Precure Paradise Pt 7~

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(This is finally the chapter where Yukari and Akira get together, then I could finally move on to other ships!)
(Try to find the spelling error!)

"So..Yukari, Akira, are you guys gonna sing together?" Nagisa asked them. "I don't know, if we were going to sing together what would we even sing?" Akira said. Nagisa and Honoka looked at eachother and smiled. "We know, but are you are guys gonna sing?" Honoka questioned. Yukari and Akira looked at each other, then back as Nagisa and Honoka. "I guess." Yukari said. "GREAT LET'S GO! WE NEED TO GET YOU GIRLS DRESSED!" Mirai yelled as she grabbed Yukari and Akira's hands and dragged them backstage, Riko followed her. "Good job girls." Kotoha High fived Honoka and Nagisa.

"Done! You both look perfect!" Mirai spun Yukari and Akira's chairs around so they could look at themselves in the mirror. Akira has on a black dress while Yukari had on a white one. "Why am I wearing makeup and a dress?" Akira looked at herself. Akira wiped the lipstick off her lips and glared at Mirai. "Because, you look cute in a dress!" Mirai twirled around. "I think you look nice." Yukari smiled at her. "T-Thanks." Akira blushed a tiny bit. "You girls ready to sing?" Mirai asked them. They both nodded. "Great! Let's go!" Mirai ran over to Makoto. Akira wiped the makeup off her face and followed her. Yukari smiled and followed them. "What song are we singing Mirai?" Akira asked her. "Magnet." Mirai said. "Oh." Akira said. Mirai shoved Yukari and Akira on stage. Yukari and Akira looked down at everybody. Akira noticed Ichika and Aoi impersonating Yukari and Akira kissing. They both laughed. Akira sighed. Yukari placed her hand on Akira's shoulder. "Don't be nervous, singing is fun." Yukari said. "Ok." Akira said as she put on her headset.

Makoto started the music. Kotoha was giving them a thumbs up while Mirai jumped up and down and Riko smiled at them.

"Burning me inside, you're the fire raging through a lonely heart. Turning you away wasn't even possible right from the start. Sent upon the wings of a tweet that seemed a little desperate. "Would you maybe sing with me? I know we've never met!" Yukari sang. Akira laughed a bit of what she just sang. "You're line is weirder." Yukari whispered as she took a step back from Akira. Akira glared at her and sighed. "Lol, who is this? God, I get these all the time. Then again, her sub count is pretty high... Feeding through me since that day was something wrong but felt so right, I had to hit reply!" Akira herd a small giggle from Yukari. Akira grabbed Yukari's hand and both girls were face to face.

"Why do you always run away, whenever I'm texting you bae? Was I a game to you? No, you only play Love Live anyway. Singing really high and making out - well that's a lie. Because I'm gay for you only as a friend who would like to still find a guy." Yukari and Akira looked into each other's eyes, smiled and then parted again. "Did they just call each other bae?" Mirai looked at Riko. Riko nodded and clapped.

" 'Top or bottom?' That's not the problem! How did this come up again? Hosting a live stream on google hangouts with our two best friends. Everything was going so smoothly right until I messed it up. "Hey, I'm Yukari's girlfriend!" I said and broke the comment box." Akira sang. Yukari giggled. "Now I know the simple thing I did that day. Was a mistake that I regret till today. We're straight as boards (More like straight as an onion ring), I know you know that too. So why do I pretend I'm gay for you?!" Yukari sang as she grabbed both of Akira's hands and looked her in the eyes.

"Why did we ever call on Skype? You should've left the call that night. But, no, you didn't and how we've got ourselves in a mess alright. Shippers left and right, making me question my hole life. But though it's painful to say out loud the truth is I only love 2D guys (Wait wat)" They both sang and looked down.

"Maybe someday when this all has passed us by. And a guy is the only thing on your mind. Could you keep me in your thoughts? Remember me until the end. Unless he has a friend." Yukari sang. "What?" Akira looked up at her. Yukari did the same and giggled again.

"Why do you always run away, whenever I'm texting you bae? Was I a game to you? No, this isn't straight- from an anime. Singing really high and making fun of every line. Because I'm straighter than I can even say, but they keep trying! Pairing us this way, and praying each and everyday. But when I look at you and your freaky face, I know I'm not gay! Laughing through the fights, forgetting homework due that night! You're such a weeaboo, girl you've got no life, but I don't hate you all the time..." Yukari and Akira smiled at eachother (Just wait for it...). Akira cupped her hand around Yukari's cheek. "Wait for it...!" Mirai tugged on Riko's arm tightly. (WHEEZING!) Yukari and Akira leaned in and kissed each other. "YASSS!" Mirai shook Riko's arm and jumped up and down. "HOORAY!!!!" Mirai, Riko, and Kotoha held hands and jumped up in the air, happy.

(WHEEZINGGGG! I'M FAN GIRLING RIGHT NOW!!!!! I'm sorry I need to calm down..)
(Obviously I don't own the song! Credit to JubyPhonic and rachie!)

Smile Precure Fan Fictions!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora