🖤Operation Precure🖤Pt 5🖤

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"March! March! Please wake up! March!" Sunny shook March. "Please wake up! March....please." Sunny started crying. "Ha! Pathetic, time for you to go bye bye too." Majorina laughed."Y-you monster...." Sunny got up and clenched her fist. Majorina smirked. Sunny started running towards Majorina. Majorina just stood there and watch. "S-sunny...fire!" Sunny aimed it as Majorina but missed. "There's nothing you can do, you're just a useless human." Majorina said. "So what....humans can do a lot of things....and...I'm not useless, I'm strong, I'm brave...and...I'm a Precure!" Sunny lit up with fire. "H-huh?" Majorina stepped back. Sunny flew towards her and kicked her. "What....the actual f...." Majorina mumbled. "Precures are girls....who protect the earth from evil....and my job as a precure, is to stop people like you!" Sunny yelled. "Precure...Sunny Fire...Burning!" Sunny aimed the attack at Majorina and she fell back, unconscious sliding up against the ground. Sunny ran back to March. "Still not awake..." Sunny felt March's cheek. "March....please please wake up.....I don't want to March loose you..." Sunny had streams of tears come down her face. "I-I love you
March...I don't want you to go..." Sunny leaned in and kissed March's cheek. March's eyes slowly opened. "S-sunny?" March looked at her. "March! You're awake! Thank goodness..." Sunny hugged her and March hugged back.

Akaoni felt bad inside, he didn't mean to hurt her that bad. Peace's eyes opened. She slowly got up. "Here to fight back huh?" Akaoni said. "Ye-Yea. I'm not giving up..." Peace ran towards him but fell again. She looked at her ankle that was red. "O-ow.." she whined. "Ha, you're just a crybaby that can't do anything....but your...really sweet...and cute..." Akaoni mumbled at the last part. "Look, I may be a crybaby but I know I can do most things! What's wrong with being a crybaby, you should tease anybody for being one. You should say that somebody is useless and can't do anything! The reason why you should say that is because you probably don't know the person at all!" Peace got up. Purple bolts of lightning covered her body. "What...?" "I can do anything! Well not exactly everything but you get my point." "Without transforming, you guys are actually practically useless." Akaoni said. "You're wrong, we are not useless! The only reason we transform is to help even more! As Precure, it's our job to keep our world safe! I won't let you destroy this beautiful planet!" "Precure Peace Thunder!" Peace shouted. "What the hell?!" Akaoni shouted. Peace jumped towards him and punched him. Akaoni fell back into a tree. Akaoni's eyes turned yellow. Akaoni tried grabbing Peace but she was too fast. Peace flew up and and kicked his nose. "Ha!" Peace smiled at him. Akaoni grabbed Peace's leg and was about to throw her until she yelled "Peace Thunder Hurricane!" Akaoni got shocked by the lightning and fell down. Peace slid across the cement and got up.

Beauty was on her knees, breathing heavily. "Give up Cure Beauty?" Joker chuckled. "No....never." she muttered. She stood up. "Why not give up now Cure Beauty, risking your life for these selfish humans of the world." Joker stood behind her and set his hands on her shoulders. "Why would you even become a Pretty Cure, you should be doing something you actually love instead of dressing up in silly costumes and saving saving stupid humans." Joker whispered in her ear. "Why would you do all that, I'd love to hear your answer." Joker taunted. "Because...." Beauty began. "Because what?" Joker asked. "Because, I want to keep all humans and creatures of the world happy. I don't want all of their dreams to be crushed by people like you. I want the world to be filled with peace and kindness." Beauty said softly. "You aren't happy right now, right?" Joker said. "No, but that doesn't matter now. What matters is keeping everybody safe." Beauty told him. "Why become a precure in the first place though?" Joker asked her. "I became one because, I wanted to help keep the world safe from danger. I want everybody to have their dreams come true, I'd love to see everybody proud of what they've accomplished. My duty as a precure, is to help everybody find what they want to do, what they want to accomplish, and to find their path!" icicles appeared around her and Joker stepped back. "Why?!" Joker took out his sword and used a card for a shield. "I do not want to answer your silly questions anymore, I'm ready to fight!" Beauty yelled.

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