🖤Operation Precure🖤Pt 3🖤

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"AH!" Beauty and Peace yelled as they fell from the sky. Beauty and Peace continued screaming until Beauty landed first and Peace fell on top of her. "O-ow..." Beauty groaned. "Oh, sorry!" Peace got off of her. "Ok, lets go find the girls now!" Beauty grabbed Peace's hand and dragged her to the entrance. "Ok, what's the plan?" Peace whispered to her. "We obviously can't go through the front...hmm..." Beauty thought for a second. "Peace, do you have the butterfly decor?" Beauty asked her. "Of course!" Peace handed her the decor. Beauty put the decor inside her smile pact. Wings formed on Beauty's back. "Ok Peace, you try now." She handed her the decor. Peace put it in and wings formed on back also.

"Ok, lets find out which room the girls are in." Beauty and Peace flew up and looked in all the windows. "No, no, no...." Beauty said to herself. "No there, not here." Peace mumbled. "Do you seem them?" Beauty asked her. "No...not yet..." Peace kept on looking. She finally found Sunny and March's room. "Found them!" Peace yelled. Beauty and Peace peeked through the window.

"MARCH! YOU KEEP EATING ALL THE DAMN FOOD!" Sunny yelled at her. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT I HAVE A BIG APPETITE!" March yelled back at her. "UGH! YA KNOW, HOW ABOUT YOU ACTUALLY THINK THAT SOMEBODY LIKE ME WOULD BE HUNGRY TOO AND YOU JUST GO ON AND EAT ALL THE FOOD!" Sunny screamed. Their room door opened and in came Majorina. "Ugh, what the heck are you two yelling about?!" Majorina screamed at them. They both kept yelling at each other until Majorina grabbed them both by the ear. Sunny and March both winked at Beauty and Peace. "They saw us?" Peace said.

Majorina opened the window and threatened to throw them both out the window. Beauty and Peace flew into the room and tackled Majorina. They tied her up and put her in the closet. "I knew you guys would come for us!" Sunny hugged Peace and March hugged Beauty. "Ok, lets go find Happy." Beauty carried March and Peace carried Sunny. Finally, they found Happy's room. Peace dropped Sunny on the window seal, Beauty did the same with March. "Ok...I'll open the window." Sunny opened the window a tiny bit and she was about to step inside until Wolfrun came in. "Crap!" Sunny ducked.

"What...do you want now..." Happy said. "I just came here to talk with you." Wolfrun walked over to her. "About what..." Happy sat on her bed. "I need you to come to the library with me." Wolfrun told her. "Why do you want me to come with you?" Happy crossed her arms. "Because, I want you to. I have something important to show you." Wolfrun said. He grabbed her arm. "Let go of me you mangy wolf!" Happy yelled at him. Wolfrun let go of her. "What did you just call me?" Wolfrun walked up to her bed, Happy scooted back. "I called you...a mangy wolf...." Happy glared at him. Wolfrun growled at her.

Happy scooted back farther and farther until she reached the wall end of her bed. Wolfrun cornered her and was about to punch her. Happy closed her eyes. Wolfrun lowered his fist and got off her bed. Happy opened her eyes. "You're lucky I'm sparing you..." Wolfrun said to her. Wolfrun saw that her window was open and was about to close it until March kicked the window, broke it and tackled Wolfrun. "Girls!" Happy hugged them all. Sunny and Peace tied him up and put 20 layers of tape over his mouth. "That should do it." Sunny said. They soon herd a loud bang on the door.

"Quick hide!" Happy put Wolfrun inside the closet and went inside with him(oooh XD). Beauty hid under Happy's bed, Peace jumped outside the window and sat down on the windows ledge. March and Sunny hid in the cabinets near Happy's desk. Joker, Majorina and Akaoni walked inside. "Ugh, we leave Wolfrun with her for 2 minutes, and he lets her escape." Majorina said annoyed. "Where is Wolfrun anyways?" Akaoni said confused. A banging noise came from the closet. Joker went over to the closet and opened it and saw Happy and Wolfrun fighting. "Oh......hi...." Happy nervously waved at him. Joker grabbed Happy's pigtail and he grabbed Wolfruns ear. He threw both of them on to the floor.

"What is he doing tied up and what were you two doing in the closet?!" Joker kneeled down. "Well....You see...." Happy started sweating. "Achoo!" Peace sneezed. "What was that?" Majorina looked around the room. "Oops..." Peace whispered to herself. Joker helped Majorina while Akaoni kept an eye on Happy and Wolfrun. Joker checked under her bed. "Ah!" Beauty yelled and kicked Joker's nose. "Oww!" Joker covered his nose. "What now?" Majorina looked under the bed and Beauty did the same thing to her. "Who's doing that?" Joker grabbed Beauty's hand and dragged her out from under the bed. "Hi..." Beauty waved at him nervously. "Well well....who do we have here." Joker lifted her up and wrapped his arms around her so she wouldn't escape.

"If she's here, that means Cure Peace is here." Akaoni looked all around the room. He checked near the window and herd another sneeze. "Argh...Peace..." Sunny yelled and March covered her mouth. Majorina opened the cabinets and March and Sunny fell out. Akaoni looked outside and saw Peace. "Eep!" Peace squealed. Akaoni grabbed her and set her down on the floor. "Oh, so they all escaped." Joker said. Majorina took the tape off Wolfrun's mouth and untied him.

"Uhm...uh.." Peace stuttered. "Uhm.....Happy Shower!" Happy yelled. Only a teeny tiny heart came out. "Huh?!" Happy pouted. "Your attacks don't work here, so don't even try." Wolfrun said to her. Joker took Beauty's hand and dragged her to her room. Akaoni dragged Peace to her room. Majorina grabbed March and Sunny by the ear again and dragged them both back to their room. Wolfrun left Happy on the floor. He slammed her door and locked it.

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