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It was a cool summer day and the Precure decided to go to the beach. Miyuki went with Candy, Reika went with Nao and Akane went with Yayoi. "Hey Miyuki, hey Candy!" Yayoi smiled while walking over to them. "Hey Yayoi, hey Akane." Miyuki and Candy both said at the same time. The two of them giggled. "Hey everyone." Nao said walking towards them. "Hello Akane, Miyuki, Candy, Yayoi." Reika smiled. "Hey Nao and Reika." They all said at the same time. "Huh, why are you guys copying me? Stop that! Stop!" they all said at the same time again. Nao and Reika giggled. They all set down their blankets, snacks, supplies and umbrellas. "So, what should we do first? Surfing? Swimming? Building sand castles?" Nao said as she sat down. "How about putting on sunscreen first before you burn up, like Akane's hair." Reika giggled. "H-h-hey! At least I'm not the one that looks like she fell in a puddle of blue berry flavored Kool Aid or whatever..." Akane looked down. "Ha, I'm just kidding Akane." Reika smiled.

"Oh! How about we go swimming first! I love swimming a lot!" Nao suggested. Before the girls agreed Nao ran over to the ocean and jumped in. "Ugh....Nao! I'll go get her!" Akane sighed and went after Nao.

In the Bad End Kingdom.

"'s so hot here!" Akaoni groaned. "It's hot as hell here. We need to find something to cool us off!" Wolfrun said fanning himself. "Ugh, I wish I had a potion so it wouldn't be so dang hot here!" Majorina said. "Hello my fellow commerads!" said a voice from up above. "Who's there!" Wolfrun looked around. "Oh, it's just me. Don't you remember?" The voice said again. A flurry of cards appeared and out came Joker. "Joker!" they all yelled. "Yes yes yes. I herd you all are pretty hot, burned up and nonsense eh?" he snickered. "Well....yeah." Akaoni said. "Well good news. There is a place in the human world called a beach. It has an "ocean, ice cream bar" and so much more!" Joker said spinning around on the table. "Beach? I'm in!" Akaoni said excitedly. "I'm in too!" Wolfrun grinned. "Count me in too!" Majorina grinned. "Very well, but to warn you all, they're humans here today, and none of you are really....well...human like." Joker smiled. "They'll just think it's a costume!" Wolfrun said. "Yea, they won't actually believe it's real." Akaoni agreed. "Oh, I'm not human enough?" Majorina said. "Majorina time!" she yelled and turned into her younger form. "Now who's more human?" she laughed and walked to her room to get changed. "W-w-wow" both Akaoni and Wolfrun stuttered. "Hey! You don't look as human either with that mask on!" Wolfrun snarled. "So, those humans wouldn't care." Joker laughed and disappeared.

Back with The Precures

"Ugh....omg.....jeez..."Akane was out of breath. "What happened?" Yayoi asked. "Man, that girl can swim so damn fast!" Akane fell down on to the blankets. "Let's just have her rest for a bit." Miyuki suggested. "Um, guys, what's that?" Yayoi pointed to 3 guys and 1 girl. "Say, they look familiar." Miyuki started walking towards them then stopped in her tracks. She ran back to their "beach tent" and started breathing heavily. "Miyuki! What's wrong?" Reika asked. "B-b-ba-bad" Miyuki stuttered. "Spit it out Miyuki." Yayoi put her hands on Miyuki's shoulders. "BAD END GENERALS!" Miyuki shouted and everybody looked over. Reika and Yayoi gave a weak smile.

Akane woke up and Nao came running. "BAD END GENERALS?! WHERE!" They both yelled. Everybody looked over again and Yayoi, Reika and Miyuki gave weak smiles again. Miyuki pointed to them. "Ugh! What are they doing here!" Nao groaned. "Uh oh! I think they saw us!" Akane squeaked. "Pretend you didn't see them!" Nao said and they all hid in their beach "tent". A flurry of cards appeared in front of them. "Hello Precure! How are you doing today..." Joker smiled.      "Oh, it's them!" Wolfrun frowned. Suddenly, Joker, Akaoni and, Wolfrun started blushing. "Uh, why are they blushing?" Akane whispered to the girls. "Hmm, looks like Wolfrun is staring at Miyuki, Akaoni is staring at Yayoi and Joker is staring at Reika." Nao examined. "Huh? Why?" Reika asked. "Hey why are you 3 blushing?" Majorina asked. "Excuse us for a second Precure!" Majorina pushed the 3 of them away from the Precure.

"Hey, why are you guys blushing?" She asked again. "Uhm....medical reasons..." Wolfrun started sweating. "Uh, that's just sun burn!" Joker started sweating too. "Uhm, that's just my skin tone...." Akaoni starting sweating also. "Ah ha! You 3 like one of the precures. Spill!" Majorina grinned. "Why would I like any of those precure pest....ok I like Miyuki!" Wolfun confessed. They all laughed. "Hey, you 2 shouldn't be laughing! You have crushes too!" Wolfrun blushed. "At least I don't have a crush on lil ms fairytale!" The 2 joked again. "Fine, who's your crush Akaoni!" Wolfrun smiled evilly. "Uh.........maybe I have a slight crush on Yayoi...." Akaoni covered his mouth. "Ha! You like the cry baby?!" Joker and Wolfrun laughed. "Hey! She's really nice!" Akaoni blushed. "Matter a fact, who's your crush Joker?" Akaoni asked. "Whaaaaaa? Hey how about we go have fun now!" Joker blushed and tried to walk away. "Hey come back here!" Akaoni grabbed his hair. "Argh! Fine....I like Reika! There! Happy?!" Joker blushed like mad. "Haha, you have a crush on Ms smarty pants!" Akaoni and Wolfrun laughed. "Ugh! Whatever" Joker groaned and they all walked back to the Precure.

Ugh sorry for the boring beginning...

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