Precure Paradise Pt 5~

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"What do you think Yukari and Akira were doing?" Mirai asked Riko. "I don't know, they were pretty close to each other though." Riko said. "Maybe....THEY WERE ABOUT TO KI-" Riko covered Mirai's mouth quickly. Yukari and Akira turned around to look at them. "Are you guys...ok?" Yukari asked. "Yep! We're perfectly fine!" Mirai said nervously. Yukari nodded and both girls continued walking. "They probably were about to kiss...and we messed it up." Mirai sighed. "We? You were the one controlling the broomstick!" Riko mumbled. "True..." Mirai said sadly.

When the 4 girls got to their room, Towa, Haruka, Aoi, Hikari and Mai were in a circle. "Um...what is going on?" Riko questioned as she put her broom next to her and Mirai's bed. "We were waiting for you guys to get back, duh. We wanted to play truth or dare with you guys." Haruka said. "Oh." Mirai said as she sat down jest to Haruka. Riko sat in between Mirai and Aoi. Yukari and Akira sat down together, in between Aoi and Hikari. "I have a feeling this is not going to go well." Akira said. Yukari nodded in agreement.

"You girls sure you wanna see a scary movie?" Nozomi asked Aguri and Ako. "Just because we're the youngest cures, doesn't mean we'd be scared of a stupid horror movie." Aguri said. "True." Kurumi said as she turned in the movie in the movie theater. "What movie are we watching?" Ako questioned. "We're watching a movie about this guy who Giants you in your dreams and stuff." Kurumi explained. "That's boring." Aguri complained. Ako nodded in agreement.

After the movie~

"That movie wasn't scary, it was actually funny." Aguri said to Ako. "Yea." " wasn't scary at all...." Nozomi said as she and Kurumi were holding onto each other. "I don't think I can sleep tonight." Kurumi whispered to Nozomi. "Me too." Nozomi whispered back.

"Truth or dare Yukari?" Haruka asked Yukari. "Truth." Yukari said. Akira and Yukari noticed that the girls were giggling and smiling. Akira noticed Towa whispering to Haruka. Haruka nodded. "Actually, let me rephrase that. Truth or dare Akira and Yukari?" Haruka said. "Truth." Both girls said at the same time. "Are you two gay for eachother?" Haruka questioned. Yukari and Akira blushed slightly and looked down. "N-No..." Akira lied. "Eh?!" they all gasped. "But you guys act like you are." Mai said. "N-No we don't. Me and Yukari are straight, right?" Akira nudged Yukari's arm. "Oh, yea." Yukari also lied. "Mhm..." Haruka mumbled. (NOOOOO STOP LYING AKIRA AND YUKARI!)

Ichika, Ciel and Mana were complaining over how they get the spotlight all the time. "Ugh, I'm tired of it! Can they just focus on somebody else for one." Mana said. "I know right! It's so stressful." Ciel layed back on a pink couch in the pink precure lounge (Wait, Ciel isn't pink...oh well!) . " do you guys think that I'm...ya know...a Mary Sue?" Mana asked them. "Eh..." Ichika and Ciel looked at each other. "No! No, no, no, not at all." Ichika lied. "Yes! I'm not exactly a mary sue, have you guys ever herd me sing?" Mana questioned. "No, but I'm sure you sound beautiful." Ciel said. Mana stood up and started singing. Ichika and Ciel covered their ears. Mana laughed and sat back down.

"Now, welcome to growing flowers with Itsuki girls!" Itsuki said. "What is this?" Urara looked around. "We're in a garden, duh." Yayoi said. "Ok, so what flowers are we even growing?" Inori asked Itsuki. "We will be growing sun flowers." Itsuki got out a ton of packs of sunflower seeds. "Of course...." Alice mumbled. Kirara slipped on some gloves and grabbed a shovel. She started digging. "SOMEONE HELP ME TURN THIS THING OFF!" Urara yelled. Urara was flying across the garden on a lawnmower with Yayoi on top of it "Oh dear." Kirara mumbled and ran over to help the two girls.

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