Precure Paradise Pt 4~

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The precures were at a restaurant on the island. Well, not everybody, Erika, Hime and Aoi were at a meeting in the hotel's lounge. They were discussing how all the blue cures were all proper and stuff and how they were the only "sane" ones.

Yukari and Akira sat down together on bench near the beach. No one else was outside because everybody was out having fun, and it was late. "I did not know we were so popular." Yukari said. "Me neither." Akira said. "I love the night sky, it's so beautiful." Yukari said as she got up and walked towards the ocean. "Like you?" Akira laughed a bit (I NEED THIS SHIP TO HAPPEN! PLS TOEI!). Yukari blushed. "Yes, I guess so." Yukari smiled as she was now face to face with A mark. (Ok here comes the SHIP...hopefully :3) Yukari and Akira looked into each other's eyes, smiling. They leaned into each other, about to kiss. (Wait for it) "INCOMING!" A voice up above yelled. Yukari and Akira looked up, seeing Mirai riding towards them on Riko's broomstick, Riko holding on to Mirai's waist tightly. (God dangit Mirai and Riko they were about to kiss!) "MIRAI! CAN YOU GO A BIT SLOWER?!" Riko yelled. "NOPE!!" Mirai yelled. Akira pulled Yukari over to the side and Mirai and Riko fell onto the ground. "I regret letting you control that thing." Riko said.

"I wasn't that bad." Mirai giggled. "Right...ok. Are you ok girls?" Riko asked as she walked over to them. "Mhm." Akira nodded. "Actually, we should be asking if you're ok." Yukari said. "Oh, we're fine!" Mirai said as she dug the broomstick out of the ground. "That's good. Should we be heading back to the hotel rooms now?" Yukari asked. The 3 girls nodded. Riko carried her broomstick while Mirai looked around. Yukari and Akira secretly held hands as they headed back to the hotel.

"Ugh, all the blue cures, besides us are so boring." Hime complained. "I know right." Erika said. "Ahem!" Hime, Erika and Aoi looked behind them and saw Karen, Reika, Miki and Minami. "Oh...hey guys." Aoi said nervously. "So...we're boring?" Reika looked at Hime. "No...we were talking about the yellow cures..." Hime lied. "Mhm." Miki mumbled. " we'll believe that." Minami crossed her arms. "Heh...cya!" Erika zoomed down the hallway. Aoi and Hime followed her. The other blue cures laughed. "They're so childish." Karen said. The others shook their heads in agreement.

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