her to the car. They both sat down in the passenger seat and had the vents turned towards them. Despite the fact he was starting to overheat, Vincent kept cradling Anguis close to him, hoping that his body heat would help warm her up. Minutes passed and she still didn't move or wake up.
*Cmon.... how long is this gonna take?*
He glanced at the time and realized if he left then, they would still make it to Scott's house on time, so he slipped out from under Anguis, buckled her in, then got in the driver's seat and took off towards the house.
{time skip and they arrive}
"Scott! Imma need some help out here!!"
The front door opened and Linda stuck her head outside.
"What do you need Vince?"
"It's Anguis," he said while turning around, closing the car door with his foot and carrying Anguis up to the house, "she tried to fly us here but froze and fell asleep"
"She fell asleep?"
"Like a hibernation state, she won't wake up until her body temp levels back to near normal"
"Oh goodness! Ivan!! Get the fireplace going!! There's blankets on the couch if you want to use those as well to warm her up"
"Okay, thanks"
She closed he door behind them and Vincent sat on the floor in front of the electrical fireplace with Anguis, the two of them wrapped up in a blanket.
"Is she okay?" Asked Ivan
"Sort of, I mean it's normal for her to have this happen, but she's never been asleep for this long after it, she must of been really cold.... I shouldn't've let her fly us..."
"She tried to fly you?"
"Then how'd you get the car here?"
"Anguis was carrying it, since we weren't planning on flying back home because of how cold it was going to be"
"She can pick up an entire fucking car?!?"
"Ivan! Language!"
"Sorry mom! But really??"
"Yeah she can, she could probably do a few of them actually as her morphs."
Anguis coughed a few times and let out a loud groan of discomfort.
"Uughhhh.... why do my arms feels all tingly..."
"Probably cause your nerves are coming back online in your brain" said Vincent
"Mmph... it feels weird"
"That it does, how you feeling by the way?"
"Alright I guess... still a bit drowsy"
"Well don't worry, we're not going anywhere anytime soon"
She yawned and Vincent sat her up so she was laying her head on his shoulder and hugged her around her stomach, playfully nipping at her earlobe. Anguis giggled at the odd feeling and leaned her head back against his neck and sighed. Ivan gave them a weird look and went to go help Linda in the kitchen with setting up the table and whatnot.
"So, just curious, what's is like when you fall asleep from the cold?"
"Hmm... well I mean there's not really anything, just a blank black void basically."
"Huh, interesting"
His hands slowly made their way up to her breasts and Anguis blushed and looked down, forgetting there was a blanket covering them both.
"Eh heh, uhh, Vinny what are you doing?"
"Well, what does it feel like I'm doing?" He said while giving them a squeeze.
"Mmf, Trying to turn me on"
"Well, is it working?"
"Heh, yeah..."
"Hmm, does it now..."
The front door opened and both of their heads looked to see who it was. Scott walked in carrying bags of groceries while Ivan ran back outside to help him.
"Man, the traffic on the high way is no joke, Vince and Anguis are gonna be a while"
"You sure about that?" Asked Vincent
Scott glanced over to where he heard his voice and his eyes widened a little when seeing them sitting on the floor.
"Oh, wait how on earth did you get here so early?"
"I almost flew all the way here"
"Well she went to her hibernation state not too far from here, so I drove the rest of the way since I had her bring the car with."
"Jesus, Vincent it's like 52 [degrees] out right now, you know that right??"
"Yeah, she insisted on flying though, like there was no way she was gonna turn down the opportunity."
"Alrighty then"
Scott left for the kitchen and started putting away the food. Ivan came back in with another large handful of bags, leaving the door open to make another trip back out to the car.
"Hold on a sec darling, imma go help them with the groceries" Vincent said while standing up
"I'll help too"
"No you stay here and warm up"
"I'm already warm enough"
"Mmm imma disagree with you there, you're still rather cold to the touch. I won't be gone for long"
He went to the car to gather more bags. Anguis sighed and went back to staring at her reflection in the glass of the fire place. In the background of the reflection, a black mass came in from the doorway that was behind her and kept creeping closer. She whimpered slightly and looked behind her, where an almost completely black husky was standing, with its ears pinned back and snarling. Its tail hung low and she gasped and let out a short scream as it jumped on her. It kept barking and trying to rip the blanket off of her that she used to protect herself and cried out every time it's toenails scratched her though her cover. Anguis felt it bite down on her arms and legs and she kept trying to push it off of herself, but it was no use when the animal is almost larger than you are.
"Oi Chloe!! Heel!! Bad dog!"
She felt someone guide the wolf-like animal away from her and another person pick her up.
"Oh my god sweetie are you okay??" Asked Linda
"I think so..."
Vincent pulled the blanket away from her face and winced at the three long bleeding scratch marks that trailed from her chin to her cheek bone.
"Eugh, that doesn't look like it's okay" he commented
Scott and Linda both took a look and cringed as well, and Anguis looked at the three of them, confused.
"What? What doesn't look okay?"
"I'll go ahead and get some supplies for it" said Linda
"Get supplies for what??"
"Don't worry about it hon, you just have a few cuts, that's all"
"Oh I think I have more than just a few..."
"So, when did you get a dog Scott?" Asked Vincent
"Few weeks ago"
"Ah, and what is it's name?"
"Ah, okay. What kinda dog?"
"Uhh, think it's a black lab, husky and wolf breed"
"Oh sick"
"Vinny, you can put me down now if you wanna"
"Mmmh nah"
"You sure?"
Chloe growled at her again, causing everyone to look down at her. Vincent repositioned his hold on Anguis and made it so she was a little higher off the ground.
"Yeah, yeah I'm sure"
Scott laughed at his reaction and held onto Chloe's collar. Linda came back down and started cleaning Anguis' face with wet wipes, since she had already healed, and checked to make sure the cuts weren't too bad. A dinging noise went off in the kitchen and Linda scurried back over to take care of it. Chloe growled and barked at Anguis again, making her whimper and hide her face.
"I wonder why Chloe doesn't like her" said Vincent
"That makes two of us"
"Hmm.... hold on I wanna try something..."
Vince took Anguis' hand and held it out for Chloe to smell. She sniffed it a few times and licked her hand, then nudged it, trying to get petted.
"Huh, weird, maybe she just wanted attention" said Scott
"Maybe, you said Chloe was part wolf, right?"
"Yeah, she is"
"Then yeah it was probably for attention, let's try something else"
"Ehh... do I have to?" Anguis asked, "I don't wanna get bit again"
"It was just playing aggression sweetheart, don't worry, she wasn't trying to kill you"
"Playing aggression you say?" She said with a lighter tone
"Oh boy, what idea do you have now?"
Anguis morphed back into her smaller dragon form and slipped out of Vincent's hold, landing on the floor on all fours. Chloe's head tilted sideways and Anguis let out a little yap, making the husky bark.
"Here, let go of her collar"
"You sure Anguis?"
"Yeah I'm sure"
Scott released his dog and she took off after the little dragon, chasing her throughout the house. Linda yelled when they both ran through the kitchen and chased them out with a towel. The two rough housed for more than 20 minutes, making the guys laugh, until Chloe playfully bit down too hard, causing Anguis to yelp and coward behind Vincent.
"Okay I think that's enough" Vince said while picking her up again
"Yeah, probably, Chloe heel"
The dog did as she was told and Anguis unmorphed when Linda called for lunch. Everyone went to the dining room and ate the meal that was laid out on the long table. It was like a thanksgiving feast for 20 people, even though there were only 5, and everyone ate until they were completely filled with a little bit of everything that was there. They all chatted afterwords for a good hour before Linda and Ivan started cleaning up.
"Well, Linda that was an amazing meal" commented Vincent
"Why thank you! It was nice seeing you again, and meeting you too Anguis"
"It was nice meeting you too Linda"
Scott's phone rang and he picked up the call, chatted for a little, then ended it with a sigh.
"Well, I need to go, upper management needs to have a meeting right now" he explained
"Ah, alright, well Anguis and I need to get back to the house as well, gotta get our sleep before our shift tonight."
"Yeah that would probably be a good thing."
Vincent and Anguis said their goodbyes before getting back into the car and driving back to their house.
{time skip brought to you by KFC}
"Soooo, what do we do now?" Anguis said while closing the garage door behind the two of them. "Take a nap?"
"Wellll, I guess I did tell Scott we were gonna sleep... but I'm kinda in the mood for something a little more, naughty"
"Oh cmon, you know exactly what I mean"
*oh boy, here we go again*

An Odd Family Version 2.0Where stories live. Discover now